Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124296 times)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #420 on: January 02, 2015, 12:49:31 AM »
Chapter 100: Lily's Moment

Oh! Well, I guess there's your answer Casey.
Casey: Nope, he's just back for a few moments. I'm here all the time, and I'm flesh and blood.
For pete's sake! Casey! What's it going to take for you to....
Casey: Leave it, please! I hear you ok. I've told you, when Lily tells me herself and not before.

Lily, I.... Oh! I guess now's not the best time....

Have you painted all through the night Dude?
Dude: Yep.
Without me?
Dude: Yep
Oh. <slightly hurt>
Dude: You were busy talking to Casey. Whats' going on there anyway?
Nothing, gee, nice art. Oh.. wait I think that's Zach calling me, bye. Oh... by the way, I'm going to need you upstairs soon.

Ash: Whew! Woo! Out of this world babe!
Lily: --- Yes...yes it was.

Have a great last day at high school Zach.
Zach: Thanks Watcher. If I'm not an A student this afternoon I'm going to be gutted.
You'll be right. You'll see.

First best seller away to Literary Digest! Fantastic!
Trinity: Pretty exciting for sure.

Come in Lily.

Take a seat.

Lily: Does this mean ..?
Yes it does Lily. You have completed 99% of your ambrosia requirements. I know you'll need to have a day making a whole new bunch of good friends once you're an elder but hun, you've already done that at least three times over so for the sake of everyone's sanity.... let's declare you done!

Dude: How does it feel Lily? To know you are basically done?
Lily: It feels good, the stress is coming off I guess. It's really nice to have the time to think about other things as well...

Dude: Well, what was the hardest part Lily?
Lily: Losing Ash before I could do this. I miss him and yet I spent most of our life trying to pretend I didn't really love him totally....
Dude: Oh love, you both knew how strong your love was.. is. It's just part of your personality to be reticent.
Lily: Yes. I think you are right granddad.

Dude: And the best parts?
Lily: In a strange way, all of it. I have achieved so much and learnt even more! I feel privileged to be part of something that is bigger than just me and my issues. <thoughtful pause> It's also good to know that Trinity is more than ready to take over as the next heir.

Dude: Well, I can see your museum pieces over there...
Lily: Yes, I've been collecting fossils. It has been so very difficult as I have collected hundreds of those little boxes and maps! So many treasure maps! However, I have ten fossils that might not be the most expensive item on the possibility list but I'm happy that I've done my best.
Dude: Well, I am incredibly proud of you Lily. You have carried our family legacy on another generation and done it with style.
I'm so very proud of you too Lily. You have done your part wonderfully well.

Dude: Come here love... well done!
Lily: Thank you so much for all your support, encouragement and wise words grandad!

Lily: Actually, as it's starting to sink in that I am more or less finished... I'm starting to feel quite proud of my achievements!
Dude: And so you should too.

Lily: I am so very grateful for your support granddad. You lead this family so very well, you know.
Dude: Thank you love, but this moment is about you. You now need to go and do something that is just for fun. No collecting, no stressing... just something for you that you love to do.
Lily: You know what, that sounds like absolute bliss!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #421 on: January 02, 2015, 01:09:43 AM »
Yay!! Congrats to Lily, and how beautiful is she?? Nicely done  :D

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #422 on: January 02, 2015, 01:27:17 AM »
Thanks KTK10, poor Lily has been mostly finished for ages but every friend she makes keep getting culled so I figured I might as well 'reveal' her as the culling thing is obviously here to stay! The day she actually eats ambrosia I'll take screenshots of her museum pieces and update her friends list on the stats post.  :)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #423 on: January 02, 2015, 01:48:19 AM »
Chapter 101: Zach's Finished With School

Oh! What's wrong?
Zach: Arggh, terrible stress. Ohh.

Zach: Feels like somethings got to give...
Oh Zach, you worked too hard today.
Zach: Had to, it was my last chance for an A.
Well, you got it! Go celebrate... take the stress down a notch kid. You've done it!

Zach: I don't really feel like doing this right now.
Trust me, once you're in it will be a blast.

Trinity: You bet!
Woo! Our secret plan worked!
Trinity: It did indeed!
Well Zach's in the pool, you should go join him.

Zach: If you give it you've got to be able to take it.
Trinity: Pfff... lol That went right into my mouth!

Zach: Well, I'm officially finished with school. Got an A and it's my birthday in two days time!
Trinity: Congratulations. I'm so excited for your birthday!
Zach: Me too Trinity, me too.

Trinity: Ha! Take that!

Zach: That was so much fun!
Trinity: I know, we must remember to use the pool more often.

