Author Topic: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Thirty-Two (7-21-15)  (Read 39893 times)

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Thirteen (2-4-15)
« Reply #60 on: February 04, 2015, 12:50:37 AM »
A brief and picture-heavy interlude to bring you up to speed on the Ingbergs, and what's been happening with them while Alden has been growing up and procreating. :)


Of course, life was going on for the Ingbergs at the same time.  Ilsa was her father's pride and joy.  She was chief of the emergency department at the hospital, and a highly acclaimed trauma specialist.  As fellow physician, Jakob was incredibly proud of her professional accomplishments.

But Jakob eventually died.  Ilsa ran to try to save him, but even her formidable medical skills couldn’t forestall the inevitable result of old age.

Afterwards, Ilsa was left with conflicted emotions.  She had always tried to be the perfect daughter -- to please her father without question.  She had devoted her life to her studies and her job; she spent every moment she had at the hospital or conducting research.  Now that her father and mentor was gone, she didn't know what to do.  She just knew she was unhappy.

At first, she fell back on her old friends: duty and industry.  She carefully attended to all of her father's last legal and business affairs, spent more even shifts at the hospital, and cleaned the house until it sparkled.

When that didn't help, she tried pizza.

But that didn't help either, of course.  It just made her pants too snug.  Eventually, she realized that what she really wanted was a life outside the hospital, and someone to share it with.

She'd never dated in school -- too busy with her studies; and she'd never really grown up -- too wrapped up in her identity as Daddy's Girl.  And so one weekend she vowed to turn things around.

She got her hair cut in a fashionable new style, re-did her childish bedroom into a grown woman's space, and blew some of her carefully invested savings on a new wardrobe full of designer clothes and shoes.

Then she got up her nerve to call one of the young men she'd gone to school with, to invite him over for a date.  It was easier than she thought -- he dropped by that very evening, and one thing led naturally to another.

And another…

And another.

Unfortunately for her, as with so many other poorly conceived plans in this house, things did not go as she hoped.

"Yeah, so... that's the kid, huh?"

"His name's Reynar," Ilsa replied, smiling proudly as she held out the little blanket-wrapped bundle.  "I named him after my grandfather."


"You can hold him if you like.  He's your son too."

"Yeah... About that..."

And so one sunny afternoon found the two Ingberg siblings sitting on the back porch, looking out over the waterfalls and wondering where it had all gone wrong.

"Not quite how we planned it as kids, is it?" Ilsa asked.

"I never had a plan," Jonas shrugged.  "That was always your department.  Which explains my life, I guess.  Four kids, four mothers, and still alone... That's pretty much the definition of 'no plan.'"

"At least you had a good time," Ilsa sighed. "Better than me.  One mistake, and I'm a single mother."

"Hey," Jonas said, nudging his sister with his elbow. "Reynar's no mistake.  He's a great kid.  And you'll be a great mom.  You've got a successful career, and more common sense in your little finger than most people have in their heads."

"I'll make you a deal," she answered with a grateful smile.  "I'll remember all of that, if you remember that you're not alone.  You've got me and Reynar.  We'll always be family, and we'll always have each other."

"To family!" Jonas answered, raising a mock toast. "And to good friends, a full house, and happy times to come."

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Thirteen (2-4-15)
« Reply #61 on: February 04, 2015, 09:35:45 AM »
Sure, Ilsa made a bad choice, but I think Reynar was not a mistake.  He may yet be her saviour.   And my oh my,  hasn't Jonas been busy  ;)
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Thirteen (2-4-15)
« Reply #62 on: February 04, 2015, 01:37:24 PM »
Surely she can't call Reynar a mistake knowing what Jonas has done. :P Though in a dynasty-strategy sense, Jonas has done some admirable work!
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Thirteen (2-4-15)
« Reply #63 on: February 04, 2015, 07:46:44 PM »
Sure, Ilsa made a bad choice, but I think Reynar was not a mistake.  He may yet be her saviour.   And my oh my,  hasn't Jonas been busy  ;)

Surely she can't call Reynar a mistake knowing what Jonas has done. :P Though in a dynasty-strategy sense, Jonas has done some admirable work!

Ha ha -- yeah, Jonas has been working overtime to keep the town populated.  He's getting older, but he may still have one or two more kids up his -- uh -- sleeve. ;)

Reynar may have to take up the family tradition, eventually, though.  And it's not really Reynar that Ilsa thinks was the mistake - it was picking that particular deadbeat dad for her one crazy fling.  It was actually pretty funny in the game.  The dude came over to see the kid and immediately started making all of those reluctant faces.  Every screenshot I took, he looked less and less enthusiastic about being a dad.  So I just went with it.

