7. Each Heir needs to complete seven different Whims (but other heirs can complete the same Whims) and each Whim must be tied to a different emotion. For example “Hug Someone from being Happy,” “Do Push Ups from being Energized, or “Take a Shower from being Tense.”
There are 3 different whim slots for each sim. The one on the left is the whim tied to their emotions. The other two are tied to their aspiration, traits and skills. Only the whims on the left slot that are tied to emotions, and are coloured (not white) are the ones that count towards this requirement. It's really very easy to get one of each. You don't even have to set out especially to get them all at once, just notice when your sim is in a different mood, fulfil a wish and add it to the list.
As for editing traits in CAS I would say it would almost certainly be a no, but I'll leave that up to the challenge team. If you want to find out the traits of the sims you meet before moving them in, you can use the 'get to know' interaction 3 times. You are allowed to change their aspiration, so the only thing that won't change is their bonus trait. There was a glitch at one point that let you change this trait if you changed aspirations and then used a mirror or dresser to edit CAS normally.