Author Topic: The Ratava Legacy [Requesting a Move to the Graveyard]  (Read 31436 times)

Offline imayu94

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Re: The Ratava Legacy: When Seasons Change [New Extra]
« Reply #60 on: November 18, 2014, 06:12:18 AM »
Wow!! Your story telling keeps getting better and better Imayu. The family dynamics are wonderful, I love the teen girls. Can't wait for more  ;D
Thanks! I try my best to write something nice to read. :D

That was absolutely wonderful. I was totally in the moment and visualizing Travis opening his 'mail'. Great story telling!
Thank you!

I'm happy both parents were able to deal with their teen daughters questions.
I've always wondered about that "Ask about Woohoo" interaction. :D

Thanks for the support you guys! I'll be updating for the next chapter (or chapters) soon!
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The Ratava Legacy: When Seasons Change [Chapter 11: Bad Omens]
« Reply #61 on: November 18, 2014, 06:41:45 AM »
Chapter 11: Bad Omens

Days later, things were going great. Yeah… things were great. Brianna’s doing well in school (still on a B, but that’s enough for us). We didn’t have much complaint about it. Aqua had other plans though. She made it a point for Brianna to finish her homework everyday, as always. And in exchange, Brianna coached her on athletics for her astronaut tasks. Bri was completing her aspiration, one day and one person at a time.

She’s so determined to know practically everyone, and her friends stuck around like honey. Especially her childhood friends. Well, at least one particular friend.

Honestly. Sticking like there’s no tomorrow.

Bri has visitors everyday. The old, the young, the slobs that eat our food endlessly, the neat that cleans up everything without asking. But she hasn’t yet seen a friend as close to her than her sister. Since they declared themselves BFFs when they were young, none have been up to par. That seemed to change when a young man knocks at our door.

“Hello! Come in, come in!” I said. I’m doing better at this ‘entertaining’ people. The young lad however, was not as comfortable as I am. He was fidgety, and he looked like he wanted to be alone. “Uh… Brianna’s still at school, but she’ll be home any minute now so you can wait in the living room.”

“Oh… thanks ma’am, but I’m here to see Aqua.”

I raised my eyebrows in curiosity. Aqua? Well that’s new. Refreshingly new.

“Okay then, I’ll get Aqua—”

But she was already atop the staircase when I said that. She walked over to him and looked at me.

“Mom, this is Yahir. He’s one of the friends I was talking to you about.”

I didn’t even bother knowing his name. That just occurred to me.

“Nice to meet you,” I smiled at the visitor. “Any plans for today?”

“Not quite mom, but this guy owes me a chess match, and a favor.” Aqua said to me. She gestured Yahir to our living area and I couldn’t even disturb the both of them anymore. I thought it better not to.

I left the both of them for work. I’m pretty sure they’ll be fine. Besides, it’s almost time for my last promotion and I’m not missing that. I must say I do still look good.

Brianna arrived just in time before I leave. Good, at least both the girls are home. Yahir greeted Brianna on his way out, to which she replies courteously. I also said my goodbyes to Aqua, who was standing nearby.

But later that day, it turned out that the afternoon didn’t go so well.

I got a call from Aqua at late noon. She’s been taking over the cooking while I’m not in the house, and I thought it was another one of those ‘do I put sugar or salt’ questions. But her blaring voice came out of the receiver.

“Your daughter is infuriating! I don’t even get how she lives on!” she yells into the phone, then cuts off. I look at my phone. Not again… My daughter? Is she talking about Brianna or herself?

I called Bri afterwards.

“Mom, I don’t even want to discuss it. She’s being unreasonable, as always. She thinks she’s all that.”

“That’s not what I mean Bri. I’m asking what happened.”

“I said hello to Yahir, that’s it.”

“That’s it?”

And that’s when Brianna let everything go.

“That’s it, mom! Now she’s telling me I’m flirting with him and I was all, ‘I wasn’t!’ but she insisted that I did so I asked her if she liked him, she said it’s none of my business and went on to telling me that I’m such a flirt! Mom, I’m a teenager! Yahir is waaaayyyy older than me, and even if I can flirt with him I wouldn’t! Aqua’s being so delusional! For such a smart cookie she can be so dumb sometimes…”

I could say a lot more about what Brianna told me that afternoon, but it would take forever. Now I often wondered how she was able to say those things without breathing. After a few hours though, I tried calling them again to see if they’ve talked yet. They both said the same thing.

“I’m not talking to her.”

As much as I try to pretend that the family is doing okay… it isn’t.

I got home late that night, and the girls are already sleeping. I wanted to talk to them, but thought better to not press the issue. I could talk to Travis I suppose…

…but we’re not really on the best of terms, as of the moment.

Travis has been busy lately. I get that he has a lot of work and everything, but he usually has a lot of time to ask me how I was, or at least tell me about his latest game accomplishments. There are times when he isn’t even at home and now, it’s all just silence. When I try to talk to him, he usually gets out of the room, all nervous. He still has that i-know-something-that-you-don’t look, but it’s different this time. It’s as if he doesn’t want to tell me anything.

