Author Topic: The Ratava Legacy [Requesting a Move to the Graveyard]  (Read 31396 times)

Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Ratava Legacy [19: Warm Winters]
« Reply #90 on: December 26, 2014, 06:24:26 PM »
I am so glad she chose Al! And good on Demarcus for being the kind of friend who was ready and willing to support the two of them. It turns out Bri does have real friends who care about her, and I hope she realizes that. :)

I hope you had a Merry Christmas, and happy new year to you! :)
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Re: The Ratava Legacy [19: Warm Winters]
« Reply #91 on: December 29, 2014, 02:53:26 AM »
Many many thanks to your greetings (and reading)! I might as well be using mentions now.

@Playalot I've also been trying to flesh out the personalities of the boys, since they'll be around a while. :)

@KTK10 I didn't realize that it would come just in time for Christmas, unfortunately this was before the holiday patch, so I wasn't able in incorporate any of the items that followed. A shame, but memorable all the same.  ;)

@arimau Great to see you back! :D I'm trying to balance the modern feel and the wood for now, since I can't imagine the interior yet. I'm not a really good builder, so I had to find a blueprint to base the new house on.  :D

@Whirligig Demarcus was well and good but I found it hard to partner her with Brianna who is very dynamic in her own way. I like the sims to have a bit of personality and flaw, but he's a good friend. I'd like to change his party wardrobe though, if I can. It really is distracting.

Thanks for reading you guys!
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The Ratava Legacy [20: Additions]
« Reply #92 on: December 29, 2014, 09:12:11 AM »
Chapter 20: Additions

Getting home after the wedding was supposed to be a simple task. But no, things had to go a little haywire.

For one thing Yahir collapsed halfway to their bedroom. He came to the wedding late since he came straight from work, without sleep, or shower. I asked him if he was okay with that, but he just kept quiet in the corner, anxious of the many people around him. I decided to let it go. So now he’s just on the floor.

“Aqua, looks like your husband needs some help.” I said to my sister, who was brewing a cup of tea.

“I’ll be with him in a sec—ohh…” Aqua holds her bump and breathes heavily. “I think the baby’s coming.”

“You okay?” I asked, anxious for my sister.

“I’ll be fine. Just need to go to the hospital.” She walked straight away to the door. She stopped me from following her. “You don’t have to come with me. This is your wedding night, I don’t want to ruin it.”


Aqua smiled at me. “Go with your husband.”

New day, new member of the family. My sister arrives just after midnight with a baby. Yahir made sure to prepare himself (and shower) when he arrived. Yes, it’s a he. Ian Mallory. Aqua thought it best to take Yahir’s last name for their son, since her husband is so excited to be a dad.

But things didn’t stop there.

“Al?” I scuffled on my side of the bed only to find that he’s already up. He leaned in front of me.

“Shhh,” he said, his finger on my lips. “Go back to sleep. I’m just getting ready for work.”

I smiled. “I didn’t think you could wake up this early.”

But I was up anyways. There’s really no need for personal bathroom privacy when you’re married, so I just went in and did my business while Alfredo’s in the shower. There was a special surprise.

Al, who was rinsing his hair at that time, looked over and saw me. He looked at me with awe and slides the shower open. “Is that—”

“Yeah,” I nodded while washing my hands. “Let’s just hope I don’t grow fat on this.”

His laugh echoed through the bathroom. I left him to his bathing and I heard Ian crying the next door over. Yahir and Aqua weren’t home at that time, so I was left to my own devices. When I held him, I felt really good being an aunt. We placed him in his new bedroom.

“Looks like you’re going to have a cousin,” I whispered to him.

Days passed and work was done. Some were promoted, some were not. Some were just plain stressed.

Aqua was even surprised to hear from her husband that her little boy already grew up one morning. She and Yahir were having a hard time determining who he looked like more.

