Author Topic: The Crown Dynasty  (Read 47727 times)

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #75 on: November 18, 2010, 03:00:00 AM »
You are doing really well. Congratulations on the expected arrival of generation five.

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Offline Nilla

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #76 on: November 18, 2010, 04:48:34 PM »
What lot in Egypt did you buy for your Dynasty family?

I think it was called The Acacia Palace, and it cost over 300000 simoeons but this family has so much money now I don’t know what to do with it all.

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #77 on: November 18, 2010, 05:42:18 PM »
Nilla this was awesome.  Too bad if you don't use Hatshepsut for a name.  She was the ONLY female pharoah in Egyptian history since at that time a queen could not rule on her own.  She was quite a woman and my favorite historical Egyptian character, (along with Nefertiti and that whole clan).  I love the Egyptian scenes and how the story is progressing.  I personally have hated traveling to Egypt but think I might give it another try for my dynasty.  Sand and sun are just not my thing unless it's tropical and wet! lol
What?  Grannies can't play games?
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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #78 on: November 18, 2010, 06:02:56 PM »
Joria perhaps I should have used the word regent instead; there have been more then one female of those, I’m not sure about the definition of the term pharaoh. I used to read a lot of history books before but it’s been a while since I’ve been busy studying natural science subjects the last few years so I’ve started forgetting things. Egypt exploring was a lot off fun though it feels so odd going around taking relics just when the real world museums have started to give them back.

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #79 on: November 18, 2010, 06:16:42 PM »
Hatshepsut was co-ruler/regent with her brother but he was a total loser so she had him offed in an "accident".  In order to rule in her own right and not just be a regent or co-regent, she had to be a male.  So she put on the fake beard pharoah's wore and declared herself pharoah, (king), and ran the country very well indeed.  Unfortunately, the kid she was supposed to be a regent for, grew up, took offense over her taking his throne, and he had her and all her works removed from history!  It took centuries before anyone even knew of her because her name was literally carved OUT of all the monuments she had erected in her name.  It's been awhile since I've studied her so I may be a bit hazy on some of the details but she did rule as a male and a serious attempt was made to totally remove her from history, and therefor remove her from immortality.  It didn't work. lol
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #80 on: November 20, 2010, 08:45:25 AM »

Pregnancy number four is the most harmonic one in the dynasty so far since Cleo is able to meditate through it all, only pausing to eat an apple every now and then. She doesn’t care about the baby’s gender but Cedrik prefers a son and gave her some apples he had collected.

Cleo has a long painful delivery but her mother helps her through it while Cedrik just stands there, unsure what he can do to help. Cleo wonders if having a celebrity child will result in even more fame and thereby nosy fans and journalists following her around.

The new child is born brave like his mother and gains the genius trait. He gets the name Nestor after the long-lived and wise king of Pylos from Homer’s Iliad. He seems like a healthy baby but Cleo is a little worried about the dark pattern on his head.

Cleo: “Mom is this really normal for a baby to look this way? I heard they are usually born bald but not like this…”

Maeve: “Nonsense, he is perfectly normal and that will grow away when he gets older. He looks just like my father and I have a feeling he might have inherited his intelligence too.”

Nestor is actually smarter and it wouldn’t hurt him to also have better social skills than Arthur, who thanks to his new mining hobby is now the most hated person in the neighbourhood. He is now forbidden to mine at night since the crowd of neighbours yelling at him got so big one night it caused the game to crash.

Arthur went back to sleeping in his old childhood bed when Tosha died but soon has to move to make room for the new child. Victor loves the new addition to the family but also feels a little detached from the baby, like he not really related to him. There is not even a world for the genetic relationship, should he call himself the baby’s great-great-grandfather or just ancestor? He decides “friend” will do for now.

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #81 on: November 20, 2010, 10:34:51 AM »

The little family genius who is destined for the logic skill grows up and shows that he inherited grandma's purple eyes. Really, he is a genius... he can't look smart all the time.

Cedrik: "Wait, I get this toy now! The cylinder block goes in to the... round hole, am I right?"
Nestor: Da da ga! (translation: Yes of course. Get me out of this undignified bunny pyjamas now).

Nestor doesn’t talk yet but the older immortals have noticed that he likes grey and that he seems a lot brighter than his father who compared to earlier spouses took ages to learn his skills.

None of them notice the new creature that arrived to the house when they planted plasma plants. Disguising as a toy she is now sneaking up on Nestor's "Mummy bear".

Bad vampire gnome! That was Nestors second favourite toy and the only mummy teddy in the house. They have a lot of gnomes in the house now so they start showing up everywhere.

