Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124755 times)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #255 on: December 12, 2014, 03:01:19 AM »
Opps... I just closed the tab instead of hitting 'post' on the next chapter... so updates much later tonight once I have had a break. I must need coffee! Don't cha hate that?

Glad you're laughing at my expense you big meanies... Na! Just kidding!  ;) I crack myself up at my on-going shenanigans.  ;D

I'm going to hunt out some "beth" screenshots LOL and make you all have nightmares... like I do! 8)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #256 on: December 12, 2014, 04:47:58 AM »
Chapter 61: Birthdays, Parties

As much as I'll ever be.

Party incoming.
Ash: K... just saving.

Call it in Lily.

Right, you're up first Terrence.

Ewwww, I hate that cracking sound.
Terrence: Awww, jings. Ouch!
Happy birthday Terrence.

Oi, back up the truck Mr, still another Terrence to go!
Ash: Oh! Sorry, thought it was just Abi's Terence today.
Nope, both.

Terrence: Hmmmm.

Oh! The flirty fairy has paid another visit...
Terrence: Being an elder sure feels pretty good so far.
Colton: (Yellow shirt) Wow, your parties really are like this all the time!

Abi: Ohhh <fans herself>
I see that the flirty fairy is playing tag.
Ash: Is it these flowers on the table that are causing it all?
Nope... they just look pretty.
Ash: Lol, gotta admit, it is pretty funny. It's like a secret virus, invisible yet highly contagious.
I'll remind you of that when it's your turn.

Terrence, you know that if you eat seconds now you can't work if off in the gym, right?
Terrence: Yep, just this once... it is my birthday after all.
So true, happy birthday Terrence.

Hi Zest.
Zest: Hi Watcher.
How's things?
Zest: Good, good. Much the same really.
Good to hear Zest.
Lily: Hi Zest, we saved you some cake.
sabastian: It's really good.

Sabastian: Is that enough jokes now?
Lily: Yep, we've more than smashed that task.

Terrence: Yep <breath in..... breath out....>

Lily: Oh mum, quick... you're very hysterical... come on... breath with me.
Good thing I didn't bring the MySim dolls out!

Dude: So has it been you causing all that flirty stuff to happen?
Zest: lol, that would be telling.

Sabastian: Dear Plumbob, please tell me Lily's not dialing up another party.
Beth: I'm just going to knock this one back before it starts. Need some dutch courage.
Jamel: <completely oblivious to the impending chaos> So then I said.. <blah blah blah>

Ash:<Grim at the end> Oh yeah! Woo! Party number 3.... Woo.
Dude: Watcher?
Yes Dude?
Dude: This isn't going to go well.... The Rattlesnake doesn't have an oven..
Oh rats! I was hoping that because it doesn't have an oven the taco casserole task wouldn't come up >:(
Terrence: Wrong!

Lots o' sims dancing all at once.... check

Lots o' drinks being made....check.... lots of jokes....check.... lots o' sims drinking all at once.... check. No taco casserole though... because no oven... problemo!

Dude: Woah! did you see that fireball?
Nearly singed your eyebrows off! I've never seen you guys drink so much! What's with that?
Dude: Free bar.
Not for you... it's coming straight out of our house funds... lol
Dude: Oh well... we got over a million in there anyway.
No we don't!!
Dude: I'm telling you, we do.
I'm going to check when we get home. I think you'll find it's only one hundred thousand.
Dude: Your math really sucks.

Terrence.K: Hahahhaha, Abi's got plastered!

Terrence: It's such a downer that this is only a silver. Poor Lily.
It will be fine. She can still get a gold with her wedding or a date.
Terrence: We should be able to hold parties at other peoples houses.
Yes.... but they are all empty so they don't come up as an option on the party menu.
Terrence: Thats what I mean. It's not fair.
Wouldn't be a challenge if it wasn't a challenge.
Terrence: It's still not fair.
This isn't like you! Are you feeling o.k?
Terrence: Yeah, I'm just really tired.
It's been a long day for you both.... time for home, eh?

Make sure you both go to bed when you get home. We'll do the tidying up later.
Terrences: K then.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #257 on: December 12, 2014, 05:39:07 AM »
Chapter 62: Lily's A Young Adult

Lily: Are you sure this is going to work?
Ash: Well, if we're going to get to the end of this dynasty we need some houses and neighbors to visit, so we might as well introduce ourselves.

