Author Topic: Ramping up to take a crack at Immortals  (Read 3623 times)


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Ramping up to take a crack at Immortals
« on: October 18, 2010, 11:23:38 AM »
New to the site, but saw the challenge, and it caught my interest.  I used to be a heavy MMO player, so long quest don't daunt me to badly.  I do need to do a serious mod house cleaning before I start though.  AM and all sliders will have to go, so I will just pull the Mod folder entirely.  Might even get load times down below 10 minutes  LOL. 

Have a good simming day everybody.

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Re: Ramping up to take a crack at Immortals
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2010, 12:27:09 PM »
Hi Anthony, welcome to the forum. I'm glad you're going to take a swing at the Immortals Dynasty Challenge. It's a lot of fun. But, I supposed I'm a tad biased.  ;D

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Re: Ramping up to take a crack at Immortals
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2010, 12:31:30 PM »
Welcome to the site and I hope you have better luck then the rest of us have had, so many of us had to restart many times :( but I think all the work is worth it!  This is a fun challenge!

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Re: Ramping up to take a crack at Immortals
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2010, 01:49:47 PM »
Yeah, even the restarts can be fun.  Hey, even our hero, Metro has had to restart.  But he Manned up to it.
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Re: Ramping up to take a crack at Immortals
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2010, 02:15:04 PM »
First hurdle, getting the sim to start with more than 16 days of YA.  3 restarts so far on those grounds alone.  20 days is the goal.  I didn't realize that starting capital was so thin as well.  I built a micro home in sims2 once.  Tried it here, not enough cash and several items just don't sit right.
Stone hunting and fishing along side gardening are going to be the main source of cash from the outset.

I will try to keep you all updated as time permits.   My work hours are a real game killer.

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Re: Ramping up to take a crack at Immortals
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2010, 05:49:47 PM »
Welcome to the forum Anthony.  Yes, restarts can be fun.  I am on number two, but others have restarted more and I commend them on their stories.  I may not comment on all of them, but I do read all of them.  It takes awhile,  but, it is fun.  Will be looking forward to reading your story and good luck.
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Re: Ramping up to take a crack at Immortals
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2010, 09:21:16 PM »

Have you read some of the stories already posted?  You can find a lot of great strategy there.  Also, I'm moving this topic to the general discussion board.  The stories board is for the actual story you write while playing the challenge.
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Re: Ramping up to take a crack at Immortals
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2010, 06:10:55 PM »
First hurdle, getting the sim to start with more than 16 days of YA.  3 restarts so far on those grounds alone.  20 days is the goal.  I didn't realize that starting capital was so thin as well.  I built a micro home in sims2 once.  Tried it here, not enough cash and several items just don't sit right.
Stone hunting and fishing along side gardening are going to be the main source of cash from the outset.
I will try to keep you all updated as time permits.   My work hours are a real game killer.

If you haven't read it already, you might want to look at TommyT's excellent beginning builder guide. It's here: Near the bottom of the page, though the whole article is worth reading, he shows a cheap house. "The Cheapskate" might be just what you're looking for, or at least give you some ideas. There's also the option of living al fresco/bear in the woods, in other words, no walls. I think there is a walkthrough or guide where the author used this method, and demonstrates it really well in the accompanying pictures, but I can't recall which one it is. Just that the writer had the wife just standing around a lot. Maybe someone remembers which one I'm thinking of?

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