Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124277 times)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #360 on: December 23, 2014, 02:19:58 AM »
Awww, I know. I just love Dude. He's so cool to hang with!  ;)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #361 on: December 23, 2014, 02:54:08 AM »
Chapter 88: Ash Quits

Hey Jamel.
Hey Watcher.
You know that you can actually take a break and stuff?
Sure. I will, once I've reached my dream.
Well, ok then. Are you hungry? Do you want me to get you some food?
Nope. I'm all good. Thanks though.
How about some bacon? Everyone loves bacon.
No.. lol, honestly, I'm fine.

Gosh! Is everyone up this morning?
Ash: Hmm, looks like.
<Yawn> It's so early, not even quite dawn yet.
Dude: Dawn's only a few minutes away. It's just that you're lazy.
Am not.
Dude: When's the last time you did some exercise then?
Errr.... <flustered> That's not the point.
Dude: Sure it is. Like what do you even do?
<groan> I need coffee, I'm still half asleep.
Dude: As I was saying...
Stow it sunshine. I'm not the one with a daughter who has a Sour Punch for breakfast.
Dude: Least I don't have a sour temper.
I heard that.

<slurping coffee> Hmm, Garden's looking good Trinity.
Trinity: Thanks! It's all starting to grow quite well I think.

Trinity: I think there must be a better way to weed. I just seem to spread these little seeds every where that then grow into even more weeds.
Hmm, probably. Ask your dad, he's the gardening expert.

Jamel: Then I thought that perhaps I better kill of the antagonist.. but then I remembered that I needed him for chapter 12...
Trinity: Oh what a dilemma. Maybe you could introduce a new antagonist?
Jamel: I don't think that would work really, I'm not sure the reader would buy into that.

Trinity: Ooooo I love writing and talking about it.
Jamel: Ohhh <giggle> I love talking about writing.

It's so strange that the desert is so cold in the mornings.
Lily: Yes, well I don't really have the time for a meteorological lesson just now.
Lily: <sigh>The branch of science concerned with the processes and phenomena of the atmosphere, especially as a means of forecasting the weather.
Lily: Yes, it's so strange how cold the mornings are.
That's what I was just saying.

Lily: Got to go now... you'd better head home <under her breath: before I hurt you>.
K then. <grin> Never fails to wind her up.

Wow! High five! You just aced your aspiration, you tech Guru you!
Ash: Wicked!
Go on, quit your job. Enjoy your last days. Do it!

Ash: You talked me into it!

Ash: Hhm hm. I see. Hmmm
What are they saying?

Ash: I know I'm the best worker you've ever had but I've got things I need to do. Thanks, but double pay just won't make me change my mind.


Ash: So that's me! Done and dusted!
Dude: That's great Ash! Join me in a work out?

Woah! That's not my definition of taking it easy!
Dude: Butt out.

Dude: Is your bottom lip trembling?
Ash: Nope, no way.
Dude: Looks like it from here.
Ash: You need glasses then old man.

Ash: Oh the moon looks so amazing tonight.

Sure does. Man you look cute!

Lily: <breathless> Woah, what was that for? Not that I'm complaining.
Ash: That was a pretty manly kiss eh?
Lily: Why yes... of course...
Ash: Not cute in any way?
Lily: Cute? Umm, no that wasn't what came to mind.
Ash: Good.... come here Babe.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #362 on: December 23, 2014, 05:37:03 AM »
It only took 2 days but FINALLY I'm all caught up. I wish I could have commented as you went along as it is such wonderful writing. The way you handled all the glitches was incredible, and your screenshots are just getting better and better! Well done Playalot - I can't wait to read more.  ;D

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #363 on: December 24, 2014, 02:54:30 AM »
Chapter 89: Christmas

I'm glad to see you out here Trinity, even though it is Christmas Eve.
Trinity: Thanks Watcher, well the bugs needed spraying so I thought I'd do it nice and early before it gets too hot.
Hmmm, good idea. That jersey looks a bit hot for summer.
Trinity: Yeah, but I thought I'd get into the xmas spirit and all that.
It looks lovely.

