Author Topic: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family) [graveyard :( please ]  (Read 48952 times)

Offline justproud2b

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #30 on: October 02, 2014, 03:16:26 PM »
Between Pace or Dominic, It’s a tough choice. But, because Red loves red and no one could stop her to love red no matter what. So it might be Pace or… any guys who have a red hair? Hey, at least whoever wins her heart should change their hair color or wear something red if they truly love her :P

It will take a special man to keep Red happy that's for sure!

I say juggle both men for a while and see what happens!! After she decides which one she wants it will set up the perfect opportunity to make an enemy!  ;) Really loving your story by the way.
Love your story and your screenshots are awesome.

I say go with both men for awhile and then see which one she likes better.
This, so this!! He he

I think you all get red pretty well. She would approve of these methods!

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #31 on: October 02, 2014, 04:58:58 PM »
lol, reading all your comments made me laugh... can't wait to see where you go with this justproud2b.
p.s. I agree with KTK10  ;)
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DAY 6 - There Watching Me...
« Reply #32 on: October 02, 2014, 05:18:08 PM »
To My Lil' Piggy's,

I received your letter back and I like the ideas you gave. I do think this weekend I will have to see what Pace, and Dominic are up to! Maybe by then I will have a door so I can invite them over. I wasn't liking last time when I invited over Pace and I didn't have a door. How exactly do you kick someone out without a door? Oh well, in the starting this letter to you "Holly" stopped by. I know I have no door but she is really frustrating me with this stopping by my bed whenever she feels like it. I decided now was a good as time to prove to my boss I don't "need" people to like me. I started riling her up then threw in a couple of insults for good measure. I attempted to throw a drink at her but something was wrong with my drink (I guess it froze in the freezer). This just made me even more mad because she had decided to laugh at me due to it.

So I went an alternate route and just get pushing her buttons till we had a scuffle. My drinks may freeze but I've never had my mouth freeze I'm too hot-headed for that. In the middle of our arguing I gave her a hug and pretended to be making up with her and decided to "borrow" some money in the process. Holly stormed off after all of this which was fine with me I needed to take a shower and head off to work anyway.

(Oh my holly looks scared, I love my tattoos.)

Nothing exciting happened at work but I did come home from work a little tense. Even though I consider what I did with Holly fun I was still feeling like I needed something purely fun as I hadn't had any for a while. Before I headed off to the library (probably to play more Sims) I wanted to make myself some food. Even though I had issues with the tomatoes last time I figured I'd give it a go again. Then I had noticed my counter was dirty! This couldn't have been from me it appeared clean earlier. That was it I was sure someone was around dirtying up my place.

Now, I just need to find them! I have no clue where they could be. I really need to get some more walls so I only have one entry to keep an eye on. I was trying to make my salad but I just couldn't shake this feeling I was being watched.

(Yea I know your there... It's like your watching my every move and recording it!)

I did eventually make my salad, I think I'm getting good with this. Then I headed off to the Library to play Sims Forever. There wasn't much that went on at the Library (besides my playing the game). The place was actually quite busy for it being so early in the morning. These people who read books certainly are happy in the morning. I on the other hand was getting exhausted my job requires me to be more of a night owl. There was this man there  that I met (his name was Gideon Franco) he was a very interesting I have yet to see anyone like him. He had a really nice smile and was wearing some kind of Pilots outfit. I was really tired by the time he showed up that I was really only in the mood to introduce myself purely out of curiosity before heading home for bed. Works really exhausting. I can't wait till I can get some more money saved up so I can update my house. I also can't wait till Sunday as it's my first day off and man I really need a day off! I'll write again tomorrow!


P.S. I have no idea when my bills are coming or even what I should upgrade first. I'd really love more walls!

Offline Devin

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #33 on: October 02, 2014, 08:28:15 PM »
I've had problems with building romantic relationships since the second (or was it the third? The third was the Spooky patch, right?) patch was released. More often than not, my romantic interactions are getting rejected unless the chemistry (which doesn't actually exist visibly in the game but I'm wondering if it's not worked in there somewhere) is really good for the two sims in question. Talia and Cale did really well, for example (see link in my signature) but most other attempts have been depressing failures and my female sims are nearly full adults by the time they have their first baby (leaving me frustrated with trying to have more than one and manage their aspirations all at the same time).

