Author Topic: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Thirty-Two (7-21-15)  (Read 39892 times)

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Fifteen (2-25-15)
« Reply #75 on: February 26, 2015, 06:51:27 PM »
Even though I disagree with huffing off in the middle of the night, I can totally understand why Alden did that, and I'm more sympathetic to him than Jaffaran right now. Regardless of Ajri being real (and as far as Alden believes, it's not real, and Jaffaran's just messing around with possibly-dangerous chemicals and cheap wiring), Claudia is still Alden's child, and for Jaffaran to go behind his back like that after being specifically told not to and undermining his authority is really low and beyond disrespectful. I don't blame Alden for finally snapping and moving out at all.
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Fifteen (2-25-15)
« Reply #76 on: February 27, 2015, 07:58:57 AM »
Oh no, Alden's making a right mess of things. Love the dig at J K Rowling's potion recipes  :P

Ha ha. I have nothing against J K Rowling.  I just thought it would be kind of funny to think that Jaffaran had first read the recipes in those books like a scholar thinking he had found an actual history book or a local magic manual, and then eventually deciding "Oh, I get it... these are just fake. These people have no idea about real magic."

Even though I disagree with huffing off in the middle of the night, I can totally understand why Alden did that, and I'm more sympathetic to him than Jaffaran right now. Regardless of Ajri being real (and as far as Alden believes, it's not real, and Jaffaran's just messing around with possibly-dangerous chemicals and cheap wiring), Claudia is still Alden's child, and for Jaffaran to go behind his back like that after being specifically told not to and undermining his authority is really low and beyond disrespectful. I don't blame Alden for finally snapping and moving out at all.

Oh good! I was worried I was making Alden too irrational.  I wanted everyone to be flawed in one way or another -- I think it makes the story more interesting, because it gives them room for redemption -- but I didn't want anyone to be completely off the rails.  Hopefully Jaff will realize soon that no matter how important his reasons are, he's being kind of a jerk, and he might be more successful if he figures out how to behave better in Aurora Skies.

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Sixteen (3-2-15)
« Reply #77 on: March 02, 2015, 08:47:23 AM »
Before the next post, a note about the Dynasty rules:  I did send Alden, Joline and Claudia to Champs Les Sims, and some of the scenes form the next posts are from the official Dynasty game file.  But they were obviously recorded over a couple of different "vacation" trips. They didn't actually move there in the real game.  I also shot some staged scenes in an old save file to fill in some details to make it look like they were more permanently settled there, like Claudia in her school uniform, etc.

In the next posts, anything in italic is supposed to be written by Claudia, to be mailed back to Aurora Skies.


Hi, Grandpa! We are in France!  We rode a big boat to get here. Even the car came on the boat! Then we drove around for hours, and we kept having to stop to look at maps.

But we finally got here to our cottage. It's a little house made of stone, and mama says it has everything we need.

Mama says no one lived in the house for a long time, and that's why the furniture smells funny.  But my dad says it's because all of the furniture is from somewhere called the thrift shop.  Mama says that makes it vintage which I think means more artistic.

I am making a lot of new friends here.  Everyone at the school says I speak French really well, which is funny, because I never thought I knew how to speak it.  But I guess I do.  I have to wear a uniform to school, though.  It has a skirt, and I don't like it.

Mom and dad are making a lot of friends, too.  Most of them are artists.  They come to the cottage all the time for parties, and sometimes they spend the night on the couch downstairs.

I think you would like it here.  It's always sunny and warm.  We go to the park a lot, because there isn't much else to do. Dad plays guitar there sometimes, and people give him money.  Sometimes he sells paintings there, too. 

Mom tries to cook but she isn't very good at it. I miss Aunt Ilsa's pancakes.  Will you send me the recipe? I want to learn how to make them. 

Anyway, I miss you.  I didn't get to say good bye before we left.  Will you say hello to Aunt Ilsa and Reynar for me?  Please give Beryl a carrot, and pet her for me too.  Maybe we will come home soon, or you can come visit us here.  Until then, au revoir! (That means good bye for now!)


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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Sixteen (3-2-15)
« Reply #78 on: March 02, 2015, 10:12:57 AM »
Oh, how I thought this was going to be a normal letter exchange.

Dang it, Alden.
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Sixteen (3-2-15)
« Reply #79 on: March 02, 2015, 03:15:24 PM »
I am so angry at Alden right now, such a sweet letter from Claudia.
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Sixteen (3-2-15)
« Reply #80 on: March 03, 2015, 12:14:45 AM »
I am so angry at Alden right now, such a sweet letter from Claudia.

