Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124739 times)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #270 on: December 13, 2014, 03:40:25 AM »
Margerita, no... that's what so lovely about The Sims, many different tastes can enjoy many different sims!

KTK10, Thanks, it seems to have been very, very difficult to get Beth to immortality. I'm pleased I can now totally ignore her.

Wolf, Thanks, I'm so looking forward to firing up my game tomorrow and playing ... with a nooboo!!! Yeah!

sdhoey, I missed a whole update with you too. Maybe we posted at the same time so didn't see them?! The date turned wedding was all just by following their whims. It was too cool! I can't believe these to are 'noncommittals', they just threw up whim after whim. It was really fun to play.

Thanks everyone for your comments and encouragement. Sorry if I don't reply personally every time but I really appreciate all your thoughts and comments.  :)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #271 on: December 13, 2014, 04:17:51 AM »
Congratulations on the second immortal, and on little Trinity.

And gosh, Ash and Lily are adorable, it really get jealous here that im all single and want a boyfriend :D

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #272 on: December 13, 2014, 09:43:22 AM »
Beth's look, where she lifted her eyelid, cracked me up. And I think Ash and Lily are great together, but I'm surprised he didn't go into panic mode. Congrats on your second Immortal and little Trinity!
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #273 on: December 13, 2014, 08:17:39 PM »
@ LenaLJ, thank you. I'm so glad you think that, I think Ash is totally awesome. I've saved him to my library but seeing he's a townie I'll have to try to make my own version of him if I want him to have his own story one day. Hi traits are Self-Assured, Geek and Noncommittal... the Self-Assured trait rocks! His facial expressions are so cool... he's totally full of himself, which, in a sim, is a good thing!

@ MarionT, I figured out why Ash didn't go into panic mode, it really surprised me to, Lily and Ash were on a 'home date' when she went into labour and the option to end the date didn't happen until the birth was all done and dusted. Once I ended the date Ash became his usual self and stopped standing by the bed. He didn't panic but at least he started reacting to his new nooboo and gorgeous wife! I guess he was stuck in date-mode, so to speak.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #274 on: December 13, 2014, 10:01:10 PM »
Chapter 67: Trinity

Ash:Little Trinity darling, you're the cutest little nooboo this side of the Simverse. How did you get to be so cute? What's that you say? Oh, you take after your daddy.

Ash: Oh hungry and poopy all at the same time? How cute is that? What a funny little nooboo you are.

Ash: Right. Let's take care of business.

Ash: Hot dang! I make the cutest little nooboos. Have you even seen a cuter nooboo than Trinity?
Nope, she's as cute as they come Ash.

Ash: Of course you can have a cuddle, I gotta warn you though Terrence, she's so cute you might just not believe your own eyes when ya first see her.

Terrence: Well, she certainly has a good set of lungs.

Ash: I'm telling you Na'vi is way too good at punishing early game mistakes.   
Lily: Whatever, if the [A]lliance won The International 3 they can totally smash The International 5
What the heck are you even talking about?
Ash: Ummm... like DotA 2, where've ya been for the last million years?
Jamel: I didn't even know it had come out of beta!

Terrence: Oh, I've got you all to myself Trinity.
Awww, she's smiling at you.

Zest: Awww, can I have a wee cuddle?
Terrence: Of course! She is such a wee sweetie. I'll leave you to it, I promised Ash some boxing tips.

Terrence: Just keep your hands in tight... that's it.

Dude: Don't twist your body like that... keep your feet light...Come on, get into to it.

Beth: All those silly men getting all sweaty. You can hang out with grandma, and we'll play girly things, yes we will... little girly princesses.

Lily: Your wrong.
Ash: You always say that when you run out of reasons...
Lily: Rubbish, Pichard was a master diplomat and expert tactician, what else is there?
Ash: Kirk guaranteed first contact came complete with a bout of fisticuffs and a romantic liaison and always.... always got the girl in the end. Case closed.
Lily: You always say 'case closed' when you know I'm just warming up. Besides I haven't even started on Janeway.
Umm.. hate to break up your never-ending best captain debate but Trinity's ..... oh forget it.

Oh lawdy... hang on Trinity.

Terrence: It's ok, I got her.

Honestly, once those two get started on the whole Star Trek debate the house could burn down around them and they wouldn't even notice. <sigh>
Terrence: I know, still least they both agree to disagree.

Lily: Oh my little baby girl. You are just so beautiful. I wonder what the Simverse holds for you. You'll have a whole life time of forever to figure it out if I can complete my ambrosia requirements for you... and mummy promises she will. Just for you little baby girl.