Ian’s a delight to have around, but he’s got his mother’s anger streak. One time we all left them alone they just made each other angry, and they seemed to like each other’s tempered company. Let’s just say it was a bad idea to leave a doll in his room as a personal punching bag. He can focus his athletics on other things, so his parents got him a gift in the backyard.

Yahir is also focusing most of his energy on his son.

“And so, the unicorn set out to find other unicorns to have friends.”


“What do you mean why?”

“Why does the unicorn need friends?”

He thought about it for a second, and Yahir, being the loner that he is, can’t give his son a straight answer. He closed the book. “Do you want to read something else?”

As for Al, since I became pregnant, he didn’t allow me to do much exercise, which was stressful for me. So I took out all my energy to fire him up every now and then. I admit, it does make me feel better to watch him work out in my place.

Seeing Aqua’s family together was so heartwarming.

In a way it gets me excited for my own. Al’s excited too, but was more of the idea of having his own kids running around the house. We’re both pretty much psyched. Actually, all of us are psyched. Ian also asked me one time if I’m having a boy or a girl.

“I’m not sure yet, Ian, we’ll have to wait.”

“But I want a boy cousin!” he said, banging his hands on the glass dining table. Aqua glared at her son and rubbed his hands, since she was sure the banging hurt. “Sorry, ma. Sorry Auntie Bri.”

“It’s okay, Ian.” I went over to my husband on day-off and kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll be back. Work.”

I came back too soon. I was clutching paperwork and writing drafts when I felt sharp pains. The boss sent me home since I was already in labor, even if I protested that I didn’t even get any work done for today.

“Heyy Al…” I told him as he rushed over to me, running frantically. “I think…haaaa… we should probably go to the hospital.”

“A-are you sure you don’t need anything?”

“I…need…to get to the hospital.”

“Okay okay okay!” he said, jumping around like a lunatic. He wrapped his arms behind me and supported me. “It’s like I’m holding a bomb, honestly. Here we go…”

Hours later, our child came out. Al was the first to get a hold, changing the diaper in the process. I named her Catherine, something more or less regal, but feminine. My husband pretty much hogged her for the rest of the day, saying I should probably rest more. I asked him to stay with me for a little while, since Catherine already fell asleep again.

I was feeling great after Catherine was born, and I took the time off to read a few books for my job quota. But I was still feeling the morning sickness I experienced when I had her. I was still taking more bathroom breaks, and eating more than the usual.

We just had a child born. So, did we have a follow-up?

I went to the bathroom. I took a deep breath.

“Al! Get in here!”
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Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Ratava Legacy [19: Warm Winters]
« Reply #93 on: December 29, 2014, 09:59:10 AM »
So many nooboos! :)

I like how you've managed to give each of your sims a distinct personality - I know they have those in-game, but it really comes through in how you write them, too. It's especially difficult to do that when using the first person voice, so well done!

Ian is such a cutie - the babies grow up so quickly, don't they? Also, welcome to Catherine! (alphabetical naming, I see? ;) Helps to keep things straight).
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Re: The Ratava Legacy [20: Additions]
« Reply #94 on: January 06, 2015, 05:18:37 AM »
Thanks! I didn't think you'd notice the alphabetical naming. hahaha  ;D
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The Ratava Legacy [Extra: Alfredo's Day]
« Reply #95 on: January 06, 2015, 05:21:34 AM »
Extra: Alfredo's Day

Alfredo: Bri’s logs. Though not really. Since Brianna is currently stressed out from her second massive bump, I’ll be holding the recorder for now. So let’s take a look around the house! Here we are at the balcony—oh, hold on…

Alfredo: She’s such a sweetie. Shh-sh-sh, go back to sleep. Okay let’s take a look around. Now we’re tiptoeing in the bedroom. Bri’s still asleep too.


Alfredo: She probably won’t be happy with me recording that. Let’s get out of here.


Alfredo: Let’s talk to the new member of the family, Ian Mallory!

Ian: Hi uncle Al!

Alfredo: Uncle Al, I like that! Hi Ian, new typing game?

Ian: You bet. Aiming for a new high score this week.

