@geekischic: Lol, Don was your town mattress?! lol
@Joria, someone else already mentioned this but you might enjoy the tournament challenges. As you know, I'm now playing my eighth dynasty attempt which failed because my Gen6 heir bought a previously-assigned reward trait, but I'm playing it to the end anyway for the learning experience. Lol, when I start up, I just rename my Dynasty excel file (thank you, Lena) and make revisions based on my latest failure. I really like the tournament challenges, which are all well designed and supervised. Each tournament challenge usually lasts no longer than one or two age stages: 20 days (YA phase) or 40 days (YA and Adult phases), so my usual intensity and frustration don't last long. A relaxing break from dynasty gameplay, especially since I'm not a good enough player to stress over a top-ranking score, hehe. Joria, each tournament forces us to focus on a particular aspect of gameplay but I cannot resist completing the garden anyway.
Oops, this post got too long. I just wanted to share that you're not the only one who is repeatedly starting over.
Erm, misery loves company? *shuffles feet