Lily: Did you think that was funny? Ohh, what a cute little gurgle. I think you are just too cute for your own good little Trinity Nelson Hollingsworth.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #275 on: December 13, 2014, 10:22:06 PM »
SMH!! That poor kid! If it wasn't for the grandpa's she would be stinky all day.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #276 on: December 13, 2014, 10:52:34 PM »
Chapter 68: A Busy Day

Oh, you got the early shift then?
Dude: Yep.

You must be a pro diaper changer by now.
Dude: Yeah, feels that way.
Remember the first time I saw one of the twins poop themselves... lol, I nearly died. I had NO idea what was going on.
Dude: lol, yeah, you were pretty rubbish.

Dude: As I recall, you weren't really sure you even liked nooboos back then.
Yeah, well... you know, it was all new to me and I don't take to change very well.
Dude: Hmm, times are a changing eh Watcher?
Yep, sure are. I actually can't wait to have nooboos in the house now, they are so cute.
Dude: Well, is that the sound of a Watcher changing her mind?
Lol, kinda...maybe, just a little!

Dude: Trinity's round here.
Yeah, just thought I'd take one of your ... umm, from this angle for old times sake.
Dude: I've still got it.
No comment.
Dude: You're thinking it anyway, I know it.

Wow, so much happening... Have a good first day at your new job Lily. What's your job again?
Lily: Thanks... Tech Guru
Right. What do you do?
Lily: It's to do with gaming Watcher.
Sooo.... you're going to get paid to play computer games?
Lily: Yep, and make them and coding... you know.
Sooo.... you're going to get paid to play computer games? That's actually unbelievably awesome.

Did you know that Lily's job pays her to play computer games all day long?
Abi: Yes, quite a strange thought isn't it?
Yeah... I dunno, this younger generation... they seem to want their cake and eat it too, funny thing is, that's exactly what they're doing.

Ash: Well, you're looking prettier than ever Miss Nelson Hollingsworth, yes you are. Just like your mummy, she's a pretty lady too. No wonder you're so cute, you've been lucky enough to be born to the most gorgeous parents in the Simverse.
Oh lawdy... enough already. At this rate she'll grow up spoilt thinking she's 'all that' and the world owe's her something.
Ash: Rubbish. She'll grow up with a healthy sense of pride and self-appreciation not to mention security knowing she loved by <breaks into baby talk again> the best parents in the simverse.

Ash: Aw come on... you know I'm one hot sim, you just can't take your eyes of me.
Look Ash, it's my job to watch you... it's like, what I'm here to do. K? I watch everyone.
Ash: Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, but we both know the truth, don't we <wink>.
Arghhh... go DO something Ash. You're infuriating.
Ash: That's 'cos you know I'm right.

Well, least you put the baby to sleep... <grudgingly acknowledging good parenting>
Ash: Hm mm. <smirk>

What are we doing here?
Ash: Got some newbies in the world, thought we'd better check them out.
Ooooh, exciting!

Well, that's strange... they left their door wide open, and yet they're not here.
Ash: Hmmm, maybe they are in the garden.

I wonder what we should do now?
Ash: Yeah, seems a bit weird that no-one is here.
I'll go for a quick look in the bedrooms, be right back.

Found them!
Ash: Oh?
Yeah... They're in the T.V.
Ash: They're in the..... huh?
Come see.

Ash: Well <cheerfully> It's nice to meet you.
Ghost Lady: Nice to meet you too, been a bit lonely and boring here by myself.

Ash:Well, you've got a very nice house here, and quite a lovely courtyard. Love the hat, by the way.
Ghost Lady: Why! Thank you very much.
Ash: See you again some time.
Ghost Lady: Do you have to go?
Ash: Yes, I promised I meet my wife after work.

Ash: Hey babe, how was work?
Lily: Great, got promoted!

Lily: Thought we'd try down here tonight.

Lily: Are the others already fishing in the usual spot?
Ash: Yep, it's nice down here though.

We're doing so well tonight. Terrence just caught another angelfish.
Ash: That's great!
Lily: I wonder how old that dinosaur is? It looks a little structurally unsound from here.

Ash: Ohh, I got something

Ash: Woah! A huge-as salmon!
Good catch! That'll cook up fabulously.

Well done Terrence, that's your third tonight.
Terrence: Yes, it seems that beginner fishermen are luckier at catching angelfish than pros.
Well, between us all tonight we have another 5, so that's just super!
Terrence: Home time I think.
Dude: Good idea.