Alfredo: And here’s Yahir Mallory. Say hi!

Yahir: Yes, well, hi… Alfredo we talked about this. I’m not very comfortable with being recorded. Ian, time for homework, buddy.

Ian: Okay…

Alfredo: And here comes the boring stuff. Alfredo-out!


Alfredo: We are back on air and what is this stuff?

Yahir: It’s fish tacos.

Alfredo: Sounds unappetizing, Yahir.

Yahir: Well, you won’t gain weight with these. Still complaining?

Alfredo: Works for me!

Alfredo: Hey hey, I’ve got a joke.

Yahir: Oh, here it comes. Can we skip it?

Alfredo: Come on! I haven’t even said anything!

Yahir: I know Brianna finds you hilarious, I’m just not your right audience.

Alfredo: I’ve already made you laugh once or twice, don’t call yourself ‘not my right audience’.

Yahir: Haha… alright, lay it on me.

Ian: Uncle Al, what’s this thingy for?

Alfredo: So, a maid walks into a bar… It’s a recorder Ian, it’s for—no no no, not that button—”


Alfredo:. And we have a guest! Say hello Demarcus!

Demarcus: H’lo. What’s this for?

Alfredo: Some classified documentations… just kidding man, what’s up?

Demarcus: Bri called me for some interviews, where is she?

Alfredo: I’ll call her down. Here hold this.

Demarcus: Uhmm… hello. Hello? Testing 1, 2, 3. Oh, a stereo. Let’s hear some electronica… there we go. Better do some moves too while I’m at it.

Bri: Here! What are you doing?

Demarcus: Oh, uh…yeah. Nothing.

Bri: Okay… Anyways, for your interview. Here, I’ll take that recorder off you.

Demarcus: Wait, that’s been recording this entire time?

Bri: Well yeah.

Demarcus: But—

Bri: Bri’s Log end.


Alfredo: Okay okay. Bri’s Logs. It’s been quite a day.

Bri: Well, I’m here now, you don’t have to continue recording.

Alfredo: Yeah I know. Had a pretty nice day with Yahir and Ian though. I found something in your mom’s music room, by the way.

Bri: You can use the room if you want. I’m sure mom would appreciate it.

Alfredo: Had a bad day? Need a hug?

Bri: Yeah hugs would be good. Be sure not to squeeze my stomach though. Bri’s—

Alfredo: And Al’s!

Bri:—Log End.
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The Ratava Legacy [21: A Day-Off]
« Reply #96 on: January 06, 2015, 11:34:48 AM »
Chapter 21: A Day-Off

I took an afternoon away from the family. Well, if Marci counts as family, then maybe not that far from family after all.

“How’s my brother doing?” she asked me.

“Being an okay husband, of course. His work’s going smoothly. His jokes are getting better too.”

“He’s always like that. Cracking jokes. Sometimes, inappropriate.”

“Agreed to that.”

I said goodbye to her after an exhilarating afternoon, and went home, straight away to Catherine’s bassinet.

I haven’t felt the weight of her sister/brother yet, but I took my time. Al told me to take things easy and make sure I rest, which I’ve been doing. But that didn’t mean I was idle. I was still head of the family after all.

Firstly I’ve been checking the home renovations still. With the limited funds that we have it was hard to do much renovations as of now. But there were some things we could do without spending Simoleons. Like upgrading the household items. Aqua’s taking care of those. I hoped it lessens the splashing water around the house.

We’ve also had a lot of visitors lately, all of them knocking on our doors every hour.

My good friends are very excited for the baby, and take their own time to barge and invade into the master bedroom to get a look good at our other child. They said she’s just too cute they can’t resist it. I can’t really complain, but I made sure that I was the first to reach her before they do.

I haven’t forgotten to join family meals either. Just because I was pregnant doesn’t mean I can’t walk around the house, clean the dishes and sort books. Al noticed me moving a lot around, and I’m guessing he was worried. The next morning just before I left our bedroom, he held my wrist as he was passing.

