Author Topic: The Crown Dynasty  (Read 47758 times)

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #150 on: December 27, 2010, 05:12:02 PM »
Looks like Nestor is right on track.

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Offline Lilygirl

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #151 on: December 28, 2010, 03:23:04 AM »
Hope you had a great holiday, Nilla. Great to see you and your Dynasty back again.
You've played too much TS3 when ... your 13 month old's babble sounds like Simlish!

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #152 on: December 28, 2010, 03:33:35 AM »

Nestor tries to forget about a certain vampire ghost and decides to focus on his somehow neglected son’s education with homework help and tutoring. Karanos is not as smart as his genius parents but seems to be doing well in school with a little help.

Nestor: “So I want to help but I don’t know what level you are at right now… You do know that’s not the part of the pen you write with, right?”

Karanos: “Of course, who wouldn’t know that?”

Nestor: “Well you, see your grandfather Cedrik had some issues with these kind of things. I’m glad you haven’t inherited that from him.”

One of the tutoring sessions the ghost of Alexander goes up to the second floor for the first time ever to ask for his own grandson's autograph. Nestor finds the situation more than a little strange but decides to give him one despite wondering where the it will go after dawn.

Karanos enjoys spending a bit more time with his father but also has something like a second family in the Toney household where his grand-uncles girlfriend and their five children live. Another vampire woman also lives there with her son so that makes a total of six vampires ages toddler to teen in that house. Karanos has figured out that his goal in life is in fact not about playing guitar but about making a lot of friends and a household with four teens is a great place to start.

He also tries to get to know a few unrelated girls but through Jeana Calloway he finds out that most are not impressed by his little dirt eating trick so he really needs to learn something else.

He takes a vacation to France with his great-grandmother Maeve to get some time of school to practice playing guitar. The trip becomes very short since Maeve's Dragon cave quest chain seems to be broken. Karanos does some sightseeing but spends most of the time performing in the park for a couple of Chinese tourists that wonder why he keep changing songs all the time and if this is what people do in France.

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #153 on: December 28, 2010, 10:22:36 AM »

His face is hilarious!! I don't blame Jeana for being a little weirded out. :P
Great update Nilla.

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #154 on: December 30, 2010, 07:51:56 AM »
I didn't miss too much, two very interesting updates! I assume that Karanos will supermax charisma then, or is that just his LTW? It is always funny with ghosts, and I also like leaving them to free will to get some unexpected story turns.  I also have the broken Dragon Cave chain adventure same way as you do, when came to France there were no adventure in journal, later, in China I never got that adventure again, and in France board is broken too, so I never reached level 3 there, luckily Egypt was fine. Hope you'll have better luck, I hate seeing 8/9 tomb symbols!

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #155 on: December 31, 2010, 09:10:00 AM »
Thank you kattiq and Anushka. Karanos can't supermax charisma because that is the skill Victor who had a money LTW started with and no one else in the dynasty is allowed even one point of that (it tends to be uncontrollable once started). Making Karanos get twenty friends was more for giving me something else to do with his teen days. I wonder if the Dragon cave/Laandgrab mansion quest is a recent bug in the game, travel opportunities has worked fine for me before but now it also takes several tries to get anything from that board.

Karanos guitar skill has clearly improved in France. Now girls are fainting when he is playing, of course it's probably more due to the fact that they were up all night listening than the music itself. Jeana now has some competition as there are two more teen girls in town.

The name generator has started repeating itself lately, the girl in the panda shirt is confusingly called Jean and the one in the black and white dress is called Holly and she might actually be descended from Holly Alto since a woman with her surname moved in to Cliff Alto's house a couple of generations ago.

Generation six also ages up to young adult with what is a now traditional swimwear party, this time on the beach the family just bought for Nestor. The lazy guest are complaining about starving even though there is both food and plasma fruit available on the table.

The birthday no-longer-a-boy develops the ambitious trait like his father. He plays guitar at the party but people don't seem that impressed except the neurotic Jeana who is really freaking out at this party.

This is Karanos as young adult after he got his long hair back and decided to also let his facial hair grow a little. He spent most of his teens gaining friends* and actively avoiding getting any skills but now it's time to get to work in the music career (*edited: I keep writing fiends instead of friends for some reason).

He plays music pretty much all of his free time too and has nearly maxed his skill. He is getting a fortune in tips lately and the most frequent donor is young Holly who must either be very rich or insane to give away so much money. Her choice of clothing kind of hints that it's the last alternative.

Karanos doesn't have much else do now as he can't get any other skills to make sure to have guitar opportunities. Most of the immortals so far have had a child before reaching adult age but he has to wait to have a woman move in because Jessica must die before next generation can be born. I am a couple of weeks ahead of the story in gameplay now so there will be a couple of more updates soon next year.

Offline jessiethedog

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #156 on: January 02, 2011, 12:54:54 PM »
Happy birthday, Karanos! Have you considered any potential wives for him yet? Holly's quite pretty, even if she is insane. But that can be changed  :P
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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #157 on: January 04, 2011, 06:36:34 AM »
I was thinking he'd eventually go with either Jeana or Holly first but as it turned out the game made the decision for me later. I kind of like the insane trait, it creates entertaining situations and I haven't had that in the dynasty yet so I think I wouldn't want to mid-life crisis away that in a spouse so far along in the challenge.

It was okay when people where only fainting when Karanos played guitar but the last week three people have died while watching him play outside work. It gets kind of depressing after a while and this time time it was his own boss Harmony Holland whom he had really worked to get to promotion level with. He discovers another young girl in the area but since it's the deceased’s daughter Desirae Holland it doesn’t seem like the right moment to introduce himself.

He started a romantic relationship with Jeana when meeting her outside the bookstore after an opportunity to sort things there but they haven't officially become a couple yet. She was out walking with her brother Eric who becomes embarrassed by the situation and has to look away. Karanos later takes the time to befriend Eric who makes friend number twenty and completes his LTW.

Not much is happening back home and it seems the some of the ghosts have as active afterlives as any of the immortals. There seem to be a limit on the amount of them possible each night and it's usually Tosha or Cedrik who fights for that space while Morgana and Alexander seem to have given up haunting lately.

Arthur and Tosha is the only ones who have kept up their relationship until now and the rest of the family do their best to ignore it. Cleo mostly tries to avoid Cedrik feeling a little uncomfortable about explaining her new/old boyfriend to her dead husband. She's about to go for a swim in the pool when she encounters a slightly disturbing sight. She might of course have wanted to see her grandmother again but probably not that much of her.

Another one who seems to like skinny-dipping a little too much is Karanos who wants to ask almost every new person he meets to do that. He finally succeeds to convince his older co-worker Cathy (if she seems familiar: she was also his grandfather’s cousin’s stepdaughter) to do this in the middle of the day in the neighbourhood pool and most people are shocked except a young French tourist who spontaneously joins them. He seems to often forget that he is a celebrity and has been causing quite a few scandals lately, lucky his friends LTW was already done by then.

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Crown Dynasty
« Reply #158 on: January 04, 2011, 09:19:41 AM »
Such shocking behaviour but so funny too.

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