Nestor really does his school assignments fast and it’s hard to keep up to be able to help him even for the experienced homework helper Maeve. He finds bright colours silly and irrational and wanted his children’s room grey like the nursery but everyone else found it depressing so he had to settle for only changing the bed sheets.
Cedrik quietly ges to elder one night in the garden and decides he definitely needs a new warderobe. He then gets a good idea about what to do this night while Arthur gets a bad idea and Nestor one he should just forget about right now. Nestor understood the effect of the ambrosia earler than the other dynasty childen and eventually figured out what he needed to do to get to eat it.
He doesn't know many children or teens but one day he got a school opportunity to befriend Jessica who is a genius like him and has a mean spirited personality.
Nestor: “I have been thinking about my future lately and I estimate that I will have accomplished all my logic criteria by the time of becoming adult but I have not yet a candidate for wife to bring heirs to the family. You are the most attractive girl I know and only three days older than me so I though it would be an optimal solution if we got married when we reach the young adult stage.”
Jessica: “How charming, considering that I’m the only girl you know that wasn’t much of a compliment. Some advice kid: I don't now what you were saying before but if you keep talking like the world biggest geek you’ll never find a wife or friends.”
Nestor: "Perhaps you have a point. I mean… I get it. So how about a date then?"
Jessica: "Grow taller than this mailbox first, then we can discuss it."
The robot paparazzi Earl's stalking of Maeve is getting worse and finally news get around to Victor who figures out the connection to Arthur.
Victor: "Are you even more insane than your working title suggests? We are already breaking nature’s laws and annoying death by being immortals and now you create intelligent life from scrap metal - just because you got the opportunity! You not only created problems for your daughter but you are also risking our entire dynasty."
Arthur: "Okay, I did something wrong but he is kind of my son and I feel responsible for him even if I didn't mean for it to be that way. Now that the damage is done, can we not just admit it and move him in here?"
Victor: "Absolutely not! Find another way for the robot to stop stalking us and spreading rumours now before death or any other greater force of nature figures out the connection to us."
Arthur tries to appease his robotic son by arranging meetings with him where they do things that are filed in Earl's harddrive as typical father and son activities. It is moderately successful and Earl becomes a little friendlier towards his relatives.
Earl: "Can I have a base-ball glove for my birth-day fat-her?"
Arthur: "Um... sure. Do they even sell those things around here?"