Author Topic: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Thirty-Two (7-21-15)  (Read 50087 times)

Offline intl_incident

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Welcome to Last Best Hope, an Immortal Dynasty story that is a subplot to my other story 'Ajri's Ivory Shores.'  If you want to know more about the back story of the founder of this Dynasty, and the reasons he's in Aurora Skies, please do check out that other story on the Miscellaneous board.  Ajri's story will continue to progress along side this one, but at a slower speed.

In the meantime, this first Post is to keep track of chapters and dynasty members, and will be updated with stats and pictures as time goes on.  The next post starts the actual story.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two


And here are the Dynasty details for each generation.  I used spoiler tags to keep the post from getting to be too outrageously long and unwieldy.  Just click on the spoiler tag to see pictures, skills, traits, etc. I'll keep adding to these as the story goes on. 

There are "family photos" included at the bottom of each generation, just for fun. :)  You can click all the pictures to make them bigger if you want.


Spoiler: GEN 2: ALDEN DEMPSTER (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: GEN 4: ETIENNE MOREL (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: GEN 5: AMELIA MOREL (click to show/hide)

Offline intl_incident

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter One (20-Oct-14)
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2014, 08:55:19 PM »
I remember rising off the ground, with light swirling around me in thousands of different colors.  I remember seeing my mother's face, nearly hidden by a wall of magic.  I remember that there was was light everywhere, unbearably bright.  There was noise as well, unbearably loud.  A sound like waves crashing against rocks in a neverending roar.  But what I remember most is the feeling that I was one of those waves... splashing apart into spray, flying into the wind as a thousand different droplets, and disappearing into nothingness.

And then, in an instant, everything was silent and everything was dark.  My mind darted away to memories. My wife. My daughter.  Happier times.

I could have stayed there forever, floating in the void, wrapped in warm memories and the sound of remembered laughter.  But too soon the other memories came back.  My homeland, Ajri, under siege by evil forces from the other world.  My wife, dead. My daughter lying silent, perhaps never to recover.  And my family, waiting and hoping that I would be able to do what needed to be done.  That I would be able to bring back generations of descendants to perform the magic to re-seal the Gate that had kept the evil forces at bay for thousands upon thousands of years. 

My mother had sent me here with magic.  She didn't know where I would go, just that I would end up in another world.  Wherever I had ended up, it was cold.  My head was pounding.  I could still hear the sound of water on rocks, but it was quieter, like it was farther away.  The air definitely smelled of the outdoors, but different than I was used to.  Musty and strange, it was like a garden after the rain, but with the strong fragrance of a plant I didn't recognize.  And I realized with a start that something was chewing on my hair.

My eyes shot open in an instant, and I scrambled to my feet – or I'd like to think I did.  I actually clambered out from under the bush I was lying in, tripped myself on one of the branches, staggered forward several steps and fell rather ungraciously face-first into a tree.  Astanal snorted behind me, amused.

"Thanks, beast," I mumbled sarcastically, my face pressed up against the oddly sticky bark. I didn't know he'd gotten there. There had been no plan to send him with me. But in truth I was relieved he was there, and that I wasn't alone in this unfamiliar new world.  I lurched around, still unsteady, to grab hold of his harness, but it wasn't there, and I got a handful of mane instead.  As he nuzzled my shoulder, I realized that none of his saddle or gear had made it through the transfer.  And neither had my clothes.  Great.  No wonder I was freezing.  Looking around, I had to admit that the landscape was beautiful, in a rocky, rugged way, but it was certainly no tropical island, like the home I had left behind.

"We've got to find shelter," I said to the horse, shuddering a bit and moving closer to his warm hide as a breeze blew toward us from the falls. "And I need to find some clothes. Apparently mother sent us somewhere with no sun."

That wasn't exactly true – the sun was in the sky, plainly visible – but it didn't seem to be warming this strange green land, with the prickly, sticky trees. Not one bit.  My teeth were chattering as I swung myself up to Astanal's back. "That way," I said, pointing him toward some lights in the distance.  Lights meant fire, and fire meant warmth.  And other people. Surely there would be a village, I thought.

And there was, but it was like nothing I had ever seen before.  The lights I had seen appeared to be powered by magic – their fires burned brightly inside sealed glass globes, but without giving off any heat.  The paths were made of some sort of perfectly uniform flat rock, with decorative lines painted in white.  There were metal carts rolling around on them, with no horses in front, passing within inches of each other at breakneck speeds, and spewing out noxious gasses as they went.  The buildings were stone and metal, with odd sharp angles and massive panes of glass that even our best artisans could not have made at home.  Steam was rising off the water, which was warmer than the air.  It was insanity.

