Author Topic: Starlighter Immortal Dynasty Graveyard  (Read 11983 times)

Offline Lunarpixels

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Re: Starlighter Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2014, 12:58:10 PM »
Chapter 3

Kay: Helloo everyone!
Hello, Kay. What are you doing here?
Kay: Just saying hello, is that so bad?
Yes, I have a very important something to tell them.
Kay: Then get on with it!

Well anyway, hello people of the forum, we left off at a certain picture that I assume piked some interest. Well, I want to say that it's true! I am proposing to Darien!

Darien, my love, we both know it had to be eventually, so here it is. Will you marry me?

Darien: Oh my watcher, of course I will marry you!

Kay: Am I the only one who feels that was one of the most boring proposals I've ever seen?

Shut up, Kay. It was heartfelt.

I think I'm going to love this life.

Kay: I'm glad, now to cover some of Summers life.

Right, well Summer hasn't really been up to much, cooking,


And I love how she walks, it's so perky.

Here's a shot of me writing, we haven't had one of those yet. I'm already making a ton off of royalties!

Darien and I decided to have our wedding on the weekend, the only days we both had off. It was a blast, and we got a gold!

Kay: Which honestly is a first for me, parties don't tend to go in my favor.

It was the best day of my life, although I didn't get a dress for some reason.

We got a bar, so Summer could get her promotion. We need all the money we can get.

Then after the party, well, that's self explanatory.

Great news!

I'm pregnant! I decided to tell Darien,

That was the happiest man I've ever seen.

On another note, you might have noticed an archway behind me. Well, we've done some renovations with my royalty money.

Not the most beautiful of houses, but it's home. Well, this update shall be ended here, until next time!

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Re: Starlighter Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2014, 01:18:07 PM »
Yeah, nooboo! I love the decoration in the kitchen/ bar area, so cool! I've been wondering when we'd get more updates, so glad to see this here this morning.  :) Kay and Darien are going to have such cute kiddies!
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Offline Lunarpixels

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Re: Starlighter Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #17 on: November 23, 2014, 01:24:29 PM »
Chapter 4

Kay: Aand, action!
This isn't a tv show, Kay.
Kay: Shh, let me have my moment.

*rolls eyes* Well, hello again, we're back for a double update!

Kay: Also known as I -the watcher- has been occupied and neglected this story and this is making up for it.

Well, yes this is true. Anyway, into our lives. Summer has been working until about two in the morning, and she comes home exhausted. She only gets a couple hours of sleep each night.

Summer: Well I wake up at six in the morning, every morning, to attend to the garden and make breakfast and lunch, then by the time that's all over I have to work.
Kay: The joys of a dynasty helper, amiright.
Summer: I also travel a lot, to collect various fruits and herbs that I don't yet have. Also frogs.

Yes, because frogs are so important. Oh well, it keeps her busy. I however, haven't had the energy to do anything but write. And look at me, I'm huge!

I was about to go speak with Summer, about dinner. But I heard her pounding on a pan, and decided not to ask.

Right as I was about to continue writing, my water broke! I was in labor for a few hours,

Before this happened!

Everyone, meet little Aiden Starlighter. The first male Starlighter heir to be born. I was quite tired after hours of labor, so Summer took over on baby duty.

There was an instant connection, and she knew right then what she wanted to do. But before telling me, she had to get to work. Well, I thought it was work anyway. But when she got back, it was a baby!

Everyone meet, Gracelyn Holiday. Summer connected with Aiden right away, and she knew she wanted a baby to call her own. And Darien, he makes a wonderful father.

After my nap, I finally got a chance to really meet my little baby boy.

Summer: On another hunt for resources, I found an odd looking tree,

Summer: I decided to look around the tree a bit, to see why it was so big and beautiful. Soon after, a door opened.

Summer: I followed the tunnels inside, and I found something you wouldn't believe!

Summer: It was this beautiful glade called Sylvan Glade. I looked around and found cherry trees, mushrooms, and pears. Then I had to get home, it was my daughters birthday!

Gracelyn aged up to be an adorable young girl, and she wants to be a rambunctious scamp. To help her with that, we got a play ground.

Now to end this update, Aiden aged up as well! And so far, I have no idea who he looks like.

Offline Lunarpixels

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Re: Starlighter Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #18 on: November 23, 2014, 01:25:57 PM »
Yeah, nooboo! I love the decoration in the kitchen/ bar area, so cool! I've been wondering when we'd get more updates, so glad to see this here this morning.  :) Kay and Darien are going to have such cute kiddies!
Kay is me, Koryn is the founder :) and yes they do, the baby is so cute! And sorry it's taken so long, been super busy!

Offline Playalot

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Re: Starlighter Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #19 on: November 23, 2014, 02:33:32 PM »
opps, sorry, having a name crisis today... I think I over did the playtime thing and I'm really tired! Lol Who knew playing games could be exhausting  ::)
How did your NaNoWriMo project go? If that's not being nosey  :)
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Offline Lunarpixels

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Re: Starlighter Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #20 on: November 23, 2014, 05:12:18 PM »
opps, sorry, having a name crisis today... I think I over did the playtime thing and I'm really tired! Lol Who knew playing games could be exhausting  ::)
How did your NaNoWriMo project go? If that's not being nosey  :)
It's not nosey :) I kinda gave up on NaNo this year :P my wrist started to hurt last week, making it impossible to write, because I overdid it a few years ago and screwed my wrist up. I got to 17,000 words though. I'm not giving up on the story, but I'm not gonna be able to make the 50.

