Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124809 times)

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #315 on: December 17, 2014, 01:42:53 AM »
I hope I didn't cause too many problems with the chat.  I'll feel bad.  I still giggle when I think of you telling me about the fridge in the shower.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #316 on: December 17, 2014, 01:46:17 AM »
LOL, no wolf.. it was fine. It wasn't you... just one of those things! It certainly has been a day of surprises!  ;D  I'm actually really loving the invisible fridge as sims can't actually get anything out the 'actual' fridge. Least this way they still can eat the left-overs without me having to drag it out the fridge for them.   I kinda wish I could just open the fridge from any point in my house... hmmm, chocolate anyone? Or maybe juice?  ;)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #317 on: December 17, 2014, 01:47:55 AM »
lol!  That would be wonderful... and dangerous all at the same time.  Never having to get up to get a snack?  Oh sooo dangerous lol

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #318 on: December 17, 2014, 02:28:35 AM »
Chapter 78: A Question

Such a nice morning for a swim!
Beth: Just lovely.
Beth: ...over do it, yes I know, and I won't.

Bye Dude, have a nice shift at..... what the ?? What has happened to your waist??
Dude: Nothing! it's just the way this top hangs.
<Stares> No it's not... your waist has nearly doubled in size!
Dude: Look, I can't talk about this now.... going to be late.
Oh.... this will keep. I'll see you in a few hours. (Could hardly miss you at that size)
Dude: I heard that... You're gonna push me too far one day...

.... and then he got all stroppy 'cos I pointed out that it really had got bigger over night.
Lily: I can't quite hear what you're saying... you're too far away. (Collecting fossils and stuff)
Oh! It doesn't matter... It's nice up here. That rocky outcrop is quite rocky.

Oh my.. living aunt! Dude!
Dude: Ignore her. Come in Jamel.
Jamel: Thanks, love the decorations.
Dude: They're nice eh.

Oh you keep grinning big boy... just you wait till I get you in that gym.
Dude: Hi Lily, that looks like fun.
Lily: It is actually. The watcher bought it for me to see if it would trigger my work experience counter.
Dude: Has it?
Lily: Nope. Still fun though.

<gasp> That's fun? Wow.
Lily: <laughing> it's awesome, you should try it.
Oh, maybe later.

Trinity: I'm a bit worried about my birthday tomorrow Watcher.
Oh no! not you as well Trinity. Honestly, it doesn't hurt at all, and you'll get to be a big teenager. You'll be able to do all sorts of cool things that you can't now.
Trinity: Will I be able to still play with my giant dino?
Oh, er no.
Trinity: What about my dolls house, I love that.
Umm, no, not that either.
Trinity: What about the outside play equipment?
No, not exactly.
Trinity: So what are these other cool things that I'll be able to do?
Umm.. well. You'll be able to learn how to paint. Or to write... or to cook...  that's pretty exciting, right?
Trinity: Nope.

Jamel: I really enjoyed my teenage years.
Trinity: I don't think I'm going to.
Jamel: Well, wait to you try it, then you might be surprised.
Trinity: If I don't like it can I go back?
Jamel: Ummm.... no, cakes only work to make you older.
Trinity: Bummer.

Aww... go on, eat the grapes. You'll like them, honest.
Trinity: K, then..

Jamel: I can tell by the look on your face Watcher that Trinity's doing her duck-face thing isn't she?

Trinity: Oh! Actually, that's quite a surprising result. I actually feel pretty happy I've done that.
Well, aging is like that too. You'll be happy you've done it.
Trinity: Ohhhhh, I get it now. K then Watcher. I'll do it, I'll age up to a teen.
<smothered laughter> Oh, that's great Trinity!

Dude: Just mind yourself that you don't get squashed by the machine love.
Trinity: K greatgranddad.
Dude: You've done well at school. I'm proud of you.

Trinity: I feel good! Oh yeah.

Wow! this really is a lot of fun. You should so try it Watcher.

Right. Just you keep at that Dude. You've got to get rid of...
Dude: I KNOW. Go away. Gee you're a real nag.

Least there's a pretty scene out here to look at.... not like the old bunch of fatties in there...
Dude: I heard that... you left the door open.

Trinity: So the Watcher explained all about aging up to me.
Lily: Lovely!
Trinity: Yep, it's like eating a grape. At first you don't want to but then once you bite it you realize that it's actually pretty yummy.
Lily: Riiight, I see... sort of. How is that like your birthday?
Trinity: I have no idea at all. But I do know that I like grapes now.