But of course, to these people, I must have been the one who looked insane, riding into their town, naked, on the back of a horse.  I got more than a few stares, had more than a few mothers jerk their children away from my path, and had someone yell at me that they were "calling the cops."  But all the man did was take a box from his pocket, hold it up to his ear, and start talking to himself.

Clearly I would need to observe the local culture a bit more before I tried to fit in.  I guided Astanal to an empty, isolated part of the town, where a small shack had been set up next to piles of strange debris.  I saw some fabric in the piles, and dismounted to investigate.  I didn't want to steal anything, but night was already falling, and the already impossibly cold air was just getting colder.  And the piles were just heaps of random items, covered in dirt and grime.  They looked like nothing so much as trash, though I couldn't imagine anyone throwing away so much metal.  As Astanal grazed on the local foliage, I dug through the piles, pulling item after improbable item from the assorted scrap. 

With a sudden pang of loneliness, I couldn't help but think how my scholarly father would have reacted – he would have wanted to catalog everything, and pack it away for further study.  But with luck, I would have plenty of time to document this strange place for him.  For now, I just wanted the shirt that I eventually dragged out the mess.

Tying it around my waist like a skirt, and grabbing a few stout poles, I whistled for Astanal.  "That's all for here.  Let's try down there."  We headed for the back of a building, where I'd just seen a young man tear up some thick paper cartons and throw them in a giant metal bin.  Once he went back around the corner, we made our way to the containers.  I took a deep breath – the smell was pretty awful – and dove in. 

Astanal was watching me like I had lost my mind.  And maybe I had. But what I found was a large tarp of some sort, a pair of torn pants, and a pair of purple shoes with soft, pliable soles.  They were a bit large, but they would cover me up.  The thick brown paper would start a good fire or serve as a ground cover, and the poles I'd pilfered from the junk piles would hold up the tarp to make a servicable tent.  I gathered it all into a bundle, and we headed back to the woods by the falls as the sky grew dark.  I could see that they had stars here, though different stars than at home.

Camp was rudimentary at best, but it would have to do. 

In the morning, I awoke to the sound of my own rumbling stomach, and of Astanal nosing around the tent flap.  As I crawled out into the sunshine, he backed up a few paces, shook his mane and nickered.  He'd been worrying about me as I slept, and I realized again how lucky I was to have him with me.

"How did you get here, anyway?"

He just nickered again, kicking his hoofs against the soft turf.   He was happy with the adventure, it seemed.  I knew there was more to this trip than adventure, but I didn't want to think about it.  So I launched myself up to his back, and patted his neck. "I'm glad you came, old friend. However you got here. I'd never make it without you. Now let's go find some breakfast."

There was plenty of water around, both salt and fresh.  For the next few days, life was a simple repetition of fishing, cooking, and skulking down through the trees to spy on the town to try to figure out the madness that was going on there.  My mother's charm had worked, so language didn't seem to be a problem, and I knew I needed to meet people, but I had no idea how to get started.

Luckily, Fate took things into her own hands.

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter One (20-Oct-14)
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2014, 10:27:08 PM »
I really like how you started this, really playing up the poverty-stricken humble beginnings/fish out of water angle of it.  :)
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter One (20-Oct-14)
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2014, 10:28:43 PM »
What a wonderful, and different, start to your dynasty! I have sometimes browsed your Ajri's story so I know a little about his background. Looking forward seeing where you will be going with this.

Offline Brooke.

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter One (20-Oct-14)
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2014, 04:21:57 AM »
I did not expect a naked Jaffaran! I can't wait to see which lucky lady of Aurora Skies will be his partner.
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Offline intl_incident

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter One (20-Oct-14)
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2014, 11:46:43 AM »
Hey, thanks everyone for the comments!  I'm glad you all find it interesting so far.  It was fun trying to think about how Jaffaran might view the "strange new world" of Aurora Skies.  And I was so excited to finally have a reason to send a Sim dumpster diving! Ha ha. 

A technical note for those familiar with the rules of the Immortal Dynasty:  I will sometimes (especially here at the beginning) take a couple of screen shots using poses and props that I create in a secondary save file -- so when I used buydebug scrap and the fire effect from a fog emitter, for example, that was a secondary save file.  But when Jaffaran was digging in the scrap piles and dumpsters that was the real file.  I am going to try to stick to the rules for a Hall of Fame attempt, but will occasionally have to set up a scene for storytelling purposes.

I did not expect a naked Jaffaran! I can't wait to see which lucky lady of Aurora Skies will be his partner.

Naked Jaffaran FTW! Hee! OK, another technical note for those who are familiar with Forum Rules. ;) Jaffaran is not ACTUALLY naked in those scenes!  He's wearing a lovely (ok, hideous) pair of flesh-colored Speedos.  And I took special precautions to make sure there were strategic branches and hats and whathaveyou placed infront of his *ahem* unmentionables, in the finest tradition of 1970s TV comedy!

