Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124836 times)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #300 on: December 15, 2014, 07:24:12 AM »
Love the expressions in the pics, they had me giggling until the reaping's, I guess it's farewell to those were apart of the story for so long :(
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #301 on: December 15, 2014, 09:32:37 AM »
I hate it when the spouses and helpers die -- that's the worst part of doing a dynasty.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #302 on: December 15, 2014, 12:48:30 PM »
*goes back to bed and pulls cover over head and cries*  :'(
I hate it when the spouses and helpers die -- that's the worst part of doing a dynasty.

Both of these, right there!  *still sniffling* Losing the spouses and helpers is always so tragic especially when the family members keep going and mourning their passed loved ones.  In my legacy, the heir keeps going out and mourning his parents.  They've been gone for a while now.  Breaks my heart!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #303 on: December 15, 2014, 10:19:39 PM »
Thanks everyone. Yeah I thought I had this death thing under control.... yeah, no, I don't. It still sucks. It really changes the game and makes the house feel empty. Even when you save them to another file, it doesn't help much as it's the dynasty that has to continue. Maybe I should just try to dislike all my sims and then I wouldn't care... in fact, I'd even look forward to their elderly demise.  ::)

Anyhoo; on with the show. Just before we do get on with it, I had a blue screen crash today and lost about 6 rl hours of play. So the last chapter I load up today will be short but I just wanted to get everything up to date with where I am in-game now that I had that crash. Otherwise I'll be all confused tomorrow and won't be able to remember what is still 'in' the game and what was lost!  ::)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #304 on: December 15, 2014, 11:05:22 PM »
Chapter 74: A New Resident

Quick! Go knock on the door... too exciting! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!

Let me see....I can't see past you... move Lily!
Lily: Just give me a chance to get my foot in the door!

Oh, they must be in the lounge.
Lily: Nice kitchen.
Yes, very stylish. Come ON.

Lily: Why all the excitement?  I've never seen you like this.
It's a big deal... real living residents... this could change our dynasty a lot.
Lily: Hmmm, well, they must be upstairs I guess.

Lily: I've found them, and you're not going to like this.
Why? <heart sinking>
Lily: Let's just say that they have a 'thing' for computers.
They're in it, aren't they?
Lily: Yep.

OH MY PLUMBOB! DON! I can't believe it's you! How are you?
Lily: Oh, sorry, that's just my watcher, err, nice to meet you Mr Lothario.
Don: It's cool, your Watcher and I go way back.
<fans herself> My you're looking pretty hot for a white filmy ghosty dude.

Don: lol, you really just don't change do you?
Lily: yeah, she's pretty 'unique' <both laugh>
Umm... right here people!

Trinity: Gosh dad, that's so cool, so this ghost is an old friend of greatgranddads and the watcher?
Ash: Yep, freaky!
Dude: Come on Trin, you've got to focus to get your homework done. We can chat about this in a minute.
Trinity: I've got some friends coming over soon.
Dude: All the more reason to focus.

<general chit-chat and kiddie hubbub>

Jamel: Wow, for only four kids they sure can talk up a riot! The noise is deafening.
Dude: You and Lily were pretty noisy at that age too.
Jamel: Don't believe it!

Pearl: (Yellow polka-dot top) A woman gets on a bus with her baby. The bus driver says, "That's the ugliest baby that I've ever seen. Ugh!"
The woman goes to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to a man next to her, "The driver just insulted me!" The man says, "You go right up there and tell him off – go ahead, I'll hold your monkey for you."
Vincent and Trinity: LOL hahha, that's so funny!
Ash: Hmmm, a little bit cheeky if you ask me.

Ash: Well, after all that kiddie sitting I think it's about time this hot sim has some alone time with his wife.
<speechless eye rolling> Whatever Ash.

Trinity: This is so much fun!
Abi: It is! We could all do with some fun. I'm glad you thought of this Trinity.

Trinity: One more joke....
Q: What did the duck say when she bought lipstick?
A: "Put it on my bill."

Ummm, how is this a 'thing'? I thought that only kids could play with the dolls house?
Jamel: Well, I'm just a big kid at heart and I asked Beth to play with me... so yeah!
K then...

Oh, classy, real classy Beth. Eating ambrosia in front of Zest. Nice  >:(
Zest: It's ok Watcher, seriously, I was the one that started the conversation.
Beth: Oh sorry Zest, I didn't think.
Yeah, no kidding.

