Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124743 times)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #210 on: December 09, 2014, 05:45:56 AM »
Thanks KTK10, yeah, I've got earlier saves but I won't be 'resurrecting' Rex. It's just such a royal pain that the mechanics of the game doesn't actually recognize 'friends' etc when culling extra sims. The most annoying part of it all is that after having evicted 7 households of ghosts... the game culls many friends and then refills the houses with two sims.... the ghost of Alice Spencer-Kim-Lewis and the ghost of Bob Pancakes.  >:(   Poor Beth has lost all her friends too, apart from the 'Sonja woman' who tried to flirt with her husband! Luckily I've still got plenty of time for Beth to make more friends, but still!!

I could really have a temper tantrum over it all.  >:(    Amazing how a game can cause such levels of frustration! <picture me doing the angry stomping walk>  ;)   
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #211 on: December 09, 2014, 09:23:29 AM »
So sorry about Rex. I was going to tell you that the slob trait isn't that bad, especially if you can control the sim, but that's useless information now.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #212 on: December 09, 2014, 11:34:39 AM »
Thanks KTK10, yeah, I've got earlier saves but I won't be 'resurrecting' Rex. It's just such a royal pain that the mechanics of the game doesn't actually recognize 'friends' etc when culling extra sims. The most annoying part of it all is that after having evicted 7 households of ghosts... the game culls many friends and then refills the houses with two sims.... the ghost of Alice Spencer-Kim-Lewis and the ghost of Bob Pancakes.  >:(   Poor Beth has lost all her friends too, apart from the 'Sonja woman' who tried to flirt with her husband! Luckily I've still got plenty of time for Beth to make more friends, but still!!

I could really have a temper tantrum over it all.  >:(    Amazing how a game can cause such levels of frustration! <picture me doing the angry stomping walk>  ;)   

Had this happen to me as well (not in my dynasty, thank goodness).  I had gotten to best friends with someone as a child, then aged to teen.  I was waiting for the npc to age up so I could start a romance, and then poof, gone.  I had no idea what had happened till I found out Sims with relationships could be culled.  Seems like a silly mechanic, or a forgetful one, to not include friendship levels in the culling algorithm.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #213 on: December 09, 2014, 11:50:31 AM »
Oh no!  Not Rex!  I'm sorry, Play.  I love the Sims 4 but I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with it and with the challenge myself.  Need to do a restart because somehow aging was turned off.  It will be my sixth start.  Most of the problems have been some weird kind of technical issue too.  Now I'm afraid that if I ever get passed the first Immortal, I'll have to worry about friends being culled!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #214 on: December 09, 2014, 11:57:07 AM »
Thanks MarionT, dethdukk and Wolf. What a truly annoying mechanic!  I hear your frustration Wolf.

It is an interesting point of my dynasty. I am considering restarting as I have learnt so much and have SO many ideas on what I could do better.
So let me share a few ideas that you might want to incorporate into your dynasties before it's too late.

1. Populating the townies households by having a sim in your household that is not related to your dynasty family. This way many of the townie houses will not become empty allowing those aspirations that require neighbours and clogging of sinks etc to still be available later in the game. Also allowing the possibility of friends outside the dynasty house as townies in houses do not get culled. (Thanks to MarionT and from here thanks to, I think, Trip who has this tip in the TS3 dynasty tip section but I couldn't find it)

2. Having the reward 'marketable' as a free for all as there are a few objects for the museum that will benefit from the higher price this brings. I thought it only related to painting so I gave it to my founder!

3. Moving in elderly sims before trying for baby to rule out multiples, unless that's what you want of course. I think that while multiples can be good early on....also could be the end of your dynasty in later gens if you're not careful.

I think the big problem that I am facing is an empty town. All the houses are empty, two restocked but with more ghosts. Maybe if I play on, they will eventually restock with living sims but it is so frustrating not being able to go into Manage Worlds to solve this problem. I knew that I would feel this way and did make a post in the thread that was open before the dynasty officially started so I chose to give a dynasty a go knowing this before hand.

So... where to from here? Well, just for research sake I will continue on to see if the worlds restock (they have in another game that I tested things in but the question is, will this happen again?!) and I'll get Beth to ambrosia stage so you can see her face  ;) then depending on world population stats I will make a decision regarding the ongoingness (I made that word up) of The Hollingsworths.  :)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #215 on: December 09, 2014, 12:05:22 PM »
More thoughts about the friends being culled. The simgurus have said clearly and repeatedly that if you don't want friends to be culled they need to be placed into houses. As we can't do that in a dynasty the work around is to have a sim have nooboos with as many of the townies in houses before they all die and then keep doing this every generation. And often!

The flaw with this is that it takes time away from getting those all important 1st gen goals done and, of course, the nooboos may be the wrong gender for "ongoing nooboo repopulation" (Another made up phrase that will now become part of my TS4 technical speak.) The positives with this is, of course, at least having access to the houses for aspirations and the ability to make friends with sims that aren't going to be culled. Also allows you to have some control over the townie population as you could have as many nooboos as possible and therefore have enough children to complete the Social Butterfly aspiration with more ease.