But for the purposes of the story, yeah, he's riding around the City Park naked as a jaybird. What a scandal!

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter One (20-Oct-14)
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2014, 12:38:38 PM »
I was wondering how you were making Jaffaran naked. You matched his skintone pretty well!

I'm so happy you've joined the dynasty side of storytelling. We can always use more stories over here.
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Offline Brooke.

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter One (20-Oct-14)
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2014, 05:28:47 AM »

Naked Jaffaran FTW! Hee! OK, another technical note for those who are familiar with Forum Rules. ;) Jaffaran is not ACTUALLY naked in those scenes!  He's wearing a lovely (ok, hideous) pair of flesh-colored Speedos.  And I took special precautions to make sure there were strategic branches and hats and whathaveyou placed infront of his *ahem* unmentionables, in the finest tradition of 1970s TV comedy!

But for the purposes of the story, yeah, he's riding around the City Park naked as a jaybird. What a scandal!

I see. I know there is a naked skintone around somewhere but I'm too scared to use it  ;)
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter One (20-Oct-14)
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2014, 07:37:40 AM »
I hope your crack at an IM Hall of Fame works out for you.  I just want to see Jaffarran return home and cure Ajiana. I'm bookmarking this story too because I want to see who Jaffarran chooses in Aurora Skies.  ;)
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Offline intl_incident

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Two (22-Oct-14)
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2014, 09:18:03 PM »
I was nearly asleep by the fire, trying to keep warm.  There had been a cold mist falling all day, and my clothes were damp, so as the sun went down I started shivering in the chill air.  It was Astanal's snorting that alerted me to our visitor.  He shook his mane and backed up a step as the boy stepped forward to try to touch his muzzle.

"Hush," I called over to him, climbing stiffly to my feet. "It's just a boy."

The boy jumped at the sound of my voice, backing away from the stallion and holding up his hands. "I'm sorry mister. I didn't see you there. I just wanted to see the horse, because it looked like he was all alone out here."

"Well, he's not," I answered. "But if you are, you'd better get along home before someone worries about you."  I turned back to try to settle once more in front of the fire.

"How come you're camping here?" he asked. 

I sighed inwardly, and stood back up, tucking my hands into my armpits to try to warm them. "Because I needed somewhere to sleep."

"And you chose the forest? With winter coming?"  A blond woman came around the tent and tugged the boy away from me.  She looked me up and down, probably trying to judge if I was as much of a vagabond as I appeared in my torn clothes and smelly shoes. 
"Just for now," I said, my teeth chattering as I spoke. I was really starting to shake.  The cold was unlike anything I'd ever felt on Ajri, and I could barely stand upright.

"I see, Mister..."  She let the sentence trail off, and turned back to face me, raising her eyebrow. I realized she was looking for a name.

"Jaffaran," I said.  That seemed to perplex her. Of course it wouldn't be a common name here. "Most people call me Jaff," I added quickly.

"And do you have a last name, Geoff?"

If Jaffaran was an issue, I was pretty sure den'Rhelys was not going to work.  My brain was fairly fuddled by the cold, so I said the first thing that popped into my head -- a word I remembered from my brief trip downtown: "Dumpster." Brilliant.

Luckily, Iris just replied: "Dempster?"

"Yes."  I smiled winningly.  My teeth chattered again as I did.

She studied me once more with a thoughtful expression, then shook her head with a sigh.  "Well, Mr. Dempster, I don't like leaving you out here in the cold, and you'll have to move along soon. But if you say you're all right..."

I nodded, and tried to back away but my feet were like lead. I stumbled and fell to all fours. Astanal whinnied in alarm and stomped at the turf.

The woman tried to reach out to catch me, but she was slow and awkward, as if she were carrying something heavy strapped to her waist.  "You're not all right. JONAS!"

Iris sent her son running ahead to let his father know we were coming.  The Ingbergs were living in a small red cabin by the falls.  I recall that Iris told me they had a second house in town somewhere, but that they often stayed at the cabin in good weather, because of the surrounding nature and the beautiful views. 

I tried to pay attention as she told me about her husband, who was a doctor of some sort, and about Jonas, who liked to go fishing rather than do his schoolwork.  Astanal was beside me, mincing around like a nervous hen, and I held tightly to his mane to keep from falling over as I stumbled after Iris.

The cabin, thankfully, was warm as a summer's day.  Iris's husband, Jakob, had stoked up a small fire, and Iris sat me in front of it with a cup of warm broth.  Jakob looked me over with a practiced eye, checking for injuries or signs of anything more serious than a chill. 

"He'll be fine once he's warmed up. Call your sister to have the police come for him.  They can take him down to the jail for the night."

Iris gave her husband a reproving look. "At this hour, in this weather, you're going to turn him out of the house and send him to jail? Let him stay the night, Jakob. He's done nothing wrong, and he's no threat to anyone."

