Basically, the only two Sims forums that I'm actually active in is here and Boolprop... Was so happy to see you had joined *hugs* I'm registered on like 5 or 6 others but never go there lol
Thanks for having faith in my taste! You will NOT be disappointed...
@Ricalynn is... words fail... her and
@Schipperke were the first stories I ever read here and they're pretty much what made me stay and read everyone else... If you have the time, I would suggest reading up on Artie Grim in the graveyard first and then his completed IDC. It's not entirely necessary, but it just makes the experience that much better... And also, if you get the chance, go read anything by Schip. She's not that active here anymore but anything by her is well worth the time *miss you Dianne*