Author Topic: Share Your Nectar Making Recipes  (Read 423625 times)

Offline Carl

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Share Your Nectar Making Recipes
« on: November 24, 2009, 04:34:27 PM »
Nectar Making is complex, and I'm currently about to publish a guide to the skill. There are a ton of combinations to be made depending on what types of fruit you have on hand and the proportions used in the recipe. For example, while 5 gralladina fran grapes and 5 flame fruit don't make a very good combo, changing it to 9 of the flame fruit with one grape makes it a great combination and boosts the value.

I'd like to open this thread for discussion of recipes. The most expensive nectars you've produced are tracked in the skill journal. I'm interested in any combination of ingredients that was called amazing or great by the game. Any recipe will do. This applies even to nectars made with common ingredients. I'd like to get a list going where low level to high level gardeners have options for growing to produce profitable nectar.

That way, I can publish some of these so that people have options no matter their skill level. You can imagine how many combos there are to try given all the fruit in the game. I'm also interested in seeing if anyone manages to use garlic, because my Sim wanted to make garlic nectar. Maybe he'd need to be insane to do it. I'm not sure, because it won't let me put any veggie type items into the nectar maker.

I can't find an amazing combo that includes both life/flame fruit and rare ingredients. This would be optimal, as it should be possible to create a very high value bottle that gives both moodlet effects. It only takes 1 life fruit to kick it in, but 3 flame fruit.

For the purposes of having nectar to serve, either make your best regular batch (the moodlet effects are based on quality rating) or go with 4 life fruit and 6 flame fruit for a medium-dollar bottle that gives both life and flame fruit bonus moodlets if you're level 10 in nectar making. In general most bottles can be made perfect quality as long as they are produced with high quality fruit and a combination that is at least okay. Terrible combos tend to drop the quality level of a bottle to outstanding regardless of how great the fruit used.

What I've found thus far (to be updated and sorted as I go). I'll add your recipes to this list to help to avoid duplication.

Amazing Combos
5 cranerlet nuala grapes (rare)/5 life fruit (special) - highest value bottle made @ $533
5 apple (common)/5 renoit grapes (common) - good for starters

Great Combos
9 flame fruit (special)/1 gralladina fran grapes (rare)
9 cranerlet nuala grapes (rare)/1 pomelo (rare)
9 pomelo (rare)/1 cranerlet nuala grapes (rare)
8 pomelo (rare)/ 2 watermelon (uncommon)
6 lime (uncommon)/4 renoit grapes (common)

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Share Your Nectar Making Recipes
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2009, 04:41:26 PM »
Carl, one thing I'm wondering about is -- are there new Special Seeds in the 3 new locations? Specifically, seeds that would result in new rare fruit plants that would yield very expensive nectar?

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Re: Share Your Nectar Making Recipes
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2009, 04:54:52 PM »
Nope, the fruits are all available at vendors of some sort, usually food. The 2 best grapes require visa level 3 and ancient coins to purchase. The 2 uncommon grapes are found in the wild.

The collection helper shows no seeds and I haven't found any on the ground in those locations. - apparently they do in China

So it's just: pomegranate, pomelo, plum, cherry, and 6 varieties of grapes.

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Share Your Nectar Making Recipes
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2009, 05:03:16 PM »

The collection helper shows no seeds and I haven't found any on the ground in those locations.

I just traveled to China and my Collection Helper did point me to a couple seeds. But, they weren't Special Seeds.

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Re: Share Your Nectar Making Recipes
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2009, 05:11:42 PM »
I don't think I saw any at all in egypt, I was looking for cherries. I still don't have them to try in combinations. The food vendor in the city was gone for all of 3 days 1 trip, and 3 days another trip. I didn't let it go past 3. Very annoying.

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Re: Share Your Nectar Making Recipes
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2009, 05:32:33 PM »
There are cherry trees at the Zen Garden in China if you want to pick them yourself instead of waiting on the vendor Carl.  Also, the two most rare grape varities are on the little island in France.  You can catch the Glowy Butterfly there as well.

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Re: Share Your Nectar Making Recipes
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2009, 06:11:04 PM »
Thanks for that. I added that info to a topic I just moved to this board (where are all the new harvestables). I thought I had to buy those from the special vendor. I didn't see the two little buggers all nestled up to that building.

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Offline RCHaynes

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Re: Share Your Nectar Making Recipes
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2009, 11:18:19 AM »
I've not touched Nectar Making yet, but as a query is one limited to only 2 types of fruit? Could one combine, say 1 each of 10 different fruits? or a 3/3/4, or 2/2/2/2/2?

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Share Your Nectar Making Recipes
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2009, 11:25:16 AM »
I've not touched Nectar making yet, but as a querym is one limited to only 2 types of fruit? Could onr combine, say 1 each of 10 different fruits? or a 3/3/4, or 2/2/2/2/2?

I'm pretty sure any combination is fine as long as the total is 10 fruits. Carl probably wanted to keep things simple since he was just testing the waters for the walkthrough.

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Re: Share Your Nectar Making Recipes
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2009, 01:18:56 PM »
exactly :)

Offline wildredchild

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Re: Share Your Nectar Making Recipes
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2009, 12:50:17 AM »
My gardening sim just made a batch of Nectar that is Perfect Quality.  He put in 6 Perfect Life Fruit, 2 Perfect Flame Fruit and 2 Perfect Grapes and it is only only the 4th time he has ever made nectar.  He is a level 10 Nectar creator and used the concentrated method of making this batch.  Value is set at $199.


