Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124762 times)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #45 on: November 14, 2014, 01:47:29 AM »
@ KTK10, yeah, I was thinking perhaps at  elderhood/ immortality ... all good ideas to think about.   Glad you're enjoying it all.  :)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #46 on: November 14, 2014, 02:06:48 AM »
Chapter 13: Party Time

Still painting?
Very funny.
Don't ask stupid questions then.

Ohh, I love this one.
Yeah, it’s pretty cool
Museum piece?

One of my best.
Museum piece I think.

So these are the ones for your museum.
Do we have to make up our minds right now?
Nope, on the day of you eating ambrosia it must be totally decided and never changed.
K. So I’ve got 9 days left before my adult birthday. <groan>
It will be o.k. Dude, there is still heaps of time. Well, not heaps, but enough. I think.
Oh very reassuring.
Breakfast time I’m starving.

Dude: Hey Zest.
Zest: Hey dude.
Morning Zest.
<awkward silence>
So, we all set for the party?
Dude: Yep, just waiting for the costumes to arrive.
Zest: I ordered an astronaut suit.
<more awkward silence>
Dude: Well, let’s get this party started then.

Hi, yes I’d like to order a party. Pardon? Oh you’re asking how I enjoyed the last one? A survey? NO I don’t feel like answering a customer survey.
Yes, well I will say that your impossible goal was quite the little stunner wasn’t it.
<faint sound of laughter from the party shop operator>
Let’s just focus on today’s party o.k.

Cassandra: Does this make me look fat?
No, it looks fine. Besides I think people will be too busy laughing at your fiance.
Cassandra: huh?
He’s a hotdog LOL

I mean the costumes bad...

But what the heck is up with those shoes?? ?
Anyway: First requirement checked off Taco Casserole. Yuk, none for me thanks.

Zest: So did you know that chicks dig astronauts more than firemen?
Kason: Does this costume make me look fat?

Great, we’re all eating cake. Good thing we had one all ready in the fridge or that would have been a last minute panic. Shesh, cook a casserole but eat a cake.
Zest: Not such a bad thing, I mean who eats taco casserole? Ewww.
Plant Girl: I eat taco casserole.
Zest: Case in point.

Aww, you guys look comfy as out here. How’s the food Plant Girl?
Plant Girl: Lovely thanks.
Great, enjoy it ‘cos at your age it’s important to live each day like it’s your last etc etc.
Plant Girl: umm Kason, do you want the rest of your cake? No? Oh good, pass it here then.

Cassandra: Is that you in there Zest?
Mortimer: It’s quite amusing to dress up as daily help.
So Don what are you dressed as?
Don: I came as myself as there’s no costume awesome enough for ‘The Body’.
Wow, are you talking about yourself in the third person now?!

Still eating Plant Girl? If you don’t watch out Eric she’ll start gnawing on your costume.

Zest: So have I told you how attractive your costume is Alice?
Oh have we talked about everyone’s costume enough already?
Zest: Only two more comments to go before it’s ticked off.

Well Dude, now I’ve seen everything, oh, nice costume NOT, by the way.
Dude: <listening to pop> Come to me baby, don’t be shy, don’t be shy....
The way your eyes met mine like apple pie.... hmmm mmm mm mm m
Caught in your energy. The future came to me...
It feels so classic
You and meeeee the magic
Hmmm and I knooooow we have it
‘cos it feels, yeah it feels, yeah it feels
So classic.

<snort> The only thing classic is that we’ve got a gold medal. Woo. Nice moves though.

Thanks for coming everyone! Wow easiest party ever. That rocked.

Oh Zesty baby, you’re a hunny for cleaning up.
Zest: No probs Watcher.