All the while I just keep thinking that he’s stressed out from work, or he’s exhausted almost all the time. But every time that I find him at home, he’s usually browsing Simpedia. I try to peek, but he seemed to be aware every time I do, and tenses up.

Aqua said I should just give him some space. I looked at her, and she averted my eyes.

“Aqua, is there something I should know?”

“No, mom. Everything’s fine.”

The truth is, I did hear them talk the night before. It was in the kitchen, late at night, and I thought to get a glass of milk. The two of them were whispering into the night and I eavesdropped from the next room.

“So when are you going to tell mom?”

“I don’t know, princess. I don’t think I’m ready yet.”

“She has to know.”

“I know, but she might get hurt. You know how sensitive your mother can be.”

“She’ll be sadder that you didn’t even tell her where you’ve been going.”

Going? Going where? I step a little bit closer to the room.

“It’s better this way. She’s happier. She’ll be happier.”

“So when are you going to see her again?”

I clapped my hands on my mouth. Her?

“Tomorrow, maybe. I still have a lot to do.”


Their voice mumbled more as I went upstairs to the bedroom empty-handed. I couldn’t listen anymore.


Where have you been going?
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Re: The Ratava Legacy: When Seasons Change [Chapter 11: Bad Omens]
« Reply #62 on: November 18, 2014, 07:17:57 AM »
Oh don't brake up this wonderful family  :'( You have me waiting for the next chapter now... well done!

Offline imayu94

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The Ratava Legacy: When Seasons Change [Chapter 12: The Next]
« Reply #63 on: November 21, 2014, 07:51:43 AM »
Chapter 12: The Next

It’s been two days. The girls were still not talking. I tried to dig deeper on their argument but it’s just all over the place. They’ll resolve this, I’m sure. Well, pretty sure. Okay, not so. But I can’t seem to do anything about it.

Travis got home late last night. I didn’t bother to talk to him, but I felt him lie down next to me anyways. I kept my eyes closed in the hopes that he doesn’t realize I’m awake. Really, I want to talk to him about it all. I mean, I can talk to him once in a while, but now, even with the girls arguing, something about him is off and distant.

I made some fruit parfait the following morning. He was the first to rise and helped himself with a serving. I looked at him intently.


I don’t know what to say anymore. Should I ask him about it? Should I just keep quiet? Should I just pretend that things are okay? In the end, I said the most important issue of the day.

“We need to help Brianna set up her birthday party.”

Yes, it’s Brianna’s birthday at last. She insisted that we just have it at home and make it an intimate dinner party with her best friends, and she will arrange the party herself. She wanted to put me in charge of the food and the cake since, and I quote, “Mom, you make the best.”

I didn’t deny it, I was pretty good. I accepted the offer to practically cater her party. However, when she asked me to un-invite her sister, that’s when she stepped on the line.

“Bri, I know you and Aqua are having some problems, but she has to be there.”

“Why? It’s not as if she’s helping.”

“I know. But trust me,” I remember my sister Alice. “Someday you’re going to regret it if she’s not there. Now there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

It took me quite a bit of time, but I told her about the Ratava line. Our traditions, and our… unique trait lottery. This was a conversation I’ve already had with Aqua, but she didn’t have the gene. In-fact, she grew up to be more like mom: hot-headed.

Maybe it stopped. Maybe I was the last one. But I can’t be sure yet. Brianna’s well in her teens and turning into a young adult. There’s still a chance of it being her. She nods along as I tell her, but she got excited on the idea.

“So my turn is Winter now, yeah? Exciting!”

“I know but—”

“Mom, stop worrying. It’s going to be great.” And she steps out of her room to go to school. Since she’s all enthusiastic about it I forgot to tell her which traits and behaviors manifest in the Winter. My family has the extremes: from the smartest and cunning, to the coldest people you’ll find on the planet. I just hope it doesn’t change her dramatically.

I stayed in her room, looking at the posters that hung in her wall, the ribbons and the school clutter on her desk. I touched the set of clothes that hung in her wardrobe that looked like they were cared for and worn often.

My girls are now grown up. And I feel a lot older.

Only… will my family really be okay? Will they get on with their lives? Is my life going well, or am I just imagining things to be better than they are? Even Travis seems to be farther away now. I don’t even know what is happening and it breaks my heart a little.

I looked through the window. Willow Creek hasn’t changed since I moved here a long time ago. The town was still beautiful. I stared across the way where Travis proposed to me, and my hand went to my ring almost automatically.

“Am I interrupting something?”

Travis walks into the room. I forget that we’re practically the only people in the house. I looked back at the scenery. “No, nothing.”

He stands next to me and looks at the view as well. “Is something wrong?”

I took a deep breath. “Travis I’m still scared.” Of what will happen to our family.”