“Can we go to the lounge this morning?”

“Really? Why?”

“You need to get out of the house.”

I looked at him, startled at the reason why. He insisted over and over, and I wasn’t going to wait until he plans to tickle me to agree. I said yes, but I went over to Aqua before we headed out.

“Aqua, we’ll be out for a few hours.”

“Oh…uhh…sure.” she slurred her words in between her paces on the treadmill. “Take your…time.”

I stepped in and gave her tips on her running. She told me that this was a work requirement. If it is, I wonder why I didn’t take Aqua’s job. I helped her get energized enough to do better.

“Keep your form,” I said to her. “We’ll be back. Are you sure you’ll be okay?”

“No…problems…just go.”

Al and I went to our usual hiding spot, where I asked him advice about Demarcus. Boy, do times change. He asked me to take a seat next to him.

“I was hoping this morning could be just us,” he said to me. “You know. Forget about Aqua and the household for a minute.”


“They can manage without you for a few hours. Can I steal you for myself today? Before you go to work?”

I stared at him. Escaping my responsibilities for a day was unthinkable to me. But I smiled at him. “I’ll try.”

We both had some juice at the bar, and we sat down for a bit. He pressed his fingers on my lips every time I said something troubling me at home.

“I know, I know, there’s a lot to do. And there’s a lot you want to do. But you have to take it easy. Every time I see you when I get home you’re always doing something. I’d like you to, you know. Relax a bit.”

“You mean like a one-on-one date.”

“If you want to call it that.” He smirked at me. “I miss you, really.”

“Thanks,” I said, leaning over to him. “And I can see your arm you know.”

“Just because we’re married doesn’t mean I can’t pull moves on you anymore.”

“I didn’t say I didn’t like it.”

He fetched some food for us and led me to a quite romantic but quiet place. I tapped my fork at the edge of the bowl in anxiety.

“Something bothering you?”

“I don’t know, Al.” I swirled the afternoon cereal, pressing some of the pieces on the side so they turn into mush. “I’m scared I guess.”

“Of what?”

“Of the kids. Having kids.”

He looked at me incredulously. “You already did it one time. Are you telling me you’re having cold feet?”

Ever slightly, I nodded. He held my hands and smiled at me, as if his mere smile can make things better. I admit, they kind of do. He looked at his clothes.

“Maybe this isn’t suitable for a date.” he said.

Al changed his wear, and returned his hands on me. I walked with him, leaving the mushy cereal behind. “Look, we can take it one step at a time. You’re amazing, but you can’t do everything.”

I frowned at him. “I just want them to grow up well.”

“I know, but if you try to do too much, you might tire easily.”

I like that he can get serious sometimes. Al, who was always a joker, is lecturing me about my life choices. It’s a new thing, but I’m loving it.

“Now, I know I can’t really make you stop, but I’m hoping you’d slow down and enjoy our life a bit more,” he said. “And if ever you get stuck or stressed out, that’s what I’m here for.”

Oh, Alfredo. You sure know how to make me smile.

“One hell of a kiss, Bri. I’ll never get used to it.” Al caught his breath. “Go on, get to work. I’ll go back home.”

I spent my workday with a smile on my face and my husband met me when I came home. Al told me that Catherine’s grew up today, and he helped her with her homework.

She asked for me, he said, and was waiting inside. I hugged Catherine tightly.

“Hey Catherine,” I said, kneeling in front of her. It feels very different to have a standing daughter in front of you. “How are you feeling, honey?”

“Mamm—” she said awkwardly as she yawned. She leaned her head on my shoulder. Al mouthed to me sleepy, so I walked her to the room we prepared for her, and tucked her in.

I guess I’ll have to wait another day to get to know her.
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Re: The Ratava Legacy [21: A Day-Off]
« Reply #97 on: January 06, 2015, 01:40:41 PM »
Loved Al making a move on his wife! So cute! Al and Bri make such a cute couple for sure.  :)
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Re: The Ratava Legacy [21: A Day-Off]
« Reply #98 on: January 06, 2015, 03:13:09 PM »
Catherine is a real cutey.. Do you have room for twins? After reading all these stories every time I see a pregnant sim I assume twins!!