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Thirteen (2-4-15)
« Reply #64 on: February 05, 2015, 04:28:31 PM »
I love your writing and of course your building  ;D I'm beginning to despise Jaff a little, poor Fjord didn't deserve to be treated that way even if Savna was his only love. I still need to catch up on Ajri, there's so many new chapters  ;)
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Thirteen (2-4-15)
« Reply #65 on: February 08, 2015, 05:32:31 PM »
Oh wow so many updates! Chapter 10 was so sad but so beautifully written! I love how all the characters have their own stories and hopes and wishes etc. Just fantastic.  :)
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Thirteen (2-4-15)
« Reply #66 on: February 13, 2015, 02:54:00 AM »
I love your writing and of course your building  ;D I'm beginning to despise Jaff a little, poor Fjord didn't deserve to be treated that way even if Savna was his only love. I still need to catch up on Ajri, there's so many new chapters  ;)

Aww, thanks - I have to admit, I am kind of missing building.  I haven't really built anything new in AGES.   find myself driving down the road looking at random houses and thinking "I could do that in the Sims!" But I need to get some more story knocked out first, before I build anymore stuff.  Though, now that I think about it, in a couple of chapters I will need some new scenery... Yay!

There will be some more info about Jaff and Fjord coming up in the chapter after this next one.  I agree that she didn't deserve to be treated that way, but like al relationships, it's more complicated that it might look at first glance.

Oh wow so many updates! Chapter 10 was so sad but so beautifully written! I love how all the characters have their own stories and hopes and wishes etc. Just fantastic.  :)

Thanks so much!  I am glad you're enjoying the story.  Chapter 10 was indeed sad, and the next chapter keeps up the tradition of my bad luck at parties. There is always someone dying, right in the middle of the festivities!

But life goes on, and so does the story.  The next one is another whirlwind tour of baby and toddler years, or as I like to call them the "OMG SO BORING" life stages. I may be the only one who's ecstatic that they are gone from Sims 4.  (Though I must admit, Claudia and Reynar are kind of cute.)

The story will heat up again after the following picture heavy interlude of life and death. :)

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Fourteen (2-13-15)
« Reply #67 on: February 13, 2015, 02:58:15 AM »
The full house that Jonas had wished for was a foregone conclusion at this point. 

Joline went into labor at band practice one evening, and Alden and Derrick went into a panic.

Thankfully, Jolie had enough sense to go find Ilsa, who had enough sense to get everyone to the hospital safely, calmly and in plenty of time.

Soon enough, Joline and Alden came home with a brand new baby girl, named Claudia.

Soon enough after that, we had two toddlers in the house to occupy us.  It was like old times, as the house filled again with children's laughter and their cheerful babbling as they became fast friends.

We had all been wrapped up in our jobs and bills or just the mundane details of everyday life. As the house had become emptier, it had been hard not to dwell on the past, worrying about the disappointments we'd experienced, or missing the friends, parents and spouses that we had lost. Now our attention was once again turned to the future, as Claudia and Reynar grew up and eagerly absorbed everything we could teach them.

And as they experienced all of the wonders the world had to offer for the first time, they reminded us just how special were so many things that we took for granted as we got older.

Claudia was a true charmer.  Everyone adored her sweet disposition and her happy spirit, whether she was pouring us some invisible tea before dinner, or chasing Beryl the horse around the backyard.  Even Alden -- who usually had such a quick temper -- found his patience and his sense of humor.  All Claudia had to do was smile in his direction and chirp "dada!" to stop her father's sulking.

That didn't stop him from snapping at me, though.  He hovered around behind me whenever I was with his daughter, listening to everything I said, with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face.  I'd been treading lightly around the subject of Ajri ever since we'd had our falling out in the basement, but he hadn't forgotten his concerns. And when he overheard me one day, telling Claudia about my own daughter, Ajiana, and the white palace I had grown up in, he immediately swooped in to scoop her up.

"I told you, I don't want any of that crazy talk around her.  None of your stories."

"Alden, they're not just stories. I really am Jaffaran, and she needs to understand what that means for her, and for you.  There is so much we need to discuss, and--"

"Stop.  Or you'll have no contact with her at all."