Lily: So, umm... nice to meet you Mr,errr.. Ghost.
Ghost dude: Nice to meet you too Lily.
Ash: Hey! How's it going?
Ghost: Hey, good thanks.

Ghost: It's so nice to have visitors. It's been a bit lonely here seeing as I don't have any neighbors.
Ash: <thinking to himself> Dang! She's pretty.
Lily: No, I know what you mean. We don't have any neighbors either, but we're a big family so we don't ever get lonely.

Ash: I think I'm in trouble Watcher.
No... Dude and Abi have only just started fishing.
Ash: No...not that. I think I've just fallen in love.
What with that elder in the yellow shirt thing?
Ash: Huh? no...Oh, don't worry.
K then.

Right, this is our lucky spot.
Dude: I know, I can see those angelfish jumping right up at me.
<snort> Famous last words.
Dude: Don't say anything negative... you'll jinx the good-fishing-vibe.
Yeah, riiiiight. You just want a scape-goat incase your fishing skills suck.
Dude: You're so untrusting....
Hmm hm... <skeptical eyebrow raise>

Hmmm, this looks like a good spot too.... LILY?    LIIIIILLLLLLYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyy

Lily: I actually heard you the first time you know.

Dude: Lots of bass, and minnows.
No angelfish?
Dude: Not yet.

OH MY GOSH! Talk about beginners luck. You rock Ash.
Dude: Way to go Ash!
Ash: Take that angel face.

It's so dark I can hardly see you.
Dude: Well, we're still here.
Ash: Where's Lily?
Umm... she's just coming over here now.

Ah well, least it'll make good fertilizer. Time for home everyone. Some little lady's got a young adult birthday to celebrate.

Oh! Happy Birthday Lily!
Lily: Gosh! instant curves!
Ash: <looks for a second> Ummm, er happy birthday Lily.

Lily: I'm telling you Picard is THE only captain. "Make it so, Number One"
Ash: Look I know he was good... but come ON, the original and the first has Got to be better. "Beam me up Scotty.".. oooo classic.

Ash: Go on, admit it, you know ya want to.... Admit I'm right.
Lily: No way! Uh hah. I'm not conceding.

Ash: Better take a snap for your birthday.

Ash: I like you Lily, an' I'm not gonna lie.
Lily: Ohh!

Ash: For you.
Lily: You charmer you.
Ash: You know it.

Ash: Look babe, we both got commitment issues... so we might as well have them together.

Beth: Is it strangely quiet in here? Or am I just imagining a 'tension'?
Dude: Ummm... well, now that you mention it, those two haven't even looked at each other for over an hour.
Beth: Hmmmm

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #258 on: December 12, 2014, 06:17:11 AM »
Chapter 63: Ash Has A Question

Lily: Thanks for hanging out with me and keeping me company granddad.
Dude: No problem, I like being up here with you.
Lily: How did you know that Grandma was The one grandad?
Dude: Hmmm, well every time I saw her I couldn't stop looking at her and I kept wishing that time would stop. Then when I wasn't with her I kept replaying all our conversations over and over again in my head.
Lily: I see. Did you get butterflies in your stomach?
Dude: Yep, part of me was terrified.
Lily: I see...and did you sometimes think you were going a little mad?
Dude: You might as well face it Lily, you obviously love him.
Lily: Oh... er... I've got work to do.

Ash: What is this thing?
Dude: It's a future cube. Gives you the answers to your future problems or dreams, loves etc.

Ash: Hmmmm

Ash: Yeahah.

Ash: That's what I'm talking about!

Ash: This things the boss.

Ash: Date?

Oh, Lily... you should have asked Ash, 'cos you need a gold medal to...
Ash: Yeah, we don't do it like that Watcher. Lily can ask me on a date when she's ready...Don't you go pushing her around doing stuff for your "Dyansty". I don't work like that, not when it comes to romance.

Ash: Come on babe, you ready?
Lily: Hmm hm.

Ash: Way too much tension Babe. Let it go, relax for a while.
Lily: <sigh> That feels really nice Ash.

Lily: You know I've got a real 'thing' about relationships?
Ash: Yep, me too... it's cool. Don't want to get tied down, pushed into a corner... tie the knot... you know.
Lily: No, neither do I... but... I ... um.
Ash: Me too.
Lily: You do?
Ash: Yep, totally, madly. It's all you Babe.