Sorry, I'm a bit behind here, obviously.

I love the style that you're using for this legacy. I've always been partial to the epistolary format and I enjoy using a mixture of first person and second person (epistolary) format in my sims stories. Have you decided how you'll handle this when the time comes for her to hand the legacy off to her offspring?

Offline justproud2b

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #34 on: October 02, 2014, 08:41:41 PM »
I've had problems with building romantic relationships since the second (or was it the third? The third was the Spooky patch, right?) patch was released. More often than not, my romantic interactions are getting rejected unless the chemistry (which doesn't actually exist visibly in the game but I'm wondering if it's not worked in there somewhere) is really good for the two sims in question. Talia and Cale did really well, for example (see link in my signature) but most other attempts have been depressing failures and my female sims are nearly full adults by the time they have their first baby (leaving me frustrated with trying to have more than one and manage their aspirations all at the same time).

Sorry, I'm a bit behind here, obviously.

I love the style that you're using for this legacy. I've always been partial to the epistolary format and I enjoy using a mixture of first person and second person (epistolary) format in my sims stories. Have you decided how you'll handle this when the time comes for her to hand the legacy off to her offspring?

Thanks for the feedback. I figured like most things in the game I would figure out the "hand off" when it happened the story for the most part has been writing itself so hoping that will too. At this point she hasn't even found a mate so I have no idea if she will even succeed. Guess only time will tell!

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #35 on: October 02, 2014, 09:25:33 PM »
I decided now was a good as time to prove to my boss I don't "need" people to like me. <--- I'm with Red, totally!

Hope that she would have enough money to build her own house (at least she could afford to getting walls); to look her like this makes me sad. She’s act tough and cheerful to her little piggies but no one know what she really feels deep down inside :(
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Offline justproud2b

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Day 7: Just Putting it Out There
« Reply #36 on: October 02, 2014, 11:52:28 PM »
To My Lil' Piggy's,

When I got up today I had pretty much slept all day. I guess this is what it feels like to be one of the people who lurk in the night. I had just about enough time to take care of my needs before I rushed off to work. Since today was my last day of work I figured I would work hard and hope for a promotion. My hard work paid off I did it! I'm now a Felonius Monk, I'm not really sure what that means but if they expect me to take a vow of silence they hired the wrong person. They told me for my next position I had to work on my mischief and prove I had mastered the pick pocket skill they taught me by pick pocketing 5 people. I wasn't really apposed to pick pocketing people right now cause I really would like more money for walls. I'm nervous that my bills will come in and I wont be able to afford it so I've been holding off on spending money. I've currently saved $1,942 and have it stashed in my secret spot.

I was hungry when I got home from work so before heading out for a bit I figured I'd make some food. I sure am getting better at this. I think that the tomatoes and I really understand each other now. I am not sure if it's the fact that I am starting to enjoy it or if they have just come to accept their fate. Either way they don't look as sad anymore so I look forward to when I cook now.

(Hello new friends... you will be tasty!)

I decided after I ate to freshen up some then head to the "Blue Velvet" night club. It was really early in the morning so I invited along Pace, Dominik, and Gideon. I didn't really know Gideon but figured I'd invite him anyway since he seemed so interesting. Upon arriving at the night club I really wasn't sure if anybody was who I thought they were. Dominik was um, well interesting... I didn't think he had a job but I think he may have actually been trying out for a spokes person for Simmer-Myer Weiners. It was either that or well Holly was right when she called him insane. He was dressed like a cross between a hot-dog and a snazzy clown. Pace came dressed like he was captured in time. I have no idea who is wife is but she really shouldn't let him go out like that. Oddly enough the only person who came looking anywhere near normal was Gideon. Well here's to an interesting time I most definitely brought interesting people!

(If we started a band right now I think I'd call us Red & the Crazies)

I tried to pretend I noticed nothing odd about their looks and go about having some fun. Everything was going great we sat down and joked by the bar. The guys didn't know each other so I did my best to keep control of the conversation. Working with what I had I used as much humor as I could. Now as you know I've been left wondering when it comes to romantic things with Pace in the past so I figured I was done and just wanted to lay it all out on the line. I flirted with every single one of them. The bartender gave me a look I've seen used on our mother but I returned the look with one my boss has used on clients and she opt'd to mind her own business.