“Aqua and Brianna are going to be okay. We raised them well.”

I looked at him. “It’s not just that. I’m afraid of losing you too.”

He takes me by the hand. “Losing me? How can you lose me?”

I hesitated. This man vowed his life for me. There must be some explanation.

“I heard you and Aqua a few nights ago. You’ve been… away. Visiting someone—a woman—as I know it.”

I felt his arm stiffen as he held my hands. He looked at me, mildly surprised.  His smile vanished slowly. “What else do you know?”

“Just that,” I tell him. I tried and fought my tears back. “Look, Travis we haven’t been talking lately. We have—but not quite the same. I just want to make sure that we’re okay, since now I’m feeling that we’re not.”

Out of nowhere, he hugs me tightly. He repeats my name in my ear, over and over and over, and it’s as if he’s reassuring that I shouldn’t worry. I didn’t realize that I missed him so much.

“Looks like I’m not as sly as I thought. ”He pulls back and brings out his phone. “I want to show you something. Wear something nice, will you?”

We left the house empty, and we went to his old neighborhood where he once lived with Liberty and Summer. Only, we didn’t stop by his old house, we walked a little farther. At the end of the street, Travis asked me to close my eyes and I complied. He took his arms around me and helped me walk all the way to where he wanted.

“Can I open my eyes yet?”

“No, not yet.”

He went away for a little while and after a long pause I thought that he was gone already. I felt his hand in mine again.


“Travis I don’t even know where I’m going.”

“I do, just trust me.”

I walked forward and the normal, Willow Creek breeze was cut off as I felt like I was entering a cave. Travis guided me along the way and told me where I should step. I felt a little claustrophobic after a while, but soon, I felt another breeze, but quite different.

“Okay, you can open your eyes now.”

I look in front of me and see an enormous tree growing with large mushrooms. Its roots moved as if closing a large opening that I suspect, is where we came from. Just when I thought I’ve seen everything, I turned around.

Lush cherry trees dotted the area and the place seemed to glow pink. Ponds were thriving with fishes I’ve never seen before. Strange grass grows from the ground. All of a sudden, I remember.

“Some visitors claim to find the tree, and they said hanging around it for a long time opens a door to a different world. They called it Sylvan Glade.”

I looked at Travis. He smiles at me as he observes my reactions. I can practically hear him saying, “Oh yeah, I know I just did something awesome.”

I ran up to him and embraced him. “This is amazing, Travis.”

“I told you I’d find it,” he said. “Sorry it took so long.”

“How did you?”

“Ah, here’s the explaining bit,” he sighed. “I tried to look for this place. All the time, since we had that conversation in the park. But a lot happened. Kids, work, I never got into it. I was worried I would never. I felt bad because I promised you.”

I remember that conversation. I thought it was a joke, but now here we are.

“A few days ago, I saw Summer in the park. We talked a little, and she gave me some information she got from her husband. About this place.

“Apparently the Landgraab’s knew the man that planted the tree. He was one of their old gardeners. I went to Summer’s house to find more information about the place with Johnny, and that’s what I’ve been doing for the past few days.”

We walked over to the glade pond. The sparkling water created rainbows in the air. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I mean to make you worry, but I wanted this to be a surprise. Is that okay?”

“You. Are. The sweetest.”

He straightens his collar. “One of the best, ma’am, one of the best.”

We spent a little bit of time exploring the glade. Well, mostly I ran around saying ‘Look! Look!’ every few seconds while Travis followed around and told me information about what I just pointed to. Well, we did other things.

And more other things.

We decided to head back after sometime. But he pulled me back the last second before I stepped out.

“Aqua and Brianna are going to be okay,” he tells me. “Have more trust in them. They’re great.”

“I know,” I said. “I might let them take responsibility of the house already. That way, we can be a little bit more relaxed.”

We get home just in time before the party starts. Aqua beams at the both of us, since of course she knew where we came from. I brought out Brianna’s cake.

“Are you sure you want to blow the candles before your guests arrive?” I asked her. People were already knocking on our door.

“Yeah. I want just the family to be here for now.”

I took a look at my little girl and wonder if she has the winter gene. And if she did, I wonder what she’ll be like. I hoped my girl doesn’t change. That would be a first for me, a person with change as everything.

She blew her candles as the guests walk in. Aqua, knowing the consequences, looks at her intently to see what will happen to her sister.

Travis and I watched her grow into a young woman and she looked around at the decorations that we put up. She tastes her cake as well. And Brianna, the girl who never complained about my cooking, blurts out.

“Hm. Could be better.”

