Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124771 times)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #195 on: December 07, 2014, 02:14:57 AM »
And now there are two faces im dying to see, ohh Lily was such a lovely child, she must be gorgerous now. Cant wait to see what happens.

Offline HelenP

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #196 on: December 07, 2014, 03:42:45 PM »
Yay, a Hollingsworth fix, I needed that. Now I'm off to play my own dynasty. Thanks Playalot. ;D

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #197 on: December 07, 2014, 08:04:23 PM »
@ LenaLJ, I can't wait for your reaction when you finally do get to see Beth, lol. <mwhahaha ha>  ;)

@ HelenP, glad you are enjoying it all.  :)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #198 on: December 07, 2014, 08:57:14 PM »
Chapter 50: Shameless Boys

Having a nice chat with Sonja there? <snort>
Beth: Yes, why?
No reason. You look stupid by the way, holding the book like that.
Sonja: Goodness me! Is your Watcher always this rude?
Watch it sunshine. I know things about you.
Beth: She's not really a morning person.
You'll be lucky to see another sunrise yourself missy, if you don't show some respect. Anyway, you've got work to do, can't just stand around lazily for your whole life you know.

Beth: Umm, what am I supposed to be doing?
Oh lets see <sarcastically> Ummm, oh well, there's a woodworking table... I wonder what you could do with that.
Beth: Have I done something wrong?
Yep, you were born first. Now get crafting. You need 10 excellent, highly expensive items for your museum pieces. Move it!

Whatcha talking about?
Terrence: Oh, this and that.
Dude: <smothered laugh> Yep, this and that. So how's things?
Bad, I'm bored and grumpy. Oh and out of sorts, and your eldest daughters driving me nuts.
Terrence: Oh?
Sorry Terrence, no insult intended but she keeps not doing what I tell her. Honestly I would lock her in a basement if I could.
Dude: Like what is she not doing?
Try everything... go fix the broken toilet... Oh you're making an expensive mixology drink! Great! Go do some woodworking... Oh! You're being strange with a book and talking to Sonja, who I SO don't like after 'The Incident" the other day. Arghhh.
Dude: Well you better go check on her to make sure she's now doing what she's told...
K. Good idea, if I don't kill her first.

Oh well, that's something I suppose.
Beth: What?
Least you are actually doing what you are supposed to be doing. I'm just gonna sit right here and keep my eye on you. Dear.

Terrence: I can't believe we made it out of the house without The Watcher noticing!
Dude: I told you it would work. As long as you keep that video camera rolling so we get footage for her next chapter she won't blow her stack at us when we get back.
Terrence: lol, even if she does there's not much she can do anyway! It will be too late by then!
Dude and Terrence together: LOL

Terrence.K: Hi Terrence, escaped your leash today then? (In the background wearing white top)
Terrence F. Yep <grunt>
Terrence.K: lol, you'll both be killed when you get home you know!
Dude: We might be able to slip back in unnoticed anyway. Stranger things have happened!
Terrence.K: Yeah, good luck with that.

Dude: Ohhh, I don't feel very well.
Terrence: Ha! Look who's here! Hi Grim, feeling better today?
Terrence.K: Oh No... Oh NO.. OH that's TERRIBLE, please tell me that's not happening?

Terrence: Ya know Grim, you really shouldn't have taken the last free punching bag. It's really freaked out poor Terrence K. back there.
Grim: Oh! Sorry, didn't realize there was a queue.
Terrence: No worries. Umm, your techniques a bit off... how 'bout I give you a few tips?

Terrence: Baloney! Keep light on your feet! Use your body!

Terrence: That's it, turn your body into the punch.

Terrence: Alright! That's what I'm talking about! Woo!

Grim: How am I doing? My feet feel slow.. and heavy.
Terrence: Slow down a bit, don't try to throw everything you've got into it at first.. Just a nice short hook.

Grim: HHHheee Yaaaa<GRUNT>
Terrence: Good Lawdy! What the heck! No! keep those wild swings outta here, come on! Keep your fists up!

Terrence: Turn that body into the punch! Hands up! Stop holding your breath! Breath out as you punch!
Grim: Err... I don't actually need to breath.
Terrence: Do it anyway! Come On! Stop punching like a girl... get your head down.

Terrence: Ah ha! Oh yeah! Now that's what I'm preachin'.


Terrence: Arghh...
Grim: Offffffhfhhff <grunt>

Grim: Hahahha, that's hilarious! Lol. I haven't had so much fun in ages!
Terrence: Nothing like a good play-fight to make you feel alive eh Grim!


Grim: You know, you're fun to hang with!
Terrence: Not too shabby yourself.

Grim: I better go do a cool down. See ya!
Terrence: <from inside the boxing room> Laterz

Grim: Whew weee! <shudder> gross! Simanity stinks!