Hello? Yes I’d like to order a party. No the last one was too easy to get gold. Yes more of a challenge would be good. Hmmm, yes, no we have a bar now. Right, Yes <nods>.
Good idea, no I have no idea how to get three sims listening to someone play a piano so that would be a great impossible party task. Lovely.
Cassandra: What’s that sound?
Dude: Oh that’s the Watcher banging her head on her desk.
Cassandra: Right. <looks a little startled>

Oh my <fans herself> You scrub up ever so nicely Don.
Dude: <snort>
Actually, your pretty darn scrummy yourself there Dude.
Dude: Why thank you very much <grin> I’m taken though.
Yeah, by more than just one person in this room.
Dude: oi! Cut THAT out.

Zest: So did you know that the stripes on each zebra are unique?
Plant Girl: Yes, apparently it’s stripes are a camouflage device suited for it’s grassy environment.
Trust you to talk about garden stuff.
Mortimer: Hippotigris or Dolichohippus, zebras to the ordinary person, are closely related to horses but not of the same breed.
Plant Girl: Zebras are herbivorous and primarily eat a variety of grasses.
Don: Zebras as very social animals and live in large groups called 'harems' that are made up of one stallion and up to six mares. <looks thoughtful for a second>
Eric: What do you think of the terrible shortage of local newspapers?
Zest: Quite disgraceful.

Cripes! Don’t look now Cassy but you’re being zoned in on by a huge wildebeest.

Well, despite being an awesome party guys, your apparent inability to listen to a stupid piano means that officially sucked. Silver medal <pouts>
Dude: I’m running out of time
Cassandra: Relax hunny, we’ll get there together.
Yeah, we will <nods> You both looked stunning and are winners in my eyes.

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Offline Franki

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #47 on: November 14, 2014, 03:29:54 AM »
Love how your story is coming together with more funny antis each chapter. Did I spy some sneaky shots of your founders face in there??
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #48 on: November 14, 2014, 02:20:55 PM »
The parties are terrible!  I can't even tell how much time I have.  I know it must be right there, but I focus on the requirements, I must just miss whatever timer there is.

Kudos on the gold medal for the incognito party though ^^

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #49 on: November 14, 2014, 04:58:37 PM »
@ Franki, thank you very much, certainly is a learning curve! Hmmm... no the hotdog in the kitchen (face on shot) was one of the gym bunnies. However at the beginning when Cassy thought she looked fat you can see the founder hotdog behind her with a green plumbob. Good luck making any features out though!  ;)

@ Wolf, I agree, to not get a gold medal 'cos of a glitch in the game more than sucks. I'm still not 'over' it! >:(
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #50 on: November 14, 2014, 05:30:53 PM »
Chapter 14: A Moonlit Wedding

Oh, finally, nice to see you boys chatting like normal.
Zest: Well, least we don't keep getting overcome by strange urges to flirt with each other anymore.
Dude: yeah, that was pretty 'intense' to say the least.
Zest: Kinda funny if ya think about it.
Dude: Well I can laugh now.... but not at the time.
Zest: Puts a new spin on being 'housemates'
Dude: LOL

Ahhh, domestic bliss. <yawn> Knew you'd succumb eventually.
Dude: you're just bored. Go away and do something.
Cassandra: Be nice to have a second floor...?

OK Then. Poof! How's this?

Round the back.
Dude: Could do with some landscaping.
Earn some money.

Later, just before dusk.
Yes hello? I'd like to order a party. What? You're asking me how the last one went? It sucked. The impossible goal was impossible! What? You're telling me 'you aim to please'? Man, you should be apologizing. No! I don't want to speak to your supervisor, just stop with all the questions already. <Takes a deep breath> O.K. A wedding party please. No I don't want any impossible goals, I would actually quite like my wedding to be a success seeing as I don't intend to do it more than once. Yes, we have a bar now <sigh> don't you keep accurate records?

The moonlight is awesome.
Zest: Sure is, something about weddings, so romantic.
You alright? Not going to like 'make a scene' are you?
Zest indignantly: No.
K then.

Dude: I have fallen utterly and completely in love with you.

