Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124651 times)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #225 on: December 09, 2014, 07:10:35 PM »
@ dethdukk.... yeah... good question!  8)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #226 on: December 09, 2014, 09:57:58 PM »
So pleased Abi gets to finally live with her man, and you had me laughing with <go hide the cakes> Too funny! I understand about you thinking of re-starting, I have began my Dynasty trial a number of times and keep getting better ideas from all you guys  ;) Whichever you decide - will be reading!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #227 on: December 09, 2014, 10:00:39 PM »
Thanks KTK10, if my town restocks then I probably will churn through to the end, so some sort of restocking should happen next sim Saturday and it's Tuesday I think in my game so I will keep playing and see what happens. I guess I can always do another dynasty after this one.

I can't believe I just typed that!!  :o  Another one?!? Far out!
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #228 on: December 09, 2014, 10:47:58 PM »
Chapter 55: Party Time

No! No.. you've only just moved in!

OOohhh, Thats all. Well sheesh! Just go already. You don't need to yell and wave your hand around like that Terri, I thought you were, err.. you know.

You're up early.
Lily: Just getting my homework out the way early. I don't want to have to think about school over the weekend.
I thought you loved school?
Lily: I used to but now it just feels like I'm ready for the real world. You know? I want a job, a career.
Oh Lily, it will happen soon enough. Don't wish your life away hun.

What is it with your back Dude?

Dude: Aw jings! I don't know, but it keeps going out all the time.
It's so weird. Oh... hang on. <Looks at age panel> You are pretty close to needing ambrosia again. I guess your poor old body is becoming more and more decrepit.
Dude: Such a comforting thought.
Sorry, but you know what I mean.
Dude: yep.
Be careful over the weekend.
Dude: Gottcha.

Dude: Hi Jamel! How you doing?
Jamel: Good thanks Mr. H. Is Lily around?
Upstairs. Doing homework.
Dude: Come on, I'll take you up.

Jamel: Thanks for the extra help.
Dude: Thats ok. better to get it all done and out the way.
Terri: Nom nom nomnomnom.

Hi boys.

Dude: you should come in for a swim Abi.
Abi: Arghh, look! What is this mess!
Oh, that's just the ever-existing water puddle. Don't worry about it. It's a freak of nature, quite remarkable in it's own way.
Abi: Thanks dad but I need to talk to Terrence about something.
They're in the gym. Still.

Abi: Oh, ewww. <shudder> I really don't get the attraction of working out nearly all day.
Terrence: Yeah! Again! Three, and two, and one... wooo! good job!
Terrence.K: It's a boy thing hun. <grunt>
Abi: Well it's nearly party time...

Sabastian: Everything ready Lily?
Lily:Hmmm? Yes, think so.

Lily: Thanks for coming a bit early. I'm going for a Black and White party.
Jamel: Are you sure that's wise? I mean, everyone knows that they're impossible.
Lily: well, I might get lucky.

Yep, 3 sims listening to a piano... nothing. Party's a fail right from the first second.
Lily: Is it my playing?
No hun, your playing is lovely.

Terrence: You look very smart in your black and white outfit.
Guest: Thank you, so do you.
Girl: lol, I can't believe I get paid to play the piano and all I have to do is sit here and chat. Easiest pay check ever.

You all look lovely, and yes the lack of newspapers is shocking.... and yes, I know all about zebras. <sigh>

Thanks Dude for cooking those cookies. That was the last goal apart from 3 of you listening to the piano... and we are still at silver.
Dude: Ah well, lots more time for lots more parties.
I must say that you do scrub up ever so well Dude.
Dude: Why, so do you dear Watcher.

Lily: Shall I just roll straight into the next one?
Might as well Lily.

Dude: Not a word...
<smmwff lol Mumble> <GRIN> Actually <cough> you look lovely.
Dude: <Grin> It is pretty funny, lol.

Look guys I know you all were leaving... and now you're all staying, but if you all don't quit walking around the table like your playing musical chairs I'm gonna delete them all.

Jamel: I can't move away from the bar Watcher, we still all need to talk about our costumes at least 6 more times.