I so want to try this... makes me feel another dynasty is on the horizon.  ::)

Thoughts anyone?
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #216 on: December 09, 2014, 12:14:09 PM »
@Playalot:  Doesn't the town re-seeding program mean that all the townies will be related at some point?  Will that prove to be an issue?

Why not just repopulate with your founder after he's had a kid and gotten married?  You could run the serial romantic aspiration, that would make up for a lot of lost time. Or are dynasty Sims not allowed to breed out of house?

If you do it with your founder your future romantic interests can't be in a household (because they will be related no matter what basically), but I think you'd run into that issue eventually anyways as the households would all be related to each other through the first sim.  So as soon as you have a kid with one you're family with the whole town.  Or do the Sims have less restrictive family relationships after a generation or 2 of difference?
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #217 on: December 09, 2014, 12:22:14 PM »
I wouldn't do it with my founder... just because I guess I don't want other related sims out there. But if every gen of the dynasty had a different ongoing nooboo repopulator then the whole town wouldn't end up related. In fact early on, if planned right you could probably have two sims out there doing their part to populate the town.

It wouldn't matter anyway as partners for the immortals would be random townies not in the world anyway I guess. It's more about keeping the houses full through the generations. I think TS4 does have less restricted family relationships but that wouldn't be an issue as I wouldn't want to take anyone out of a house at all anyway. (Having learnt my lesson the hard way!)

It would also free up the serial romantic aspiration to non-immortals and give some more free points for each gen too. After all, every aspiration that a non-immortal can do is potions in the pocket of the immortals.  :)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #218 on: December 09, 2014, 12:23:38 PM »
Re:  repopulating the town -- I'd suggest using a helper sim (male, of course) in the first couple of generations. Also, look for spouses among the sims who don't live in houses, and move them in as soon as you get an option to do that rather than waiting until you're able to propose. At least that's what I'm planning to do, especially as all my nooboos have been male. For story-telling purposes, it's nice to have a high school sweetheart, but that's not always possible.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #219 on: December 09, 2014, 12:27:49 PM »
Thanks Marion T. Spouses are not really an issue at all, as nothings changed really in that department.

I agree about the helper sim. You have managed to say it very succinctly, as always, whereas I am still rambling on about it. LOL
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #220 on: December 09, 2014, 01:12:19 PM »
Chapter 53: A Fishing Trip

Beth: Morning Zest, Oh! You look sad!
Zest: <sadly> Morning.

Dude: It's alright, little Rex didn't feel any pain. He just stopped existing. *Poof* Just like that. Gone. Lost for ever. Never to be seen again.
Umm... not sure that's helping to cheer Zesty babe up Dude.
Dude: Disappeared, snuffed out of existence. Stolen. Gone without a chance of reprieve. Never to be created again. Ever.
Stop it already! We get it. It's horrible, I know. But you just have to man-up and get on with it.
Dude: Really? Oh well, glad you got my message then loud and clear. Can you stop moping around and just focus on us now?

Zest: That was a good idea... she totally got the message Dude?
Terrence: Yep, glad she's not still mopping around feeling sorry for herself.
Beth: She's good at that.
What the heck!? Right here guys!

Zest: She'll stomp off any minute now.
Dude: LOL, any... minute.... now.
Terrence: Remember the last time she stomped off? When she...
Right! Enough! I CAN hear you all you know.
Dude: Oh, we're just teasing. Come on... there's life to live.

<In a very quiet whisper> Hey, Zest...pssst... over here <mumble mumble, giggle>

Pffff, hahahha.
Dude: What the...?

Dude: <GASP>

Hahahaha, your face! Mwhaaaaaa. Relax, it's only Zesty babe. LOL

Dude: Right then, time to head out. Now that my heart is back inside my body. <grin> Funny Watcher... real funny.
Zest: See ya guys.

Where are we actually going Beth?
Beth: There soon.

Dude: <craaaack> Oh, my back!
Beth: I got it dad.
Yuk! I hate that sound your back makes.
Dude: Thanks for the sympathy. Or even a little empathy, ya know?

Take it easy Beth, much as you annoy me the dynasty does need you.
Beth: Is that some genuine concern for my wellbeing there Watcher?
Yep... and nope. Passed now.

Okay, no hurry, got all day to stand round in the dusty heat...
Dude: What are you even doing that for dear?
Beth: Just wait and see....
Better be worth it.

Dude: Oh! It does go down quite deep.
I thought these old abandoned mines were all caved in!?
Dude: nope...

Dude.... goes down quite far... very far....

<Awed silence>

Dude: This is quite incredible.

<All talking at once>
Dude: have you seen the weird fish in here?
Well done Beth, a great discovery.
Beth: Thank you, it is pretty incredible.

Dude: Good heavens! Would you take a look at that! I'm sure that was a sturgeon!

What in the simverse is THAT?
Beth: Errr... I'm not exactly sure. I'll look it up on Simpedia when we get home.
What did you catch Dude?
Dude: An apple.

Dude: Check it out Beth!