Lily: So... how does it go from here?
Ash: Well, we both don't like talking about our feelings... so we'll just go with them instead of big long drawn out 'conversations'.
Lily: Deal

Lily: So seeing as you're now going on a date with me... Would you like to have an official title so that we don't have that awkward introduction thing happen where neither of us knows quite what to call the other?
Ash: So, yeah... that's a good idea.

Ash: Whew! That feels good!
Lily: Yes... quite surprisingly good!
Ash: So you're my girl now. Niiice. I like that a lot.

Ash: You know what? I reckon it's time to kick this dynasty into goal.
Lily: How exactly? I'm already working flat out nearly all the time.

Ash: <deep breath> By marrying me and letting me carry the load. It's what you need babe, a helper who's got you in his sights 24/7

Ash: Aww, come on, ya know ya want to, right?

Ash: That's my girl.

Ash: Wow, you really got my heart.
Lily: Mine too... I ... it just feels right.
Ash: It sure does.

Ash: There's one other thing I want to ask you...

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #259 on: December 12, 2014, 06:35:00 AM »
Chapter 64: Tying The Knot

Ash: I'm glad you said yes. Let's just run away together. No fuss, just us.
Lily: Agreed.
Ash: Dang! But you're so cute. I just can't take my eyes off you.

Lily: I want you to know that if it ends up that you want out, will you please promise me that you will just tell me?
Ash: I promise. And will you tell me?
Lily: I will, I promise.

Ash: It's a deal then.

Ash: I love you Lily.
Lily: You do?
Ash: Yep, no biggie, but I do.

Well... well, congratulations Mr and Mrs Nelson-Hollingsworth.

Ash: Mm Mmmhh, now that's what I'm talking about.

Ash: A man could get used to this ya know.
Lily:I think we might need some more practice.

Ash: I think it's time I took you home.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #260 on: December 12, 2014, 06:46:25 AM »
Woohoo! Nooboo on the way! Bummer about the taco casserole coming up - how do you keep getting these impossible tasks?  :-\ My goodness does Ash look like the offspring of Don! And I do love how all the men in your Dynasty are all very nicely beefed up  ;)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #261 on: December 12, 2014, 07:44:11 AM »
I love your dialogue. Very entertaining.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #262 on: December 12, 2014, 01:09:42 PM »
I love it!  Ash and Lily are perfect together!  I can't wait to see those nooboos.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #263 on: December 12, 2014, 05:54:56 PM »
Thank you! The most casual wedding between two commitment-phobic sims! lol.

Just in case you were wondering what the glitch was, well, long story short: my pc froze just as Lily aged up into a young adult when I was choosing her next trait... and stayed frozen like that for about 10 mins, with the trait menu open and everything. When it came right and continued to play (after saving, then saving again... you know it!) Lily keep changing body shape from her new curvy young adult shape back to her stick thin teen shape. It was hilarious... one minute a stick... the next a curvy lady. When she travelled to the museum for the date I thought that would fix it... nope. The body changing metamorphosis didn't stop until I had saved, exited and restarted. After the 10min freeze, during which I was sure I had lost everything, I thought nothing else could happen! Oh The Sims... never a dull moment.  :)

Two screenshots Of Beth,  first one was just part of an unbelievable story.. go figure! It looks like something crazy but she keeps pulling these strange moves. Second one she was flirting with her husband <shudder>

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #264 on: December 12, 2014, 07:34:08 PM »
Chapter 65: Beth and Abi's Elder Birthdays

Dude: A nooboo! I'm going to be a great granddad? Wow! Congratulations Lily. Watcher, did you hear that?
Yep, sure did, gen four on it's way.

Hi Ash, watcha doing?
Stalking friends.
Two of Beth's friends were transferred out of town last night, so I'm lying in wait to pounce on someone suitable.
Well, with hours to go quite frankly anyone's suitable.

Hahhhaa, got too involved playing chess there Zest?

Terrence: A nooboo? I'm going to be a grandpop?
Lily: You certainly are dad.
Terrence: Oh wow! That's fantastic!

Good technique, unbelievable, yet strangely true and terrifying tales always work! Good job there Ash. Now bring him with you into the house so Beth can smooch him.
Ash: Err.. no, that's not the right word Watcher.
I know... but for the life of me I can't remember the word that means 'suck up to people for personal gain'.
Ash: Maybe 'creepy'?

Terrence: Good grief! What's that terrible noise?

