I'm glad I'm not the only one who watched the 1 star ratings pile up at Amazon. When I wrote my review I urged people to read reviews from verified purchase writers. It bothered me to see so many rants from people who were obviously there to smear the game, not actually review it.
In your poll I gave the same rating as I did on Amazon. Three stars. I think it's probably because I was expecting a lot from these little digital people. Many, if not most, of the missing features didn't bother me and I was looking at the game as a new game not a sequel.
What does bother me is that I don't think the Sims themselves live up to the pre-game hype. For me building, CAS and all the other parts of the game come in second to the actual game play and the Sims. I honestly don't think the Sims are remarkably smarter. Or for that matter, weirder. But like I said, maybe I was expecting too much.
The things I do like are build mode,CAS and the overall look of the game.
The things I don't like are Sims that don't seem to be actually smarter than TS3 Sims. For all the hype about emotions I find a glaring lack of them at times.
And.....I think there is less sandbox play available. There are a lot of goals to reach and the unlockable content bothers me.
It somehow feels unfinished to me. It's not the lack of content that will come later in EPs because I do think the base game did come with a lot. It's little things like after a Sim dies there is just that urn, finished, done, over with. The lack of a town "feel" bothers me. It's not the loading screens and small towns but things like the lack of bookstores and no grocery stores.
Overall it could be just me and the fact that I'm pretty disappointed with the actual Sim psyche.