"You don't know he's no threat. We can't just take in every stray you find out here. He's no limping deer, or hungry cat, Iris.  He's a drifter, who was camping in our woods, and who looks more than capable of overpowering you and me both."

"They're hardly 'our woods,' Jakob," Iris started to object, but her husband was having none of it. 

"You're pregnant, Iris, and I'm not going to let you--"
"You're not going to LET me? Because I'm pregnant? What does that even have to do with anything?"

The argument continued in hushed tones, but with a lot of emphatic gesturing.  As they moved away, I tried to turn to watch, but my head was too heavy.  Probably for the best.  I'm sure they didn’t want a stranger listening to their marital tension.

"Your horse is looking through the window at you," said a small voice beside me.  I cracked open an eyelid, and found Jonas sitting on the floor next to my chair. "He came around to the other side of the house to find you, and he's watching through the glass." 

I smiled without lifting my head. "He's a good friend."

"What's his name?"

Before I could answer, I heard Jakob yell "Fine! Do what you like then. You always do."  Jonas flinched at the sound, and then watched his father disappear into one of the cabin's bright red doors.  It closed with a slam.

Iris put on a smile, and stepped over to take me by the arm. "Come along," she said kindly. "You can stay in the cellar.  It's not much for luxury, but it's better than a tent in this weather."

I was finally warm enough to stand steadily on my own.  Jonas scrambled to his feet to follow. "Do your homework," his mother interjected firmly, nodding toward the desk. "It's a school night."

Jonas eyed the books there, then chewed his lip, obviously trying to think of an excuse. "Can I feed the horse first?" he pleaded.

"Horses eat grass," I said. "Do your homework."  I didn't want us to be any more trouble than we already were. And Astanal really would be fine.  He seemed to be weathering this place better than I.

"You can take him an apple in the morning," his mother added. "If Mr. Dempster says it's all right."

With that, we were out the door. Astanal was waiting outside, of course, and followed us around to the side of the cabin, where a separate entrance led down a ladder to a small storage room. "I'll be fine," I murmured to him before I went inside again. "These are kind people."  He nickered back at me, and then turned to stand guard in front of the small door.  I patted his flank in appreciation, then climbed down to the small, dark room that would be my home for the next few months, though I didn't know it yet.

"As I said," Iris continued, digging around in some of the boxes and trunks. "It's not a five-star hotel, but we keep the old furniture down here, and some old clothes and things for camping.  So you should be able to make do."

"It's very kind of you," I said gratefully. "More than I need."

"Well," she said breezily, still looking for something in the boxes. "You don't need very much then."  She found what she was looking for, and handed me the blanket she pulled from one of the trunks. "Make yourself at home.  Take whatever of the clothes here will fit you -- they're all bound for the charity shop anyway -- and then sleep as long as you like.  Come upstairs for breakfast when you're ready, and we'll talk about what to do with you after that."  She smiled again, with the same kindly expression, and then climbed back up the ladder, leaving me on my own.

I took her up on her offer, shedding my smelly, torn clothes for the warmest layers I could find, and then settling in under a pile of blankets. 

The mattress was soft, the sheets were musty but clean, and the blankets -- oh thank heaven for the blankets -- were toasty as a cocoon.  I drifted off to sleep, snug, safe, and finally warm.


Got a little carried away on this one -- it was pretty long, even for me. But Jaffaran -- er, I mean, Geoff -- is settled in at last.  :) For those who keep track of ID rules, here's what I did.  Storywise, it may look like I am joining the Ingberg household, but it was just the opposite in reality.  I bought the dynasty lot at the start of the game, then invited the Ingbergs to join my household.  Sold their car, etc, and used the money to build "their" cabin on the dynasty lot.

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Two (22-Oct-14)
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2014, 10:02:06 PM »
I do enjoy seeing your "behind the scenes" notes. How clever!

I do have to ask: is Aurora Skies permanently in winter-mode for you?

Don't feel bad about the length, though. It was an excellent read as usual. :)
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Offline intl_incident

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Two (22-Oct-14)
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2014, 10:48:31 PM »
Thanks, Trip. I'm glad it wasn't too long. I tend to get pretty wordy sometimes. :)

I can double check the seasons tomorrow night (computer is packed for a business trip tomorrow morning) but  I am pretty sure I have them set to spring, fall and winter. That's OK right?

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Two (22-Oct-14)
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2014, 11:31:45 PM »
It is. You can set them to any settings you want. I was just curious because a dynasty without summer is difficult. :P
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Offline Brooke.

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Two (22-Oct-14)
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2014, 06:48:35 AM »
Ah, I like Iris' new name for Jaffran. I'm always intrigued by your little notes on how you set up your scenes.
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