Ash: Come on babe, you know you want to.
Lily: I'm not sure...
Ash: It'll be great! How can you doubt that!
Lily: No, I know that... it's just that we won't have enough room in the house for Trinity's husband if we fill the house with more nooboos.

Ash: It's just a bit lonely for her, being an only child.
Lily: She has lots of friends, and all of us...
Ash: In our next life then, eh?
Lily: You bet!

Night Zest, I'm exhausted. See you next time.
Zest: Night Watcher.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #305 on: December 15, 2014, 11:48:23 PM »
Chapter 75: The Weekend

Garden's looking great Ash.
Ash: Of course, I've been tending it.

That's an interesting little masterpiece Abi.
Abi: If you don't like it, you don't need to look at it.
Ash: Haha! You tell her Abi!
If I didn't like you all so much I swear I'd sell all your toilets.

Abi: Hmmm, I'll fold.
Beth: Deal me one.

Beth: You know you're not supposed to peek at the next card in the pile.
Abi: Yeah, just can't ever quite stop myself.
Beth: I know, you've been doing that ever since you were Trinity's age.
Abi: Gosh those were fun days weren't they?
Beth: I think you probably had more fun than I did. But yeah, you've been the best sister ever Abi.
Abi: Love you too sis.

Lily: So am I going to end up collecting all these fossils etc just for you to change your mind like you did with mum?
Nope, well, maybe. I'm not 100% sure... so most probably not. Yeah, no, I think you're good.
Lily: Thank you for your decisive answer.
You're welcome.
Lily: <sigh>

I so think these metals and such like should be worth a lot more... I mean who just goes digging up huge lumps of diamond for it to be worth next to nothing.
Lily: Hmm mm. I sense a change coming.

Trinity: Morning dad and greatgranddad.
Morning Trinity.
Trinity: Oh, hi Watcher, I didn't see you there.
Don't swim for too long or you'll miss school.
Trinity: It's the weekend! No school for two whole days!
Oh, I knew that.

Is the water cold?
Trinity: No, it's lovely. You should come in!

Abi: So did you have a nice swim?
Trinity: Lovely thank you. I love the weekend, I can do what I want.
Ash: <Thinking to himself> Wow! Lily is so cute.

Abi: So do you want any help with goals or aspirations Trinity?
Trinity: I've done everything I have to and mum and dad said I can just chill out and play now.
Abi: Oh, that's so great. Well done Trinity.

Whatcha doing Trinity?
Trinity: Playing arithmetic something or rather.
I thought you were going to just play!
Trinity: That's what I'm doing! This is fun!

Ash: Betcha didn't realize that live chat support crew were as hot as me did ya?
No, actually, now that I think about it, I am having some computer problems.
Ash: You know it watcher <wink>
No, really, I am.
Ash: <smirk> Hmm mmm. See ya after work Watcher.

Trinity: <shouting delightedly> Grandpa!

Trinity: ... and then all my friends came over and we had dinner together
Terrence: That's sounds just lovely darling.

Terrence: I'm so proud of you Trinity, you've done so well at school and you've been helping out your grandma here too, what a good girl.

Oh Abi...

Oh Grim. It's way too soon....
Grim: Abi wants to be with her husband, let her go Watcher.

Grim: Oh wait, that's my christmas shopping list..... Ah, here we are.

Good bye sweet Abi, Rest In Peace with your dear husband. <sob>

Lily: Where is everyone... it's so quiet.
I know, the house suddenly seems far too big for just the five of you. <sigh>

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Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #306 on: December 16, 2014, 12:39:47 AM »
So many deaths  :(  Its pretty awesome that Don moved into a house though!  Sucks that you lost so much work, 6 hours is a LOT of time to lose.  Let me guess, you got into the groove, forgot to save, and the PC crashed...
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #307 on: December 16, 2014, 12:58:16 AM »
Chapter 76: Ash Tops Fitness

That's weird. I wonder where everyone is.

Everyone's so quiet.
Beth: We're all a bit sad Watcher.
<Kindly> Yes, I know. I know Beth, it is really sad.

Oh! You've just completed your last aspiration! Well done Lily!
Lily: I feel a bit flat.
It's the sadness, you'll feel better soon. I promise.

Ash: Man, if Grim finds you out so late, well actually, so early; he'll spit the dummy.
Zest: I know, but I lost track of time when I was dancing in the gym.

Ash: Hi babe.
Lily: I've finished my last aspiration.
Ash: That's great Babe! We'll celebrate a little later on eh? <wink>When you get home from work.