Offline arimau

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Re: Starlighter Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #21 on: November 23, 2014, 06:27:41 PM »
Your founder is beautiful and it has interesting background story, even I don't know what they're talking about. Maybe it's related to previous story that you had? :P As usual your house building is charming. It even looks good without anything inside from outside.  And that's not a boring proposal, just too direct and bold ::)

Aiden looks like a cat :P

It seems that you're having fun with the introduction. Oh! The conversation between Kay and Koryn is entertaining. I enjoyed it a lot :)

Good luck with your Immortal Dynasty, Artsy! 8)
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Re: Starlighter Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #22 on: November 23, 2014, 09:33:29 PM »
Summer is a real trooper with helping out, she was definitely a great choice  :) Aiden looks like he might be a cutey and so does Gracelyn. Can't wait to see what happens next and congrats on the Gold for your wedding!

Offline Lunarpixels

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Re: Starlighter Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #23 on: November 23, 2014, 10:11:43 PM »
Your founder is beautiful and it has interesting background story, even I don't know what they're talking about. Maybe it's related to previous story that you had? :P As usual your house building is charming. It even looks good without anything inside from outside.  And that's not a boring proposal, just too direct and bold ::)

Aiden looks like a cat :P

It seems that you're having fun with the introduction. Oh! The conversation between Kay and Koryn is entertaining. I enjoyed it a lot :)

Good luck with your Immortal Dynasty, Artsy! 8)
Thank you very much, Ari. And yes it's from a previous story. Sadly all of my screenshots for the previous story were deleted from the website so it's quite a hassle to try to read. Aiden does kind of look like a cat :P I love writing the conversations between my sims and I, I actually say them outloud while playing so why not include them here ::)

Summer is a real trooper with helping out, she was definitely a great choice  :) Aiden looks like he might be a cutey and so does Gracelyn. Can't wait to see what happens next and congrats on the Gold for your wedding!
I love Summer, she is a huge help. I'm really liking Aiden and Gracelyn so far, I'll be so sad to see my little Gracie die. But that's a ways away XD And thank you! I was so shocked I got it to gold.

Offline Lunarpixels

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Re: Starlighter Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #24 on: December 25, 2014, 08:30:28 PM »
Wow guys I am so sorry that it's been so long! I've been so busy trying to keep up with school and learn new things and try to keep up with a relationship that's been having some difficulties and ugh. I've just been busy with no time to write but fear no more! I have returned again.

Chapter 4

Oh! Hello people of the forum! Merry Christmas! It's been quite a long time since we last spoke and even more has happened so I am excited to tell you what has happened. For starters, Aiden has decided he wants to be an artist so we got him an art table

He and I also decided to spend some time together on the couch for a bit, he feels quite lonely because Gracie is quite outgoing and is always outside.

We got him a teddy bear, which he promptly named Bebo and he likes to tell Bebo stories

He's quite the neat child, and he cleans everywhere

And for whatever reason I've neglected to take many photos, so the last one for the day shall be of Gracie and Aiden becoming friends!

Hey guys again I am so so sorry that it's been so long I haven't had time to even be on the forum let alone update but I'll do my best to have a schedule, or at least keep up with it :P And I'm really sorry it was so short, I thought I had more screenshots. I'm going into game tonight so there'll be another sometime soon.     Until next time!

Tell me what you think!

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Re: Starlighter Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #25 on: December 25, 2014, 09:42:50 PM »
I think that the kids are gorgeous and will hang around to read whenever you get a chance to write!  ;D

Offline arimau

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Re: Starlighter Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #26 on: December 25, 2014, 10:06:21 PM »
That’s alright. I’ve been gone too long too, lol. So, you’re not alone. Real life as priority first, Artsy! Readers won’t go anywhere :)
Merry Christmas to you, wish that you had a wonderful time! Looking forward to read more!

Hope things will be alright *finger crossed* :)
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Offline Playalot

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Re: Starlighter Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #27 on: December 26, 2014, 03:49:05 AM »
The screenshot with Aiden mopping the floor is quite touching, poor wee kid cleaning at his age!  :)
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Re: Starlighter Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #28 on: December 27, 2014, 08:02:07 AM »
I know this is a bit strange, but I like Summer! Poor girl, resigned to being a dynasty helper and yet she's just so optimistic.

The kids are really cute - so good to see that they're getting along too. I wonder how well?

I know what it's like when you think you have more screenshots that you actually do. It's just so easy to get carried away playing this game, isn't it?
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Offline Lunarpixels

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Re: Starlighter Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #29 on: December 28, 2014, 03:30:41 PM »
Thanks everyone for being so patient! I've done a lot in game and made sure to take screenshots this time!

Chapter 5

Hello all, we have a bit more to say this time thankfully! Summer has been working hard at the garden, and has finally gotten a cherry cutting!

She's also been using the bar more and more, she's getting pretty good!

Ah, sort of.

Kay: Great now she smells like drink

Kay: Even though they don't have holidays -yet- I got them a christmas tree!

It's useless

Kay: It's pretty! It's not like you're ever out here anyway.

Both of the kids have got As in school!

Aiden: No clue how
Gracie: Because we're awesome, that's how.

Kay: Riiight

Well, we've added these adorable dolls to the kids room, now they're constantly playful

Also, I'm pregnant!

Kay: Yay... more sims. You know I was happy with just the five of you.

Well I'm happy. Darien got a new career in athletics, so he's been working out

Kay: He's gonna be an elder soon, he has to be careful.

I try not to think of that. Well, with the incoming baby I figured we need more space, so we had Kay rebuild. I'm gonna miss this house though. Here's the first floor, it's pretty bare right now.

And here's the upper floor, the rooms are Gracies, the new babys, and Aidens.

That rainbow room is the playroom, I quite like it. I don't go up there much though. We'll end this update with a picture of my pregnant belly. I'm in my second trimester.

Kay: I'm worried

That's that for today! I don't know when the next update will be, probably next year ;D Tell me what you think! Until next time!

