Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this.... I guess my dynasty file is getting quite big as now when any sim in the house changes emotions or a notification happens I have to hit pause, wait for about 3 seconds for the emotional change or whatever to happen then hit play again. If I don't all my sims just stand still with their heads bobbing, quite stuck. It even happens when during a conversation the sims get those 'plus signs' I have to pause, wait for the plus signs to happen and then I can hit play again and carry on.
If I try to play in any speed faster than 1 all my sims just get stuck and do the head bobbing. Parties are almost impossible to play at the dynasty house as there is massive lag and stuttering. This doesn't happen when I play on any other lot. I'm assuming it is because of all the items in the dynasty house, paintings, skilling items, potions, fish bowls and such.
I have cleared caches etc etc. It does not effect any of my other game files. It's making playing my dynasty quite tedious as it is very slow going because of having to pause all the time. It's not my PC specs as they are way over recommended.
Any suggestions or similar experiences?