I raised my eyebrows, as she greets some of her friends that were equally just as cold and with them, she became more confident and moved quite differently. She talked about the décor being a bit better as well as the friends laugh at her comments with class. Honestly, she acted a bit of a sn—


Thank you so much for reading this legacy! As we can see, this is the start of of the second gen, Brianna's. The next chapter will be with her view, and with her voice. Thanks for all the feedback and support and I hope you guys enjoy.  ;)
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Re: The Ratava Legacy [Chapter 12: The Next] 1st Gen Finale!
« Reply #64 on: November 21, 2014, 09:31:13 PM »
I've never played a snob sim before, but I'm sure it's going to make for some amazing story telling! So pleased that your lovely couple are ok, and boy is Travis a sweety! Looking forward to hearing Brianna's voice and where the story is going next.

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Re: The Ratava Legacy [Chapter 12: The Next] 1st Gen Finale!
« Reply #65 on: November 22, 2014, 01:09:47 AM »
It's always an exciting step forward when you start the next gen's story! Thank goodness Travis was being a good husband.  :)
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Re: The Ratava Legacy [Chapter 12: The Next] 1st Gen Finale!
« Reply #66 on: November 22, 2014, 03:52:33 AM »
I've never played a snob sim before, but I'm sure it's going to make for some amazing story telling! So pleased that your lovely couple are ok, and boy is Travis a sweety! Looking forward to hearing Brianna's voice and where the story is going next.

I'm observing the game and there seems to not be much of a change. It's more of a subtle trait that you have to still imagine in order to get properly. I look forward to incorporating it in her voice.  ::)

It's always an exciting step forward when you start the next gen's story! Thank goodness Travis was being a good husband.  :)

I'm excited too for Brianna, but I also liked the closing for Amber's. It's kind of a turn-around from the first chapters, bringing back something that Travis promised to happen long ago. I thought of it as a good end to her story line. Thanks for reading!
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The Ratava Legacy [Chapter 13: First Day]
« Reply #67 on: November 24, 2014, 11:08:09 AM »
Chapter 13: First Day

So I just say anything I want?

Hi there. As you already probably know, I’m Brianna Ratava. Bri, for short. It’s a tedious name, I know, but it wasn’t my call to name myself when I was born. It doesn’t even have that fabulous air to it. Just Bri, for now.

Mom told me that since my sister did not get any Winter genes, I’m bound to get them. Honestly, I’m not even complaining. Call me a snob all you want, but I call it classy. And it’s only a mark of the classy to hang around with people with my standards.

Which brings me to my next point: the party. In my head, the party was quite a bust if it wasn’t for my friends. I loved having them around, and now that I am a young adult, I became closer to them, and more confident.

“Happy Birthday, sweetie!” my mom says to me in the middle of the crowd. I almost hide myself in embarrassment. Mom, don’t call me sweetie in front of my friends, I wanted to say, but I just kept smiling.

“Mom, you look a bit tired. You should go to sleep.”

“But I—”

“Oh just go, you know you want to.”

Mom was taken aback by what I just said, but she left the dining area anyways. Dad also greeted me, but in a more subtle way, while my sister just walks off, still not talking to me.

Aqua and I haven’t talked for days on end now. The last time we talked, it was about that Mallory guy. It was stupid, that she would think that I would like someone like him. A loner? Really? That guy, in parties? I hardly think that he’d like it, and I hardly think I’d like it if he was there. If that’s her type, then she’s got problems. I however, have my eyes on someone else.

See that guy? That’s the one.

No no, not Al, never. The one next to him with the crazy glasses and pink suit. That one. Demarcus. And I do swear that he looks better without that ridiculous glasses. I had such a crush on him during high school that when he said that he liked smart girls, I tried to become one. That sure was a waste of time. I didn’t really want to be as nerdy as my stupid sister.

“Hey Demarcus,” I said to him. I looked at him from head to toe, and he looked ridiculous. “Thanks for coming to the party. Uhm… what’s with the outfit?”

“Wanted to be a little outrageous. Besides, Al said you would find this funny.”

“Did he now?”

“I sure did,” said Al, butting into the conversation. I roll my eyes. The Joker is in.

“Oh come on, Al. I’m not a teenager anymore. That outfit has got to go. Not you, Demarcus, just that outfit.”

Al looked at me with surprise. “Huh, last time I checked you had a sense of humor.”

“Probably not anymore. People do get mature, Al.”

He went around and told jokes to the guests, as usual. I hope he doesn’t say anything embarrassing. Demarcus and I started talking about workout techniques and I found out he’s also athletic like me. Quite a match right there.

I wanted to ask him if I could join him sometime, but before I could open my mouth, the party ended. Everyone left almost immediately, except for Al, who stuck around for some reason.

“Aren’t you going home?”

“Maybe a bit later.”


“Honestly…” he paused, looking at me. “I like being in your house. It’s quite grand.”

It is, really. But since my mom passed on responsibility to me when it comes to the house, I might have to redecorate a bit. Okay, not a bit, a lot. Mom went a little overboard with the house and I’m here to fix that. Besides, she changes something about it every day that I might have to have a little word with her. I looked again at Al.

“Suit yourself, I’m going to bed.”

“What about the plates?” he asked me, as if expecting me to clean up.

“Maybe tomorrow. I’m not cleaning that tonight.”