All three of them seemed to enjoy the flirting. Pace however started getting really cranky and rude in the middle of hanging out. I gave him a hug and borrowed some money from him. I also noticed in his wallet he had a picture of his wife and a child. Now I may be willing to push the limits but I am over his crankiness and could never break that poor child's heart. I tried to calm Pace down but he wouldn't so I decided to go back to my place. Seeing that I'm now doing this whole "laying it on the line" I invited Dominik and Gideon back with me. Now I love how unique of a person Dominik is but there was a hitch. When I first met him he was honest and let me know he was slob. I didn't realize this also included him pulling the trash out of my trash can and playing in it. Although he was having a great time I needed to ask him to leave because it was making me really uncomfortable.

(I don't have a lot but even I have to draw the line when your messing it up!)

Now it was just Gideon and myself. We talked about all sorts of things. I found out a good amount of information about him he is definitely outgoing. As he stood there cleaning up the mess that Dominik left I figured it was pretty safe to assume he was neat. As we continued to talk he kept talking to me about books which I didn't mind but I had no idea what he was talking about.

Before I knew it so much time had passed that I needed to take a nap. He actually sat on my bed and waited for me to wake up. It was interesting. He was so patient with me. I even slipped a few times and was mischievous with him. He wasn't too fond of it but didn't loose his cool either. It was nice he seemed really level headed. Overall he is quite the opposite of myself which I kind of like. We talked for the longest time and well even had our first kiss!

(I'll remember this... this was my first kiss ever!)

Maybe there is something to this "laying it all out there" theory. It seems to be working very well for me. It got very late and although the excitement got to me Gideon was again the level headed one and told me he had to go. I was too tired to argue so I grabbed some food. Now before I go to bed I wanted to hurry up and write this letter. I think tomorrow I will see if Gideon wants to hang out. Hopefully he doesn't do a complete turn around like Pace did but I guess I'll find out tomorrow.


P.S. What do you think of Gideon? I think he's kind of cool

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Offline justproud2b

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #37 on: October 03, 2014, 12:15:02 AM »
I decided now was a good as time to prove to my boss I don't "need" people to like me. <--- I'm with Red, totally!

Hope that she would have enough money to build her own house (at least she could afford to getting walls); to look her like this makes me sad. She’s act tough and cheerful to her little piggies but no one know what she really feels deep down inside :(

Red has so many layers to her which is why I am loving have a such an interesting character to play. I just hope her future legacy will be as interesting since I have no control of the traits!

It makes me so happy to see people connecting with Red. I was so absurdly nervous before I started writing this.

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #38 on: October 03, 2014, 01:20:43 AM »
I feel like this might have proven my chemistry theory a little bit, unless you manipulated the situation with the men. It seems like you're not directing the story too much at this point in time, so I'm going to guess that this is the way that it actually worked out for the three male sims. Pace probably rejected her more often than not because his relationship with his wife was higher than his relationship with her. I've found in my game that the one time I broke up a couple, my sim's relationship with the other sim was much higher than his relationship with her was. It's very difficult to cause a break up in TS4, especially by comparison to previous games. So that accounts for Pace, and obviously Dominick had the fatal flaw of being a slob (a tremendously irritating trait, let's be honest).

Dominick is attractive though and he makes a good pick. Pace would have been good because of the color and because you'd get the red hair carrying through to the next generation, but the mixture of genetics can also be pretty good.

This update made me laugh so hard that I cried. I had to read it aloud to my girlfriend so that she could share in the laugh.

I love the bits about the tomatoes. That's so much fun, I hope you keep at it. An exemplar with the insane trait would have been so much fun, but you're right about the strength law fitting with her back story so well. Fun times. Very fun times. This is one of my recent favorites. Do you mind if I list it with the link on my little sims site?

