For some reason, it's hysterical to me that Esther loves vampires, but plays with needs static and misses out on the primary thing about vampires.
My current vampire doesn't get sick from eating regular food, but it doesn't satisfy her thirst at all. Sometimes she sits down to eat a meal with the family just to hang out with them. She's also eaten a lot of apples and watermelon to get a particular gender baby and doesn't get sick from it. However, she does get sick if she eats garlic! That's all that happens, too. She eats garlic, gets the 2 hour nauseous moodlet, then runs to throw up when it runs out.
I'm also experiencing the fang phenomenon. The mother was turned from a regular Sim and has fangs. Her daughter just aged to Young Adult and she has no fangs. She's got the skin, mark, and eyes, but no fangs.