Lily: Hmmm, I was going to play R.E.F.U.G.E but I think I'll listen to the space woohoo instead.... NOT! What the heck?

Oh plumbob! I hope you haven't killed Terrence Abi!
Terrence: Not quite... I'll just have a little nap...
Abi: <giggle>

Ash: I'm impressed by your knowledge of all things gaming related <swoon>

Ash: Oh Lily, she's gonna be a princess!
Lily: Might be a handsome boy just like his daddy.

Ash: Whoever our nooboo is... well, they're gonna be specially loved.

Geeks are strange people.. from all on to 'can't talk now I'm gaming'. Whateverz.

Arghhhhh! What the...? Oh! It's just you Beth.

Beth: I'm telling Tayler about Lily and Ash's elopement.
Nice. Always good to use friendly and pleasant facial expression when making new friends. <shudder>

Heeey, great granddad to be.
Heeeey Watcher.

Sorry to break up the age old debate about best captains... but it's just about cake time. Don't you guys ever get bored with talking about that?

Make it a good wish... last one you know. Wait a minute...

Dude?!! Oh my gosh... you're burning yourself! Move your hand already.

Happy Birthday Beth.

You're up next Abi.

Wow! House full of elders.
Dude: Ha! your worst nightmare. Payback for playing with aging off for all those years.

Ewww... love-sick elders at that.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #265 on: December 12, 2014, 07:59:45 PM »
Chapter 66: Immortality and Birth

First mouthful of ambrosia.

Terrence: Eat it all Beth, gosh what a special moment.
Dude: <To himself> Bittersweet for Terrence I bet.

Beth: Oh... It has quite a delicious flavour, nothing I've quite eaten before, but yes, delicious.
Just eat it. You can wax-lyrical about it after it's been consumed.

<significant pause>
Congratulations, you are now officially an immortal. K. Moving on now...

Lily: I don't really feel like a swim, my back's aching.
Ash: That's why you need to go for a swim.
Lily: It's too early, it's only 6.30am ish.
Ash: Come on.

Ash: See, doesn't that feel better?
Lily: <giggle> Strangely, yes.
Ash: <wink> Told you Babe, come on... time to get in.

Ash: My wife's got a belly like the sun (To the tune of "My house, In the middle of the Street")

Terrence: So... how DOES it feel?
Beth: Like nothing, yet something. Strangely deflating... and exhausting, yet somehow elating at the same time.
Terrence: I worry, a little, about you living on forever without me.
Beth: I know, I've been trying not to think about that...<swallowing a lump>

Lily: Oh.. arghhh, you said you wouldn't splash.
Ash: Can't help it.

Lily: Well, take that.
Ash: Bring it on...
Lily: is that all you got?

Ash: Nope.

Ash: Oh your belly is so a marshmallow gone berserk.
Lily: <giggle> Don't. That's not funny.
Ash: Like a football on steroids. Like you swallowed the moon and the stars...

Ash: For you.
Lily: Oh thank.... Ohhh. OOOOOOOO oo
Ash: Lily?
Lily: LABOUR...

Wow, you're being pretty cool about it all there Ash.
Ash: Yep.

Lily: Oh welcome little Trinity Hollingsworth. Third nooboo born in this house and generation four.

No desire to panic even a little there Ash?
Ash: Nope, it's cool.
Lily: Come and meet your daughter.

Ash: Hi Trinity, your daddy loves you but don't let anyone else know, O.K.?

Umm, if you two could just move out the way... err, I'd quite like a look at Trinity... if you don't mind.

Ash: So babe, ready to try again?

Who said anything about commitment issues... Pffttt, these two are made for each other.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #266 on: December 12, 2014, 08:16:28 PM »
I have no clue how I missed a whole update!! But I love the date with the wedding. So sweet, and yes he looks like Don, commitment issues and all! LOL Welcome Trinity..

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #267 on: December 12, 2014, 08:59:01 PM »
Congrats on Immortal two!  And welcome little Trinity!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #268 on: December 12, 2014, 09:33:36 PM »
I can't wait to see Trinity all grown up... well .. for a few days as a child then  ;) Love the exchanges between Ash and Lily. And I did laugh out loud looking at the screenshots of Beth.. I can see why she would be difficult to look at all the time! hahaha Congrats on her Immoratlity  ;D

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #269 on: December 13, 2014, 03:28:57 AM »
I might be strange/weird but those facial expressions are endearing to me actually.