@Joria If you don't want to I don't think it's absolutely necessary to plan out careers and skills, since there's plenty of options for careers and skills are no longer exclusive. However, I would definitely plan out rewards and aspirations, as it's easy to accidentally complete an aspiration or purchase a reward early in the dynasty and not realize you've run out of aspirations/rewards until much later on. At the very least, establish what rewards and aspirations you want to be shared between all of your heirs, and which ones will be unique. Not including bodybuilder (and including stuff added in OR), there are 23 aspirations and 43 rewards. This means 7 shared aspirations and 11 shared rewards. For aspirations I would suggest sharing ones such as Fabulously Wealthy, Mansion Baron, Soulmate, and Successful Lineage. For reward traits I would suggest Potions of Youth, Moodlet Solvers, Career Boosters (Connections and Entrepreneurial) and traits that help with moods such as Never Weary, Steel Bladder, etc. (I prefer skilling traits such as Morning Sim for my own play, but I believe popular opinion would go with the latter traits, especially if you're having difficulty managing needs.) And if you have OR, I highly recommend making Incredibly Friendly a shared trait, as it helps greatly with making those good friends.