Dude: Why don't you join me in a little energized weights Grim?
Grim: Sure, I could do that.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #199 on: December 07, 2014, 09:11:40 PM »
That visit from death must have scared the crap out of you.  Unless you invited him?
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #200 on: December 07, 2014, 09:21:51 PM »
Chapter 51: More Shameless Boys

Grim: Arghhh.

Grim: Ohhhhh

Grim: Uhhhhh

Grim: Oh, I give up. This is way harder than it looks.

Grim: One ... ah.... more.... trrrrryyyyyeeeeeeeeee.

Grim: eeeeee
Dude: Having some trouble there Grim?

Grim: I can't seem to move the machine at all.
Dude: Gotta dig deep... give it another go. I'm just going to read my Book Of Life to soothe my pulled muscle while I stand next to you, the Grim Reaper <laughs>
Grim: That's not all that funny..... <grunt>

Dude: Come on then, let me give you a few pointers.
Grim: Thanks.

Dude: See there! Now that's where you've gotta dig deep, don't give up there... push through the pain.
Grim: Really?
Dude: yep, come ON!

Dude: See? Yeah! Well done! Good set of reps! Woo.
Grim: Actually, it does feel a lot better!

Dude: So the man walked down the road and....
Grim: Yes? yes? What happened?

Dude: And was never seen again... ever!
Grim: OOOOhhhhh <shiver>

Dude: See these puppies?
Grim: Oh, very impressive!


Grim: O.K. My turn for an unbelievable tale...
Dude: Hmm hm..

Grim: Blah blah <unspeakable horrors that can't be typed due to a PG rating in place> blah blah!
Dude: OH NOOOooo...<GASP>

Dude: Is that REALLY true?
Grim: Well, that would be telling Hahahhaha.

Grim: See ya round Winston. It was nice hanging with you.
Dude: See ya, errr. Maybe not too soon if it's for business purposes though eh?

Dude: Ha! This has been one epic day trip!
Terrence: I totally agree. I couldn't believe it though.. I mean do you think that story is actually real?
Dude: Who knows, and I hope we never Do know!

Terrence: I'm starving.
Dude: Come on, I'll BBQ up some grub.

Terrence: I wonder if we've been caught out yet?
Dude: Bound to have been. It's been hours. Lol

Terrence: It's been some day though.
Dude: Yep <happy sigh>

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #201 on: December 07, 2014, 09:26:24 PM »
@ dethdukk, LOL no he just turned up. I've had it happen in my legacy story too so I wasn't that worried! It's really funny the things that happen when Grim's around.  :)
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Offline KTK10

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #202 on: December 07, 2014, 10:11:15 PM »
That was the best dude filled chapter of all time! Loved Gim, Terrance and Dude.. I'm actually about to go back and read it all again!  ;D

Edit - And I don't mean just Winstin!

Offline JudesSims

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #203 on: December 07, 2014, 10:25:41 PM »
Too funny! Love it!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #204 on: December 07, 2014, 10:29:08 PM »
Oh my!!! Grim trying to get smexy!!!  Lol too much

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #205 on: December 08, 2014, 12:14:09 AM »
I about fell outta my chair laughing at those couple of updates XD lol  They were great.  I loved the boys sneaking out as well as their afternoon with Grim.  Too funny!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #206 on: December 08, 2014, 09:21:10 AM »
Hangin' with Grim in the gym -- I wonder if he has the Bro trait?
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #207 on: December 09, 2014, 01:23:22 AM »
lol, thanks everyone! I really enjoyed getting out of the dynasty house and what a bonus for Grim to show up! Both boys tried over and over again to get Grim's traits but for some reason we couldn't! Don't know why as both boys have maxed charisma and can usually get sims traits very easily. Either way, it was a day of really fun play!

On with the dynasty ... It's like going back to work after a lovely long weekend! LOL
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #208 on: December 09, 2014, 02:16:01 AM »
Chapter 52: A Sad Occurrence

What would you like to do today Lily?
Lily: Ummm... perhaps go hang at the park?
K then, just let me get a few things sorted.

I am tempted to say 'serves you right' after your disappearing act yesterday... however, Dude's cleaning up the mess so you'll be ok in a sec. K?
Terrence: K then <bottom lip quivering>

Abi: So you on gardening detail then as a punishment?
Terrence: Looks like. I don't mind actually.

Rex: Check this video out! It's too funny.
Lily: LOL
I must say, you look very handsome all grown up into a teen now Rex.
Rex: Thank you watcher

Lily: Oh Rex, it's so lovely to just be here and have all the time in the world to hang out with you.
Rex: lol I know, you sure were busy there for a while.
Lily: Thanks so much for sticking with me through it all.
Rex: No worries, that's what friends are for.
Lily: You're my best friend for ever Rex.