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Re: The Ratava Legacy [21: A Day-Off]
« Reply #99 on: January 07, 2015, 10:02:50 AM »
@Playalot They are cute in such a way that they do more funny interactions than romantic interactions.Not that they don't do both, but it's just weird that way. I blame Al's Goofball trait. :)

@KTK10  This part of the legacy was still before the patch so no, I'm not expecting twins yet at this point. The house has plenty of room though. I changed Catherine's look to what Brianna's was when she was little, and she turned out to be a bit of a carbon copy. :)
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The Ratava Legacy [22: Children and Adults]
« Reply #100 on: January 15, 2015, 02:38:50 AM »
Chapter 22: Children and Adults

Our mornings started out alright. Yahir usually makes morning breakfast, then reads books with Ian while waiting for everybody to rise and eat. Both of them are the early birds in the family. I can't really understand why everytime I go down to the kitchen both of them are already up.

It's a bad welcome if Ian is the first person you talk to in the morning. This usually ends with Ian’s temper tantrums. Nothing quite new there. But today was a special day, after all. We have to keep the negative vibes to a minimum, even if it is the usual.

For one Al and I have another baby in our hands.

Henri. Alfredo named him. Even I was impressed. He was kidding at first about naming him after some pasta, but I never realized that he was serious until I saw him asking Yahir for name tips.


“But it’s—”

“No. My son will not be named Fettuccine or Linguine.”

“It’s cute!”

Nope. Nope. Nope.

We settled on a name that was remotely decent, but up to par with Catherine’s. Classy, just the way I like them. Al read through the baby names like there was no tomorrow until he found the perfect one for his son. The other kids are doing okay at school. But their stress levels are so high we can’t even talk to them for the first few hours. Catherine coops up in her room with homework clutched to her chest, and Ian to the computer. I don’t remember grade school being so strenuous.

Another reason why today is a special day, is because of Aqua’s coming-of-later-age birthday. I remember mom’s adult birthday, we didn’t do much other than just celebrate by going to the park. So I decided I wanted to do something nice for my sister. I asked Yahir for some cooking tips and skills so can at least cook her something for the party tonight.

But it turned out to be a bit of a disaster. The stove burst into flames the first few seconds I turned it on, it caught fire, the counter next to it caught fire, and even I caught fire.

Al came to my rescue and put the fire out immediately. I myself had to get rid of the scorching flames around my body. That was a close one, and it was a hard thing to explain to the family. My husband reassured if I was okay, and Yahir grins silently in the corner, with his eyes telling me a subtle 'you think it's so easy'. I can't blame him, I really thought it was.

“What have you been doing?” Aqua asked me later.

“Uhmm… nothing. Don’t bother! I’m fine.”

But soon it was time. We invited a few family friends over since our house isn’t really ‘party ready’ just yet. I would like to keep the talking neighbors to a minimum. Besides, a certain someone wasn't yet ready for company, so I kept the crowd small.

“Happy Birthday, sis,” I told Aqua. “Now you’re older than me again.”

“Only by a few. I don’t even feel it really. The wrinkles are showing though.” She touched her face and laughed. "To think in a few days you'll have your birthday too."

I frowned at the idea, touching my eyes to check my wrinkles as well.

Yahir came by after he was done with work, but stuck around only for his wife. He tenses up when there are many people wandering around the house, so I just let him be.

All in all it was a happy late night occasion. I allowed the kids to stay up a little later that night since they were doing okay in school anyways. But I told them to finish their homework first. Ian has to live up to his father’s aspiration and Catherine has to live up to her own. Whiz Kid, honestly. Even Aqua had troubles with hers.

“She’ll be fine. Besides, Aqua’s there to share her wisdom and all that.” Al told me later that night. “We’ll have nothing to worry about.”

