Author Topic: The Sims 4 Immortal Dynasty Challenge  (Read 1024494 times)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Sims 4 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #1065 on: May 10, 2015, 03:55:48 PM »
Sorry for the double post!

Regarding the museum: as long as the museum pieces stay within the room, can we change walls, floors and decor objects after ambrosia has been eaten? Or must it stay exactly the same from the time items are placed and ambrosia is eaten?

I only ask because I have some idea on what the room should look like, but later on something else might be more interesting.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: The Sims 4 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #1066 on: May 10, 2015, 05:45:30 PM »
Yes, you can change the museum room walls + floors + decor objects.  It is the museum pieces that must remain the same after ambrosia has been eaten.

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Offline geekischic

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Re: The Sims 4 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #1067 on: May 10, 2015, 07:58:25 PM »
Just started my new challenge in oasis springs, where I had played a family before. Moved in caliente/lothario, and they are all days away from elder. Do I need to restart?

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Re: The Sims 4 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #1068 on: May 10, 2015, 09:45:17 PM »
Welcome to our Forum, @geekischic.

Just started my new challenge in oasis springs, where I had played a family before.
Did you start a new game?  You can't use an old game where you had played a family before.

Moved in caliente/lothario, and they are all days away from elder. Do I need to restart?
All days away from elder?  Sorry I don't understand, can you please explain?

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Re: The Sims 4 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #1069 on: May 10, 2015, 10:04:14 PM »
From aging to elder. I clicked the plus at the startup.  Will retry, would rather not so many sims in my house!

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Re: The Sims 4 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #1070 on: May 11, 2015, 12:09:49 AM »
If you click on the plus sign at the startup and didn't start with a brand new virgin town, then something is wrong with your file.  Try repairing it through Origin, clear your cache files, and restart.

Will retry, would rather not so many sims in my house!
If you rather not have so many sims in your house, then don't invite them in?  Just invite spouse.  Also at the start of a new game, caliente/lothario are young adults, you need to wait for them to age accordingly.

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Re: The Sims 4 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #1071 on: May 11, 2015, 12:56:55 AM »
I have two questions, sorry if they have already been answered.. At what age can an heir's prospective spouse be moved in? (If the heir is a teenager and so is the potential spouse) And can Insta Lean potion (or any of the potions I guess) be brought only by an heir and therefore used as one of the unique rewards? Thanks heaps

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Re: The Sims 4 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #1072 on: May 11, 2015, 01:28:15 AM »

At what age can an heir's prospective spouse be moved in? (If the heir is a teenager and so is the potential spouse)
Any age.  Yes, you can move in your "teenager" potential spouse.

And can Insta Lean potion (or any of the potions I guess) be brought only by an heir and therefore used as one of the unique rewards? Thanks heaps

4. Purchase four rewards not bought by other Heirs.

If you are planning on using Insta Lean potion as one of your four unique reward requirement (the above rule), then only that heir can buy it.
If you are not planning on using this potion as unique reward (free for all), then any heir can buy it.

If you own all the expansion packs, there are currently "43" rewards available.  8 heirs X 4 unique rewards = 32 unique rewards.
This leaves "11" rewards that are free for all, can be shared among all your heirs.

Household members are not tied to the same restriction, they are free to purchase anything with their points.

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Re: The Sims 4 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #1073 on: May 11, 2015, 01:52:00 AM »
Thank you so much Nutella - such an quick response.

Offline EtnaFan666

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Re: The Sims 4 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #1074 on: May 11, 2015, 02:29:39 AM »

Just to clarify this... so, for example, in my dynasty I have a sim in my house who I have used to make nooboos in 6 other households. Could my current heir now marry/hook up with/ him and have a nooboo that would now be the future heir?

All right, I know I'm not actively playing the Sims 4 and this is an older post, but I have to make a few comments about this question. Yes, you can promote the pollinator Sim to heir's spouse... but would having a baby with the former pollinator make all those babies he made outside of the household be related to the heir?
I play The Sims 4 for fun, so I don't care if I never end up being interviewed for the Dynasty Hall of Fame; people who play for keeps burn out too easily and don't enjoy playing the games, so I am going to not sweat the details.

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Sims 4 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #1075 on: May 11, 2015, 05:29:47 AM »
@Nutella Thank you once again.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Re: The Sims 4 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #1076 on: May 12, 2015, 07:17:25 PM »
I have just hit a glitch where my founder completed  the Renaissance Sim Aspiration just by selecting it! He is still in the very first and only career he has ever done which is the active science career and yet every single requirement was completed in seconds. I don't understand how this could have happened as the last step of this aspiration is to reach level 3 in 3 careers. I'm really annoyed as I don't have any spare aspirations as I have planned out this dynasty in detail.

I had planned on using this aspiration as my one and only spare aspiration should something go wrong further down the track and now I can't because of this really strange glitch.

I also don't know how to 'remove' the extra satisfaction points he has gained from completing this aspiration and I do not want him to have to quit his career just to legitimately join two other careers so that he has, in real terms, deserved the aspiration completion.

Any suggestions? I'm stumped...and a little annoyed!

*edited I've just noticed that step 3 of this aspiration is reach level 3 in 2 careers...ugh, even worse as there is no way he has done any of this at all.
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Re: The Sims 4 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #1077 on: May 12, 2015, 07:31:27 PM »
Do you have a previous save you can go back to?

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Sims 4 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #1078 on: May 12, 2015, 08:04:07 PM »
No...I had just completed a double save where I get both my save files saved at the same point...ugh. *face palm*

* I really don't want to have to make him quit his career as he is +8 max now... I can just remember that 5000 points are not actually his as that is the amount of the aspiration. It's quite frustrating how this happened though as I thought it was the fab wealthy aspiration that had completed...I should have taken the time to pause the game and read the notification. I guess renaissance sim just became another shared aspiration.  :(
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Re: The Sims 4 Immortal Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #1079 on: May 12, 2015, 08:40:02 PM »
I've never gotten the Ask to Move In interaction with a teen.
Does the asking sim need to be the same age or did I simply give up too quickly?