Oh thank goodness. There's the pizza delivery person there. I'm starving.

Beth: Thank you very much.
Pizza Delivery person: No problem. We are rushed of our feet. It seems everyone has forgotten how to cook in the whole world!
Beth: Wow, crazy.

Beth: Do you want to come in and have a slice? Are you hungry?
Pizza Delivery Person: Oh, thank you so much but no, I'm fine. See you tomorrow then.

Lily: <sigh> There is something so nice about a tree.
I know, it really is just lovely.

Dude: So Jamel, I've been thinking.....

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #319 on: December 17, 2014, 02:36:52 AM »
Hehehehe, I know what Jamel will be doing lol

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #320 on: December 17, 2014, 02:38:16 AM »
I wonder if I can actually resist the temptation....
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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #321 on: December 17, 2014, 02:50:31 AM »
I wonder if I can actually resist the temptation....

Where's the fun in that? lol

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Offline sdhoey

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #322 on: December 17, 2014, 06:56:26 AM »
I just got caught up .. Ash is really full of himself isn't he?? LOL Got to love him.

Gotta love all the new glitches.. breathe and move on is what I say, it will come out in the wash one day..

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #323 on: December 17, 2014, 03:20:45 PM »
Just finished reading and I have to say, this is one of my favorite stories of all time :) I'm seriously in love with the house, your designer skills are on point.  Good luck with all the glitches and the crashes! Yeesh and I thought I had it bad... my computer's crashed a lot while playing but I thankfully haven't encountered any in-game glitches yet. 

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #324 on: December 17, 2014, 09:18:40 PM »
I agree sdhoey, Ash is totally full of himself, funny thing is somehow that  makes him quite endearing.

@ Tess, thank you very much, your comment is very much appreciated.  :)

I uninstalled/reinstalled TS4 today through origin, sadly most of the glitches have now been repaired. I Particularly miss the anywhere fridge, that was cool. On the upside tho' now everyone can cook again so, you know, that's cool in it's own 'normal' way.  More chapters soonish.  :)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #325 on: December 17, 2014, 10:37:31 PM »
Chapter 79: New Housemates and a Birthday

Hmmmm. Unsure.
The new housemates probably want to say hi.
K then.

Dude: So you all settled in Catalina? River?
Catalina: Yes thanks. It's so lovely of you to invite us.
Beth: Only to glad to now we have spare rooms.

Wait! Are you...
Beth: Cooking?
Beth: Nope.
Oh, very funny. When did you remember?
Beth: Well, it was a bit weird, everything went all black for about an hour... and then <poof> everything was back to normal.
K. That was probably when I was uninstalling you all.
Beth: Lawd! That sounds terrble!
Well, to quote Ash, keep your hair on, it worked didn't it?

Dude: So, today's your last day at school.
Trinity: Hmm <munch munch>
Dude: Have a great last day and come straight home today.
Trinity: K

What the...? Get yourself to school little missy... Oh! and apologize to Mr Gamon while you're at it. Geez, you nearly blew the whole dynasty by trying to play truant. Get cracking! NOW.

River: So my darling, would you like to go on a date?
Catalina: Of course my love.

River: I'm glad you like living with the Hollingsworths. I felt it was a good move for us in our last days.
Catalina: I agree darling. It's nice to see Jamel settled too.
River: We won't need to worry about him now. We can focus a little on ourselves...

Catalina: Ohh, lovely.

River: I do so love you my dear.

Yeah, while I'm really chuffed to see you exercising... that is an accident just waiting to happen.

Ash: Well, you know, not to be rude but the Watcher does have a point. Your waist really did change shape over night.
Dude: I know... and it's not changing back no matter what I do.
Ash: I blame EA myself, who knows what they change with all that fiddling and tweaking.
Dude: I hear ya.

K... I'm over telling you people about health and safety issues.

Dude: You ready Lily?
Lily: No, my baby's aging up!

Ash: K little lady... make a wish.

Trinity: Oh my gosh! Don't take any pictures of me... this outfit is revolting!
Ash: Yeah, it's not the best darling, but you look lovely. Happy Birthday sweetie.

Pearl: Well, I must agree, you looks heaps better now.
Trinity: Thanks, man that was embarrassing.... don't tell anyone at school.
Pearl: Of course not! Besides, least you can get changed. I'm dreading my birthday... I might have to walk around looking like a freak-show my whole life!
Trinity: Oh I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine. It's only really my Watcher that gets all the freaky stuff happening to her... and then us through her of course.
Pearl: Oh I see! Whew! Good to know.