The party went on forever, and the moment I reach my bedroom, I blacked out. I don’t even remember any more if I reached my bed. But I felt the soft bottom where I slept when I knew I made it.

The sun came up that morning, but I didn’t want to wake up either. Five more minutes.

“Bri, wake up.”

I opened my eyes and dad’s face looked at me with fascination.

“Good, I’ll see you in the sitting room. Wake up your sister, will you? I have a round to finish.”

Why do I have to wake her up?

But I did. She wasn’t very happy that I was the one knocking on her door.

We watched dad fail to beat his own high score in the sitting room. He hung his head and deactivated the gaming mat afterwards, muttering something about stamina points. Then, he focused his attention towards the both of us.

“Your mom told me you two are not talking,” he said to me. “Let’s do this calmly, shall we?  Aqua, why don’t you start?”

I refuted. “But Dad—”

“Bri, you’ll get your say too. We’re not going to get anything done if we all fight here.”

Aqua was her usual. Analytic, sequential, objective. She thought—or using her words, ‘inferred’—that I had an eye on the Mallory dude. Sure he’s cute, and he’s also a snob like me, but something about him just doesn’t feel quite right for me. Maybe for Aqua, but I won’t dare tell her that.

Our discussion started doing well until Aqua brings on her stabs. She had quite a knack for making practically everyone angry, including myself. So when she started to tell dad that she doesn’t see a proper future on someone like me, that’s when I spoke up.

“I think you’re forgetting that mom handed me responsibility for the household so that you can finish your career. You requested, she told me.”

“I know I did, and I know there won’t be changing that, but it’s about time you start growing up instead of babbling with your friends.”


“Enough of this,” I said. I couldn’t take it anymore. “I know, Aqua, that we live our lives differently, and if we can’t get along anymore, then so be it.”

Aqua walked out the door the instant I finished. Dad and I exchanged looks of regret. He followed her out, probably hoping to take her back. Good luck with that.

I listened through the door while they were talking. I heard mumbles of “two of you” and “friends” and “when we’re gone”.

After that last bit I just sat on the couch and waited for dad to come back. It never really went to my head that mom and dad are getting old, and we might lose them someday. The moment dad came back into the room I gave him a hug.

“Bri, stay with your sister, okay?” He mumbled. “I can’t believe that you two wouldn’t talk anymore because of some boy.”

I laughed. “I think Aqua’s just really smitten.”

“How about you? Any boy news?”

“Not yet dad. I’m still your girl.”

He raised his eyebrows. Dad may be old, but he’s still got that look of secrecy. “Are you sure about that?”

I looked at him. He’s got that face that mom warned me about. “Yeah, dad.”

But with that look? Now I’m not so sure. Am I missing something?

I left the house that afternoon with a confused head. In any case: new age, new job. Now that I’m an adult, I can finally choose a full time career that I want. Dad was pretty pleased that I chose a writer’s career. That way he knows that his high-tech computer will be in safe hands.

But there was something else that I wanted to do, ever since I was a teen, which was to be practically everyone’s friend. And according to the Simpedia, to be a certified friend to the world, I need to have had five BFFs. Not ‘have’, ‘have had’. I didn’t really need to make much effort on my first. Aqua pretty much ruined our relationship enough to let me have my second.

When I came back from work, Dad asked me to help him fix his hair for mom before she arrived. He’s still quite a gentleman, and even asked me how my first day was. “Could be better,” I told him. As is everything else, except for one thing.

When mom came home, he greeted her with a kiss.

And asked about her day.

That’s an exception to me, and I wonder sometimes if I can find a love as perfect as that. I mean, I can practically imagine Demarcus. But it’s too soon to tell, I’ll have to make my move one way or another. I just wish I could have something as special as that someday. Dad catches me watching them and looks at mom, ushering her to tell me something.

“Oh, right. I almost forgot. Bri, do give that Alfonso friend of yours my thanks.”

I smirked. “His name’s Alfredo, mom.” She stared at me blankly and laughed.

“Right, right, Alfredo. Tell him I said thanks. I caught him cleaning the kitchen after your party last night. He said you went to bed early because you were exhausted.”

To be honest, I blushed. I forgot to clean the kitchen this morning, and I haven’t seen it since last night. I do remember Al sticking around at the end of the party, but I didn’t know he would clean the place.

Mom walked off to the kitchen and started talking to herself about pasta. I followed her and saw the dining room. Spotless.

I looked at my phone, about to make the thank-you call for Al when Kamilla calls me.

“Hey, want to hang out tomorrow? I do know where a certain someone is heading to.”

I agreed to meet with her, and then proceeded straight away to bed. I feel like I’m forgetting something, but I’m sure I’ll remember it. Today was a long first day anyways. I deserve the rest.
“With great power... comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.”

