Author Topic: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family) [graveyard :( please ]  (Read 48970 times)

Offline justproud2b

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #15 on: September 30, 2014, 02:15:08 AM »
That’s a wonderful prologue, justproud. Reading her story made me think: ‘Being in a bad place doesn’t always mean be a bad person :)’ I love the little touch that you did to beneath the screenshots and the last one, the image of Red’s signature. I’d like to read more, please! :D
Really glad your enjoying it and appreciate the compliments. I was nervous no one would like the format as I wasn't seeing it done anywhere so it's good to hear you like it.

<wipes coffee off her screen> That last picture is totally hilarious.  ;D

Yeah I had to laugh for a bit before I even hit c to capture I get trigger happy with pause for screen shots and sometimes it works out well!

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2014, 03:27:02 AM »
He started doing the 'pee dance'...hilarious. I'm not sure Red will let Pace go judging by her actions so far. You can really tell she is a little insane.
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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #17 on: September 30, 2014, 04:28:01 PM »
He started doing the 'pee dance'...hilarious. I'm not sure Red will let Pace go judging by her actions so far. You can really tell she is a little insane.

Glad your enjoying the little touches of descriptions. I've been trying hard to allow her to basically do what she wants and just come up with creative ways of explaining it. Every morning when she wakes she squats and checks around like a paranoid person. It's hysterical but really hard to capture in an image (but I keep trying).

Just as a tidbit of info for you all reading. My idea was that you guys are her family that she left at home so the letters are to you. So if you want to give her advice or ask her questions please feel free to post and I will work it into the story :) I also work in questions from my twitter and my blog. So if you see a question answered it's probably from there.

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Day 3 - Fred's Crazy
« Reply #18 on: October 01, 2014, 01:45:28 AM »
To My Lil' Piggy's

This afternoon I woke up in a pretty happy mood. The sun was shining on my face and my bed was as comfortable as it could be. I was hungry so I grabbed some yogurt to eat. As I was eating Fred and I started having a great conversation. We were laughing and carrying on it was a blast. I had decided after eating that I could see if there was anything else around my property to gather (you know I still do need that bathroom). Hopefully after work I'll be able to afford a toilet. I wont jump the gun and say I can get a shower but at least the urge to shower doesn't panic me! While gathering I found a Mystery Box which contained a trophy name "Dr. F" (good thing it had a pretty label!).

I wanted to get rid of it but Fred convinced me to keep it he said it added more of a playful tone to the property. Then in the middle of my conversation with Fred some woman named Holly Spencer came and interrupted us. Since I thought this was quite rude I went ahead and worked on my mischief skills with her. Luckily Fred hadn't wandered off (he does seem like he is going to stick around). We finished our conversation while I had another bite of food, I even let him know how amazing I thought he looked in white. I'm really not sure if I want to keep this "Dr. F" trophy I thought it was creepy the way it looked at me while Fred and I talked. Oh well, I figure for now it worked I needed to get to the gym to freshen up before work!

(Fred does look great in white, and that trophy is still creepy)

While I was at the gym nothing really exciting happened. I went and showered then danced around ignoring everyone cause I was energized. I really think I am getting a promotion tonight at work. Sure enough, I did it I really got my very first promotion. Of course I was pretty tense and frustrated so I rushed to tell Fred the news hoping he might cheer me up. Things were looking up we might be getting walls sooner than I think if I keep this up! Fred didn't seem to care one way or another which I thought was pretty rude so I'm giving him the cold shoulder right now. I decided since Fred wouldn't talk to me nicely I'd call Pace and see if he wanted to see my property.

Of course Pace was sleeping (it was 1am) so I spent the rest of my night playing on my phone ignoring Fred. Fred did suggest I talk to Dr. F but seriously? What was he thinking that would be crazy, its a trophy! I instead continued what I was doing and didn't even let on I heard him

(I'm getting a high score and look at Fred he's so annoyed at me)

While I was playing on my phone I decided to see if I could afford to get a few things I needed with the bonus I got from work. I found a toilet on sale called the Ambassador. I wasn't going to buy it but when I read it was supposed to help us with our most vulnerable moments I thought back to last night and decided maybe I should go ahead and get it. Since I was going ahead and getting the toilet I decided to splurge and get a shower too!

So luckily we have really quick delivery so I got the items almost immediately they even came with a free wall panel. The bill says something about a surcharge fee of $120 but even though I do enjoy arguing I just wasn't in the mood tonight. I decided to turn my bed around just for a change in scenery. Then I placed my shower next to the bed I was thinking the toilet would go there but figured that was gross. I put Fred next to the toilet and since he wanted Dr. F I put him over there too. Now Fred's as far away from me as possible (that'll teach him). I only have $57 to my name and have no idea when the bills come. I figure "Oh well", at this point what's the worst they'll do turn off my lights?!

(Say what you will but I think I did an amazing job!)