I frowned in consternation as he carried her away with the promise of a popsicle to distract her.  But I was caught in a difficult situation -- if I persisted, if I pushed too hard, I risked alienating Alden even farther.  So though I was desperate to openly enlist him and Claudia in the task we had before us, I resolved to put off any further talk of Ajri until Claudia was old enough to begin to understand things on her own.

Time went on, and Reynar grew into a near copy of his Uncle Jonas as I remembered him when we'd first met.

Just like his uncle, he loved horses. 

And just as Jonas had doted on his little sister Ilsa, Reynar positively adored little Claudia, calling her his princess when they played together.  And she adored her prince right back.

But just as the seasons marked the passage of time, constantly changing from winter to spring and fall to winter, no one here in Aurora Skies could stay young forever. As the children were getting older, so was Uncle Jonas.

And on Claudia's birthday, the world continued to turn, and the man who had been my first real friend in this strange place finally passed away.

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Fourteen (2-13-15)
« Reply #68 on: February 13, 2015, 04:42:35 AM »
Love the shot of Alden in pain, I seem to go through the same when I babysit  ;D It's always so sad when a beloved Sim dies on someone's birthday. RIP, Jonas.
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Fourteen (2-13-15)
« Reply #69 on: February 13, 2015, 06:07:49 AM »
Ack Nothing like a death at a birthday to kill the joy!   :(  RIP Jonas.  You will be missed and you did remarkably well to spawn possible future dynasty spouses.  ::)
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Fourteen (2-13-15)
« Reply #70 on: February 13, 2015, 08:48:52 AM »
Poor Jonas, he seemed so young! He and Ilsa seemed to age seamlessly and I forgot to notice that he was getting older.

I hope the legacy he left behind becomes useful. ;)
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Fourteen (2-13-15)
« Reply #71 on: February 15, 2015, 12:54:12 PM »
I loved the band practice scene, it looked so authentic! The screenshot with the horse... omg, so beautiful. I do wish Jonas had lasted just a little longer, and always during a party *sigh* just always.
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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Fourteen (2-13-15)
« Reply #72 on: February 25, 2015, 08:31:24 PM »
Poor Jonas, he seemed so young! He and Ilsa seemed to age seamlessly and I forgot to notice that he was getting older.

Yeah, I tend to not focus on the birthday parties -- I like to just work in things about how "so and so was getting older" or "whatshisname looked more and more like a young adult instead of a teen..."  I hope it's easy enough to follow.

I loved the band practice scene, it looked so authentic! The screenshot with the horse... omg, so beautiful. I do wish Jonas had lasted just a little longer, and always during a party *sigh* just always.

It does always seem to happen during a party, doesn't it? Fjord died on Snowflake Day, Jonas on a birthday and -- though I didn't work it into the story -- Iris died at a party as well.  She just wandered off out the front door and that was it. Sigh.

I'm glad the band practice scene looked authentic. I had a lot of fun setting that one up.

I set up a few shots in the next chapter as well, and then a TON of them in the couple of chapters after that.  Part of it had to do with the story, but most of it was because I built a bunch of really cool looking buildings and then remembered that I can't edit the town in the "official" Dynasty file to add them in.  Argh.  So I just went all out in an older save file, plopped in the buildings and posed everything. Because I am a micromanager. :D

Anyway, apologies for the considerable delay between these posts.  The snow and ice here knocked out my Internet for a few days, and work has been insane.  Plus, and this is the sad part, I had this scene written once and accidentally deleted the file in a way that I couldn't recover it.  So I had to re-write it. And now it's not as good. :P  But at least the story is moving forward again!

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Fifteen (2-25-15)
« Reply #73 on: February 25, 2015, 08:38:14 PM »
Unlike when Alden was growing up, now that I was retired, I had more time to spend with Claudia.  As I watched her growing up, she was less and less like her father had been as a child, and more and more like my daughter Ajiana -- she had the same curiosity, and the same joyful sense of humor.

And because I had more time with her, I was able to better instruct her on the knowledge that Ajri was real, and that she had a part to play in its salvation. She was old enough to learn and understand, so no matter what her father might think, there was too much at stake to pretend any differently.

I was discreet about it, not wanting to draw Alden's attention.  So when the time came to start to teach her about potions, I intended to start with nothing but a trip to find the required gems with a bit a lesson about geology and magic thrown in.

But I had barely begun to grind the gems to powder when a high-pitched voice piped up from the ladder, shouting "Grandpa!"

I turned back to find her striding up to the gem cutting machine, her hands over her ears to block out the noise. "What are you doing down here?" I asked, shutting off the blades. "You're supposed to be working on your homework."