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Re: The Ratava Legacy [Chapter 13: First Day]
« Reply #68 on: November 25, 2014, 12:11:12 AM »
What a great start for Bri - not her relationship with Aqua of course... but her voice is coming out strong and clear. Poor Al clearly has a huge crush on her! Looking forward to reading more.  :D

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The Ratava Legacy [Chapter 14: Bonding Time]
« Reply #69 on: November 29, 2014, 02:51:58 AM »
Chapter 14: Bonding Time

My dad had plans.

It started out as the pretty average morning. No parties, no new things, no early morning hype. Until my dad pointed out that Aqua and I both had a day off.

“No, we don’t.” I argued, knowing where this argument is going.

“Yeah you do. Your boss called for your promotion. You have a day off.” Dad said. “So, you’re going to spend this day together.”

Aqua and I looked at each other briefly. We may not be in the best terms but we both know we don’t want to do this.

“Dad, even though we have a day off doesn’t mean we’re not doing anything. We do still have work.”

And the debate went on and on. Watching Aqua and Dad have a verbal chess match is long enough that even mom found herself bored in between it.

Dad said his final word on the issue ("Oh, of course you’ll go!") and left the kitchen not hearing any of our arguments anymore. And after she finished her leftover breakfast, mom asked the both of us to just cooperate. I opened my mouth to reason, again, but she just silenced me with her smile.

“Look, your dad…” she looked at us wistfully. “…he’s not getting younger, no matter what he says. All that he wants is to see the both of you okay. So just go and have your day together. For your dad.”

So in the end, Aqua and I went to the library. Why the library? It’s the only place where we can not talk to each other and have a reason to do it. She thought of that. I have to admit that she really is smart.

But we didn’t really read books or anything. We just went our separate ways once we arrived, and agreed (yes, we agreed) to meet later. I tried to find my next BFF in the library. That’s when I spotted Roxanne.

She’s really nice, but also a bit on the romantic side. She also happens to know everything and anything about everyone, which I found really useful. We spent the entire afternoon exchanging information and gossip, doing what girls usually do when they go to bathrooms.

We went to the subject of boys, and I spilled the beans that I liked Demarcus Caliente. She squealed, and told me that he’s quite a catch. I agreed of course. But she also said to me that he’s a little bit too friendly, and a little bit oblivious. I thought about that and how I can make myself more known, when she changes the subject.

“How about your sister? Dating someone?”

I didn’t really want to talk about Aqua. She left a few minutes ago, but I’m sure she’s just nearby. I’m not a bad girl or anything, but even if she’s mad she still likes to look after me like I needed to be handled. I don’t like that.

“I’m not really sure Rox. I really have no idea what my sister is up to.”

Which is true, sincerely. I have no idea about my sister’s work, day-to-day activities or lovelife. I know that mom knows, but I never really bothered. I didn’t know anything about Aqua anymore, let alone her romantic life.


Nothing at all.

I didn’t become BFFs with Roxanne that day, but I told her that I would call her again. I was left with nothing to do except wait for Aqua outside the library. For an hour I kept waiting, and became a little impatient. That’s when my day went a little downhill.

“Watch where you’re going!” said this guy.

“I am watching, you’re the one that’s not looking,” I spat out. I took note of how his hair clashed with his clothes.

“Oh, so you think you’re always right now?”

“Usually yes. In this case, I am. So back off.”

The boy mumbled a snide comment, and pushed past me to the library door. The argument was gone, but I definitely didn’t feel better. I didn’t even accomplish what I wanted to do today. A waste for a day.

Aqua arrived minutes after my argument.

“Where have you been!?” I asked her. “We were supposed to meet here an hour ago!”

“Hm? Oh, preoccupied,” she said to me. “How’d your day go?”

I paused for a moment. Usually when I snapped at her she always snapped back. That’s how volatile she is, that even when she’s happy, it’s so easy to tick her off. Sometimes I don’t even need to be there. But there’s something different about today.

She even asked me about my day.

She’s not just happy. That smile that usually is on the face of our cheerful mom. Aqua’s very happy.

Of course it bugged me that she had a great day and I didn’t. But I didn’t even complain much. Dad asked how our day went and we both said we had a pretty good time. He was satisfied with that but I remembered what mom said earlier that morning. He reconfigured his programming once Aqua left, but I stayed.



“Aqua and I are going to be okay,” I started. “We’re not good for now, but we’re still sisters.”

Dad smiled at me. “That’s all I wanted to hear, princess.”

I thought about the family. Mom didn’t just give me a house to manage, but she gave me a family. That includes Aqua too. Of course it does.

But on the next day, we hardly talked at all. I invited Roxanne over, and I made my second BFF.

And while I was busy connecting with some other friends…

Aqua was busy building her own.

We both were tired by the end of the day, so we said good night to our parents. And for the longest time ever since we fought ages ago, we said good night to each other too.

Maybe we’ll be friends again. At least friends. I got myself to bed that night feeling more peaceful than I thought I ever could.

Until we heard mom scream from her bedroom.

“With great power... comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.”