Ditto for me.  How could he!!!! >:(
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Sixteen (3-2-15)
« Reply #81 on: March 06, 2015, 04:45:24 AM »
Oh that really does it! Alden is WAY outta line burning the letter.  >:( I feel so indignant!
Really great chapter!  ;D
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Seventeen (3-6-15)
« Reply #82 on: March 07, 2015, 04:41:47 AM »
Ha ha, wow. I have gotten you guys to dislike EVERYONE.  Maybe you'll still like Claudia?  She's aged up to teen, and has been working on her cooking skill like crazy either in her little cottage in France or back in Aurora Skies between vacations. 

I am explaining that because this is where I go completely off the official save file for the pictures for a couple of posts. :P  What happened is that I got a nagging craving to do some building, because I've been mostly working on the Dynasty and I haven't really built anything in ages.  So I figured -- hey! They are going to be hanging out in France, and I want to show time passing, so I will rebuild all of those ugly shops downtown!  And I did! And then just as I was about to hit the 'Edit Town' button, I remembered I can't do that in the Dynasty.

So don't worry when you see her using a pastry oven, or hanging out in a pretty new bakery.  France in the official save file is still regular old, dingy Champs Les Sims, and the rules in the official save file have not been broken. But I kind of loved the buildings I built, so I completely cheated on the pictures, and took all of these screenshots in a secondary save file.  At heart, I am a building addict, and I am a micromanager, and 15 pictures of Claudia taking things out of the oven until we get through her teen years is boring anyway. :)


Hi again, Grandpa.  Just writing again to let you know how we are doing.  I am finally out of grade school, and into high school.  But I still have to wear a uniform, and it still has a skirt. 

Speaking of uniforms, I wear one to my job now, too.  Yes, that's right, I got a job!  I work at the patisserie downtown, selling pastries and coffee.  I'm learning to make them too, and who knows, maybe someday I will be a famous pastry chef, and you can watch me on Cookin' Cable.

Just kidding.  But I do like to cook, and I'm getting pretty good at it, which is great because mom is still terrible at it. 

Speaking of the bakery, I wish you could see it, and taste some of the amazing cakes and tarts.  Someone discovered a bunch of old tombs and catacombs in town, and there have been loads and loads of tourists coming around to explore them all.  They spend a lot of money in the bakery and café, and at the shops to buy their gear and books, and at the shops selling relics and souvenirs.  (Some of them are too lazy to go find their own loot, but they want something to show their friends when they get back home.)

If you're a tourist, the prices are sky high.  Everyone is making the most of it.  Mom and Dad even put some money together with some of their friends and opened a little gallery.  It's not much, but dad sells his paintings there, and teaches classes in the back.  Some of the tourists are more interested in nectar and art than they are in digging around below ground.

Of course, if you're a local -- and I guess we qualify as locals now -- everyone knows you and gives you a good deal on things.  And there are places that only the locals go, really.  Most of us don't get coffee at the patisserie, or eat dinner at the café. We go to a little coffee shop above the bookstore.  I hang out there with my friends sometimes, and mom and dad play music there.  It's kind of fun, I guess.

Sorry we couldn't come back for Snowflake Day, but my dad said we didn't have enough time to make the trip.  I was pretty sad. I like it here, and mom and dad seem really happy here, but I guess I just miss you and Aunt Ilsa and Reynar.   And even though it's a nice town, and I like working at the bakery for now, it just seems like I should be doing something more with my life -- like there's something special I am supposed to be doing.  Kind of like those old stories you used to tell me, remember?

Anyway, I will keep hoping you write me back.  I wish I knew how you are all doing in Aurora Skies.

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Seventeen (3-6-15)
« Reply #83 on: March 07, 2015, 06:44:47 AM »
Aggghhhh!   >:(  Claudia get yourself a lawyer, Alden's behaviour is criminal! (Well it is a crime to interfere with posted mail down under.)   Poor Jaff, he must be so worried that he hasn't heard from Claudia after all that time.  I really really hope Jaff is going to decide to go to Champs Les Sims and just happens to drop by the patisserie.
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Seventeen (3-6-15)
« Reply #84 on: March 07, 2015, 09:27:36 AM »
As always I am blown away by your building, the 'makeover' of the town is great. Not again, Alden, I swear I get violent just seeing him, lol.
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Seventeen (3-6-15)
« Reply #85 on: March 08, 2015, 05:34:00 PM »
Nah, Claudia's been behaving and I indeed like her. Alden, meanwhile, has crossed the line from understandable jerk to loathesome. :P
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Eightteen (3-12-15)
« Reply #86 on: March 12, 2015, 07:06:24 PM »
That was the last letter I wrote.  Life had gotten so busy at the bakery I just couldn't find the time.  I was an actual chef now, making my career in the culinary arts, and my schedule was jam packed. (Like my pastries! Ha ha!)

