Hi everyone....I'm new to the forums here, but I wanted to comment on the mummy situation...
First of all, the mummies scare me! LOL I don't know why...I know it's just a game, but I always get nervous when a mummy shows up when my Sim is exploring the tomb! My main sim has a martial arts and athletic level of 10 and he can easily beat the mummies. But last night, I had his teen daughter exploring a tomb, (she's also a level 10 in martial arts, but only a 6 in athletics) and 2 mummies came after her! This was the tomb in France that is under the Nectary....the tomb of Jean Netreaux or something like that. Actually, I think it's two tombs combined....Tomb of Isle also. It's a huge tomb! Her dad had been in that one before and apparently, I didn't get him all the way through it, because she managed to find all the lower levels that I wasn't aware of. Anyway, so the 2 mummies started coming after her, but only one of them attacked and she got the curse. It happened so fast, I don't even think they fought.
So I was trying to figure out how to get rid of the curse before she died. That particular Sim family is able to take really long vacations, so they were in France for 22 days. I knew that I'd have to make them leave early in order to wait the 2 days before they could travel again, and then go to Egypt to find the Soupeace statue. I decided to get her the snake charming basket and let her practice that.
Then I thought of something.....her mother had a Soulpeace gem in her inventory! I clicked over on that and saw that it is rumored to get rid of mummy curses! So I pulled it out of her mother's inventory and laid it on the ground and had her pick it up. I had her send it off to be cut and when it returned, her mummy curse magically disappeared. She hadn't gotten high enough on the snake charming to be able to kiss the snake yet, so I do think that the Soulpeace gem cured her.
Something else for you all to try anyway........