I would not be surprised if the Magic Realm is banned for this dynasty as well as spellcasters in general. Glimmerbrook is not compatible with this Dynasty as it only has four lots, one is a community lot and the only empty lot is a tiny 30x20 and the others are probably too small. Because Glimmerbrook is probably not a good place to do this Dynasty and the Magic Realm will probably be banned, I wouldn't be angry if this was the first pack that gets banned for the Dynasty and you have to disable it to play the challenge for the Hall of Fame, there is so much EZPZ stuff that makes the challenge mindless it's stupid:
* Death Flowers and Angelfish can be purchased from the Caster's Ally. Sure, it might not always be there, but if you are a rich Dynasty founder, you will grab 999 Death Flowers if you have the chance!
* Certain things(Familiars, Potion of Potent Resurrection) protect from a fatal death, so heirs no longer need to hide in bunkers and do nothing.
* Non-spellcaster heir dead from fire? Just cast Necrocall and Dedeathify, you're safe!
I agree with Carl's video, EA needs to do some nerfs to this pack or we need to force Dynasty challengers to install nerf mods. This may be the first challenge which not only allows nerf mods, it demands them!
Also, has anyone had issues with the game crashing randomly? I have, which cost me a Dynasty. I think that Sims 4 is getting too bloated with content. Might give up on Sims 4 and pretend it never existed, might go back to Sims 3 or just stop Simming in general and go back to Pokemon. I hate to be depressed but it was inevitable that EA Maxis has made Sims 4 jump the shark just for a cash grab and not carefully checking their content. I mean, my game started glitching a lot. I think my game crashed because I teleported into the Secret Lab in Strangerville.