Lily: Hi Josue, Oooo, scary story!
Rex: Hi Mrs Mesa. (Josue's mum)
Mrs Mesa: Now don't you kids get into any trouble today.
Lily: No worries, we're responsible Mrs Mesa.
Josue: Oh MuUuum! Far out! Talk about embarrassing.
Lily and Rex: LOL

Lily: So that's why I've been so busy.
Josue: Gosh! No wonder we've all hardly seen you.

Dude: It's getting quite late you kids, might be time for getting your homework done etc eh?
Josue: K, Mr Hollingsworth.

Rebecca: Hi Lily! Wow! Good to see you.
Jamel: We thought we'd never get to see you!
Lily: I know, lol. How've you all been?
Jamel: Good! Busy, but not as busy as you! Ummm, one question though...?
Lily: Sure, what's on your mind?
Jamel: Weeellll, I was wondering if you had heard the rumors going around that woohoo can kill you?
Rebecca: Yeah! Everyone's taking about it.
Lily: Gosh! No... that can't be true though, I mean, otherwise non of us would have parents... err, if you think about it.
Rebecca: I'd rather NOT think about that side of things. Ewww, gross. <giggle>

Their conversation is hilarious! They're talking about whether or not woohoo can kill you. LOL
Dude: Yeah, perhaps not quite so funny given my age eh?
Oh! Err, yeah. Sorry. Umm, caught any angelfish yet?
Dude: Nope.

Well, looks like your outfit is quite popular judging by the boys enthusiastic reaction.

Rebecca: Gawd, that's hilarious.
Lily: It's all true too.
Jamie: Oh my! Stop! My stomach's killing me.
Jamel: LOL

So this is an interesting way to do your homework; taking a selfie while reading an unrelated fiction book.
Lily: You know that sarcasm is never attractive?

Oh that's nice of you to ask the homeless simdude to help you with your homework.
Lily: Well everyone deserves to feel worthwhile and needed.
Very well said Lily. You are a very sweet person my dear.

Hi Beth, any angelfish at all yet?
Dude: Nope.
Beth: Nope.
Oh for crying out loud. Stupid fish. Right last cast and then we should try somewhere else. The catch rate sucks here.
Dude: I agree. I'm sick of watching them jumping around my bait.
Beth: Did Lily get off to school on time?

Beth: Are you sure there is a fishing spot around here?
Dude: Yep, I used to come here before you were even born.
Those were the days.
Beth: What's that supposed to mean?
Whatever you want it to Beth.
Dude: If you two are going to fight I'm going home.

Dude: Hmmm, I can see a few angelfish splashing here and there...

Gosh! This IS a good spot, four angelfish within as many minutes! Well done you two.
Dude: Shhhh, you gotta whisper or you'll scare the fish.

<Yawn> I'm going to run over the road for coffee, any orders guys?
Beth: Flat white please.
Dude: Not for me thanks. Elder bladder syndrome.
Oh, TMI... cripes! (To Much Information)

Although not the wanted angelfish... that is one handsome salmon! Great catch!
Dude: Thank you very much <grin>

Terrence.K: Hi Lily. What are doing out here?
Lily: Well I was trying to make some new friends but someone's a bit grumpy!

<splash> Oh darn! These rocks are a bit slippery.
Dude: Well, if that hasn't scared the fish away, nothing will.
Umm.. how 'bout... oh Watcher, are you ok? Or even... Do you need a hand to get out of the river?
Dude: The reality is that you are a liability on a fish trip!
Beth: Oh she's not that bad dad.
Thank you Beth. <glares at Dude>

Dude: That salmon was at least this big, between the eyes.
Beth: Pffffff, oh dad, what a whopper!
Dude: It was pretty huge.
LOL Beth means that you are telling fishing lies Dude!
Dude: Fishing tales, thank you... TALES.

Word from The Watcher:
 Why is this chapter titled "A Sad Occurrence" well, after I finished playing this chapter I saved my game and quit out of TS4. The next time I loaded it back up, about two hours later... a lot of sims had been culled right out of my game. Lily has lost Rex. Poor Rex, who felt like a family member to us all was sadly culled along with most of Lily's new teenage friends.

Strangely losing Rex has made me feel quite unsettled. Lily and Rex had just become BFF and a small, tender romance was just beginning through an autonomous interaction or two between both of them, which I thought was very cute and very fitting.

Rex had ben a daily visitor all the way through Lily's childhood and somehow the dynasty house feels a bit empty.

R.I.P Rex Pressley. For what else can I say ...

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #209 on: December 09, 2014, 02:45:45 AM »
Oh Playalot - I'm so sorry  :'( That is just an awful thing to happen. Is there anyway you have an earlier save that might still have him in there? Perhaps check with the challenge guys first to see if you are allowed. I guess you need to always have a back up plan for the sims 4.