Author Topic: The Crown Dynasty  (Read 47736 times)

Offline Lilygirl

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #120 on: December 05, 2010, 05:47:38 PM »
Great story! I'm still on the fence about a WA traveling lifetime wish for one of my Immortals, but we'll see.

What about Elvis as a male name. I'm thinking Elvis Presley. No, he's wasn't a real king, but he was kind of a King in his own way.
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Offline Joria

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #121 on: December 05, 2010, 10:41:29 PM »
Or Brian Boru.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #122 on: December 07, 2010, 04:01:34 PM »
Thanks for all the name suggestions, I really was stuck at that point of the story since I have a serious problem deciding on character names sometimes (one time I went through a roleplaying campaign with a character that kept changing names accompanied by a dog named... dog). Elvis was also my first thought with the combination king and music but I wanted to stick to actual royalty. Alexander would have been the obvious choice if I hadn't already renamed a spouse that and Brian would also work but that would result in too many unnecessary Monthy Python references since I mainly associate that name with a certain movie. I think I’m going with ratchie’s suggestion, I like the sound of that name.

Now an update with some more China pictures:

The older immortals haven’t had much luck finding or buying items from the Chinese vases collection so Cleo goes to the relic shop to see if it's possible to just swipe items from there. She hasn't much luck since the woman who works there seems to like her and has no concept of the term personal space.

Nestor's mission in China was to participate in a "riddle war" and that logic opportunity goes well but his recently gained one point skill in martial arts skill causes him to do the martial arts gesture far more often than Cleo has ever done (almost like a glitch but it stopped when they returned home). It looks odd sometimes, a bit like he confused the Chinese sim gesture for greeting with the dog way of greeting.

Maeve doesn't seem to get any more adventure quests after reaching level 3 so Cleo finally gets to do some adventuring on her own and manages to get to level 2 and explore the whole temple of heavens area.

Back at home and coming out from a luxury spa treatment Jessica discovers that she is pregnant. She has really mixed emotions about this, she never intended to have any kids but suddenly finds herself wanting a son.

Papparazzi in the background: "I can't believe my luck , she just became pregnant, what a great scoop! She is such a star, not an actress or singer or anything but she is still famous for... being married to that medical intern who is famous for... being a child of a toddler sports coach and a criminal who are famous for... knowing a few other celebrities."

That night Alexander makes his first confirmed appearance as after death. He might have been back before without anyone noticing since it seems like he doesn’t want to go upstairs like the other spouse ghosts have done and with his habit of meditating he is definitely the most peaceful spirit in the house.

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #123 on: December 08, 2010, 02:50:17 AM »

Finally the moment of horror arrives for an at the moment very unhappy mother to be. She dislikes children in general and after spending days eating apples she suddenly doesn't feel like she wants a son anymore (a confused person accidentally clicked away the option in her wish list) but it's a bit late now. Generation 6 is on it's way.

Jessica decides to give birth at the hospital and for some reason Nestor is not called from work to join her, possibly because he is already in the building.

The baby is named Karanos and gets the traits virtuoso and artistic. He will have guitar as first choice of skillmax but if those challenges aren’t close to being done by the time he is elder he will be the family painter instead.

Jessica is quite upset about being in the presence of a child but tries to get acquainted with her new son, at least until she remembers that they have servants for that sort of thing. She recently wanted to hire a butler so now this woman called Deanna lives in the house with them.

Personally I wouldn't even trust Deanna to take care of my goldfish if I had one, look what a mess she made of the kitchen with her compulsive cooking. She is supposed to have the neat trait but I wonder if she also has some version of hydrophobic that only concerns dishwashing.

Since the parents are busy with things like working and painting challenges elder generation has to step in and it’s mainly Cedric and Cleo who care for their grandchild. Cedrik still has a job in the sports career but takes a lot of days off and despite being ambitious he doesn't seem to care that much about advancing anymore.

Offline Anushka

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #124 on: December 08, 2010, 04:39:07 AM »
You're very fast player Nilla!Congratulation on 6th generation being born! I have a ghost who meditate too! Great lines too, that celebrity thing is funny! But the butler woman is hilarious. What a neat person!?
Great updates, and great dynasty. With this tempo you'll finish it very fast!

Offline Lilygirl

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #125 on: December 08, 2010, 12:25:26 PM »
Congrats on generation 6!
The Butler seems to have a different view on her job description then you do.  :D
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Offline jessiethedog

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #126 on: December 08, 2010, 03:19:53 PM »
Alexander would have been the obvious choice if I hadn't already renamed a spouse that and Brian would also work but that would result in too many unnecessary Monthy Python references since I mainly associate that name with a certain movie.

