I made this to help myself remember where all the locations were for things so that I could go to different park areas, fishing and such. So I figured I would share it with the community as it might help you all as well. If anyone sees any suggestions feel free to let me know and I'll edit the image and re-upload. If anyone wants to use this for any reason let me know I can edit it and give you another version however you want.

Legend (from image)1. Two Fishing Spots and a Park Bench
2. Three Park Benches
3. Two Fishing Spots and a Park Bench
4. Abandoned Mine
5. Grill, Park Bench, Picnic Bench, Abandoned Mine, Fishing Spot, Bathrooms
6. Grill, Picnic Bench, Mini Garden, Fishing (Over the Bridge)
7. Fishing Spot
8. Two Fishing Spots
9. Two Bathrooms, Two Fishing Spots
10. Quite a few Park Benches, Picnic Tables, Monkey Bars, Jungle Gym (Pirate Ship), and Grill
11. Two Grills, Park Benches, and Picnic Tables, Fishing Spot
12. Picnic Table, Jungle Gym (Space Ship)