Dude: And so I want to spend the rest of my life in your company.
Cassandra: As do I with you.

Congratulations Mr and Mrs Hollingsworth

Dude: I love you so much.
Cassandra: Not as much as I love you.

Dude: You look beyond beautiful.

Don't stab each other! Careful!
Zest: Congratulations, I'm so happy for you both.

Wow! Easy there Tianna... it's not going to run away.

Oh well Cassandra, least you know you're gourmet cookings pretty flash when hoover face sucks it off the plate like that.
Zest: Wow, I think this is the best cake I've ever tasted.

And so the night passed in the company of good friends, filled with chatting and joking until it was time to be awarded with a gold medal for a stellar event. Woo.

You both deserve a lifetime of happiness. Let's hope that happens.
Dude: Thanks Watcher
Your welcome.
Dude:... so...
Dude: Well, it's our wedding night...
Duh! Yeah!
Dude: well.... you know. Like scram!
Ohhhh, right! <cough>

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #51 on: November 14, 2014, 06:08:45 PM »
Chapter 15: Nooboo

Oh Paalease, get a room, that's all you two do anymore. Yuk.
Cassandra: <giggle>
Dude: <muffled> Go away if you don't like it. No one's forcing you to watch.
Umm, Duh! I'm like, The Watcher.
Dude: Don't be creepy.

Dude: You just keep getting more and more beautiful.
<fake retching sounds>

Dude: Hello little nooboo booboo, cutie pumpkin.
OMG I can't take any more. Yuk. You're a sop.

Dude: Come on hun, lets go for a moonlight swim.
Cassandra: I am getting there, just takes me a wee bit longer these days.

Dude: Relax! I'll be off the steps in a sec then you can get in safely! You're so impatient these days.
Cassandra: That's fighting talk to a pregnant lady don't you know.
Dude: Lol, Love you babe.

Dude: The quicker you're in the quicker you'll take the pressure off your back, come on. The water's lovely!
Cassandra: Ohh, oww. Crikey, this part isn't much fun.

Cassandra: O.K. here I come!

Cassandra: oh my Gosh this is deep!
Dude: I know, it's awesome. That's why it's called a 'plunge pool'.

Cassandra: Why is it you boys can't resist the urge to splash everyone!
Dude: lol

Cassandra: Come look at the sunrise, it's stunning.

Dude: I'd rather look at my beautiful wife.

Dude: You better go get dressed before I start thinking other thoughts.
Cassandra: Well now, we can't have that, can we.

Cassy dear, I don't think you should be drinking at the moment.
Cassandra: Oh it's not for me! I'm just stocking up the fridge for the next party.
Oh, I didn't know we were having a party.
Cassandra: Well, not today but we still need one more for the ambrosia requirement.

You O.K?
Cassandra: Yes. No. I don't know.
I'll go get Dude... be right back.

Dude? Dude? Where are you?? Cassy's gone into labour!!!

Dude: I'm here. Oh my goodness.
Cassandra: Ohhhhh, nooboooooo.

Oh for crying out loud, if I knew that you were just going to stand in the corner panicking I wouldn't have bothered finding you. Suck it up big boy, Cassy's the one who should be panicking.
Dude: Ahhhh, why should Cassy be panicking. What's wrong? OMG... ahhhhh.
Cassandra and Watcher: Go Away.

Oh, how beautiful.
Dude: Oh Cassy..

Oh wait! What! That's not part of the plan! Not happy!

Not happy at all.

Well I wish I could say that this is what the little rugrats did all day long, but I can't.
Cassandra: What did I do wrong?
Dude: Nothing my love, nothing at all. The Watcher's just throwing a tantrum because she didn't get her own way.
Cassandra: Isn't she a little too old to be behaving like this?
I heard that.
Dude: Good, a little home truth might sort out your rotten temper then.
Cassandra: Isn't an heir and a spare better then just an heir?
Dude: Yes.
Dude: right, enough. Go away and when you come back I'm expecting an apology to my wife and to me.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #52 on: November 14, 2014, 06:13:56 PM »
Is it intended that we are seing the baby face of the heir? :P

And on a side note, stunning pool, how did you get that done? and can they get over the edges or do you need to get them to the side with the stairs?