“I guess. We’ll have to encourage her to do better, this time. I remember Aqua having problems with her aspiration before--”

“Catherine will be fine,” he reassures me. “Honestly I’d rather that she enjoy her childhood. And spend a little time with me. Or more.”

I laughed. “You’ll be turning her into a total daddy’s girl.”

I went down to the kitchen to get a glass of water when I saw my sister and Yahir taking their time under the stars.

I watched them for a little while, Aqua pointing to the places where she’s been and Yahir nodding along, but not really looking at the sky, but looking at her and her alone. He’s got a smile on his face that’s priceless.

And then I realized I should probably stop snooping. I made a note to myself not to pass through their room for tonight, and headed upstairs.
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The Ratava Legacy [23: Aspirations]
« Reply #101 on: January 16, 2015, 06:48:36 AM »
Chapter 23: Aspirations

I spent most of the morning with my son, cradling him because he was crying last night like there’s no tomorrow. It took me a little while with him to realize that he’ll age up soon. I wonder what he’ll be like, or what he’ll look like. Point is, I’ll love him all the same.

We had his stuff prepared already next to Ian’s. It was his request to room with his ‘boy cousin’ so we had to rearrange the furniture a little bit.

I should remind Ian to fix his toys every once in a while. This was his corner of the room.

And this would be Henri’s corner. I asked Ian if he was okay with the arrangement and he said yes, then started calling the room ‘the hideout’. He also asked his mom if he can put a ‘keep out’ sign at the door, by which Aqua just frowned and said no.

I straightened the bed sheets and sat on Henri’s future bed. I molded the piece of clay next to the bedside and got to thinking.

As the current head of the family, it’s my responsibility to make sure everyone is doing okay. So before Henri grows up, I’d like to reassure myself that the family is doing fine with their lives. I know Al told me to take it easy, but it’s still my responsibility.

Al and I are doing fine. I’ve started a second aspiration that required a loooooot of parties, which we’ve been doing in the house.

This gave all the time to practice his bits, limericks and knock-knock jokes, refine his compositions, you know, the works. So I guess we’re both doing good.

Yahir’s aspiration is on a slow but steady rate. It is highly dependent on Ian, but we’re making sure he’s achieving his aspiration as well. As a matter-of-fact, Ian is typing away in the computer all the time it was hard to distract him. I decided this was a good thing and moved on as well.

Aqua said she was doing great. Reading was mostly what she does in the house, then maybe a few trips into space. But she’s coming home so tired that I was starting to worry.

“I’m fine Bri. No pain, no gain, right?”

“I guess. Just don’t overwork yourself.I don’t want to see you with your face on the floor.”

After that routine check, I was pretty confident about the family. We’re doing good, prepared for supporting our kids on their goals, like reading to your child because she requested.

Catherine was very pro-active about her child goals. She grabs books and grabs the nearest family member to read to her. This one time, her dad. Not that Al is complaining.

She’s also keen into finishing homework to the point that she skips dinner. I reminded her sometimes not to forget her needs every now and then, but she insisted that she’ll be okay, then shuts the door closed in her bedroom.

“Don’t be so hard on her,” Aqua told me. “She needs concentration. You remember there were times when we were kids that I didn’t talk to you either.”

“I just wish she’d take a bit of her time with us at least,” I frowned.

Aqua squeezes my wrist for reassurance. “Don’t worry, I’ll find a way to lure her out of the room.”

I trusted my sister’s words and decided to leave Catherine alone for a little while. I went back to the bedroom to do some reading, when Al tells me that my little Henri getting out of his crib.

I looked for Aqua and told her the news, which she relayed to Ian. Newsflash: You have a new roommate.

As soon as he found out, I led Henri into the bedroom. Ian bounced up and started talking to him, my son frankly, overwhelmed. I told Ian to calm down and let his cousin sleep for a few hours. Which he did, but he was staring at his cousin for a good hour before continuing his typing challenges.