Well done everyone, that was really successful.
Dude: Whew, I'm exhausted.
Ash: And I could eat my own arm I'm so hungry!
Lily: I really fancy a coffee.
Me too. Make mine extra strong please.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #277 on: December 13, 2014, 10:57:25 PM »
Loved the intro to the ghost house, the floating TV was very funny.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #278 on: December 13, 2014, 11:00:45 PM »
@ sdhoey, Trinity has been an hilariously poopy baby. I don't know if that's because everyone in the house goes and feeds her all the time... but lol, good thing nooboos don't get nappy rash... well, for now anyway!

@ dethdukk, well, I just gotta keep laughing about my game never giving me living sims! At least we can visit these ghosts. It actually took me a moment or two to find the ghost lady, I had zoomed out so I could have an overview of the house and I was like... hmmm, where IS she??
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #279 on: December 13, 2014, 11:11:53 PM »
OOo, came back to two updates today!  Yay!  I love Ash lol!  He's too funny.  And Trinity is very well loved.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #280 on: December 13, 2014, 11:20:50 PM »
@ Shewolf, cheers! Another chapter soon too... got a bit carried away with playing with a nooboo... just made such a nice change from all the oldies!  :)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #281 on: December 13, 2014, 11:48:47 PM »
Chapter 69: Trinity Ages Up

Ash: I got ya little lady.
Whew, that was just in time, if you ask me <fans her face and nose, trying not to breath too deeply>

Ash: I love getting my hands dirty but I have been wondering why we keep all these plants, I mean we don't need the money....?
Umm. Well, it just seemed a 'thing'.
Ash: Because?
Errr, well. Umm. Now that you mention it. There really isn't any reason to keep most of these plants at all. I had thought that it might keep the oldies busy in their dotage, but all they want to do is mix drinks and use the microscope....
Ash: well, it's no problem to me. I love gardening. Maybe we might need to throw away a few of the flowers though when I become old.
Well, you're not planning on getting old any time soon.... so what's the hurry?
Ash: I'm turning into an elder on my next birthday.
WHAT??? <Runs off to look at Ash's age bar> Wait! That's not right. I don't get it, you were a young adult when you moved in.
Ash: Nope. Sorry to disappoint you but I was an adult.
Oh rats!

Ash: So you better take loads of those screenies Watcher, while I'm still young and gorgeous.

Terrence: Don't play all night long Lily
<Lily being 'in the zone' doesn't hear a thing>

Ash: Opps, I think I just woke Trinity up!

Lily: You know, somethings definitely glitching out with my crystal maiden.
Ash: What's happening? Or not..
Lily: Well all my team are complaining that her global mana regen isn't working!
Ash: Hmmm... that is odd.

Abi: I just think we've been lucky to have so much time together.
Terrence: I know, I just was hoping for longer. That message from Grim....<shudder>

Terrence: I love you to bits Abi.

Terrence: Let's make the most of our time.

<YAWN> Ohhhh, morning everyone. <Blinks blearily> Why is everyone up so early?
Ash: LOL That's so true!
Terrence: Oh! Morning Watcher.
What's the joke?
Ash: Oh nothing, just an old joke about something that happened ages ago.

Dude: Just sneaking in one last little cuddle with my great granddaughter.

Dude: Thanks for mentoring me Abi, I really want to master chess, just in case Trinity needs some help.
Abi: That's O.K. dad, It's nice to be able to help.

Ash: Right babe, it's time for Trinity to become a real little girl.
Lily: Oh, just give me a minute. I've been so busy with work and skilling that I feel like her baby days have been a blur.
Ash: We can always try for another <eyebrow wiggle>.

Ash: Woah, blinding!
Lily: Goodness!

<Pirouetting> Ta da!

Ash: Happy birthday little lady.
Trinity: Thanks dad.

Trinity: So, if I drink this will I be able to stay up all night? Like the adults do?
Ash: Not all night baby, just a little bit longer, it's a little too early for you to go to bed now.
Trinity: O.K. daddy. <sip> I might change my clothes too. These ones are a bit too white, and I don't want to splash paint on them.
Ash: Good idea baby.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #282 on: December 14, 2014, 12:41:49 AM »
You and hiding their faces! lol  You are too good at that XD

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #283 on: December 14, 2014, 12:48:53 AM »
Haha, it's almost weird for me to take 'normal' shots... I have to remind myself to get the faces!  ::)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #284 on: December 14, 2014, 12:51:14 AM »
Haha, it's almost weird for me to take 'normal' shots... I have to remind myself to get the faces!  ::)

LOL!  That is awesome and sad at the same time.