
As an owner of the game, how would you rate The Sims 4 Base Game?

Author Topic: Rate the Sims 4  (Read 42670 times)

Offline sawadaWiz

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Re: Rate the Sims 4
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2014, 09:56:18 PM »
I'm afraid that I'm not really enjoying the game. The gameplay improvement from the last game is good, though, but it's become more TS2-like and I miss open worlds from TS3, and there are some annoying bugs. I stopped playing the game while waiting for expansion packs coming out.

Offline Nutella

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Re: Rate the Sims 4
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2014, 10:50:05 PM »
I actually tried playing sims3 with no expansion pack, then sims4 afterwards just to get a feel.  I voted 3 stars average, but just like Bri 3.5 would be more accurate.  I believe a lot of people out there are comparing sims3 with 11 expansion packs to sims4 with no expansion pack, that is just not a fair comparison. 

I am definitely okay with not having open world if that makes my gameplay smoother.  Sims3 became so frustrating to play with the open world routing / lag issues, constant global resetsim was needed, cars piled up everyday in town, 100 proprietors piling up in the park, etc.  Sure, there is still routing issues in sims4 right now, but I feel that those routing issues can be fixed easily and will not escalate with the addition of expansion pack in the future.

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: Rate the Sims 4
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2014, 11:15:31 PM »
I've rated it as a 3 at this point as I'm struggling a bit with the controls, but I fully expect that I'll get more used to them as time goes on. I'm pleased I purchased it as I really do want to give it a fair go. Once I get more used to the controls, I'm sure my rating of it will go to a 4 and beyond.

Offline _Annika_

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Re: Rate the Sims 4
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2014, 11:16:00 PM »
I saw a lot of the same kind of haters when The Elder Scrolls released the online game. Every forum you had to trudge through troll posts just to get to the interesting stuff.

Before playing, I'd have voted 2 or 3, but since playing, I've given it a 4.

Offline Figwit

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Re: Rate the Sims 4
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2014, 01:08:32 AM »
Well I am loving it.  It might help that I have had quite a long break from sims for the past couple of years so I am approaching Sims 4 without recent memories of Sims 3.  I am enjoying it for what it offers and not pining for what is different or missing.  To me, the point of a new game in a series is that it will offer new ways of doing old things.

I don't see the point in the vitriolic posts on other forums and I don't bother reading them.   In the end, it is a game and not a way of life.  Like it or leave it but don't bore me senseless with negativity. :P

Offline dustinleephil

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Re: Rate the Sims 4
« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2014, 01:44:54 AM »
I had to give it a 2. I really don't enjoy it. I usually play for creating families. I feel like that is lacking. Where are the toddlers!? Maybe in an x-pack. not having a family tree bugs me. I just got the game yesterday, so maybe once I get use to it I'll like it better. I just don't care much for the "anime" look of the sims' avatar. I'm not sure what you call it. I feel like it was made for more of a console than a PC.

Offline Stormi71

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Re: Rate the Sims 4
« Reply #21 on: September 22, 2014, 02:29:40 AM »
I'm enjoying it more than I first did, but not loving it. A great game for me is one that I can't wait to play when I have free time, or stay up way later than I should because I want to keep playing. Haven't found that with this game. I've had free time today and I thought "Will I play Sims? Nahhhh, maybe later". I find that I spend too much time making all my sims needs met and with good emotions, and doing all the stuff they need for their careers. I HATE how when a sim goes somewhere, the sims left on the home lot have the "care for self" etc option. I think it stems from the fact that the console version was like that, and even if they did "care for self", you'd come home and all their needs would be in the red anyway.
I do love the new multitasking and how the sims seem to have more personality, and the funny and quirky things they do depending on their mood. I love the new build mode, even though I am struggling with some aspects of it. I love how I can move a whole house. Nothing worse than building in sims 3 and realizing you should have built further forward in the yard etc.

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Offline kanzaki

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Re: Rate the Sims 4
« Reply #22 on: September 22, 2014, 02:31:01 AM »
Of all the Sims games, it's my favorite to play.

4 out of 5… there's some design mistakes (no way to edit tattoos in game? Wot?) but the performance and new gameplay still make it the best experience for me.

Offline blondie55p

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Re: Rate the Sims 4
« Reply #23 on: September 22, 2014, 02:42:30 AM »
I really like this game. I feel I can get into my Sims again. I am a Sims player since 2000. In Sims 2 I'd get so attached to them that when they died off I couldn't play for awhile. After all they felt like family.  In Sims 3 I'd  build , buy, and create new Sims more than playing the game itself. They can be a bore and so robotic. Now we have #4, and I'm excited. The interactions are great, and I feel a lot more great stuff is on the way. I gave this game a 4 rating, because of the new controls, and the game is a little sparse, but after all it's the base game.