You can sit down you know Beth.
Beth: Yeah, I just sort-of got stuck watching this as I walked past.
K. Knock yourself out then.

How many have you already had this morning Dude?
Dude: Not nearly enough. make me another Beth. <burp> And Watcher... don't even think of starting on at me. I'm staying juiced until I'm no longer desperately sad.

Are you going to be doing this all day?
Ash: Why? Is it pushing your blood pressure through the roof looking at my hot body?
Dream on. <snort>

Dude: Push through that pain... come on.
Ash: <grunt> I am... arghh.
How's the staying juiced going?
Dude: Good, I can see two Ash's.
Ash: Woah, now there's a pleasing thought. Eh watcher? Think of it, double the fun <grin>

Ash: Come on, say it.
Ash: Didn't quite catch that Watcher.
You look good... hot even. There, I said it.
Ash: Thank you! Thank you very much <smirk> This body's honed to perfection. Fitness level 10 <pose>

You ok Dude? It's been a really rough few days.
Dude: Say that again. I don't want to ever live through losing so many dear friends and <swallow> a daughter ever again.
Deal. I don't either.
Dude: Thanks for hanging around, it's good to have you here.
I know, and it's ok. I don't want to be anywhere else.

Dude: Funny how painting always helps.
It's your thing. It's always been your thing.

Just like spending your whole life being half naked is your thing Ash.
Ash: You know it.
In all seriousness though Ash, thanks for trying to keep everyone happy. It's been good to have you around.
Ash: I know. It's cool. Besides, tomorrow's my elder birthday so I guess it'll all change for me then.
No... you keep on doing what you do... it'd be weird if you weren't half naked.
Ash: Wrinkles and all.
You know it.
Ash: <grin>

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #308 on: December 16, 2014, 01:00:33 AM »
Awww!  Not Abi too!  *sniffle*  Is it bad I get as attached to other people's sims as I do my own? I love Ash lol

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #309 on: December 16, 2014, 01:02:35 AM »
So many deaths  :(  Its pretty awesome that Don moved into a house though!  Sucks that you lost so much work, 6 hours is a LOT of time to lose.  Let me guess, you got into the groove, forgot to save, and the PC crashed...

Yep, just like you said it! Typical. I usually have two files I save to on a 'save-as' hourly rotation.... I think I probably need to update my video card drivers. At least I'm hoping that what caused the blue screen of death. Totally sucks, my pc's only a few months old too.

Yeah... way too many deaths.  :( I lied when I told you it got easier.... it doesn't. The last two days have sucked.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #310 on: December 16, 2014, 01:04:21 AM »
Awww!  Not Abi too!  *sniffle*  Is it bad I get as attached to other people's sims as I do my own? I love Ash lol

I know...<sigh> It's so strange how badly their deaths suck. I really miss Beth's Terrence. I keep scrolling out looking for him...  :o Then I remember he's not in the game anymore! Sheesh!
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #311 on: December 16, 2014, 01:08:33 AM »
*nods* One of my helpers and my founder's spouse have both gotten the warning of final days from Grim... I'm gonna be a mess!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #312 on: December 17, 2014, 01:16:26 AM »
Chapter 77: Old Age Finally Catches Up with Ash

Ash: I've had a bad day, I'm totally stressed out. Everything's gone wrong that could and some stuff that can't go wrong went wrong too.
Aww, that sucks for you Ash. Here, eat this strawberry.
Ash: I don't feel like doing that.
It'll make everything all better, promise.
Ash: <grumble grumble> O.K. then. Whatever.

Ash: Oh yeah!

Ash: Feeling the awesomeness. Hmm mm.

Ash: O.K. Watcher. Lay that little thing called 'old age' on me.

Ash: Actually, can you hang on for a sec Watcher?


<muffled sounds of rusting and general moving>

What are you doing?

Ash: Won't be a sec... hang on.

I AM hanging on.

Ash: O.K.... here I am....

Ash: Better get a few million last look-shots of my awesome hot body before it disappears for good.
LOL. Oh Ash!
Jamel: Just do it watcher or we'll never get to eat the cake.
Ash: Come on... get snapping. The Body can't pose all night long, got an aging to get to.

Look if you keep moving all the time it just makes getting photos difficult. I have to keep moving the camera all over the place.
Ash: Just keep your hair on. I was moving to where the lighting is best for my muscles.
Ok. I'll give you that.
Dude: Right <sigh> Is everyone ready?