My boss texted me and informed me to get a promotion I would need to work on my fitness level. I sent him a few choice words back letting him know how I thought about him calling me fat. All I got back was a bunch of "LoL's" and he said it's a good thing my spunk was the reason he hired me. He then informed me it was so I could be more agile (oops, I guess I should have asked why first). Since I need to work out tomorrow I think I'm just going to go ahead an get some sleep at this point it's 5am but luckily I don't go to work for another 15 hours. I'll write again tomorrow!


P.S. Fred asked me tell you he said, "hello" but don't let him know I added this I'm still mad at him!

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #19 on: October 01, 2014, 02:52:43 AM »
So, who wants to let Red know that she forgot to let Fred get into the frame for the photos this chapter?

Dr. F does look incredibly creepy when he has been enlarged. I will have to remember that...
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Offline justproud2b

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #20 on: October 01, 2014, 02:58:05 AM »
So, who wants to let Red know that she forgot to let Fred get into the frame for the photos this chapter?

lol Fred is the Fridge "he" was in every shot today. Plus you just did... (thanks for the write back :D )

edit: I wasn't planning on going this way but she woke up and started talking to the fridge (I think she was talking to herself but she kept turning to the fridge to talk) so I went with it!

Offline justproud2b

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Day 4 - Somethings Off
« Reply #21 on: October 01, 2014, 06:04:45 AM »
To My Lil' Piggy's,

When I woke up today I really did think about calling Pace but I wanted to play it cool. So instead I sent him 20 text messages. I know it was smart of me not to be all clingy! I then decided to take a jog around the property to get fit for my promotion. Half way through I decided the gym was better because maybe I'd meet someone to get into an argument with (I've given up on friends). It was odd at the gym I was being mischievous all over the place I was even mean a few times but no one seemed to mind. I think people are starting to get used to me (which is good) I don't want to get my hopes up though.

On my way home I asked Pace if he wanted to stop by. He agreed but when he arrived he was in a really angry mood. It's odd first at the gym everyone likes me then Pace all of sudden is horribly mean. It's almost if he is only happy when I'm in a bad mood. What I do know though is I wasn't having the best of time. So I quickly got ready for work and headed out. I didn't even say goodbye I just left I assumed he would leave at some point. I just didn't want to be yelled at again I was already going to work really angry.

(Yeah, that's definitely not an "I love you face")

At work during one the transactions I saw a bag. I wasn't sure if it was anything but I nabbed it anyway. Good thing for me it had $50 in it.It put me in a pretty good mood which was great now that my anger had finally wore off. When I got home I quickly hopped in the shower cause I wasn't feeling so fresh and clean after all of my thievery. When I got out of the shower I was really upset right by my new walls was a puddle. It was horrible my "home" was a mess. So I took some time to clean up the place a bit. While I was cleaning I tried to talk to Fred some more but he must still be mad cause he hasn't said a word to me since I moved him away from my bed.

(Grass shows everything!)

Before heading to bed I did spend a bit more money. Even though I was left with only $26 I did think I made some good investments. I am tired of living off of cereal and milk so I went ahead and purchased a counter. It's not the fanciest of things but the good thing is now I can start making some salads. Seeing that I was now going to be making dirty dishes I decided I should also invest in a sink.I rearranged my area so that it made a bit more sense. I did try again to talk to Fred but he still isn't talking... maybe people are right when they call me insane. So I decided I should probably just stop trying and put him on the other side of my newly built wall.

(I've almost got a complete room. Look at me living large!)

It's been a long day full of thievery and discovering that I may want to explore more options other than Pace. I'm going to get some rest now but I think as soon as I can I'm going to put some solid effort to see what other type of people are out there for me. We'll see what happens with Pace and me but I guess it's all a time thing. I'll try to keep in touch with him just in case though. I'll write again soon!


P.S. My boss texted me and informed me I could have worked on Programming too. Now he tells me!

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #22 on: October 01, 2014, 06:44:39 AM »
Oh what a meanie Fred is, he'll think again if Red's power gets turned off  ;)  That's a bit disappointing about Pace. I thought he'd have been able to keep up with Red (pun intended  :P ) Great up date.
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Offline justproud2b

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #23 on: October 01, 2014, 06:50:17 AM »
Oh what a meanie Fred is, he'll think again if Red's power gets turned off  ;)  That's a bit disappointing about Pace. I thought he'd have been able to keep up with Red (pun intended  :P ) Great up date.

I was actually really surprised with Pace myself. They've been doing so well it was very weird.

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #24 on: October 01, 2014, 07:18:38 AM »
Sometimes I wonder if the game is just throwing us a little curve ball. Nia got very anti Jake for a while in my story but I just left it and then the next time she turned up at the door I cracked a million jokes until she was playful and got their friendship back to best friends. After that it was all good again. But when she was anti, I couldn't change her mood at all, quite weird.
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Offline justproud2b

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Day 5 - It was Me or Them
« Reply #25 on: October 01, 2014, 10:41:15 AM »
To My Lil' Piggy's,

Today was an interesting day indeed. I started off my day by deciding to make use of my new counter and make a garden salad. I looked on my phone for what was needed then began creating what was to be the perfect dish (I hoped). The problem was when I placed down the tomatoes to chop them up the little stems looked like sad little faces staring back at me. The only logical thing I figured I could do was stop and explain to them why I needed to do what I needed to do. After I was finished explaining I closed my eyes and swung the knife. Yes, I did cut my finger next time when I swing I'll keep the other hand in the air (I think that's how they do it on the fancy T.V. Shows). Overall the salad actually turned out quite well and I enjoyed a good meal for a change.