Wow, this place is stunning, not so sure I like the flying bat things though. They're a bit creepy.
Dude: Don't fall, I really don't want to have to fish you out of the water, again.
As if. <snort>

Dude: Time for home. I'm starving.
You've been saying that a lot recently. Don't you go getting all fat and stuff.
Dude: I haven't eaten in over 7 hours... I don't think I'm going to ever get fat with your eagle eyes on my waistline.
Just doing my job, just doing my job...

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #221 on: December 09, 2014, 01:57:02 PM »
Chapter 54: Some Newbies

Terrence: Not trying to stress you but I think you should get all your immortal requirements finished today.
Beth: Why? I've got about 13 days before I'm an elder.
Terrence: Yes, but time has an unhappy way of creeping up on us. I would love to see you become immortal before I pass on my dear.
Beth: Pass on? Terrence, you're still young!
Terrence: Only for a short while love, then I'll be an elder and unable to help very much.
Beth: I would have all the requirements finished by now but the culling took away all my friends apart from Sonja.
Terrence: That figures, well go and spend the day making new friends, then we can relax, knowing you'll be safe.
Beth: Can't today, we've got our new housemates moving in. Tomorrow though.

Oh.. you're not making cakes are you?
Dude: Yep.
Oh drat. That can only mean one thing...
Dude: Parties are about to happen.
<groan> Not today though, right?
Dude: Not today. Lily's got to go and find some new friends so she can actually invite someone to her parties.
Oh! Right. Maybe abit early on the cakes then?
Dude: We don't have any gluttons living here at the moment so they will be just fine.
K then.

Terrence.K: I'm so happy Abi.

Hi Terri.
Morning Watcher, thank you for inviting me to move in too.
No worries, couldn't leave Terrence.K's sister all alone out in the 'Not in Town' world now could we? Umm... do you quite enjoy your food then?
Terri: Yep, one of my favourite pass times... eating.
<slaps forehead> Oh, so is... one of your traits..... errr...
Terri: Glutton? Yes my dear, but it sounds worse than it is.
Of course, no problem. Just relax, this is your home now.

Lily: Nice to meet you Miss Kaplan.
Terri: Oh just call me Terri dear.
Lily: Gosh, this is going to be confusing. We now have two Terrences and one Terri!

Lily: So, yeah, basically that's what our watcher does.
Terri: Sounds delightful, how lucky you all have been.
Lily: Umm, yes. In one respect I would definitely agree with that opinion.
Terri: Believe me, it can be quite tough without a watcher. it probably seems fun, the idea of getting to do whatever you like all the time, but my dear, consider your desire to achieve. None of that would happen without your watcher.
Terri. I like you. A Lot.

Hi Terrence! I was going to suggest we start calling you Terri... but that would be just as confusing...
Terrence.K: Lol, I know. No worries, least when you call out "Terrence" you'll get two handsome men running.
Keep that attitude up Terrence and you might just find yourself a favourite  ;)

Terrence.K: So, are you happy here sis?
Terri: It's just lovely.
Terrence: Have you meet Mr. H yet? He's so nice.

Abi: Hi Terri. I'm so pleased to meet you. Terrence has told me all about you.
Terri: Oh, only good things I hope?
Abi: lol, of course!

Abi: So don't feel like you have to get up and do things. We've got it all covered. Please just relax and enjoy your time.
Terrence.K. <thinking to himself> I'm in love. I'm really in love. Oh my gosh.... I'm in love.

Terri: I must say, you are far more beautiful than even Terrence said.
Abi: <blushing> Oh! how kind of you to say that.
Terrence.K: <thinking to himself> I'm so in love. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with her.

Dude: Nice to meet you Terri. I hope you'll be happy here.
Terri: Oh I will, I already am!
Oh Terri, what a lovely lady you are! <Quietly to Dude: She's a glutton... go hide the cakes>

Terrence.K: Wow! Mr H, you have outdone yourself with this lobster! It's quite easily the best food I've ever tasted!
Terrence: Now you know why we're always in the gym!
Dude: Lol, Oh well, you only live once so you might as well enjoy it!
Lily: I don't seem to put weight on!
Terrence.K: Wait till you hit being a young adult... lol, then you won't be saying that!

How's your skills coming along?
Lily: really good, level 8 programming and something similar with gaming.
Wow! That's really awesome Lily.
Lily: Yep, well with my bonus traits and those amazing skill mixology drinks I'm learning so quickly!
Good to hear Lily, good to hear.

Oh Yuk! Get a room!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #222 on: December 09, 2014, 02:04:41 PM »
Looks like they got a room ..LOL

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #223 on: December 09, 2014, 02:37:18 PM »
Ha! just had a funny thought.... in chapter 42: Terrence tells little kiddie Rex a story about the would be boyfriend who finds himself in an other world far, far away! LOL How true!,22289.msg398078.html#msg398078

@ sdhoey, uhuh!  ;)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #224 on: December 09, 2014, 02:44:32 PM »
Ha! just had a funny thought.... in chapter 42: Terrence tells little kiddie Rex a story about the would be boyfriend who fins himself in an other world far, far away! LOL How true!

Where was Terrence when Rex disappeared, hmmm?
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
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