Lily: You look lovely Trinity.
Trinity: Thanks mum.
Pearl: What's with the strange camera angle?
Lily: We can't show our faces until we are eligible for ambrosia.
Pearl: Another weird  Watcher thing?
Trinity: No actually greatgranddad started it.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #326 on: December 17, 2014, 11:15:28 PM »
Chapter 80: Another Weekend

Ash: Good to see ya.
Terrence: I hear my grand daughter is a teen now.
Ash: Yes, she is.
Terrence: Goes quick doesn't it.
Ash: Can say that again.

Dude: I've got an idea.
Ash: Uh O
Terrence: Oh yes?

Ash: So what d'ya think Terrence? Do-able?
Terrence: Most probably.
Dude: Told you.

Ash: What if the Watcher finds out?
Dude: We'll just tell her we're going fishing.
Ash: lol I like your style.

Jamel: It is so awesome finally being able to write. I've wanted to be a famous author my whole life.
Trinity: You too? Wow! That's one of my goals!

Oh, another fire huh?
Terrence: This is the second? ? ?
Ash: Yep.

...And I take it neither of you can reach this one either?
Terrence: Nope.
Ash: Not a chance.
<sigh> Knew it.

Well, least the sprinkler system works.

Catalina: That was a close call.
Dude: Hmm, you kinda get used to stuff like this happening.
It might have been better had you all routed to safety you know.
Trinity: Na, we were cool.
Yeah... there are Health and Safety regs that you are all suppose to follow... Forget it... it's like pushing an elephant uphill.... pointless.
River: Poor Watcher.

Trinity: Thanks for helping me with my homework.
Dude: No problem.

River: Well, my darling, let's take this opportunity to renew our wedding vows.
Catalina: How romantic River.

River: I loved you the moment I set eyes on you. You are my love, my light in the darkness, the mother of my child and the keeper of my heart, my dearest friend and I love you.
Catalina: Oh River, I loved you the moment I saw you. You are my hearts desire, the one person I can truly be myself with. I love you with everything I have and everything I am.

Trinity: Thanks dad.
Ash: What for?
Trinity: Just for everything.
Ash: You're most welcome hunny.

Ash: I'm bored... and stressed from that fire earlier.  Hmmm.... I think I have a solution for that...

Lily: Oh cool. I love working on the rocket. What a good idea.

Ash: Surprise! We're not working on it.... We're going IN it... come on Babe!

Lily: Are you sure you know how to drive this thing?

Ash: Babe, I know how to fly a rocket ship like you wouldn't believe!
Lily: <breathlessly> Ohhhh!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #327 on: December 17, 2014, 11:44:17 PM »
Hmmm I know what ash has in mind!! Lol

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #328 on: December 18, 2014, 12:14:05 AM »
LOL!  Oh my... I love Ash.  He's so much fun!  He's conceited without being arrogant about it.  And I love him and Lily.  Though you're killin' me with the no faces thing XD  See what you started, Dude?!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #329 on: December 18, 2014, 12:23:50 AM »
Chapter 81: Weekend Continues

Dude: Good heaven's that's noisy!

Are you doing extra credit work Trinity?
Trinity: Sure am!
Without being told to... or yelled at even?
Trinity: lol, yes Watcher. I'm grown up now don't cha know.

Jamel: Love ya dad.
River: Love you too son.

Jamel: Love you mum.
Catalina: Love you son.

Awww, there's so much love going on in da house. It's cute.

River: So, a game of cards my dear?
Catalina: Sure, my love. That sounds just lovely.

Lily: Whew! Well... that was something to remember.
Ash: Like I said babe.

Ash: Oh.....

Ash.... Yeah!
Lily: <fans herself> Ohhh.

Ash: A flower for my flower?
Lily: You charmer....
Ash: As always. 
Lily: I suppose it's time to go though....
Ash: Yep, we better hurry, I told Dude we'd met him there.

Now THAT'S what I'm talking about. Woo! First cast, way to go Dude.

Ash: Oh, I got something

Dude: Yep, that's sure something! lol
Ash: Pffffft, aw what?

Trinity: Pearl! You look great!
Pearl: Thanks! What are you up to?
Trinity: Not much, just hanging and maybe a bit of fishing later.

Trinity: Great to see you Vincent.
Vincent: You too.
Trinity: You aged up all handsome and stuff.

Vincent: Woo! High five!

Trinity and Vincent: Angeeee.
Kid on the playground: Gawd these teenagers suck. They're all 'angeee' and 'woo, look at me'. YUK.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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