Wow! I didn't know you could take cuttings yet! You must be racing through your gardening skills!
Trinity: Oh, I don't know about that. I'm about half way but I can definitely take cuttings... see?

Dude: It's nearly time to round everyone up Ash.
Ash: Story time?
Dude: You bet!

Trinity: Already? I'm so close to finishing this chapter dad!
Ash: It will keep love, Christmas only comes once a year.

Ash: Besides I know that Jamel's been working on his xmas tale all day!
Jamel: I have too. I think I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I'll just check it over one more time....

Ash: The suspense is Killing me!
Jamel: Well I'll only be a minute.
Trinity: Dad, you have no patience!

Dude: Here you all are, come on. It's time.
Jamel: Righty-o. With a Ho Ho Ho... let's go.
Ash: Lol, that was terrible!
Dude: That's the spirit!

Ash: Pffftt, I'm not scared at all.
Beth: <gasp> OOooooOO
Dude: <thinking to himself> That's one good tale. Maybe it is true...

Lily: Jamel! That was terrific! No wonder your books are best sellers!
Dude: Well done Jamel. This is what Christmas is all about, family just being together.
Trinity: <clearing her throat> I just want to say that I love you all and thanks for all the help you guys give me. I appreciate it.

Dude: Aw hun, you're welcome.
Ash: I love you too and I'm proud of you for sticking with your goals even when you really wanted to be doing anything else but working hard!
Beth: I think that we've all done well and deserve a break! maybe just for a couple of days eh?
Lily: Great idea mum!

Trinity: Maybe we could go somewhere cold enough to really need to wear our Christmas jerseys eh?
Ash: lol, good idea, I'm starting to sweat!
Jamel: Eww, lol thanks for the information, not! lol
Dude: I quite fancy going camping.

Ash: You know Dude, that sounds really great! I second a camping holiday.
Trinity: K, now that's sorted, who's for a game of cards? last one upstairs has to deal.

Ash: I love you Lily.
Lily: Me too.

Ash: <wink> Gottcha
Lily: Awww. <swoon>Every time. <giggle>

Ash: Babe, as much as I love kissing you, I've got to take this jersey off, I'm melting.
Lily: Me too... only it's not the jersey that's melting me!

Ash: A rose my love.
Lily: So serious!
Ash: Hmmm, reflective more I think.

Ash: Merry Christmas Lily, with all my heart.
Lily: Ohh, Merry Christmas Ash.

Lily: You know you're the love of my life.... <whispering> I've just never told you that.
Ash: That's the best Christmas present I've ever had.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #364 on: December 24, 2014, 03:07:12 AM »
Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you all have a lovely day spent with who you most want to be with and doing the things you love best.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #365 on: December 24, 2014, 06:21:12 AM »
Great set up for the game pack and a really cute Christmas update! Marry Christmas to you and yours Playalot  ;D

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #366 on: December 24, 2014, 10:42:16 AM »
*cries* Merry Christmas Playalot!! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #367 on: December 24, 2014, 06:33:25 PM »
Awww!  That was so cute!  Merry Christmas Playalot!  Hope your holidays are filled with cheer and love!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #368 on: December 25, 2014, 09:56:14 PM »
Hi, Big Sis~ #spoiled little brat mode: on
It’s like forever since I met you, lol. I’m here as I promised though sorry for a long delay. Hope everything is good ;D


I love the new concept that you use here, Big Sis. Hidden the face of the founder and heir to make they look like mysterious. I think that’s one of the charming points. That makes reader predict what kind of emotions/face that they have there. That’s a good way to sharpen our imagination and hey—it’s a new innovation.

However, that’s too bad you didn’t use that until your ID finished lol. That’d be a great thing to make readers curious. That’s kind of mischievous. ::)

But, nah! You’re not a meanie.

Another thing that I loved is the conversation when Immortal requirements completed. This adds another touch to your project.  Not to mention that you’re good with building and stuffs, that’s kind of wonderful y’know.