Offline justproud2b

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Re: Rate the Sims 4
« Reply #24 on: September 22, 2014, 03:00:51 AM »
Good article Carl! I agree with many points you made. I will say that I feel like most gamers now a days could care less about ratings because we all know they are filled with biased opinions. The only people who really care about ratings aren't true gamers. We all have those titles we love but everyone hates and well that's just a normal gamer for you. With new games the killer is the hype and lack of information. Everything is speculative so then people are left to run with their imagination which only causes them to be left down.

I gave the Sims 4 a rating of 4. I based my opinion from the bugs that were present weren't things I think are due to lack of testing rather than normal bugs that aren't typically found. The base game has a good setup for future game play. I find the interactions very entertaining to watch. Load times are quick even with loading screens that I don't mind waiting (most the time with load screens I walk away and return). There are many options and paths I have still yet to explore and daily come up with an interaction or situation I haven't seen yet. I rarely give things a 5 rating but that is only because in my mind 5 is perfection and nothing is ever perfect :D

Offline Heart Foam

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Re: Rate the Sims 4
« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2014, 03:35:19 AM »
I vacillated between giving a 4 and 5. Maybe I'm a glass half-full kind of guy, but I'm more impressed with what we can do than what we can't. And the bits that are missing don't affect the game mechanics. I really liked Sims 3, but Sims 4 is a better game in every way. It's better at giving you challenges, and at rewarding you for that. The strength of a Sims game shouldn't be measured solely in number of hairstyles, or whether you can apply a maple wood texture to an evening suit.
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Offline Kaibilly

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Re: Rate the Sims 4
« Reply #26 on: September 22, 2014, 03:59:03 AM »
I wonder how many people remember the reactions when the sims 3 first came out.  So many people were complaining that there wasn't as much content as the sims 2, not enough hair styles, not enough clothing choices, no magic etc etc.  It's like the same thing all over again.  Personally I think it's a great game, but those who are complaining should have a think back to when TS3 first came out.  We really shouldn't be comparing 4 with 3, but at least try and remember 3 without all the expansions.
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Re: Rate the Sims 4
« Reply #27 on: September 22, 2014, 07:05:00 AM »
I gave it 5 stars because I really do love the game and think it will only get better with expansions.  I understand that it was necessary to go back to the loading screens and a small neighborhood, etc. in order to make the rendering of the game better.  We all remember how bad Sims 3 was for loading times, lagging, and just not running well.  The thing is, we can't have both a consistently smooth running game and the open world concept.  Not right now, anyway, and not with the computers that most of us own.  I'm totally ok with this.  If I miss something from Sims 3, I'll just go play Sims 3.  Sims 4 doesn't have to compete with Sims 3 for my affection.  I love them both.  I'm playing the new Carina Dreamweaver now and I adore her!  She is as cute as can be, and she's married and having children with Don Lothario.  What more could I want?  :D
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Offline RunAmokSims

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Re: Rate the Sims 4
« Reply #28 on: September 22, 2014, 10:02:05 AM »
I'm glad I'm not the only one who watched the 1 star ratings pile up at Amazon. When I wrote my review I urged people to read reviews from verified purchase writers.  It bothered me to see so many rants from people who were obviously there to smear the game, not actually review it.

In your poll I gave the same rating as I did on Amazon.  Three stars.  I think it's probably because I was expecting a lot from these little digital people. Many, if not most, of the missing features didn't bother me and I was looking at the game as a new game not a sequel.

What does bother me is that I don't think the Sims themselves live up to the pre-game hype. For me building, CAS and all the other parts of the game come in second to the actual game play and the Sims.  I honestly don't think the Sims are remarkably smarter. Or for that matter, weirder. But like I said, maybe I was expecting too much.

The things I do like are build mode,CAS and the overall look of the game.

The things I don't like are Sims that don't seem to be actually smarter than TS3 Sims. For all the hype about emotions I find a glaring lack of them at times.

And.....I think there is less sandbox play available. There are a lot of goals to reach and the unlockable content bothers me.

It somehow feels unfinished to me. It's not the lack of content that will come later in EPs because I do think the base game did come with a lot.  It's little things like after a Sim dies there is just that urn, finished, done, over with. The lack of a town "feel" bothers me. It's not the loading screens and small towns but things like the lack of  bookstores and no grocery stores.

Overall it could be just me and the fact that I'm pretty disappointed with the actual Sim psyche.

Offline Margeh75

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Re: Rate the Sims 4
« Reply #29 on: September 22, 2014, 10:36:15 AM »
To be honest i was a little disappointed with it, as i was hoping for a step up in realistic graphics, from Sims 3. I already played sims 2 years ago and Sims 4 just screams Sims2. I don't want a version of a game i had already. I feel they compromised so much, to give us the multi task feature which  i really didn't care about . It seems there is not much to do in the game at all and i became bored quite quickly. Having said that the base game cc is beautiful and fashionable so i am having fun creating my own cc for it. If you would like to check out my cc  you can visit my blog :) margiessims.blogspot.ie