She had the good grace to look a little guilty, but that didn't stop her from leaning over to examine the cutter. "Finished it," she answered distractedly. "And Reynar went to scouts, so I was bored, so I came to find you."

"Well, I'm always glad when you come to find me," I answered, picking up another gem to add to the hopper.  "But you know your father has told you not to come down here.  Did you ask him first?"

She shrugged with one shoulder, a gesture I recognized as her father's. Alden would shrug that way when trying to pretend that nothing was amiss.  "He's in the barn," she said with practiced nonchalance. "He and mom are in there with Derrick."

"With Mr. Wong," I corrected her.

"With Mr. Wong," she repeated dutifully, rolling her eyes at my formality.  "Anyway..." She sidled over to peer into the pot at the alchemist station, which she had clearly been curious about since she came downstairs.  "What are you working on?  It smells funny."

"Of course it does," I smiled. "It's a potion.  They all smell funny."

"A potion? Like in Harry Potter?"

I shook my head. "Not quite," I replied. "Those didn't make any sense at all with all of the leeches, and flies and bits of people's hair.  That's not how these things work at all. I am pretty sure that whoever wrote those recipes was just making things up for the story."

She rolled her eyes again at that comment, sighing and shaking her head as if she couldn't believe anyone could be so daft.  But she also poked at the pot, watching it bubble in response as the wooden stick moved from side to side. "Is it like chemistry?  Like in school?"

"A bit," I said, gathering up the gem dust and stepping over. "But of course I have always called it magic.  Would you like to help?" I nodded toward the open book of recipes.

Her eyes lit up as she jumped over to find the mark I had made on the page, showing where I had left off.  "...two doses of powdered spetarnian."

"Septarian," I said as I dropped it in.

"Septarian," she repeated.  "Now three bunches of red valerian."

"It's over on top of the dresser," I said, giving the pot a stir. "Go and fetch it for me."

She turned to gather it up, but gasped and ducked behind me.

"Upstairs," her father's stern voice commanded.

I put a hand in front of her to hold her in place. "She has a right to know, Alden.  She has a right to make up her own mind."

"Let go of my daughter."


"Let go of her! Claudia, come here!"

"But I want to stay," she started to protest. "I want to help with the magic, and --"

"CLAUDIA! There is no such thing."  Alden was quickly getting angry, and none of it was poor Claudia's fault.  But we needed to have this out.

"There is," I said calmly. "There is magic, and you and she need to know how to do it."

"Stop lying!"  Alden was livid, and even in the dim light I could see that his cheeks were flushed red.

"Just watch," I pleaded.  And I pointed at Claudia's feet, gathering energy for a simple charm.  But as the sparks of magic began to blink around her, Alden reached out to snatch her off her feet.

"It's just a trick! Why are you doing this?"

"Put me down, daddy!"

"Alden, please. I need you to believe me!"  But he was carrying her up the stairs and my words were echoing in the empty basement, just as they had when I'd argued with him before.

That night it was Joline who broke the status quo.

"Do you really think he's dangerous?" she asked dubiously. "Or is he just a little eccentric?"

"Eccentric?! He's got the basement wired for some kind of special effects!  It's out of control. And he's taking about how he 'needs' us again, to save the world, or whatever he's dreamed up. I'm telling you, it's like we're in a cult. We'll be the next ones on the news with people saying we were crazy."  Alden clambered out of bed, pacing back and forth across the bedroom. "I'm done with him, Joline.  He won't listen to what I've told him. He won't leave Claudia alone. I don't want her near him!"

"All right," Joline said quietly, reaching out to hold him still. "All right, Alden. There's nothing saying we have to stay here anymore."

"But where are we going to go? What are we going to do We don't have any money, and we don't have anywhere else to live!"

Joline shrugged, chewing on her lip for a moment. "We could go to Champs Les Sims, I guess."


"Champs Les Sims. My family has a cottage there. It's not much, and it's kind of small. We would need visas if we want to stay and I don't know what we would do there, but --"

"We'll go.  Tonight."


"I told you. I'm done with him."

And so Claudia was pulled out of bed in the middle of a dark, snowy night, bundled up in a warm coat and blanket, and carried out to the car. 

Suitcases were loaded, ferry tickets printed, and my hopes for Ajri drove away while I slept.

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Re: Last Best Hope: An Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Fifteen (2-25-15)
« Reply #74 on: February 26, 2015, 09:23:46 AM »
Oh no, Alden's making a right mess of things. Love the dig at J K Rowling's potion recipes  :P
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