And how the story flow, it looks natural and enjoyable; so many hilarious things and you know how to balance things. Everything has it portions but your randomness is truly priceless. It seems that you have found a style that makes you truly comfortable ;)

Now for the story things:

Well… I’m surprised to see the dynamics of relationship in your Dynasty. It seems like a fun time there especially when Dude hanging out with the other guys and …yourself. Don’t forget about Terrence, that pink cap is really… something.

And what you’re doing to Lily as kid, I’m utterly speechless, lol. That’s amazing y’know to have all of her aspiration completed <shudder> It’s a sad thing for what happened to Rex, Lily and him could be an item if something not happened.

Beth face is just like her old man, now wonder that… lol. She would be different if she’s a man. I think I would do the same if there’s Sim that I despise of. Stick with ‘em if not for Dynasty rules are totally nightmare, lol.

I agree with your point in Chapter 68, nowadays generation didn’t take respect of working hard anymore *old fashioned way*, they seem love to get something easy, with less of effort *shakes head* they should know that what comes easy won’t last long. And nothing last forever, they should consider about their future incase if there’s something not working out as planned. *I missed the good old days, but with nowadays tech lol*

One word for Ash, instead of infuriating, I think for me he’s eccentric in a good way. He also a man of principle, I love the moment when Trin asked him about just take over the garden. Awesome Dad! He has my respect for that ;)

And Trinity, she’s so innocent and straight-forward herself :D

Despite for all troubles and glitches, I wish you good luck with your Immortal Dynasty and thank you for sharing the helpful tips :)

P.S: Wish you had a very merry Christmas and I hope that you’ll have the best holidays :)
P.P.S: I think readalot really help me to speed things up without skimming the whole things. It’s a good thing from studying boring books, lol.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #369 on: December 26, 2014, 04:10:46 AM »
Thanks for your kind wishes everyone!

@arimau . Wow! Thanks for the huge comments.  :) I've had a lot of fun with this game file, in all honesty some of the glitches have been just hilariously funny! At the end of the day I will get to generation 8 even if it ends up as a misc. story due to a 'mistake' etc that breaks the rules. So far so good though!
Terrence's pink cap was already there as a townie. I try not to change them overly as that's just who they are. I really liked him in it anyway. Still don't know what happened to his shirt though... hahha, not that I was overly worried!  :P
I'm so glad that I had the chance to do all those aspirations with child-Lily as the most recent patch has really made them all a lot easier to the point where it really isn't much of a challenge at all.
Beth... yeah <pass>.
Ash... he's such a cool sim, I'm loving that self assured trait, the autonomous actions that he does.. lol, are just great.
So, yeah... I guess that's it really. Hope you've had a super xmas too. One filled with good cheer and all that jazz.  :)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #370 on: December 26, 2014, 06:43:26 PM »
Merry Christmas, Playalot! I adore just how affectionate your couples are. Do they do that on free will, or is there always a bit of a nudge on your part?
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #371 on: December 26, 2014, 07:26:17 PM »
@Whirligig, Merry xmas to you too! Well I have this 'rule' where I have to get couples to max friendship and max romantic relationship bars out before they can get engaged, married, woohoo/try for baby. So by the time they are married etc the autonomous interactions just happen all the time. So, initially it's me dictating what happens on their dates and such and then mostly just the sims doing their thing. Although I do sometimes completely change who their spouse was going to be based on how little romantic autonomous interactions there is between them at the date stage. I figure if they don't even want to flirt with each other when flirty then its just 'not meant to be'.  :)  Just my silly 'rules' of play!

It's a good thing that roses are free in TS4 though otherwise Ash would have bankrupted the house, he seems to like giving flowers to Lily, a lot! Ha! For a while I wondered if it was another glitch but they do actually just talk with each other too.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #372 on: December 26, 2014, 09:08:12 PM »
I like your rule for relationships! Merry Christmas to you, too -- I've enjoyed reading your stories so much.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #373 on: December 28, 2014, 01:05:17 PM »
@MarianT thanks, well you know you were my inspiration after reading your TS3 stories  :) The 'rules' do make it quite fun to play the earlier stages of a relationship when you have these 'goals' in mind.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #374 on: December 28, 2014, 03:53:26 PM »
Merry Christmas Playalot, hope you had as much fun as your sims did.