Cleo ages to adult one night after putting her son to bed. She has recently mastered her physical perfection LTW so now there is only her career and a couple of opportunities left to go now.

She celebrates her adult birthday and mastering the martial arts skill by beating up her elderly father. Chinese gnome is the judge of the sparring and declares her the winner.

There goes another dynasty skill but Martial arts was never destined to be a skillmax anyway since the challenges would involve spending to much time in China. I'm also trying to only use the original game skills and will only change this if the guitar skill doesn't work out.

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #82 on: November 21, 2010, 07:57:41 AM »

Something has happened in the quiet town of Sunset Valley: the crime rate has increased dramatically over the last few weeks and the police seem to have trouble keeping up.

Police: “Your days of crime are over Crown, you are going to prison now for a long, long time.”

Cleo: “I know, no need to chase me I’m going in. Just make sure I’m out in a few hours as usual, I have something I need to be home in time for.”

Being an ex-kleptomaniac himself Cedrik has some understanding for his wife's activities but he becomes a little worried when she's gone longer than normal.

Cedrik: “Where is she? Nestor is getting tired but if his mother misses his birthday because of being in prison he’ll probably be traumatized forever.”

She arrived just in time for the birthday thanks to the eyes of Horus (those are really a perfect combination with the teleportation pad). Nestor gets a telescope as present, gains the new trait computer whiz and also gets a really bad squint that lasts for hours until he puts on glasses. Maeve now thinks he looks more like his father.

Arthur gets a message that his best friend and Alexander’s sister Marisol Bachelor is about to die so they both hurry over there to say farewell. Her death is somewhat surprising since she was a vampire but it turns out they die and become pale ghosts like regular sims if they get old enough.

Alexander is not very upset since he really never knew his sister and also finds out that even if there is a time and a place for snake charming it’s certainly not here and now.

Nestor loves chess but at the moment his father doesn't have time to play with him and the others don't want to risk getting logic skill but it's okay because like most sims he doesn't mind playing against himself. Cedrik had great hopes that his son would one day become something traditional like a famous artist or sport star but Nestor is not being very sensible and insist on pursuing his dreams of the medical career.

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #83 on: November 21, 2010, 07:00:39 PM »
Nestor is awesome and a very smart little boy.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #84 on: November 22, 2010, 08:12:58 PM »

Nestor really does his school assignments fast and it’s hard to keep up to be able to help him even for the experienced homework helper Maeve. He finds bright colours silly and irrational and wanted his children’s room grey like the nursery but everyone else found it depressing so he had to settle for only changing the bed sheets.

Cedrik quietly ges to elder one night in the garden and decides he definitely needs a new warderobe. He then gets a good idea about what to do this night while Arthur gets a bad idea and Nestor one he should just forget about right now. Nestor understood the effect of the ambrosia earler than the other dynasty childen and eventually figured out what he needed to do to get to eat it.

He doesn't know many children or teens but one day he got a school opportunity to befriend Jessica who is a genius like him and has a mean spirited personality.

Nestor: “I have been thinking about my future lately and I estimate that I will have accomplished all my logic criteria by the time of becoming adult but I have not yet a candidate for wife to bring heirs to the family. You are the most attractive girl I know and only three days older than me so I though it would be an optimal solution if we got married when we reach the young adult stage.”

Jessica: “How charming, considering that I’m the only girl you know that wasn’t much of a compliment. Some advice kid: I don't now what you were saying before but if you keep talking like the world biggest geek you’ll never find a wife or friends.”

Nestor: "Perhaps you have a point. I mean… I get it. So how about a date then?"

Jessica: "Grow taller than this mailbox first, then we can discuss it."

The robot paparazzi Earl's stalking of Maeve is getting worse and finally news get around to Victor who figures out the connection to Arthur.

Victor: "Are you even more insane than your working title suggests? We are already breaking nature’s laws and annoying death by being immortals and now you create intelligent life from scrap metal - just because you got the opportunity! You not only created problems for your daughter but you are also risking our entire dynasty."

Arthur: "Okay, I did something wrong but he is kind of my son and I feel responsible for him even if I didn't mean for it to be that way. Now that the damage is done, can we not just admit it and move him in here?"

Victor: "Absolutely not! Find another way for the robot to stop stalking us and spreading rumours now before death or any other greater force of nature figures out the connection to us."

Arthur tries to appease his robotic son by arranging meetings with him where they do things that are filed in Earl's harddrive as typical father and son activities. It is moderately successful and Earl becomes a little friendlier towards his relatives.

Earl: "Can I have a base-ball glove for my birth-day fat-her?"
Arthur: "Um... sure. Do they even sell those things around here?"

