I wrote this story ages ago when I was still playing Sims 3. I am now happily enjoying Sims 4 but have not written any stories for them yet.

I tried a different approach this time. I tried to get a semi dream like narrative mixed in with some reflection. I hope you enjoy it.
AsleepI dream. I believe it is dreaming and not death as the brothers peer in on me, tenderly arranging a curl or laying yet another jewel on my pillow. I have no use for jewels, my dear friends, no matter how clever their shaping converts the light to fiery brilliance.
My mind soars into the clouds and skims across the land, catching stray thoughts and feelings, experiencing the warm summer breeze through a casual brush with a milkmaid, or the pain of a stubbed toe of a child at play, but it is a poor imitation of life.
Do I age? I feel as though I do. The brothers have aged. I can see the deepening lines around their eyes and the grey hairs in their beards. How can I grow with no sustenance? A mystery to take its place with many more unanswered questions.
The brothers whisper in soft tones when they are near me. In the early days they would wail and wring their hands but now they are accepting, though sad. They blame themselves. I catch their shame and contrition.
Folly.' I cry at them but their minds are deaf to me. I would tell them, if I could, that bad decisions run in my family.
'I needed a young wife to give me sons.' My father's thoughts drift across the abyss.
'You chose badly then. She had only a daughter. Did you not know? Perhaps she is not your's.'
'Such malice does not become you, my Isolde.'
My questing mind meanders back through the years to my birth.
I recognize my mother, exhausted and bleeding, disappointed that her efforts but produced a girl and then not caring because she was dying. My father, disconsolate, seeking some comfort in the arms of his mistresses.
I am sorry, my daughter.' His thoughts reach me again.
'Apologize to my mother.' I think back, '
And apologize for Morganna while you are at it.'
But he is gone. I do not blame him. There are not words enough that could excuse him for Morganna.