(I'm sorry little tomatoes I don't want to hurt you but I'm hungry!)

I had time to kill (oh no, sorry tomatoes that wasn't a joke at you) before work so I decided to go across the street and see what was around the fishing spot near by. As I was checking logs for frogs (hey that rhymes) I saw a man and a woman (it was Holly) talking. She was screaming and yelling about how insane he was. Seeing that I'm called that all the time my ears naturally perked up to see what was happening. I joined in on what looked like a really fun conversation and introduced myself. Dominic Boston was his name, I'm really not sure where Holly went but I didn't care she always seems to be near my house anyway. I lost track of how long we chatted but I know I was having fun. I scared him and he thought it was really funny. We ended up sitting on a park bench and talking for hours. I didn't tell him I lived near by but would you point and say, "Oh hey see that wall... yep that's my house." While we were chatting he told me people accused him of being insane a lot so we related a lot with that. Neither of us think we have that trait but agree its amusing were both accused of it.

I have no idea why but Dominic decided to go ahead and inform me he was a slob. I wasn't sure why he had told me this but it was refreshing talking to someone who was so open about everything (including their flaws). Never in a thousand years would I have guessed he was a slob he certainly doesn't dress the part. I ended up divulging to him everything about my childhood to him. He just smiled and nodded as I talked. I think he stopped listening half way through but on the bright side he's really good at that pretending to listen.

(His face says, Yep I hear you... His eyes, well their closed)

He ended up needing to go. I didn't ask for what just waved and headed off for the library. I heard about this new game called the Sims Forever and I was dying to try it out. I was really feeling in the zone this game was great. I couldn't believe how life like these pixel people looked! I kept trying to not get too into it as I didn't want to miss work and I still needed to get home to take a shower before then. There was a woman I think was trying to be helpful with that because no matter how much I ignored her trying to improve my Sims she just sat there behind me chatting away. I really need to get a computer at my property so I can play on the computer in peace! Good side of this is I think I decided to start focusing more on the computer side of my career. I'm enjoying this thing called "Trolling Teh Forums" I am just supposed to type things like "Lawlz" and pictures of kitties and everyone thinks I'm amusing! Although I was having a great time I wrapped things up and headed home to shower and head off to work.

(Blah blah lady! Let me play my sims!)

Today at work I got a promotion! I'm now a Ring Leader, the Boss told me that my being unpredictable makes me great for the position. No one ever knows how i'll react so they avoid anything that might in the slightest make me upset. He said in order to be a good boss I had to be able to train people and he taught me how to pick pocket, gave me a $558 bonus, and a decoy duffle bag of cash. Being as excited I was about getting the promotion I made sure to ask him what I could do for my next one. He said, I could already charm people with my charisma so he needed to make sure I could do the opposite so I needed to make someone despise me. With my track record with people I laughed and said, "that should be easy" and headed to the Rattle Snake bar.

It was 4am and my favorite slow waitress was the only person there. Looks like it may be time for another promotion! Of course though she left as soon as I insulted her. I can't believe it 20 years to get my drink but she can run off in 10 seconds. I was over being out at this point and decided to just head home because I was getting hungry and a little bit tired. While I was eating my food and getting ready for bed I realized with my new promotion I'm now off Sunday and Monday so with it being Friday I'm going to have to figure out what to do with those days! For now though I am going to bed. I'll write again tomorrow!


P.S. Any advice on if I should even bother trying to see Pace on my days off?

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #26 on: October 01, 2014, 06:02:40 PM »
Between Pace or Dominic, It’s a tough choice. But, because Red loves red and no one could stop her to love red no matter what. So it might be Pace or… any guys who have a red hair? Hey, at least whoever wins her heart should change their hair color or wear something red if they truly love her :P 
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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #27 on: October 01, 2014, 11:25:03 PM »
I say juggle both men for a while and see what happens!! After she decides which one she wants it will set up the perfect opportunity to make an enemy!  ;) Really loving your story by the way.

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #28 on: October 02, 2014, 10:37:43 AM »
Love your story and your screenshots are awesome.

I say go with both men for awhile and then see which one she likes better.
I only live in real life when my sims need a break ;)

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Re: Red's Legacy Challenge (The Starr Family)
« Reply #29 on: October 02, 2014, 01:57:34 PM »
I say juggle both men for a while and see what happens!! After she decides which one she wants it will set up the perfect opportunity to make an enemy!  ;)

This, so this!! He he

