Author Topic: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Thirty-Two (7-21-15)  (Read 39896 times)

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Eighteen (3-12-15)
« Reply #90 on: March 12, 2015, 11:33:16 PM »
Gawd I'm siting here nearly expiring from excitement! Wow... just wow! Where to start, well, the building make-over is just wickedly fabulous. Then Alden taking Claudia's letters...again... ha! Had me laughing but was just such a great ending to the chapter.  I simply loved Pascal and his fathers alchemy shop. OMG... to die for. And my fav quote...
"Of course." He seemed perplexed. "I thought you must be a fan, if you recognized Ybeline's Elixir Station." Just soooo good. I love your story telling.  ;D

As for poor Pascals 'real' clothes, *sigh* I much prefer your version!  ;) Oh! I nearly forgot to add how pretty Claudia is now.

*edited again! lol, just thought I'd let you know that your story has inspired me to go back to TS3 after living in TS4 and boy am I enjoying be back with my sims3 sims!
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Eighteen (3-12-15)
« Reply #91 on: March 14, 2015, 08:49:02 AM »
Glad you gave Pascal a makeover his original look is just horrid, lol. I liked their meeting, and I'm hoping Claudia gets to see Jaff soon.
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Eighteen (3-12-15)
« Reply #92 on: March 14, 2015, 12:37:21 PM »
I know for your story, you need appropriate clothing, but I sort of like the odd combos sims come up with on their own. Makes me feel fashionable.

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Eighteen (3-12-15)
« Reply #93 on: March 15, 2015, 09:23:45 PM »
Gawd I'm siting here nearly expiring from excitement! Wow... just wow! Where to start, well, the building make-over is just wickedly fabulous. Then Alden taking Claudia's letters...again... ha! Had me laughing but was just such a great ending to the chapter.  I simply loved Pascal and his fathers alchemy shop. OMG... to die for. And my fav quote...
"Of course." He seemed perplexed. "I thought you must be a fan, if you recognized Ybeline's Elixir Station." Just soooo good. I love your story telling.  ;D

As for poor Pascals 'real' clothes, *sigh* I much prefer your version!  ;) Oh! I nearly forgot to add how pretty Claudia is now.

*edited again! lol, just thought I'd let you know that your story has inspired me to go back to TS3 after living in TS4 and boy am I enjoying be back with my sims3 sims!

Wow! I'm glad you are enjoying the story so much! :D It's great to hear from an enthusiastic reader.  I think Claudia turned out very pretty as well, and especially in the next few chapters.  I'm also secretly delighted that I lured you back to Sims 3. Mwahahaha. I tried Sims 4 and I just don't like it at all.  So the more people  I can keep here in the Sims 3 world, reading Sims 3 stories, the better!  Or my readers will all be off looking for Sims 4 stuff!

Glad you gave Pascal a makeover his original look is just horrid, lol. I liked their meeting, and I'm hoping Claudia gets to see Jaff soon.

I know for your story, you need appropriate clothing, but I sort of like the odd combos sims come up with on their own. Makes me feel fashionable.

Any time that Dragon Valley shows up on a random Sim, it is ALWAYS paired with the most ridiculous stuff.  I had a townie wandering the streets yesterday in a Dragon Valley hoodie, the hot pants/bathing suit bottom from Island Paradise and a pair of snow boots. Wow.

But KRae that is an interesting way to look at it. I never thought about it, but yeah, compared to townie Sims, I could have stepped off the pages of French Vogue. Ha ha.

More story coming up!

Offline intl_incident

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Eighteen (3-12-15)
« Reply #94 on: March 15, 2015, 09:29:55 PM »
That night I settled down to read the book that Pascal had given me.  My grandfather had published his novels under a pseudonym, which is why I had never stumbled across them by chance.  But I couldn't believe no one had told me about them before this.  The setting was just as I remembered it, with all the characters I recalled.  In this installment, Lady Ybeline and Lord Mithren had hidden the den'Rhelys household and their entire palace behind a magcal charm to protect them.  Nella had been away when the charm was set, and couldn't find her way home.  The bulk of the story was about her adventures as she looked for clues.

I was about halfway finished with the novel when my mother got back from the coffee house. "You're up late," she said as she hung up her satchel.  "Don't you have work in the morning?"