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #85 on: November 22, 2010, 11:08:21 PM »
I laughed so hard reading the conversation between Nestor and Jessica, I had to read it to my husband who's trying to play his own game. The laughter was also a serious reminder that I need a bathroom break!  :D

Your story telling is awesome. Waiting for the next update.
You've played too much TS3 when ... your 13 month old's babble sounds like Simlish!

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #86 on: November 23, 2010, 04:29:35 AM »
This is one of the dynasties I am eager to check for updates! Love it, it seems so perfectly executed and so funny written, I can only say great job Nilla! Love it.

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #87 on: November 23, 2010, 05:23:03 AM »
The conversation between Jessica and Nestor was so funny but he really does need to work on his chat up lines.

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #88 on: November 27, 2010, 09:14:42 AM »
Thank you lilygirl, Anushka and ratchie for the nice comments. I've been too tired to write or even read English after working late hours on a chemistry project the past week but here is finally the slightly depressing update I started on last weekend:

Alexander becomes the oldest dynasty spouse so far when he gets past Tosha's 99 days. Despite not being the most typical military guy he is happy with the athletic challenges of his work but feels like he doesn’t get to express his artistic side much. For his 100:th day Maeve arranges a neurotic art exhibit party for him with nectar and cheese plates in their art museum. He really has a great time and even freaks out a couple of time to get the guests more interested in the “crazy” artist.

Sunset Valley police will have hard time from now on when Cleo more than halfway to her elder state finally becomes master thief. The paparazzi love the idea of a four star celebrity criminal and follow her everywhere when they can catch up to her high athletic speed.

Despite her countless scandals she still manages to keep seven friends but her relationships with Victor and her mother Maeve is getting worse, they are the family members most concerned with the family’s reputation. Grandfather Arthur and her son are more fascinated than upset and since they all share an interest in making things explode they usually get along fine.

Third generation spouse Alexander Crown, born as Bubba Bachelor, only made it to 102 days before he passed away outside his job just after becoming a general. His gravestone ends up in front of the building so Cleo is sent to take it back later.

Maeve is very upset and spends the day crying, even when it's time for the ambrosia. She right now feels it's pointless to eat it but Victor manages to convince her that she should do so. Unlike previous spouses her husband didn't show up to haunt the days after so she doesn't get the confusing comfort of seeing him right away.

Nestor is also really taking his grandfather death really hard, the last day of his childhood he is for the first time seeing the disadvantage of living forever in his grandmothers reactions to her husband’s death. In addition he also went to school tired from searching the galaxy all night and passed out, which is considered a scandal even when it is a child, so his combined birthday moodlet is the worst anyone in the family has ever had.

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #89 on: November 27, 2010, 11:09:19 AM »

There is not much point in arranging a birthday when Nestor is so depressed and he only has one friend anyway. Instead they gather in the invention room where he likes to hang out with great-grandfather Arthur.

Nestor gets the trait bookworm and hopes aging in to a teen will get him out of his bad moodlet, which would be a rather hopeless idea if he wasn’t a sim. He reminds himself that he still did a lot of good work so far, not many children manages to discover fourteen celestial bodies after all. He unimaginatively named them 1,2,3… and so on in the beginning but then started naming stars after family members and the only satellite so far is called Earl.

He is a very effective teen who spends his days studying and most of his night playing chess. Victor is a bit surprised since he didn’t expect that to be what young people was staying out late for, he must really be getting old.

Nestor's first opponent to lose is Stewart Holmberg-Weidler, who is his childhood crush Jessica’s older brother and he is even more interested in her when he discovers that they seem to be from the family that gives him money and attention for finding the astronomical objects.

He meets many people through the chess matches but they are mostly elders. One interesting exception is fellow computer whiz Latisha, the youngest daughter and only non-vampire in the rich Talley family, who is also the first to beat him in a game. Unfortunately she has been young adult for a few days already and she is absent-minded so he has to ask her to play three times before she remembers it.

Paparazzi girl*: “You’re spending the entire night with a beautiful older woman and all you do is play chess and talk about computers. Come on, you can think of better things to do. No? Why can’t you be more like your mother.”

*Forgot the name of the girl that replaced robot Earl as family stalker and she just disappeared without a trace later.

Paparazzi girl: "Okay I’ve had enough of this guy and I hate nerd celebrities! He uses the telescope all day but just looks for stars and doesn’t even try to spy on people. I’m quitting my work and joining the French foreign legion now!"

Nestor finally finds object nr twenty, a small blue super giant, and names it Jessica. He got his LTW to become chess legend as a teen because that is bound to happen sooner or later anyway with the logic skill.