Offline justproud2b

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #39 on: October 03, 2014, 01:36:38 AM »
I feel like this might have proven my chemistry theory a little bit, unless you manipulated the situation with the men. It seems like you're not directing the story too much at this point in time, so I'm going to guess that this is the way that it actually worked out for the three male sims. Pace probably rejected her more often than not because his relationship with his wife was higher than his relationship with her. I've found in my game that the one time I broke up a couple, my sim's relationship with the other sim was much higher than his relationship with her was. It's very difficult to cause a break up in TS4, especially by comparison to previous games. So that accounts for Pace, and obviously Dominick had the fatal flaw of being a slob (a tremendously irritating trait, let's be honest).

I have been trying hard not to (which is difficult I normally micromanage my sims) I've been trying to let her tell the story. Even down the dirtiness was truly giving her the uncomfortable moodlet. I figured if someone was causing you to be uncomfortable you'd ask them to leave.

Dominick is attractive though and he makes a good pick. Pace would have been good because of the color and because you'd get the red hair carrying through to the next generation, but the mixture of genetics can also be pretty good.

Yea I agree Domonik has the suave look to him which would have made great babies. Pace would have guaranteed the red-heads. As one person I believe arimau (sorry if wrong) said I agree that reds that kind of person that a crazy soul would be with her and willing to do almost anything to make her happy. So I could always dye his hair. I'll have to see how the story seems to go. (I also try to judge decisions based off their personalities to fill in gaps)

This update made me laugh so hard that I cried. I had to read it aloud to my girlfriend so that she could share in the laugh.

I love the bits about the tomatoes. That's so much fun, I hope you keep at it. An exemplar with the insane trait would have been so much fun, but you're right about the strength law fitting with her back story so well. Fun times. Very fun times. This is one of my recent favorites. Do you mind if I list it with the link on my little sims site?

I'm glad you found it amusing! I've tried hard to close up any story i've opened which has been a task in itself. So far we've closed the chapter on Fred (the fridge), and the sad tomatoes. I also love these tidbits as their things I can refer back to down the road and people laugh making it like an automatic insider joke. I even grabbed a tomato the other day and showed it to my partner and said Aww its sad and he just started laughing. Feel free to link you can either list this area or my actual blog I keep the story updated on both :)

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #40 on: October 03, 2014, 02:24:11 AM »
Hey! I'm using Weebly too! I find it's so much easier to organize information that way. It's the fourth thing I've tried, and it's working relatively well so far. I might wind up back on PBWorks, but that's honestly for managing larger amounts of information.

I'll get that link up after I've had some sleep and get some more organizational things done on the little website. Right now all I really have are a pair of character profiles on the two founding sims. I've not transferred the stories over yet, in part because the chapters feel terribly short, and I rapid fire them. It all feels wrong, but I'm still getting the hang of it (:

Offline justproud2b

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Day 8: A Lot has Happened Today
« Reply #41 on: October 03, 2014, 05:00:59 AM »
To My Lil' Piggy's,

My nerves have been getting to me! This stress of when the mail is coming is crazy. I woke up this morning in a panic wondering if the bills were there and if I had enough money to pay them. I know people call me insane but I'm really thinking I might be. I have this panic inside me that I just can't explain sometimes. I know I've always been different but insane was never a term I would use but I'm starting to think otherwise. Being as stressed as I was the first person I thought to call was Gideon. I wasn't really sure why I thought that but whatever I just hope my being all crazy about this doesn't scare him but I guess if it does then he'd never be able to deal with if I told him about Fred (which I'm not sure I ever will).

(Oh, the bills, there going to be $1,000,000 I just know it)

I ended up giving in to whatever doubts I had and called Gideon. He rushed over and when he saw me the first thing he did was give me a hug. It was weird he almost knew I was upset about something. I hadn't said anything to him at all just asked him to hang out and boom... he hugs me. Now Piggy's I know Mom always warned us about wolves but as I stood there with him holding me I wasn't sure if we could call ever man a wolf anymore. I instantly started to feel better like every problem in the world was lifted. I even felt anger in side me from all my frustration but my happiness from him being around was outweighing all of that.