"I do," I replied, tucking a bookmark in my place to save it and standing up to show my mother what I as reading. "But see what I've found? Pascal Morel gave it to me.  Grandfather wrote it.  It's about Ajri, like he used to tell me back in Aurora Skies."

"My mother's expression changed to something between guilt and sadness, with a both of worry thrown in.  She cast a glance back at the door, as if expecting someone to come through it. "You should put that away before you father comes home," she said quietly.

"But why?"

"Claudia, you know your father and grandfather didn't get along, and you know your father doesn't like you talking about those stories."

"I know that, yes, but I have never understood it."

My mother patted my shoulder as she had when I was a girl.  "It's a complicated thing, darling, and I don't want you to think badly about anyone.  There's no need to spoil your happy memories."

"Mother, I'm not a child!" I was as frustrated and annoyed as usual whenever this topic came up.  "Just tell me what happened. Why don't we ever go back to Aurora Skies?"

She was twisting her ring around her finger now, nervously, trying to decide what to say. "I told you it was complicated," she finally offered. "Your grandfather wasn't well.  He had some… mental problems, I guess.  It was hard for your father to live with that, and he blames your grandfather for a lot of things. And he didn't want you to have the same problems when you were growing up."

"Grandpa didn't have mental problems," I objected.

"You were a little girl who loved her grandfather," my mother said kindly. "You don't remember the way things really were, and you don't know what it was like for your father to grow up with him."

I frowned, knowing she could well be right.  I remembered arguments between my father and grandfather, and I remember thinking that I was the cause for some of them, even though  I didn't understand them.  And Grandfather had never written back to any of my letters.  "Maybe," I allowed. "But I'm going to write to him anyway. I want to let him know I found his books."

"Oh, honey," my mother replied with a small sad smile. "Your grandfather was already very old when we left Aurora Skies.  It's been almost twenty years."

I knew what she was trying to say, and I knew she was right.  The book Pascal had given me was had to be the last thing my grandfather could have written.  And so -- in a way -- with the dedication to Lady Claudia, maybe he'd written me back after all.

The next day, after work at the bakery, I did something unheard of for me: I put on a dress!  Pascal was waiting for me at the café as promised, and stood up from the table as I walked in.

At first we just gazed at each other, but then the waiter rather pointedly cleared his throat and pulled out my chair.  We laughed at our shared awkwardness, then sat down to crusty bread and butter, bouillabaisse, fruit and cheese.  We chatted through the whole meal about family, jobs, shared interests, the stuffy waiter and delicious stew, the changes in our small town, and the trips Pascal had taken with his father to China and Egypt.  Eventually, when the dishes were cleared and we were the last two in the restaurant, lingering over our coffee, we turned to the book that had brought us together. 

"So what do you think?" Pascal asked, pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.

"It reminded me of home," I said honestly. "I haven't finished it yet, but everything is just as I remember it from when I was a child."

Pascal nodded enthusiastically as I spoke. "The books are really amazing," he said. "They are so full of detail.  I mean I've built all kinds of crazy things from other books and movies -- flying brooms and lightsabers and hoverboards -- but they were all just toys, or costumes.  They never worked.  But the things in the Ajri books -- some of them actually work!  Not as well, or not exactly the same, but they work.  Your grandfather must have been a genius of some kind. Like da Vinci's helicopter! Or... or…" He paused in his gesturing, and caught a glimpse of my watching him over the rim of my coffee cup.  His cheeks turned pink.  "I'm boring you," he said. "I'm sorry."

"No, no," I quickly shook my head. "I think it's wonderful that you are so excited, and that you have actually built things just by following the books. It's incredible."

"My father says I should turn my attention to something more useful," he replied with a self-deprecating roll of his eyes.

"Fathers say a lot of things," I said as I took another sip of coffee. "They're not always right."

We spent a good deal of time together after that.  Whether at the museum or on a picnic…

Touring the countryside…

Or just going about our daily business, we found every chance we could to be together. 

And soon enough, in what seemed like no time at all, my friends and I were once again walking into the little blue dress shop.  The bells on the door jingled as we entered.

And this time, we were ALL buying dresses.