I was thinking about finding an apartment of my own, or enrolling in university.  I was thinking about whether I wanted to remain a chef, or find another job.  I was even thinking about going to China or Egypt, just to see something different.

The last thing I was thinking about was romance.  But I suppose that's the sort of thing that comes along when you least expect it, and when you're not really looking.  A lot of my friends were filling out profiles online, or going on dates to the coffee shop.  They were having no luck.  But there we were, window shopping on the way home from work, when I stumbled right into the love of my life.

"Claudia! Voyez-vous? Sont magnifiques!"

"Oui, super," I replied absently, playing with my phone, and not really paying attention.  Dresses had never been my preference, and I didn't like clothes shopping anyway.  But the bells on the door were already tinkling as my friends pulled it open, exclaiming over the new silk scarves from Paris, and the shoes with the bright red soles.  I sighed, and tucked my phone away.   "Allez!" I called out. "Go on. I don't need anything.  And I should get home to cook dinner."

They replied with the usual sighs for my lack of interest in fashion, then disappeared among the racks of skirts and blouses as I started down the street.  But before I could pull out my phone again, my eyes were drawn to the windows of the next shop in line.   They were full of bright gems and strange bottles; twisted wood and round globes of quartz.  And behind the displays, I thought I caught sight of something I hadn't seen since I was a child.

I hesitated, knowing I needed to get home, but the shop was so odd, and so intriguing, I found myself pulled inside by my own curiosity.   It was quiet, like a different world from the bustling street I'd just left.  The colors were dark but glamorous, and the interior was scented with a distinctive aroma of old, dusty paper and exotic, earthy perfume.   The floorboards creaked with what seemed to be a peculiarly charming antiquity.  And among the odd bits and baubles my attention was drawn by the soft chime of the longcase grandfather clock at the side of the store, which was just striking the hour with a musical chord. 

"Bonsoir, mademoiselle, et bienvenue a la boutique."

"Oh! " I was so intent on the intricate mechanism that I didn't hear the shopkeeper approach.  When he spoke, I jumped.   

He smiled. "My apologies for startling you. It's a lovely sound, isn't it?"

"It is," I replied, blinking back at him.  He had the most lovely brown eyes behind his tortoise shell glasses, and it took me a moment to focus on anything else.   Eventually, I noticed he was dressed in an old-fashioned   suit and waistcoat, complete with a slightly tarnished pocket watch.  "The whole clock is lovely.  But I came in to see the..."  My sentence trailed off as behind him, a young woman walked by wearing what looked like a witch's costume.  I blinked again, just as startled. "What kind of shop is this?"

He smiled again, apparently used to confusion.  "We call ourselves an alchemy shop," he said, then leaned in as if to tell me a secret. "In truth we just sell some dusty old antiques, along with a few movie props, or magic tricks… things like that.  But 'Alchemist' sounds more exciting.  So my father has us dress up for the tourist trade."  He winked.

Of course he knew I wasn't a tourist.  It was easy enough for one local to pick out another just by dress or accent.  "Your father... Oh!  You must be Pascal Morel!"  Monsieur Morel -- the elder one -- was well known throughout the town as a merchant to the tomb exploration teams.  He was able to sell them all manner of ridiculous things, from 'Sultan's Tents' to showers in a can, and even 'magic dust.'  Of course he'd open a more permanent shop, and of course it would sell 'alchemy' products.  His son looked much like him, but luckily without the same wily smirk.

"Guilty as charged," Pascal replied, holding up his hands in mock surrender. "But please don't hold it against me."

I smiled again, completely taken in by his charm. "I'm Claudia," I replied. And I won't, but only if you can tell me where this came from."  I walked him over toward the item I'd seen from the window, and up close it was even more perfect than I had thought, from the carvings on its pedestal to the gilded writing on the cover of its giant parchment tome.

