I'm familiar with the mod and IMO it's as inconsequential as a lighting mod. That being said
@Turoskel how different is it from turning post-processing effects off in options? That's where the depth of field is though also among other things.
Edit: for reference here's the side by side by side. While I'm overflowing with CC I don't have any lighting or environment mods in at the moment.
Post-processing effects on, no depth of field remover:
Post-processing effects off, no depth of field remover:
Post-processing effects on, using
Shimrod's Distance Blur remover (yes you can tell I had to reload and no one behaved):
I didn't find any difference between post-processing effects off and the distance blur remover but I'm open to the argument that during gameplay (and not getting quick and dirty comparison shots) there is a difference where one still triggers migraines or eye strain and the other doesn't but for now it just feels like a redundant mod.