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Nineteen (3-15-15)
« Reply #95 on: March 16, 2015, 08:45:46 AM »
Eeeeeee Claudia's getting married!  This chapter was just so lovely.  I hope she finds out that Jaff is still alive... soon?  ;)
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Offline intl_incident

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Nineteen (3-15-15)
« Reply #96 on: March 16, 2015, 11:29:25 AM »
Eeeeeee Claudia's getting married!  This chapter was just so lovely.  I hope she finds out that Jaff is still alive... soon?  ;)

Yes, yes... She'll find out soon. :) But I haven't done a big fancy wedding yet in this story so since I am already mucking about in non-official save files just to make things pretty, Claudia will be the lucky "fancy" bride. Then we'll get back on task!

I also promise that once it's clear what's going on with Alden as an elder things will also move more quickly. Gotta lay just a wee bit more foundation there for Important Plot Reasons.

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty (3-17-15)
« Reply #97 on: March 17, 2015, 06:27:17 AM »
And here's that fancy wedding I promised. :)


We held the wedding on a sunny afternoon at the Galerie d'Arte.  Monsieur Morel -- Pascal's father -- had helped bring some of the museum's prized treasures from China and Egypt, so the director was kind enough to let us use the grounds.

Nothing could have been more perfect.  It sounds silly to say, but it was true:  the weather was perfect, the décor was perfect, the music was perfect, and my husband-to-be was smiling at me as my father waked me down the carpeted aisle between our family and friends.  My contrarian father had even agreed -- after my mother intervened -- to wear the black jacket and blue vest we had picked out for him.  He rolled up the sleeves and he wore it with blue jeans, but he wore it.

As we exchanged our rings, Pascal and I said our handwritten vows.  We had kept them secret from each other, but somehow -- perhaps because we'd met in an alchemy store and we both loved fantastical tales -- they both ended on the same note.

"... and the first day I met you," Pascal said to me as he placed the ring on my finger, "I knew that magic was real."

I couldn't help but laugh as I recited my reply, knowing that my conclusion would echo his. "... and the first day I met you," I finished with a wide smile, "I knew that fairy tales could come true."

Our friends and family cheered as we kissed, then tossed confetti over us as we walked back down the aisle, a newly married couple.  I could barely feel my feet on the carpet, but I held tight to Pascal's arm and blinked back happy tears.

The party afterwards was a great success.  We had set up tables and chairs on the plaza around the museum's spectacular fountain.  Pascal and I mingled with the guests to accept congratulations and take photographs.

My friends from the bakery had outdone themselves with a beautiful cake, but Pascal and I barely had time to look at it, let alone eat anything or even speak to each other.

We did finally manage to come together for the traditional first dance after the sun went down and my mother and father and their friends started to play music for dancing.

Things got a bit out of hand after that, from what I was told...

But by that time, Pascal and I were long gone -- escaped to our honeymoon suite.  We had splurged on a beautiful room at one of the fancy hotels the tourists usually filled.  Pascal insisted on sweeping me off my feed and carrying me inside, in the old-fashioned way.

"Alone at last!" he said, staggering through the doorway and spitting out a bit of my hair. (Perhaps it wasn't quite as romantic as he'd hoped.)

The door closed behind us, and he set me back on my feet, and all of the whirlwind of the day faded into happy memory as I clutched him close for a kiss. "Alone at last," I repeated, still in his arms. I reached up to brush my fingers over his cheek. "What shall we do now, Monsieur Morel?"

"I don't know, Madame Morel," he replied with a shy smile. "Why don't you take off that uncomfortable dress first?"

"And then what, Monsieur Morel?"

"Oh, then I thought we would order room service and watch the news."

I laughed at the teasing, pulling out of his grasp to pick up my small suitcase and duck into the bathroom.  I could hear Pascal singing quietly to himself in the other room as I quickly freshened up and then slipped into the things one of my more scandalous friends had provided at my bridal shower. 'Direct from Paris!' she'd exclaimed. 'And Paris is for lovers...'

But whatever mood she had hoped to create, whatever I had expected as I stepped out of the bath, it was not my sweet, nerdy husband in a pair of pink heart-covered boxer shorts, doused in cologne, pointing at me with both fingers and jiggling his hips like a 1970s movie playboy.

I burst into laughter, then darted right past him for the bed.  We both dove into it, and... well... carried on like a married couple.

Afterwards, as we were nibbling on the chocolates, champagne and coffee the hotel had provided, we were already talking about the future.  The very near future.

"I don't know. Sunlit Tides? Isla Paradiso?"

"Oh, Pascal... they're so expensive. We shouldn't spend so much."

"Honeymoons aren't for practicality," my new husband reminded me with a laugh.