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Re: The Ratava Legacy [Chapter 14: Bonding Time]
« Reply #70 on: November 29, 2014, 06:30:31 AM »
Oh no  :'( I know that it has to happen.. but why is it always so sad?? At least he went knowing his girls were going to be ok... Great writing. :D

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Re: The Ratava Legacy [Chapter 14: Bonding Time]
« Reply #71 on: December 05, 2014, 02:07:14 AM »
I was taken by surprise... a horrid surprise! Oh poor Travis.

I love the interactions between the sisters though. So.... what next?  I wonder if that was Yahir and what has he been up to? Hmmm, I'm very curious now.
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Re: The Ratava Legacy [Chapter 14: Bonding Time]
« Reply #72 on: December 14, 2014, 01:36:59 AM »
Chapter 15: Hellos and Goodbyes

I opened my door and I saw Aqua peeking from her room as well. We looked at each other as more muffled crying came out of mom and dad’s room.

“No please…please don’t…” we heard from afar. We both went to the room and we saw mom pleading to the reaper.

This was the first time I saw him, but his gloom was all-over the room it was almost impossible to breathe. And when he talked, his voice boomed throughout the house. But there was something about that hooded look. For one second I thought he considered mom’s plea.

“He must be taken,” he said plainly.


“No, Amber.” There was something about him calling mom by the first name. A sense of empathy, perhaps. “It is his time.”

Mom just sat down the edge of their bed as Grim did his work. Aqua sat down next to her and held her hand, while I just look at Grim’s tablet in horror. My name was bound to be on there. So is mom’s, and Aqua’s, and our neighbors. Everyone gets a visit from Grim.

He walks out of the room and sits down in the entryway. Mom curled up in a ball under the blanket and cried her heart out. I marched after Grim.

“How dare you--”

He raised his hand and I forgot what I was supposed to say. He looked at me (at least that’s what I think he did) for a moment. “Brianna, it is my job. As much as I hate doing it, I am forced to do this.”

“Don’t. Call. Me. Brianna.”

“I call people by their first names because that way I feel closer to them, not just people I am bound to reap someday. Maybe you’ll understand that.” He raised his staff.

“You won’t be visiting again soon, I hope?”

His hooded face looks over to mom, who was staring at dad’s urn endlessly. “We’ll see.”

The grim vanished, and we were left alone, just the three of us. No dad. Mom was still looking at dad’s urn for quite a long time until we pleaded her to sleep. We left her room as she slept away, and we both went back to our bedrooms.

I heard a knock on my door a few minutes later. Aqua was at my door.

“What?” I said irritably.

“Mom’s in my room. She woke me up, painting.”

We both went over to see mom. She’s painting a sad painting, with her usual cheerful eyes were gone and they were just blurred by her puffy face.

“Mom?” I approached her. I know from my encounter with a lot of sad people, that you shouldn’t ask what is wrong. Or if they are okay. Or any question at all. I pulled down her raised brushing hand and took the paintbrush away. She looked at me with a pained expression.

“Travis…I don’t… I can’t…” she started to mutter, but more words just slurred in between her crying. I looked over my shoulder to Aqua, and she nodded. We led mom back to her room and we placed dad in the entryway. Aqua and I took our places. I held mom’s face.

“Mom, we’re not going anywhere. We’ll stay here. For tonight. Okay?”


The next day wasn’t better at all.

I tried to keep the house happier in the best way that I thought of, and by that I mean a lot of people around. The house felt empty since dad left, so we always had visitors. One of them was of course, Mr. Mallory, invited by Aqua.

As I talked to the neighbors aiming to get more friends, Mom sat down in the middle of the two of them. Yahir was uneasy and kept looking at the people all around, but one smile from Aqua seemed to relax him a bit. Mom noticed this of course, and pretty much said what she wanted to say without thinking, as always.

“You live alone?”

“Oh uhh… Yes, ma’am.”

“What about you stay here? You’ve been here pretty much every day anyways.”

“That’s… generous.”

Mom looked over at Aqua. “Oh please. I know love when I see it. You think I didn’t know? I’m not that old just yet! Come over here and sit. I’ll leave the both of you to think about it.”

“Would it really be okay if I stay here?” Yahir asked Aqua. She glanced over to me, since I am, after all, in charge of the household. I nodded and her smile shined bright.

“It’s really okay. So it’s settled?”

Our neighbors said their goodbyes and left all at once. I kept mom’s company, but we both sneaked over to the living area on how Aqua is doing. Mom leaned at the doorway and I thought she was going to be seen, but the couple was too busy anyways.

“You might hit your heads on the chess table!” mom bellowed. That got their attention while mom grins in the corner. It’s nice to see her happy again.

Aqua leads Yahir to show him what she’s been doing for work. He followed, but something fell from his pocket on his way. I picked it up and followed them. But I stopped halfway when I heard the magic phrase:

“Wait, Aqua, we need to talk.”