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #53 on: November 14, 2014, 06:50:25 PM »
@ LenaLJ, lol, yes baby faces, child faces... after that... probably not!  ;)

The pool? Do you mean the small one? Well, build a wall where you want one edge to be, place the pool, pull it to the size you want, delete the wall, colour the foundation (which will be the same height as your house), and hey presto! One sort-of hot pool/plunge pool. The sims needs stairs as I have the foundations at a medium height so just like the doors they need to use stairs.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #54 on: November 14, 2014, 07:21:25 PM »
Awww!  So much to love about these updates!  I love the house, first off.  And I loved the wedding!  And watching Due and Cassy is just too cute!  Oh boy... Twins! lol it's ok, it's not so bad... right?

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #55 on: November 15, 2014, 12:58:30 AM »
Love the story! Really want to see his face though! Welcome unnamed little nooboos!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #56 on: November 15, 2014, 01:15:34 AM »
I've missed so much!  Gotta say.. the taco receipe.. BRILLIANT!! hahahaha.. Loved the wedding, very romantic and your house is looking fantastic. Love the two little nooboos.. can't wait for more.  ;D

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #57 on: November 15, 2014, 01:54:59 AM »
@ Wolf, it's all good but I totally wasn't expecting twins! lol. The second twin 'spawned' outside next to the pool. I had to scan around looking for it for ages before I found it. Funny thing was that once I unpaused the game Dude ran out straight to the nooboo and cuddled it so all the panic was for nothing!

@Artsygirl, Thanks, I've decided that I will do a short chapter with a series of face shots across his lifetime when he becomes immortal, so you'll get a chance to see him without wrinkles and grey hair! I'll tell you what though, it's really difficult getting semi-sensible screenshots without his face, as if doing a dynasty isn't hard enough!  ::)

@ KTK10, lol, thanks. I'm not game to try that recipe, if you are let me know how it goes!!

The house is a recreation of one that I built a while ago, with some adjustments/changes etc so that it works for a dynasty/legacy style family. Funny thing is that I didn't like the house after I built it but at a game-play level it is actually really good to play in. It's now become one of my favourite houses ever! The original is on the exchange with hashtag #carlsguide if you want it. It's a bit smaller than the one in this story and of course, no pool!
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #58 on: November 15, 2014, 02:21:57 AM »
Nooboos and A Party

I’m sorry I yelled.
I’m sorry I tantrum-ed.
Why did you spit the dummy?
Haha, funny pun. I have to tell you something.
Doesn’t sound good.

It’s only you that gets to live forever, you and the heir of each generation.
Everyone else ages and dies.
I know that.
You know that?? ?? ?
Of course. Is that why you weren’t happy with twins? 'Cos you have to watch the second age and die?
Silly Watcher, we all already know that. It’s normal, it’s part of life, it just makes us ‘chosen ones’ all the more grateful

Cool, right I gotta gym date with Alex.
Sweet. I’ll stay here and watch the nooboos.
I’m only going next door. I’ve got Tianna coming over to mentor here.
Good thinking.

They’re pretty cute for little screamy things.
Zest: Yep, really cute if you ask me.
I guess they’ll call you ‘Uncle’. That’s cute too.
Zest: I think I’m going to like the next chapter or two.
Zest hunny, you're such a beautiful sim, inside and out.

Zest: Hahha, this one’s ticklish!
We’re going to have to name them soon, can’t keep say ‘them

Zest: We could call this one slurpy.
Yeah, maybe not. Keep trying.

Arghh, help, Slurpy’s turned into Stinky!