"I know, but I want us to save money to buy a house.  We can't live with my parents, it's much too small, and I don't think your mother likes me very much."

"She loves you!"

"Oh really?"

"Well, she likes you."

"Mm hmm."

"Sooooo... Isla Paradiso?" Pascal smiled winningly as he changed the subject.

I reached out to tickle his chin as I considered. "You know where I would really love to go? Aurora Skies."

"Really?" Pascal sat up, sitting cross legged on the bed.

"Really," I replied. "I'd really like to go back and see it. To see if it's really like I remember it."

"Then it's settled."

"You don't mind?" I asked. "It's not the most romantic place for a honeymoon."

"Are you asking if I would like to go visit the home of my favorite author, for a private tour with his granddaughter, who also happens to be the most beautiful woman in the world and also my wife?"

"Well when you put it that way..."

Pascal smiled, and rubbed the top of one of my feet where it was tucked into the blankets beside him. "I will do whatever you want, because wherever we go, if I'm with you it will be the most romantic place on earth."

"I love you, Pascal."

"You have excellent taste in men."

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty (3-17-15)
« Reply #98 on: March 17, 2015, 08:46:03 AM »
Just wow! Beautiful setting and the honeymoon suite, Claudia is looking stunning and Pascal is so handsome - even Alden manages to look good with jeans and a suit  ;D
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty (3-17-15)
« Reply #99 on: March 17, 2015, 03:40:44 PM »
Oh Indy that was so beautiful.  Your honeymoon suite is fantastic!  Yeah for returning to Aurora Skies.  ;D
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty (3-17-15)
« Reply #100 on: March 18, 2015, 11:14:16 PM »
Prime nominee for best dynasty wedding yet. :D

I liked their lives in France, but I'm a little anxious for the family to be reunited again too.
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty (3-17-15)
« Reply #101 on: March 19, 2015, 08:37:37 AM »
Aww, thanks guys for all of the nice comments.  I am on a business trip right now, but will post Claudia's return to Aurora Skies when I get home. :)

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-One (3-27-15)
« Reply #102 on: March 27, 2015, 02:23:20 PM »
As promised, Claudia's return!


We packed our suitcases the very next week, booked a flight through Paris, and set off on our adventure.

As we circled the landing field, my nose was pressed to the window, looking for changes to the small town I remembered. But unlike Champs Les Sims, Aurora Skies seemed to have remained almost exactly the same.

Pascal was happy to be traveling and to watch my excitement, until we stepped outside into the blustery weather I remembered from my childhood. It was nothing like the warm sunshine of our French village.

"How do people live here? Are you all penguins?" He tugged his jacket closer around him, flipping up the collar to cover his ears.

"I told you to wear a scarf."

"You should have told me to wear a down parka. And a wool blanket. And long underwear. And three pairs of socks. "

He kept up his commentary all the way to our hotel, where, while I checked us in and rented a car, he bought the thickest, warmest, scratchiest and loudest wool sweater the gift shop had to offer, along with a fleece lined hat. "There!" he said with a proud smile. "Now I look like a native!"

The clerk raised a skeptical eyebrow, but I just shook my head with an affectionate smile. "You look warm," I allowed. "Now come on. The car is outside, and I want to look around while we still have some daylight."

He was losing a bit of his cheer three hours later, as we pulled up in front of yet another little house, looking for my childhood home. "This must be it," I said as we walked toward the door.  "It has to be. It's bigger, and it used to be red, and there used to be a barn, but… oh, I don't know. Maybe not."

Pascal, who had heard me say similar things as we drove up to at least five other houses, rolled his eyes and ushered me toward the front door.  "Come on."

When no one answered the bell, I pressed up against the window to peer inside. "This IS it! There's the little kitchen! And I recognize the couch in the back."

"It's not like it used to be. The furniture is rearranged, and the walls look different, but--"

"Can I help you?"

I jumped at the question, spinning around as my cheeks turned pink.  "Sorry! Sorry, I-- Reynar?"


"You're back! Where have you been? You just disappeared!"

My old friend invited us inside amid a flurry of happy introductions and warm hugs.  We were both looking each other up and down to take in all of the differences as he congratulated me on my marriage.

"All grown up and married," he said. "I always knew you'd turn out well -- wherever you went."