Zach: You are so beautiful Trinity.
Trinity: Oh...<blush>

Dude: Sorry to rain on your parade but it's homework time.
Trinity: Oh Dude, he's done with school.
Zach: It's true, I have Mr.H. It's my birthday this weekend so I am officially finished.
Dude: All it takes is one miscalculation and you could be rushing off to school Monday morning 'cos your "throw a rocking birthday party" notice hasn't arrived... and if you haven't completed your homework you could lose your A. It's not worth the risk son for half an hours easy work.

Zach: Yep, I think that's it all now. Oh, wait! There's one more question over the page.

Dude: NOW you're officially done with school. Congratulations son I'm proud of you because of your hard working positive attitude.
Zach: Thanks Mr.H.
Dude: Now, you remember what Brendan taught you before he left.... take your time, think through each decision just like a game of chess. Your young adult birthday is going to be very exciting for you and Trinity... so take your time. right?
Zach: You got it. I will Mr.H. I promise.

Oh, there you are! Don't you think you are too young to be working out still?
Zach: Watcher, I am going to be in my twenties in less than 2 days, don't you think I am getting too old to be babied?
<silent pause> Well, when you put it like that, I guess you are Zach. I guess you are.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #424 on: January 02, 2015, 02:01:56 AM »
Zach is such a sweetheart.  And I love how Dude has kinda stepped in for his father figure.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #425 on: January 02, 2015, 02:40:18 AM »
Chapter 102: Zach's Getting Ready

Morning Zach.
Zach: Morning Watcher.
Did you just do some extra credit homework?
Zach: Yes, I did. I thought about what Mr.H. said to me yesterday and I want to finish everything the way I started.
Way to go Zach!

Wow! You are getting really good at cooking now. You know that you don't have to learn how to cook if you don't want to, right?
Zach: Yes, I know, and thanks, but I do want to learn. I want to be able to cook Trinity's first plate of ambrosia for her.
Oh Zach <tears up> that's so lovely.

Not those girls again?
Zach: Oh no, just I'm late. I'm meeting Casey at the library 'cos he's going to give me some more guitar lessons.

Zach: Thanks heaps.
Casey: No worries. Did you remember your guitar?
Zach: lol, yep, got it this time.

Hi Trinity. I didn't realize you came too.
Trinity: Yes, although I don't know if I'll be able to get much work done with those two arguing about who won so loudly like that.

Trinity: Oh, My Rice! How lovely to see you here.
Loty: Trinity! What a pleasant surprise! How are you my dear?

Any luck finding that super rare fossil you're after?
Lily: No, not so far.
It's lovely here though. This is where you and Ash got married, just over there.

Lily: I miss Ash but it all feels like it happened so long ago.
Are you falling for Casey?
Lily: No, of course not.
Lily... let's just be honest and talk this through, ok? You look and sound like you need to sort this all out.
Lily: I do, thank you. I guess it's just that Casey and I have been BFF for quite a while now. We clicked straight away that day we met in the park.
I remember. But you and Ash were made for each other.
Lily: But he's not here, with me, anymore. I.... I just don't know anymore. I can't seem to figure it all out.

So what are you going to do?  You have to talk to Casey one way or another. Really Lily, you can't keep him hanging on and hoping that you will want to start something with him.
Lily: It all seems so mixed up. My elder birthday is just around the corner. Then how would I explain it all to Ash. I don't know if he would ever understand, or forgive me...
Then make a decision. Any decision. You'll know if it's the wrong one because it will feel wrong! Right? But you will never know if you don't actually make that decision...
Lily: What would you do?
Honestly? I'd tell Casey to back off. He will respect your decision and still be your friend. If that's what you are worried about.
Lily: It's just that Casey is so persuasive and somehow it seems right when I'm with him.
Oh Lily, how can you be so clever and yet so unsure of yourself? Make a decision... ok. Just actually do it.

Zach: Ow.. err, that wasn't quite right.
Casey: It's fine. you'll hit many wrong notes on your journey towards the right tune!

Casey: Whew! think I've a bit of a headache happening!
Zach: Sorry... it's just I want to be able to play for Trinity on my birthday.
Casey: It's not you Zach, I've just got this thing going on that I can't seem to solve...

Any fish?
Beth: Two angelfish and quite a few salmon.
Dude: Hmm, no angelfish for me tonight. Quite frustrating.

Casey: You know Zach? I think you're ready! Just remember to try and not look your fingers as you play, try to commit the fingering for the chords to memory.