Ash: Hmmm, better make it a good wish... let me see.

Dude: Oh my gosh! He really is actually, finally,going blow out the candles.
Beth: I didn't think you'd actually do it Ash!
Trinity: Wow! My dad's going to be ancient!

Ash: Oh gawd. That's not good.
Dude: Yeah, welcome to the club Ash.

Lily: Happy Birthday darling.

Ash: Right, birthday present time... come here.

Ash: <craaaaaaack!>  Oh gawd.
Lily: Oh no... maybe we better not do that anymore.
Ash: You can forget THAT idea right now.
Lily: <giggle> Well, you know, I'm just looking out for you.
Ash: I'm not done and dusted yet Babe.

Lily: 'Twas the week before christmas, and all through the house, not a Watcher was watching, not even a peek....
Dude: Good heavens! Had the Watchers all gone on strike? Shocking!

Beth: Slowly the elf rotated on the shelf as all the children screamed in terror...
Lily: Oh, stop mum! Too scary <shiver>
Terrence: I agree.... Beth your unbelievable stories are truly terrifying.
Lily: I'll never be able to sleep ever again without the light on now. lol

How's it going birthday boy?
Ash: Good. Thanks for all your help Watcher. Sometimes I think about my life out there without a Watcher. It's was a bit grim really.
I'm glad you're happy. You've helped out so much and I know that underneath all your jokes there is one serious, hardworking dude in there. You've accomplished such a lot in such a short space of time. It's so very much appreciated Ash.
Ash: Aww, go away. You'll make me blush.

Lily: Do you like the new decorations dad?
Terrence: I do, they are quite lovely.
Beth: Hmm, very festive.

Lily: So for some reason all of us have forgotten how to cook!
Terrence: Really? How very strange!
Lily: I know. So we are all eating the leftovers at the moment.
Terrence: What will you do once they are all gone?
Lily: I'm not sure. The watcher said she'd think of something.

Terrence: I've loved talking to you darling, but morning is here so I have to get going.
Lily: Take care dad, come back soon. We all miss you so much.

Hang on a minute Trinity.
Trinity: What's wrong Watcher?
Where did you get that food from? There is no fridge up here!

Trinity: Of course there is no fridge up here, silly Watcher. I got this food from our new shower/fridge. It's just back there in my bathroom. Help yourself if you're hungry.

Bye Trinity, have a good day at school. It's your second to last day so make the most of it.
Trinity: Will do, see ya later.


Ash: I see it.

Why aren't you putting out the FIRE!!!!!!
Ash: 'cos I can't reach it.
WHAT? Oh my gawd! Are you kidding me??? It's just THERE. Go put it out before it totally spreads.
Ash: Can't. Keep your hair on, the sprinklers will put it out.
Oh 'cos "The Sprinklers" are making such a good job of doing that right now.
Ash: Man, you're funny when you're stressed.
I'll "funny" you in a second.
Ash: LOL... you're too much!  ;D
I think I'm going to hyperventilate....

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #313 on: December 17, 2014, 01:23:00 AM »
o.0 I'd be having a massive coronary at that point XD

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #314 on: December 17, 2014, 01:35:13 AM »
@ wolf, lol, it was a bit scary for sure. The sprinklers did kick in and put out the fire but for a moment or two I thought it was just going to get out of control. It was such a surprise as both fireplaces have been upgraded to 'fireproof'. I guess the new patch has changed that upgrade too.

The glitches were pretty funny:

Trinity found a new fridge that is actually her shower....niice, not to mention handy for a midnight snack, no need to go all the way downstairs.... just nip next door to the bathroom and help yourself to the shower's left overs.

All my sims have forgotten how to cook... also more dirty dishes, or getting fat. We'll just all starve to death. Cool.

Lily can't complete her job without resorting to cheats. (Which metro okayed) She already has maxed a skill that is now set to 0/10 in her work panel.  Cool, I was getting sick of her being such a top-performing sim, 'bout time she failed at something.

While conversing to other Watchers about watchery stuff my game froze and I had to crash my pc to get out of the freeze. This is particularly cool as crashing my pc has always been one of my top favorite things to do. Nice to have a legitimate reason to do this action instead of just because I was bored.

But all jokes aside, it certainly has been a day of strange glitches. LOL, some of them have been quite hilarious. My fav so far is the invisible fridge that is not only in a shower but has also been in the middle of the upstairs sitting room while watching TV.  Its just so handy... I do hope EA won't fix that one!  ;)  :D

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