Meanwhile, Aqua is keeping herself busy with Catherine. She kept her promise to lure her out of the room, challenging her to a game of chess. Aqua explained that since she’s close to mastering her skill, she can mentor Catherine soon. So it’s a win-win, for the both of them.

Both Henri and Ian went down to the kitchen later that day.

They were a bit inseparable, but when Henri saw Yahir cooking, it got his attention.

“Mom, can I try cooking too?”

“Uhmm…” I looked sideways at Yahir, who was shaking his head lightly. I remember the burning sensation on my skin during Aqua’s birthday. “Maybe when you’re older, dear.”

“Awww.” He hung his head.

“Here.” I handed him a bag of dried macaroni. “Get to know the ingredients, then we can talk about cooking.”

And so ‘the hideout’ of the boys was soon filled with macaroni artworks. Ian didn’t really complain much as long as he had the dino to punch inside the room, so they’re covered. He’s also usually out anyways, especially during the morning before school, practicing on the monkey bars. He can hang upside down now, which alarmed his dad due to safety reasons, but he never gets hurt so far.

During the morning, Yahir, Aqua and I have our jobs. The kids are at school too. So that means my dear husband is left alone in the house, mostly. I called him one time, asking him what he was doing, and all he said to me was ‘Oh, chores are sooooo relaxing’ in a sarcastic manner. One time he told me that he started planting lilies on the second floor balcony (my favorites) because he was bored while we were all gone.

When I got home, I saw my kids by the pool, doing what they usually do: talk, eat, homework, et cetera.

I asked them how school was and all that, and later prompted them to get to bed. Henri nodded, finishing off the last bits of his homework, while Catherine tugged on my shirt.

“Mom, can I ask for something?”

“Sure, what sweetie?”

She whispered in my ear what she was demanding. I looked at her with worry.

“What do you need that for?”

She tapped her slippers on the stone pavement. She covers her face but I saw her mouth quiver and her eyes water. “I need the time. I want to finish.”

I looked at her, she was determined. But a potion of youth, seriously. It’s a big demand. Besides, she’s still young. I offered her a counter-proposal. I was used to doing this at work, I never thought I’d have to do it with my daughter. “Catherine, I know you’re scared and I understand. I can’t give you what you’re asking for, but I can give you something else to help, okay?”

It was so late into the night that when Alfredo came home, Catherine and I were still awake. I told Henri to sleep already while I handed to Alfredo his late dinner and to Catherine her small cup of help.

“I didn’t think your mom would allow your request,” Al said to our daughter. He turned to me. “I asked her to talk to you about it first instead of me.”

“I didn’t allow her,” I said clearly. “That’s sleep replacement.”

I kissed Catherine on the forehead and looked at her mournfully. Out of nowhere Al holds my hand and squeezes it. I took that as a reassurance. I retired to bed early that night, but I heard Catherine’s door shut once more. I didn’t think that aspirations could be so much work.

Have a good evening, sweetie. I hope you do well.
“With great power... comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.”

Offline imayu94

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The Ratava Legacy [Chapter 24: D-Double Birthdays]
« Reply #102 on: January 16, 2015, 06:49:55 AM »
Chapter 24: D-Double Birthdays

“Hi Yahir.”

“Hi Bri. I know what you’re going to ask.”

I tensed up. “I haven’t even said anything.”

“I know, but it’s bound to be cooking. It’s Al’s birthday today right?”

“”Well…I mean… yeah, alright. We both know you’re the only one who can cook well in the family.”

Yes, it’s my husband’s birthday. It falls on a weekday, but it doesn’t matter. We’re having a party anyway. Al pretty much handed everything over to me (‘You’re the expert.’) so I’ll be appointing the preparations. He on the other hand, has other goals.

He’s been taking his fitness seriously lately, mostly because he’s growing a bit of a bump himself. Okay it was my fault. I joked that he was having one. Not that I minded, but he was conscious. I let him be.

The kids arrived home on time, and since I wanted to have them around during the party, I had them skip homework first for tonight since it was a weekend anyways. Cathereine groaned, because she likes doing homework early on, but she took the chance and she and Ian took the time to get more acquainted.

