I am struggling big time with this story. I've heard first gen has this big slope in it for stories but nothing exiting has been happening at all with the family. I have no idea what to do to spice it up. Rosebud will be a teen soon but it's still very stale.
That doesn’t matter for me. Thing that matters the most is you enjoy the process and having fun with it. Just be yourself when it comes to writing that also applies in other things as well. Stay true and you’ll find who’s there for you. Wearing masks is tiring, especially for always trying to please everyone, impress others, the worst is when we already did our best and they are not appreciate for what we’re doing for them, had been there and the result is a super-fantastic-wowza-oh-la-la recipe to a self-destruction
When I stuck, I usually stop for a moment, walk away taking a stroll while take a deep breath. Doing random things that popped out from my mind, like listen to music and dancing along or just plain singing, anything will do that can raise your fun bar and remove negative moodlet and I decided to continue it later. Another day seems alright. It worked for me, a lot and leaves me with fresh ideas.
Because I am a visual person myself, I sometimes put the image first and write what comes out on my mind and later just let it flow. I usually doing that while listen to random songs. Well, you can always get inspiration from reading, watching TV, talking with random strangers, observing and etc.
I have tendency to make things perfect, and that cause me trouble the most. So it’s okay not to be perfect, just love what you’re doing that’s enough. But, what I did isn’t a simple matters, I don’t do a simple thing. I always did my best and give my all even it’s not perfect. Now it’s not for others anymore, it’s only for me and people who truly loved me.
Hope that’d help ya
Story thingsYep, I agree with you, Red. Being grateful is one key of happiness. Be grateful for what we have, before it becomes the only thing that we had. Regret always comes later and it’always be. That’s what old folk always remind me. I also prefer a simple birthday surrounded by beloved one and best friends instead having a big party but it’s a bunch of strangers.
Dear Rosebud, sometimes we need to aware that our fate didn’t depend on others. So, when something didn’t work out or happens as we planned, we will not always blaming others. In the end, it’s our choice, our responsibility why we chose that in the first place. Persistence is one key that needed to get it done, to be success; slacking off didn’t get us anywhere, nothing comes easy last long anyway. Skills are indeed important things in real life; however things that we need to know what make the different is attitude.
Yea, you don’t need people to like you as long
its positive things. We must remember the consequence for every choice that we make: even we did good things there are haters out there. Having a War is nice to release the tension and satisfy the desire, but in the ends we only hurt and destroy ourselves. I prefer peace over war. I’m tired of these things, especially for unnecessary dramas.
Just do what are you feel right, Rosebud. Even if you didn’t accomplish Public Enemy that doesn’t matter as long that you can retain your heart. I believe Gideon wouldn’t mind. It’ll tear parents heart when see their child become something that they’re not wanted to (like being a disgrace to the family). And there’s always Cerise, just give her a chance without doing a cat fight, that’s not very ladylike, lol. No worries, just be happy with Luke. He’ll be the lighthouse that shines through Rosebud darkest time.
And Red, I know that you have things in your head about legacy things, but be nice to Rosebud will ya, she already did her best. Sometimes there’s a time when a thing is outside from our control. And that’s alright. That’s how life sounds like. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and sometimes it can be so random
Luke is ok. Somehow he got in style, that totally random with child in my game who’s had wardrobe malfunction. It’s creeped me out for me to say that Luke is cute
Website thingsI love the look from my tab. It looks simple, nice and neat in my opinion. The banner fit well in center.
P.S: Just found the internet access, it feels like I finally found the civilization again, lol.