Always look on the bright side of life  ;)

Great name choice in the end though! Keep up the good work on this dynasty! I couldn't even get the first immortal in my game (due to an unfortunate meteor while looking after his spouse) so everyone is doing an amazing job!
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Offline Nilla

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #127 on: December 11, 2010, 06:18:46 AM »
Thanks for the comments Anushka, lilygirl and jessiethedog :)

@ jessiethedog: Sorry about the meteor crash, I'm just lucky not to have had any of those. My ambitions expansion has seemed to come without meteors but I guess I'll find out if there are any soon since the next generation will have to spend a lot of time oudoors.

Speaking of the next generation, here are some of his toddler pics:

Karanos ages up to toddler on the floor and it looks like he got his mothers blue eyes and his own shade of dark brown hair. His favourite coulor turned out to be yellow and that is the same as Maeve’s so he will have to have a change of taste when he’s older (I want them all to have different coulors).

His grandmother Cleo teaches him to talk which might not be the best idea since she’s kind of a bad influence:

Cleo: “Right, let’s just skip the big cheap items and focus on the small and valuable. Say after me: diamond... necklace… expensive stereo system. On second thought, skip the last one that can wait until you’re older.”

Cleo is still the towns master criminal and has a habit of gathering with her co-workers to discuss illegal activities.  The neighbourhood is a bit under populated with adults now so people keep changing jobs. When the job market gets tough the employers have to get tougher.

Cleo: ”You’re late Weinstein, you better have a good excuse.”
Tiffani Weinstein*: “Uh, I don’t work for you anymore. Someone hit me on the head and dragged me in when I passed the restaurant so apparently I’m a kitchen scullion now.”

Cleo: “That explains all the people complaining about the diner only having plasma pancakes today. Hm... I guess we will have to catch one of their chefs now and make them work for us. Minions, get to work!”

(*The vampire in the culinary outfit, she is the houseghost Crissy's niece.)

The next night Cleo runs into an old acquaintance:

Cleo: “What are you doing here? If I somehow got in an accident without noticing I should have you know have a death flower with me and I’m not afraid to use it. ”

Death: “No, I was here for one of your oldest friends actually, the one called LaShawn Talley. These stupid vampires keep forgetting to drink their plasma and they keep moving to Sunset Valley because they believe it will be dark here.”

Cleo: “Not another employee! Oh well, she was pretty dull anyway. Had no sense of humor that woman.”

Death: ”A bit of an insensitive attitude for a human. It might be your husband next, he’s getting older you know. It might be nicer to grow old together and spend your last time away from that big noisy family always judging you for your activities. It heard from widows it’s horrible being the one left behind, maybe you want to stop eating that old cake and drop that flower and just join him in the possibly eternal afterlife?”

Cleo: “Not really, though I suppose I would miss Cedrik in a way. You’re speaking to the wrong family member; you don’t become a master criminal by being soft-hearted you know. I’m quite comfortable where I am. Nice try.”

No one is leaving the house yet and the next generation is already preparing for his skillmax. Karanos did learn to talk but most of the time he is banging on the xylophone to loud for anyone to hear him. He is too young to smash a guitar but practices for his future career by biting the mallet.

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #128 on: December 11, 2010, 11:15:45 AM »
HAHAHA! The dialogue when Cleo was teaching Karanos to talk was priceless! :D
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Offline Lilygirl

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #129 on: December 11, 2010, 11:53:40 AM »
Nice update Nilla! I'm putting my money on Cleo should the Grim ever decide to try and steal her Death Flower.
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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #130 on: December 11, 2010, 12:30:21 PM »
Wow, just read the whole story and it is amazing, I lost my place after a few chapters and only just got back up to date with it.  ;)
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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #131 on: December 11, 2010, 05:48:33 PM »
That evil Smiley over Grims head is a riot.  Nice update.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Anushka

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #132 on: December 15, 2010, 09:55:36 AM »
Nilla, that was a great update! Love the dialoques, and pictures too, great great story. I'm glad I'm following it. Karanos has real artistic name, a real future star.

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #133 on: December 15, 2010, 12:47:24 PM »
hi there~

just finished reading your story and it is awesome! love all the trips your family takes and the paparazzi!

i think choosing a spouse will get harder as the game goes on since all the characters are new and you really have to spend time with each one to know their traits.

good luck for completing the dynasty! (:

Offline Nilla

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #134 on: December 17, 2010, 04:10:37 PM »
So many nice comments this time, I appreciate it. Sorry I haven't been posting lately, I didn't want to log in and risk wanting to start playing computer games for "only half an hour before studying" ::) or so right now. I've had so much to do with three university exams towards the end of the semester but only one left now so I might have time for a couple of updates soon.

@RJ: Actually the spouse choice have been easier lately, the last two generations haven’t had many close to their age to choose from in my vampire-crazy version of Sunset Valley. It makes finding decent traits harder but there is always mid-life crisis even if all of mine get to keep two/three original traits.