I hid behind the wall in the next room, looking at what Yahir left behind. A ring. Quite shiny. Decent quality and a little awkward metalwork, but will fit Aqua’s hand perfectly. I stayed stealthy and looked at a distance.

“I know I’m not much. And there are times when I might need sometime alone, being invited here just made me think that yeah, maybe we can take things a few steps further?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I’ll try to be around you always. And I mean always, even if I feel uncomfortable. I feel safer with you around. So…”

He rummaged in his pockets. He began to dig a little deeper, and even turned them inside-out. He muttered an “oh no” and pretty much lost all his energy.

“Looking for this?” I yelled over and raised the ring. They both looked at me, and Yahir laughed as he gingerly takes the ring from my hand.

“Wish me luck?”

I looked over at Aqua, who looked happy as can be. It’s a nice change other than seeing her hot headed all the time. “I don’t think you need it,” I said to him. “But try to be a little less clumsy, next time. Nice ring choice by the way.”

Heading for my room, I was pretty sure I heard a ‘yes’. I was getting ready for bed when my door opens.

“Not knocking now huh…” I said.

“I think we’re past that point.”

“So… I’m guessing Yahir’s not going to want a formal wedding.”

“Yeah, pretty much. We might even just get married tonight if we wanted.”

Aqua looks at me expectantly. I hugged her. “Congratulations.”

I thought she would say ‘thanks’ or ‘I can’t believe it’ or ‘I’m so lucky’, but she said something completely different from what I was thinking.

“I missed you, Bri.”

“I missed you too,” I said back.

Sorry for the long delay! Real life was just crazy over the past weeks. Will be updating quite a lot over the next few days.  :) Thank you to Playalot and KTK10 for your comments! I really like reading them!
“With great power... comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.”

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The Ratava Legacy [Extra: Bri's Logs]
« Reply #73 on: December 18, 2014, 12:17:13 AM »
Extra: Bri's Logs

Bri: Hello, hello?


Bri: Hello, this is Brianna’s Log. I don’t know how many but I’ll be recording anyways so I can write them down later.


Log 1

Bri: Bri’s log. Currently in the dining room with new development plans for the house. Might need to renovate the entire house for the new arrangements.

Amber: Bri, are you sure this is necessary?

Bri: Yes, mom. It takes almost an hour to get from the bedroom to the kitchen for the current layout. Anyways… *clears throat* House will maintain the white exterior but will be smaller than the previous.

Amber: Do we have a kitchen island?

Bri: Yes, mom.

Amber: Will it still be green?

Bri: We’ll be keeping the furniture that we have. Now can I get back to—

Amber: We should have a countertop for the microwaves and coffee pots. Oh oh OH and a music room. I’d LOVE a music room.

Bri: … As I was saying, the house will be smaller in comparison, but we’ll have more rooms and more spaces for celebrations.

Amber: …Music room?

Bri: *sigh* Okay mom, we’ll include a music room.

[scuffling feet]

Aqua: Where’s mom going?

Bri: Probably wiping her new signed guitar clean for the music room. Bri’s Log… end.


Log 2

Bri: Bri’s Log. Aqua and Yahir pretty much got married last night. It was hard to ignore them when I’m in the next room. Currently waiting for Aqua to get out of the bathroom since my shower is broken. Will have a word with her about upgrading the plumbing. And keeping their lives discreetly quiet.

Aqua: Here, you can use it now.

Bri: Thanks. What’s with all the confetti? Wait, you’re not—

Aqua: Bri’s Log end.


Log 3

Bri: Bri’s log. My and Aqua’s office. Finished my first novel today. It is hot outside. Bri’s log end.

Aqua: Really? That’s all you’re going to say?

Bri: Just in a bad mood, Aqua. I wish they would allow pools in town for once. I don’t even know why they’re restricted in the first place.

Aqua: If that’s your problem, that’s easily solvable. Pools are allowed in town now.

Bri: Are you serious?

Aqua: What are you doing—are you researching pool designs, Bri!?

Bri: We’re having it. ASAP. Bri’s log end.


Log 4

Bri: Bri’s log. Spending the Sunday morning in the exercise room. Ran a full hour in the treadmill, will be pushing the limits for another.

Yahir: Aren’t you pushing yourself too hard?

Bri: No pain, no gain. What are you doing?

Yahir: Making breakfast for Aqua.

Bri: Oh…good luck.


Bri: Bri’s log. Done with workout on the treadmi—IS THAT SMOKE?


Bri: Bri’s Log. Note to self: Have mom supervise the clumsy brother-in-law while cooking.

Yahir: Sorry.

Amber: Great. Now come here and I’ll teach you something basic before Aqua wakes up.
“With great power... comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.”

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Re: The Ratava Legacy [Bri's Logs]
« Reply #74 on: December 18, 2014, 01:36:57 AM »
Very good, but very sad, writing about Travis. However, I'm so pleased Yahir is here to stay! Woo!
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