Wow! That's really talented. Cleaning through the food. Nice.
Dude: Thanks, it's my new time saving trick.

Beth, if this was a legacy, you would be dead before morning. Look, I've put another bar inside the house so you can make the three drinks we need for gold.... and standing there doing that stupid stacking bottles trick is really doing my head in.
Beth: Relax, I got it.
I'm going to kill you. There is literally seconds left on the clock... I'm totally going to kill you... I'm planning it right now in my notebook.....

Lily: Guess what?
Sabastian (clown suit): What Lily?
Lily: I've done it! Got my first gold medal at a party!!!
Sabastian: Woo! Well done!

Bye Sabastian, hope you make it home alright.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #229 on: December 09, 2014, 11:08:09 PM »
I just make them get juice or milk from the frig. Lol black and white is driving me crazy with the music one

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #230 on: December 09, 2014, 11:11:06 PM »
I just make them get juice or milk from the frig. Lol black and white is driving me crazy with the music one

Yeah, I know but it gives me a reason to abuse Beth.  :P We actually had over half the party left but you know, story tellers license!
 I was hoping that the entertainer would go straight to the piano as when that happens the 'listen to piano' task doesn't seem to happen... oh well....
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #231 on: December 09, 2014, 11:19:42 PM »
I know, makes me so mad!!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #232 on: December 09, 2014, 11:34:56 PM »
Loved that last screenshot - and fingers crossed they fix the Black and White party bug soon - I get the feeling it's driving everyone a little nuts  :-\

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #233 on: December 10, 2014, 12:16:07 AM »
Chapter 56: House Party

Morning everyone.
Dude: I tell you there ARE new jobs and careers coming to Oasis Springs.
Terrence: Look Mr.H, it's probably just rumors again.
Dude: $20 simoleons that before the weeks done they'll be known.
Terrence: Deal!
Why are you all sitting there half naked?
Terrence: Been swimming!

Lily: Then you raise your glass like this and say your speech.
Abi: What ARE you talking about?
Jamel: Oh <cough> we're just practicing making toasts.
Lily: Just incase we have to during a party, least then we will know exactly what to do.
Abi: K then, have fun.

Thanks so much Terri, make sure you don't over do it though. Abi, have you seen Terrence?
Abi: Which one?
Beth's Terrence.
Abi: He's in the pool.

Sorry to cut your swim short but Lily's just calling up the next party.
Terrence: That's alright. This should be fun.
Here's hoping.

Ow! Smoking it Jamel, you're looking really smart. Nice pink shirt.

Wait! Why are you getting all hot under the collar because Terri has flirted with Terrence?
Dude: Far OUT! Because we don't need that going on!
Good point. Yeah, umm, maybe put a lid on the flirty stuff Terri, we've covered that goal now.
Terrence: If one more person tries it on with me I'm going to have a tantrum! I am M A R R I E D.  >:( <Stomps off towards the gym.>
Sabastian: Man your family's party's are always so entertaining.
Lily: Yes, a somewhat dubious achievement.
Jamel: Is it always like this?
Lily and Sabastian at the same time: No/Yes.

Good idea to calm everything down with some food.
Dude: Hmm hm. It's ok I'm feeling fairly confident that it will all go well from here in.

Right, what have I said about the bottle stacking, time wasting, show off boasting trick?
Beth: Oh it's just for fun, don't be such a party pooper.
Lily: I think it's quite a fun trick.
Whatever then.

<dancing, as always, to the song "Everybody Dance Now" Haha, bet it's stuck in your head again :P >
Zest: Got some good moves going on there Terrence
Dude: Woo, another gold!

Thanks for coming everyone. Ohh, lol, hope you make it home simdude (yellow shirt). Lol, there's always one bursting sim!

How you feeling now Terrence?
Terrence: Better. I really hate those flirty goals though.
I know, but it was so strange because Terri wasn't flirty... I mean <cough> you know it was you and Beth and Abi and her Terrence.... <awkward silence>

WHAT are you doing Dude? Good grief, I can't even look at you when you're dancing like that!
River: Tell me about. I'm the one trying to have a conversation with him.
Dude: What are you all going on about? I'm just cruisin' to the music!
Umm... yeah. NOT. You're doing that gyrating flirty dance. It's embarrassing. <Blushing madly>
Dude: Impossible, I'm all confident...
What on earth is going on with everyones emotional states? I think we all need a good nights sleep.

