7. Each Heir needs to complete seven different Whims (but other heirs can complete the same Whims) and each Whim must be tied to a different emotion. For example “Hug Someone from being Happy,” “Do Push Ups from being Energized, or “Take a Shower from being Tense.”
Does this mean, each whim must be tied to a separate emotion, or can we have multiple whims from the same emotion?
For example: (1) happy whim; (2) energized whim; (3) focused whim; (4) flirty whim; (5) confident whim; (6) inspired whim; (7) tense whim.
Or: (1) happy whim; (2) different happy whim; (3) focused whim; (4) flirty whim; (5) different flirty whim; (6) inspired whim; (7) angry whim.