Cassandra: Relax, I got it.
Nice of you to help out inside Plant Girl
Plant Girl: My pleasure, I love nooboos. They’re so cute and...
Moving on...

Cassandra: Oh there you go Slurpy, all clean and powdered.
That’s a relief!
Cassandra: We’ve got our last party soon.
Oh my gosh, and two nooboos, cripes we better be on our toes!

Hello? Yes, I’d like to order a party. What do you mean ‘another one’? You’re a party shop aren’t you? What do you think people are phoning you for? To order a new car?
You don’t know what a car is? Oh, look, let’s just start this conversation again.
I want to order a House Party. The last one was fine. I don’t want another of those glass llama things as a prize though, it’s super ugly! <Sigh> Yes I suppose you will throw an impossible task in even though I don’t want one. What it’s a ‘two for the price of one’ week! Oh good heavens.

Don: Wow, great trick there Cassy. Almost gravity defying!
Cassandra: I know, right. Don’t make me giggle.
Umm, Cassy, we need some drinks a.s.ap. please. Don, every time I see you you're looking hotter and hotter.
Cassandra: Don't tell him that, we'll never hear the end of it!
Don: Hello ladies, I'm right here, you know.

Don: It’s great that so many of our mutual friends are ‘foodies’ it makes those ‘eat cake’ etc tasks easy to do quite quickly.
Eric: nom nom nom nom
Dude: lol, trust you to say it like it is Don!

Thanks for checking on the nooboos Zest hunny.
Zest: No probs. They’re pretty..
Cute, yeah, I know.

O.K. I’m trying not to hyperventilate here, but seriously, if you don’t all get playful soon I’m going to start murdering.

Zest: So I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places.

Dude: Q: What did Worf say when small ice asteroids began hitting the Enterprise hull?
A: "Captain, we are being hailed."

Zest: Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
   A: To boldly go where no chicken has gone before.

Dude: Q: Why did the Borg cross the road?
   A: Because it assimilated the chicken!

Q: Why don't cats play poker in the jungle?
A: Too many cheetahs
Wow, calm down Dude, quick, go to bed NOW, you’re hysterical! O.K crisis averted.

Zest: Maybe a few too many Mysim dolls there Watcher!


Everybody dance now (x2)
Give me the music (x2)
Everybody dance now (x2)
Yeah yeah yeah
Everybody dance now
Yeah yeah yeah
Everybody ... *

Thanks for coming to our house party guys, couldn’t have made gold without y’all.

I’m going to ignore the fact that you’re in a bikini and just focus on that little bundle of sweetness you’re cuddling.
Plant Girl: You've changed your tune, last I heard you didn't want the nooboos.
Is that the deathly toll of The Reapers bells I hear?

Dude: Museum piece I think.
Cassandra: How many more to go hun?
Just one more but we have about four that would do.
Dude: It’s just that I only want my best in there.
No problem, now that we’ve aced the parties you’ve got all the time in the world, just got to make sure no more of your friends leave town or, umm, die

Oh Zest, leave the tidying up, you’re sleep walking, go to bed.
Zest: Hmm mm, nite.

Dude: Did you know that in the Durango desert, in Mexico, there's a creepy spot called the "Zone of Silence." You can't pick up clear TV or radio signals. And locals say fireballs sometimes appear in the sky?
Alexander: Nope.

*When C+C Music Factory released "Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)" in 1990 it was met by widespread recognition, initiating the house movement of the early '90s. Seeing as we were throwing a ‘house party’ it seemed appropriate! Not sure about rules linking to You Tube so if you don’t know the song just do a search, it comes up pretty easily.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #59 on: November 15, 2014, 02:39:19 AM »
Now I have that song in my head.  ;D I used to love that song when I was  ::) Anyway, back on track. I am loving Dude and Zest's relationship and I feel sorry for Plant Girl but some of the one liners that you write are just too funny. Well done Playalot, as usual, great story telling.