**Players can increase the value of their Immortal Family Museum by having an heir contribute four additional museum items (for a total of 12 of a given type) if the heir maxes all five of their toddler's skills, completes a Childhood Aspiration, maxes the Scouts and gets an A in school (as a Child and a Teen).
-- If your heir does all 4 from the above list, you can donate 12 museum items (instead of eight).
-- If your heir does 2 out of 4 from the above list, you can donate 10 museum items (instead of eight).
-- If your heir does 1 out of 4 from the above list, you can donate 9 museum items (instead of eight).
-- If your heir did not do any of the optional requirements, you can donate 8 museum items.
Remember these are optional requirements to increase museum values, does not affect hall of fame eligibility. Spreadsheet for the Immortal Dynasty will be updated shortly.
I just noticed this wasn't clarified when the changes were posted.