Oh look, just can it will you.
Dude: What?
Look... I can't look at you when you keep doing all that flirty stuff. <blush/cringe>
Dude: I don't get it... I'm all inspired...

Just eat it... are you safe to look at?
Dude: umm, I think so, can't be 100% sure...

Listen sunshine, you can take all the time you want to smell the roses - once you've eaten it.

So I guess all that being mentored paid off then Terrence?
Abi: <giggle>

Terrence: Love you Abi.

Lily: Thanks so much for all your help with the parties.
Jamel: Your welcome. It's been a blast. Your family is really funny!
Lily: In a good way?
Jamel: Totally.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #234 on: December 10, 2014, 12:23:37 AM »
*giggles insanely*  Oh my... the faces... the faces!  I can't stop giggling!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #235 on: December 10, 2014, 04:13:36 AM »
Good to see Lily got new friends, the culling seams to hit certain games rather hard (crosses fingers that my game can keep out of it)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #236 on: December 10, 2014, 09:29:48 PM »
Thanks everyone. The culling has actually become quite ridiculous now. Poor Beth is now on good friends group 5, so four different lots of her good friends have been culled. I know! Crazy right?
Soooo, I send her out each day to make anywhere up to 4 new good friends... then they get culled each day at midnight. I think I may have to resort to using the household members for her ambrosia but I'll keep chugging along until she turns an elder. I haven't bothered to put in all the screenshots of her making new friends as after the second time I realized it was going to be pretty boring reading, even worse than my usual sim-spamming chapters!  :P

I have one world resident now, a ghost but I can visit this lot (Zest's old house) so I won't be evicting him at this point.

Craziness of game mechanics people...  ::)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #237 on: December 10, 2014, 10:01:04 PM »
Chapter 57: Hello Darkness....

<inhale....sigh..> Dawn is so beautiful here.
Dude: Quite lovely. <sigh>


Terrence.K: Mwwwhaaaa.

Beth: I don't get it, I've already made 10 excellent baths... why am I making dining room tables now?
Baths don't count, well... they would count if I could actually get them out of the family inventory!
Beth: How many to go?
Counting this one? 9.

Oh Rats! Good bye sweet Teri. Shall I get Terrence for you?
Teri: No dear....<small sigh> I've been happy.

Umm, were you hiding in the walk-in wardrobe Grim?
Grim: I don't  "hide".
K. So was this like a 'stage entrance right' kinda thing?
Grim: <frown> Death is no laughing matter Watcher.

WOAH! Wow wee Grim! You've PACKED on the weight! What happened?
Grim: I took Terrence's advice and started a hobby.

Let me guess, gourmet cooking?
Grim: Wow, good guess! Did you read my mind?
Nope... just used my superior powers of observation. <snort>

The light.... it's so pretty...

<blink> Oh! Good job then Grim.
Grim: Thanks, where's Terrence?
Ummm, not sure, feel free to go look.
Grim: K.
Wait! What do you want Terrence for?
Grim: Just a chat about my new hobby.
Whew! That's fine then. I think Dude's around somewhere too.
Grim: Cool.
<Mutters to self, cool, cool? Who says 'cool' anymore?>

Umm, Duuuude?
Dude: Yeeeeeaassss?
Grim's just er, reaped Terri but I think he wants to chat and stuff.
Dude: Oh poor Terri.
She went peacfully Dude, and she said she had been really happy.

Dude: Sul sul!

Dude: Hello Darkness my old friend.
Grim: Hi Dude. Nice to see you.

Grim: So I've taken up a new hobby!
Dude: Oh, that's great. You are certainly looking much, err, happier.

Grim: Your Watcher said I was getting fat.
Dude: Well, you know you have packed on the beef just a little, perhaps a few too many servings of Lobster? Eh?
Grim: <sigh> well, perhaps a few.
Dude: Still, if you're enjoying it, why not?
Grim: True, it's not, like I have to watch my cholesterol or anything.