Henri also had some free time. But monkey bars aren’t really his thing. I was surprised what was. He and Al were doing their own role plays in the upstairs terrace.

“Oh no! The house is being robbed!” squeaked Henri using a girl voice.

“It’s time for…” Al raised the doll he was holding. “Super-epic-awesome Man!”

My son raised his eyebrows. “Seriously, Dad?”

“Yeah! Come on, let’s do a take two. Start with the robbing again, I’ll be on the roof.”

I started calling friends and colleagues for the party. Soon, the house was filled with people. Again. I thanked them for coming, the usual things.It’s nice to catch up with them once in a while, and they just can’t resist my parties.

After a few snacks (courtesy of our resident chef Mallory) I called everyone to gather around for Al’s cake. Everyone threw their confettis and sang their songs in celebration.

“Happy Birthday Al.” I said, kissing him on the cheek. “Now, you can eat cake for tonight.”

“No no, that’s fine.” He was eyeing the cake dangerously though, even if he was health conscious now. I picked up a slice and offered him some, waving the fork like an airplane, to which he obliged and ate anyways. And yeah, smearing my face with icing is very mature for someone who just turned adult.

After the very feastful night, Al went exercising again the following day. It wasn’t much of a success. But I came along to at least fire him up to do better. He says it helps, even if he sucks.

The kids meanwhile were doing the homework I asked them to skip last night. Well, most of them. I woke Catherine and led her to her bedroom for some rest. The poor girl’s been working so hard.

The boys went back to their hideout, but soon Ian was going to be a teen. He talked to Henri, saying that he’ll be leaving the room soon and he’ll have to defend the room by himself, but they hugged it out, in the end. They haven’t spent much time together as kids, but they grew so close. Now that the room was cleared, Henri had more walls to fill with the macaroni drawings, one of the “people” drawings, where of his cousin.


The day went on as usual, but Yahir waited for his son to finish his aspiration, finally before he ages up. After finishing his last laps around the bars, Ian went inside.

“Congratulations, Ian.” Yahir said slowly. “I’m so proud of you.”

He greeted his dad with a smile. Yahir put candles on his cake. “Ready?”

Ian blew the candles. Sparkles appeared, spinning happened, then…

Yahir looks at his son and grins. Ian looks at him curiously.

“What, dad?”
“With great power... comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.”

Offline imayu94

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The Ratava Legacy [An Announcement]
« Reply #103 on: January 16, 2015, 07:41:45 AM »
An Announcement

Hi everyone! Sorry if the updates have been a little bit scarce lately.  :(

I've already found out why my screenshots have been grainy. So, as a result of my OCD for these kinds of things, I've relinked all the screenshots to accommodate the smoother ones.

Another announcement: My Sims Stories blog is up! The Legacy can also be read here: The blog is made for organization's sake because I'll be starting a short story sometime this month. In addition, the blog is open for commenting as well.  ;D The full chapters will sitll be posted here though, as I started.

To those reading the legacy, don't fret! The legacy will go on!
“With great power... comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.”

Offline arimau

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Re: The Ratava Legacy [Chapter 23, 24 and an Announcement!]
« Reply #104 on: January 19, 2015, 02:36:57 AM »
Love the dynamic of relation between Aqua and Bri, they became lovelier. It’s hard to believe that they’re incompatible each other before. That’s right; sibling should stick each other :)

Catherine is such a good choice for a name, it means Pure. That also could mean as Innocent :)

The dining room (for afternoon cereal) looks lovely and kind of romantic; I love the way you decorate it, ayu. If only there are two candles there it’d add more feel.

As always, I loved the extras! Can’t wait to see more of it!
Arimau's Playground
Life Sounds Like (Complete)
This Is I Promise You: Bad Day

"Whatever you are, be a good one" - Abraham Lincoln -
"Because out of the heart's store come the words of the mouth." - unknown -

