Oooo please say Djinn as in Genies!?!? I LOVE a good Genie story!
Oops sorry for stealing your second post's slot... My eagerness got away with me! Love your first chapter! And again: GENIES!!! :-D
Don't worry about it, I love eagerness

Genies are my favourite Sims to play and I really wanted them for this challenge (which is why I left them out of my Life State, plus EA generated genies are just horrendous).
Your photo editing is superb. This looks like it's going to be interesting. I've wanted a Dynasty to start reading from the start, and you have both an interesting story and good graphics. I'm in!
Thank you for the complements! I use two different PS actions - one for 'past' screenshots and one for 'present' screenshots and a motherlode of poses.
Great start! Looking forward to more 
Thanks, Malley, I wrote what I could as I went this time so hopefully I can post one update a day.
Great origin story. I'll be reading.
Thank you, Krae! The origin was pretty easy to write - I've written this story for the last ten years of my life before I even played Sims or had a computer