<A deep bell tolls somewhere in the distance>
Grim: Oh! That's coffee break over.
Dude: Bye, nice catching up, don't be a stranger.

Wow, look at all you focused sims!
Gosh! Everyone's so focused they haven't even heard me!

You really are worth your weight in gold Terrence.
Terrence: It's my pleasure... no, really, it is.

Beth: Did you say something dad?
Dude: I was just thinking that it must be nearly time for Terrence's elder birthday.
Beth: Yeah, it's pretty soon dad.

Have a good day at school Lily.
Lily: Thanks, even though it's pretty boring these days...

Gosh, we really do need another live-in gardener. It's getting like a jungle out here!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #238 on: December 10, 2014, 10:25:51 PM »
Fingers crossed that someone out there is listening to the comments about culling and will fix it soon.  Love what you have done with Terrance (either one, both looking good  ;)) Sorry to see Terri go - but happy she had the chance in a Dynasty house. I also get the <insert emotion here> mood, but get whim options and social options for an entirely different emotion - so I laughed quite a bit at that part!  ;D

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #239 on: December 10, 2014, 10:42:39 PM »
Chapter 58: Friends, Vows, Housemates

Right, start smooching... no, wrong word... start smooging... no, that's not even a word... What is that word that means sucking up to people?
Beth: I think you mean I should begin to cultivate some new friendships.
K. Well, chop, chop! Haven't got all day to stand around lazily.

Oh Plumbob! He's evil. That's gonna make it tricky at parties.
Beth: Can't be too picky if you want me to get this done.
How sad though, he was such a lovely teen.
Beth: Oh! That's where I knew him from.
Yeah, you guys played tonsil hockey.

O....Kaaayyyy, that joke went down like a lead balloon!
Beth: Awkward!
Try talking about things that interest them.. sheesh!

Dude: So, birthday tomorrow?
Terrence: Yep. Not really looking forward to it.
Dude: Yeah, it sucks but at least...
Terrence: At least what?
Dude: I don't know, I was trying to think of something positive....
Terrence: Oh!

Aw, those angelfish are just not taking the bait. Once this is over I'm never fishing for angelfish ever again.
Dude: Tell me about it.

Dude? DUDE? You're supposed to be at work right now!

Making a new friend? Niiiice. And he seem to really dig your unbelievable story! What a guy!

Terrence.K: Will you marry me, even though you will wake up next to an old man tomorrow?
Abi: You bet I will!

Abi: My heart's been yours since the first day I saw you.

Terrence.K: Well, in that case... my darling.....

Terrence.K: Will you consent to become my wife... right now, this instance? For me to cherish and love until the end of my time?

Terrence: I love you Abi, my wife, my love.

Abi: And I love you, my husband, my delight, my heart.

Congratulations Mr and Mrs Hollingsworth-Goth-Kaplan

How was work?
Dude: Great thanks.
I hope we catch some angelfish here. To be honest, we've never really had much luck here at Willowcreek Park.
Dude: So why are we here then?
Something to do with Lily's homework task.

I thought you had homework to do?
Lily: Yes, interview a local town worker... that's what I'm doing. Meet Mr Ashley Nelson.
Hi Ash.
Ashley: Hi Watcher.

Ash: errr, that's not quite how we prepare the fertilizer, but, yeah, sort of.

Go on, ask him Terrence. It must be fate. We need a gardener and Ash has popped up twice now... it's fate I tell you.
Terrence: It's only a small garden so you'd have plenty of free time to enjoy your geeky love of computer games, and our Watcher's pretty cool. At times she <Mumble mumble whisper>
What are you saying about me? I can't hear!

Thanks for helping out with the fishing Ash.
Ash: No worries.
Dude: Welcome Ash, you'll soon be able to tune her out easily.
<Yawn> heard that one before.

What's up?
Terrence: Stranger danger.
Lol, it's only Jamel. And you do actually know him.

Ash: Shame we didn't catch any fish.
Yeah, it happens. Good gardening, er, technique.
Ash: Lol, thanks.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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