Author Topic: Pregnancy and aging  (Read 2726 times)

Offline stitching_JA

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Pregnancy and aging
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:27:55 PM »
Is pregnancy supposed to freeze the aging of the mother for the duration of the pregnancy?  And is this happening to anyone else?  I don't mean the case of an adult nearing elder having the birthday delayed until after the birth, but a young adult mother near the start of her age bar.

I have only noticed this since the Oct patch, but I might not have noticed it earlier as I had been playing on long lifespan with a mixed age couple.  Since the patch, I've wanted to try a legacy.  The first attempt, the founder (female) married a young adult with the same number of days to age up as she had.  After a few kids (I like playing large families and don't mind living on the lawn), he aged up and then I realized she hadn't had any notification of birthday - her age bar said 15 days to age up.  Her oldest was already a teen.  I cleared caches and started a second file, and the same thing is happening in that game - the mother's age is freezing every time she gets pregnant, then resuming after the birth.

To me, this looks and feels like a bug.  Yes, it can be gotten around with birthday cakes, but tracking time in the game tricky.  It could also be by design, though based on aging in The Sims 3, I doubt that.

I haven't decided how to handle this with my second legacy family as I can't be sure when the birthday should occur.  I'm thinking of just aging mothers up based on my best guess when their birthdays should be - it's not likely to be as big an issue after the first generation as the # of children will likely drop as I keep some aunts and uncles in the house.  I'm also considering just treating this as the one allowable anti-aging usage, so mothers won't have access to potion of youth or the cowplant's essence of life.  I don't like just kicking kids out, and instead like completing their child aspirations and part of their teen/adult ones and getting them jobs before moving them out as adults - it would make it a costly (in terms of household chaos) anti-aging method, but interesting for one generation.  I can also just ignore this.

Those creating official challenges may want to check to see if this is happening in other people's files, too.  It could affect dynasties and baby-related challenges.  That said, if it is happening to everyone, it might lend itself interesting variants on those challenges.