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Re: Share Your Nectar Making Recipes
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2009, 09:38:42 AM »
I liked your guide, so I figured I'd share some of my findings (I played around with nectar making way too much for my own good). Warning: This could be considered a spoiler.

Anyway, first the basics.

Each fruit has a value. To figure it out, it's as easy as making a "pure" nectar with that fruit and dividing the price of that bottle by 10. Here are the numbers I have for the fruits' values (assuming every fruit is perfect) - from highest to lowest:

Life Fruit: 40
Flame Fruit: 32.6
Cranerlet Nuala Grapes: 29.1
Gralladina Fran Grapes: 21.7
Pomelo: 21.7
Meloire Grapes: 18.1
Cherry: 16.3
Avornalino Grapes: 14.5
Plum: 12.7
Lime: 12.7
Watermelon: 12.7
Pomegranate: 10.9
Cherimola Blan Grapes: 9.1
Renoit Grapes: 9.0
Apple: 5.4
Grapes: 5.4

(For clarification, these are with level 10 nectar making, perfect fruits, all relevent gardening and nectar making challenges, as well as the "better quality" upgrade for the machine).

There doesn't seem to be any logic to what quality the finished product will have, though I wouldn't mind being proven wrong on this. What IS logical is that the quality acts as a multiplier. Its exact value isn't shown, but the "grade" is the range of the multiplier:

Amazing: 1.5 and up (highest I've seen is 1.68)
Great: 1.3 to 1.5
Pretty good: 1.1 to 1.3
Not very good: 0.9 to 1.1
Terrible: 0.9 or less (lowest I've seen is 0.63)

The rating makes a huge difference obviously.. Take 5 life fruit, 5 flame fruit.. That's a "base value" of 363, but the result is terrible. Final price: 251 (a 0.69 ratio). 4 life fruit and 6 flame fruit however taste great together, and are worth 503 for a base value of 355.6 (1.41 ratio). You get the idea.

From there it's fairly clear that a life fruit heavy recipe is probably worth the most. That is, unless there's something beyond "Amazing" quality. My candidate for "best in game" is this one:
9 Life Fruit, 1 Pomegranate
Amazing quality, with perfect ingredients and the right tools, that's §604 a bottle.

That's what I found out so far. However, there is a doubt: Either people on forums aren't very reliable, or there might be a variation on what comes out as "Amazing" for different people. Some of the recipes I've read about simply don't give the right results.. Regardless, here are some to play with.. All the "amazing" quality recipes I've found, sorted from highest "value ratio" to lowest.

5 Apples, 5 Renoit Grapes
Base value: 72
Actual value: 121
Ratio: 1.68
^^^^ Highest ratio, and a nice one to play around with early on. Both fruits are common and found within walking distance of the nectary in France. Doesn't sell for much though.

2 Gralladina Fran Grapes, 2 Cranerlet Nuala Grapes, 1 Flame Fruit, 1 Life Fruit, 1 Cherry, 1 Pomelo, 1 Avornalino Grapes, 1 Meloire Grapes
Base value: 244.8
Actual value: 408
Ratio: 1.67

6 Life Fruit, 3 Flame Fruit, 1 Cherimola Blan Grapes
Base value: 346.9
Actual value: 572
Ratio: 1.65
^^^^ Highest value nectar that gives both flame and life fruits buffs

2 Life Fruit, 2 Gralladina Fran Grapes, 2 Cranerlet Nuala Grapes, 2 Cherry, 2 Pomelo
Base value: 257.6
Actual value: 422
Ratio: 1.64

7 Life Fruit, 2 Flame Fruit, 1 Plum
Base value: 357.9
Actual value: 586
Ratio: 1.64

7 Life Fruit, 2 Flame Fruit, 1 Watermelon
Base value: 357.9
Actual value: 586
Ratio: 1.64

9 Life Fruit, 1 Pomegranate
Base value: 370.9
Actual value: 604
Ratio: 1.63
^^^^ Highest value nectar

5 Life Fruit, 5 Pomelo
Base value: 308.5
Actual value: 479
Ratio: 1.55

5 Life Fruit, 5 Cranerlet Nuala Grapes
Base value: 345.5
Actual value: 533
Ratio: 1.54

5 Gralladina Fran Grapes, 5 Apple
Base value: 135.5
Actual value: 209
Ratio: 1.54

I've also found 23 great recipes, but listing them all might take a bit too long, this post is already enough of a wall o' text ;)

Hope that helps!

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Re: Share Your Nectar Making Recipes
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2009, 10:51:41 AM »
Ha, amazing, this is great. ;D

I played around with nectar making way too much for my own good

I believe it. :D


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Re: Share Your Nectar Making Recipes
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2009, 02:39:41 PM »
Carl, I just wanted to tell you, there are places that you can get other locations' rare fruits in France.  If you go to Map View and find La Gallerie d'Art (the art museum), a little ways towards the river there's a large house with a huge garden in the front.  When France first opens up, it's owned by the Pivert family, although in my game they moved into town and now it's vacant.  You can recognize it because the garden is laid out in a pattern of interwoven X's.  In the garden, there's a pomegranate, a plum, and a pomelo tree, as well as a few Base Neighborhood varieties.  Also, there's several apple trees behind the Nectary.

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Re: Share Your Nectar Making Recipes
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2009, 05:29:02 PM »
Hi chrys and welcome to our Forum!

Carl will absolutely LOVE all that information!  Thank you for posting it!   :D
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