Zach: You know... I think I've got it!
I think it sounds beautiful. There's something about a guy that can play a guitar. <Thinks to herself....Ohhhhh, that's what's got Lily all mixed up, the romance of Casey's guitar playing.....> I'll see you guys at home, I've got something I've got to go and do.
Zach: We'll meet you back there, Mr.H. Casey and I are heading to the gym first.
Oh right. I'll see you at the gym then, a bit later on.

Zach: <grunt> OK so it's supposed to hurt?
Dude: Lol, yeah, a little you know. You have to be able to feel it otherwise it isn't really working.
Zach: Thats cool then. I want to be ready for my birthday, you know?

Lots of nice ladies here Casey.
Casey: Are you in the same dimension as me?
What? Look around you. There's a least five or six lovely ladies, all single...
Casey: Yeah, not to be rude but there is not a single sim here who can even come close to being as beautiful as Lily.

What about the lady that is mentoring you? She's got a beautiful face.
Casey: Pity 'bout the rest of her eh?
I'm going home.
Casey: Good idea.

Casey: We need to talk Lily.
Lily: Oh hi Casey. I'm...
Casey: ... a bit busy right now. Yes. You always are doll. Thing is Lily, we do really need to talk. Now, please. I can't go on like this and I'm sure you can't really either.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #426 on: January 02, 2015, 02:44:46 AM »
Oh no... This suspense is killing me!  That kind of decision... I can't even imagine!  Poor Lily...

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #427 on: January 02, 2015, 02:49:14 AM »
hehe...well, if it's killing you I better post up the next chapter quick smart!  ;)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #428 on: January 02, 2015, 03:03:56 AM »
Chapter 103: A Stolen Moment

Casey: Thank you. I know you don't want to talk doll. I think you know that we need to though, right?
Lily: It's ok. I know... it just seems all so confusing.
Casey: Look, let's sit eh.

Casey: Doll, we're both adults so let's be honest with each other. I think I've loved you since the moment I first met you in the park that day.
Lily: I know, I felt something too but I don't feel free... or unmarried.
Casey: But you feel lonely don't you?
Lily: Yes.
Casey: Well married people don't feel lonely.... I'm right here, now.

Lily: But we are friends Casey. You can keep me company but just being my friend, right?

Casey: That's not sharing your life with me, your every moment, thought and hope is it? I don't just want a part of you Lily. I want all of you. It's like I said in those songs I wrote for you; I want to be in every breath that you take. One kiss Lily, thats all I want to start with. You'll know we're right if you give us a chance.

Lily: I don't know, I'm not sure. How do I explain it all to Ash... He's given his life up for me.

Casey: And I would too, in a heartbeat, if you would just take a chance, take a risk of happiness. One kiss Lilly.

Lily: One kiss....

Lily: <gasp>
Casey: <groan> Oh doll.... you're so beautiful...

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #429 on: January 02, 2015, 03:12:39 AM »
Oh poor Lily.  That can't be easy for her.  Being alone as she is.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #430 on: January 02, 2015, 04:05:22 AM »
Lily would be so torn, not knowing how to love again - but I can't help but like Casey, he is a charmer and I am sure that Ash and him probably would have been 'Bro's' if they were young together!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #431 on: January 02, 2015, 04:47:17 AM »
@Shewolf13  @KTK10  Thanks for your support on this one. You know, that 'Bro' idea has me thinking.... <runs off to save Casey to the library>  ;)

I guess time will tell how these two work out their lives. This watchers given up trying to make her sims do what she wants them to.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #432 on: January 02, 2015, 07:23:04 AM »
Oooh, so many updates!

I honestly feel for poor Lily - that is not a situation I would want to be in. Follow your heart dear, and I'm sure Ash would understand. I can't help but like Casey - the way both he and Dude have just taken Zach under their wings the way they have - it's endearing. It makes sense for Dude - he's the very definition of a family Patriarch, and he's looking out for Trinity's future in a way that's far more constructive than threats to "behave yourself around my great granddaughter or else" - by raising and encouraging the teenager himself. It's quite admirable. And Casey - he definitely has his qualities, too.

Lovely series of updates as usual, Playalot! :)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #433 on: January 02, 2015, 09:06:41 AM »
hmmm caught up.. @Playalot I sent you a PM.. LOL Lily is as beautiful as the rest.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #434 on: January 02, 2015, 11:14:27 PM »
@Whirligig I agree, what a difficult situation for poor Lily. Thank you for your comments!

@sdhoey , glad we got that sorted! I think Lily looks very like Bella Goth, mind you I haven't out them side by side (so to speak) but every time I look at her I just think 'Bella'.

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