The recent issues where flash causes the text boxes to hang has prompted me to go ahead and remove the last Ad for all our members who have over 5 posts. Before this, it took 25 posts and everyone still had the advertisement on the bottom. This Forum is largely non-profit and has ads just to cover the bandwidth and server bills. Guests will see them, but they don't need to type! If members want to donate, there is always that option on the top right. The banner above it is a sort of an ad but doesn't load that way, it is just an image link to allow us to get credit for Origin purchases
I do not want our members who enjoy this place to have a bad experience just because they "roll" a flash ad at the bottom of the page and I was already considering doing this for our members anyway. Please don't make junk posts to get to 5, just use the Forum normally and contribute to discussions.
As a result of this change, the Forum should be lightning quick for most of you! Sometimes there's a minor server hang, but with no scripts on the page you should see a noticeable speed improvement.
Sorry to Pam and Metro, but we will still face this issue as we have "permission" to view ads because we're Admins. If it occurs, you have to reload the page until you do not get an advertisement that is animated.