Hi guys. I have a quick question. Maybe I'm confused. I've read about 35 pages of the thread but haven't quite made it to the end, so I apologize if this has been asked and answered. When museum items were being discussed, it was said that an heir had to do all the work themselves in order to contribute items to the museum. I get that just fine. However, I was wondering about aspirations, specifically Freelance Botanist, Collector, and Angling Ace. The game counts ALL items in the household as part of the Sim's "collection". So, for the Collector aspiration, if the household has already completed a collection, that Sim would get aspirational credit, even if they never collected a single one of those items. Similarly, if the family has fished a lot--which they would in order to get angelfish--a later heir with the Angling Ace aspiration would have a much easier time completing the aspiration goal of collecting 20 different kinds of fish.
I am assuming this is known and okay because otherwise you'd be forced into doing the Nature aspirations with the founder in order not to make it easier later on. So, is this an issue or am I overthinking it?