"Ahhh," Pascal sighed, running a hand along the rustic wooden table. "You have excellent taste.  This is one of our highest quality reproductions.  I made it myself, actually, from the exact specifications in the Ajri series.  The books are very detailed, you know, and --"

"The what?" I spun around to stare at him, wide-eyed. "Did you say Ajri?"

"Of course." He seemed perplexed. "I thought you must be a fan, if you recognized Ybeline's Elixir Station."

I could barely contain myself as I heard the name Ybeline.  "No!  I mean, yes I know what it is, but I had one as a child, in my basement!  My grandfather used to tell me these stories!  He told me all about Ajri!  Lord Mithren and Lady Ybeline, and Jaffaran and Savna, and Meridel and Nella--"

"Nella is my favorite!" Pascal cried, practically bouncing with enthusiasm.

"Mine too!"

We both sighed simultaneously, me thinking of my grandfather, and he thinking of his favorite childhood books.  His was a happy sigh, and mine a wistful one.  Pascal tilted his head with concern.

"I'm sorry.  It's just that I miss my grandfather.  The stories were all so real when he told them -- like they were his own friends and relatives.  But he never read from a book, he just told me the stories. " I shrugged with one shoulder and a sad little smile.  "He used to say we were all den'Rhelys heirs.  He even had a horse once, named Astanal, that I remember seeing pictures of.  He always made me feel like a princess.  Lady Claudia…"

"AH!" Pascal held up a hand, his mouth hanging open. "AH HA!"  He pointed at me, then back at the elixir station, and then back at me. "Lady Claudia!"

Taking me by the arm, he steered me toward the back of the shop, babbling excitedly as we went. "Of course, of course, of course.  Of course. But where is it? Where, where, where? Here! No. Yes!"  He was running his finger over the titles of the books in one of the shelves behind the counter, and eventually hooked one by the spine to pull it from its place.

He ruffled past the first few pages, then adjusted his glasses, cleared his throat and quoted the dedication:  "To my granddaughter, Lady Claudia. Nothing is lost if you find it. Now how do you greet your elders? Like a den'Rhelys heir."  He snapped the book shut, and held it out to me with the back cover facing up.  There was a picture of my grandfather smiling back at me.

I reached out to touch it, disbelieving. "But how... Where did you... When did he write books?"

"You really didn't know?  He wrote the trilogy before you were born, most likely.  This last one came long after the others.  Maybe ten years ago? No." He checked the cover. "Eleven."

I took hold of the book and held it tightly as I stepped back around the counter. "I had no idea," I said, still amazed by this turn of events. "We left Aurora Skies when I was very young, and I never saw him after that. I wrote letters, but he never replied. I thought he forgot about me."

"Lady Claudia," Pascal chastised me gently. "No one could forget about you."

I looked up to find him beside me, smiling shyly as our eyes met.

I smiled back, just as shyly. "You're flirting, Monsieur Morel."


I laid the book on the counter and started to reach for my wallet, but Pascal immediately shook his head and waved away the cashier. 

"No, no. A gift," he said. "Please."

"I'm not sure your father would approve of you giving the merchandise away for free."

"True," he acknowledged with a wry smile. I could see the cashier nodding in agreement.  "So we'll make a deal instead.  In exchange for the book, you promise to meet me tomorrow at the café, and tell me what you think."

My heart was fluttering as I found myself once again staring into his lovely brown eyes. "It's a deal," I said.

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Eightteen (3-12-15)
« Reply #87 on: March 12, 2015, 07:56:02 PM »

That was so sweet.

Offline intl_incident

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Eightteen (3-12-15)
« Reply #88 on: March 12, 2015, 09:52:22 PM »

That was so sweet.

Aw, thanks! I had fun writing it.

And for all of you who said Alden was being a jerk -- I agree!  But of course, he didn't want Geoff to be able to find them in France.  Claudia's letters would have given away where they went.

BTW, as a bit of proof that I am playing by the rules in the official save file but mostly as proof that even the most fashion-challenged Sim can be madeover into something attractive, here is Claudia courting Pascal in the official file.  Dude.  As if the armor wasn't bad enough, you had to add the bell-bottom cargo pants and loafers? Wow.

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Eighteen (3-12-15)
« Reply #89 on: March 12, 2015, 10:18:12 PM »
Now that's what I call dynasty-legal townie fashion! (and really, I believe 110% that you're playing by the rules even without that proof)

Awwww! I'm so glad Claudia found common ground with somebody. :)
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