I'm still not really sure why I like him around he's nothing like me. We have nothing in common yet always find something to talk about. He's pretty outgoing and calm and well you know about my limit with people in general. Then I noticed my counter was dirty, of course those people would show up now. I told him about the people who watch me and dirty my counter he just laughed and began cleaning the counter cause it was bugging him. As I stood there watching him clean my counter I realized why I like him so much. It's not about what he likes, what interests we share, or even the way he looks. It's the fact that he's always willing to be himself no matter what.

(Gideon cleaning away, maybe it is looks a little have you seen that rear?)

There I was just standing next to him then the next thing I knew I just yelled out "Be my Boyfriend!" He excitedly agreed. Well life seems to be turning around quite a bit for me. I have a pretty good job as a criminal and my first boyfriend. I was happy it was amazing. This is what true happiness feels like My Lil' Piggy's! I sat with Gideon and told him all about my adventures from Day 1. He then offered to move in with me. He said he knew that I was fully able to manage but wanted to be with me through these adventures. Of course I said yes, with as good as he makes me feel it would be silly for me to say anything different. I asked him where we should go to get his stuff. I've got it all right here already... I didn't question anything else as he didn't offer but I knew that meant he wasn't living large which is why the little amount I had didn't affect him.

This is good though now we can start our adventure together (my wolf and I). Gideon actually said he loved when I called him a Wolf it made him feel big and strong. Oh and you'll never guess what came today as soon as Gideon officially moved in... That's right the Bills! They were only $438 I was flipping out for no reason! I went ahead and paid them.

(I wasn't mad about getting the bills I was mad they didn't say Red on them!)

Gideon told me I should go ahead and decorate however I felt. Of course being my witty self I asked him if that meant changing up his look. He raised his brow and gave me a grin and said, "if you are going to play dress up with me then I want to play dress up with you." I looked down and said, "my outfits perfeee... oh It's the top isn't it." He just smiled. Well he does have a point although I am only his girlfriend I can still be sexy without as much skin. Plus, honestly I'm sick of this top but don't tell Gideon (we'll let him have his moment).

So I did exactly what I wanted to and started to get things for the house! I called a contractor to come and setup the house it wasn't much but it was now a home so I was really happy with it. We only had $37 to our name when finished but Gideon told me not to worry because while I was dealing with the contractor he got a job as an Astronaut. Then informed me his Aspiration in life was to be a "Nerd Brain" and that he wasn't going to bother but he wanted to be a better man for me. All I could do at that point was hug him. No sooner did I go outside to take a picture of the house for you did Pace show up at our door.

(Um, No ones home?)

My first thought was to yell at him and tell him to go away but before I even got the chance Gideon came out and hugged him. Guess who's friends with him! After I took a few moments to close my jaw I ended up going inside to find out where to pick up the clothes I ordered. From inside I could hear them talking about me. Pace began telling Gideon that I wasn't going to stay with him because I had been going for Pace and he's married (oops I guess that backfired). Gideon wasn't really responding so I have no idea how he was feeling about all this and unfortunately I couldn't see his face (I should have bought windows). They walked away from the house and continued talking so I don't know what else was said.

By the time Pace left Gideon and I were exhausted. I tried to ask him if we were ok and all I got back was "we will be" as he closed his eyes and began snoring. We will be? What kind of thing is that to say... I decided to go ahead and write this letter to you before I fell asleep. Hopefully I should be able to get more out of Gideon tomorrow. I will write again then!


P.S. Any ideas what I should do about Pace and Gideon? I have no idea what they said and I'm kind of nervous!

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #42 on: October 03, 2014, 09:48:47 AM »
And Gideon was seeming to be so good for Red! Pace better not have turned him against her...
Gogowars Inc - The place to find all of my wonderful Sims 3 creations

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #43 on: October 03, 2014, 10:05:44 AM »
Great way of dealing with the secondary relationships in your story! I'm actually really impressed with the way you're handling the characters, and I feel like I have something to learn from you in this regard. I've been writing Sims stories since TS2 and I've never developed a strong writing style with it. You've burst in with a real talent here, and I'm excited to be following this story! I've recommended it to my girlfriend (:

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #44 on: October 03, 2014, 10:38:39 AM »
As someone who just had a serious talk with a leaky water heater, I'm really enjoying this. I think there's a little of Red in everyone, deeply buried at times, but still there.