There was so much to catch up on, but even with all of the changes to the cabin, it instantly felt like home.   After a tour, and after showing Pascal all of the old family photos, Reynar wanted to sample my 'fancy French cooking,' so we sat down to a bottle of wine and a quick meal and talked into the wee hours of the morning about shared memories of school and friends and family.

Aunt Ilsa had died several years ago, while she was still working at the hospital as the chief of staff. 

As for my grandfather, Reynar told me he left long ago, and that he had told Aunt Ilsa he wanted to live his last few years with my father and mother and I. 

"But he never came," I said, shaking my head in confusion. "I never saw him again."

"That's all I know," Reynar said sadly. "I wish I could tell you more. I always liked your grandfather."

"I hope he didn't end up alone," I said with a sigh as I stood up to gather the dishes.  "No one should end up alone.  But you never did answer me about the barn.  What happened to it?"

Reynar rolled his eyes as I raised the question.  "I keep telling you," he said. "There was never a barn."

"But there was!" I was getting increasingly frustrated that he couldn't remember it. "It was a huge red barn, with blue windows, and my grandfather lived up above it.  We had horses and everything!"

"I don't know what you're thinking of," Reynar laughed, completely confounded. "But there was no barn!  Come on. Let me show you the upstairs.  My mother saved your things up in the attic, in case you ever came back."

Even as we left after seeing the attic, and making promises to come back for another visit, I was still not convinced.  Poor Pascal was shivering beside me in the brisk dawn air as I frowned at an empty field.

"It was right here," I was saying. "A huge red barn! How does he not remember it? How does he not remember the HORSES? There was a picture of one right on his wall!"

Pascal started to reply, taking my hands as he turned back from his longing gaze at the warm car. "Maybe it wasn't as big as you remember. You were a little girl, and--" He paused, frowned, and then started walking off to the side, his head tilted as he stared intently toward the field.

"What are you doing?"

"I saw something," he said. "Out of the corner of my eye, as I was turning around. It was there, and then gone."

"What was it?"

"I don't know. It seemed like--" He turned toward the car again, and then glanced back out of the corner of his eye.   "No, it's not there now.  But that would make sense, wouldn't it?"

"What are you talking about?"

"A charm," he said. "Like in the last book.  The one I gave you, remember? Nella couldn't see the palace until she wasn't looking at it."

I stared at him for a moment, in disbelief. It was too insane to contemplate.  But there was my husband, craning his neck around and darting his eyes from side to side to try to see something without looking.

"Everyone around the palace had forgotten it was ever there," he was saying, "And Nella only saw it out of the corner of her eye, by accident."

"Pascal, that's crazy."

"'To my granddaughter, Lady Claudia,'" he said, quoting the dedication at the front of my grandafther's last novel. "'Nothing is lost if you find it.'  That's what Lady Ybeline said to Nella, remember?  At the end of the book. When she found the palace!"

"Pascal, really…"

"Why not?  Just try it!" He quoted the rest of the dedication, and then looked at me expectantly. "'How do you greet your elders? Like a den'Rhelys heir.'"

I furrowed my brow at him, still not believing he was serious. But he nodded with such excited enthusiasm that I had to humor him.  So I turned to the spot where he said he'd seen something, bent my knees, pressed my hands together and bowed my head as I remembered being taught as a child. 

"It is my very great honor to greet you," I said quietly.  And then added after a slight pause, added:  "Grandfather."

At first there was nothing.  But as I added the last word, I heard a soft, musical whisper on the wind.  And then the air in front of Pascal and I began to shimmer, and wave, like the world was a reflection on a pond.

A doorway of pure light opened out of nowhere, and from it stepped a man I had never thought to see again.  I lifted my hand to wave, my eyes wide with amazement.

"Hello, Claudia," said my grandfather. "Welcome home."

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-One (3-27-15)
« Reply #103 on: March 28, 2015, 12:04:16 AM »
Squeeeeeee!  ;D Welcome back Jaff.  I just knew you'd still be there.  This chapter deserves a million smiley faces. 
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-One (3-27-15)
« Reply #104 on: March 28, 2015, 01:35:13 AM »
*faints with sheer joy at the most amazing chapters yet* Wowee Indy, the dating, the wedding, the trip back home. OMG. I was grinning the whole time I was reading. I'm with Magz from Oz... a million smileys for sure  ;D I just love this story so much... I save it up till I know you've posted a few chapters then sit down with my coffee and bliss out!
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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