Author Topic: The Man Dynasty 5.0 — This Time it's for Total Manhood (Finished)  (Read 382926 times)


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Re: The Man Dynasty 5.0 — This Time it's for Total Manhood
« Reply #90 on: October 22, 2010, 11:05:01 PM »
Yay!!! No kissy lips!!! Though Bella was a great Man.

Offline AriaGirl77

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Re: The Man Dynasty 5.0 — This Time it's for Total Manhood
« Reply #91 on: October 22, 2010, 11:41:47 PM »
Picky picky picky!  First, no Agnes.  And now, no Bella?!?!?!  What is this world coming to?

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Re: The Man Dynasty 5.0 — This Time it's for Total Manhood
« Reply #92 on: October 23, 2010, 01:52:01 AM »
Predator!  I'm going to talk to the principal and have that school put in lock down!  Shame, shame, Recipe.  (walks off muttering about cradle robbers when a perfectly good wife is available)
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Man Dynasty 5.0 — This Time it's for Total Manhood
« Reply #93 on: October 23, 2010, 03:34:12 AM »
I am looking forward to seeing who the new Mrs Man is going to be.

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Offline CJ Silver

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Re: The Man Dynasty 5.0 — This Time it's for Total Manhood
« Reply #94 on: October 24, 2010, 01:50:39 AM »
Predator!  I'm going to talk to the principal and have that school put in lock down!  Shame, shame, Recipe.  (walks off muttering about cradle robbers when a perfectly good wife is available)

Where? You're forgetting that any young adult Recipe targets will probably become elders by the time Agnes bites it - I've seen some Elders in my game live to 121, or did you forget that Bella Man was living to 96 by the time Metro dumped that version of his I.D.?

I'm doing an Immortal Dynasty project in secret (a Pokemon one in tune with my Pokemon Legacy - which I should put back in the save files and play!  :-[ ) and my founder married Anne Goldbeard in Barnacle Bay for her luxury car ($105,000) and then broke up with her once Fawn Annan grew up; yeah, it's completely against the rules, I guess - he was supposed to wait until she died, but I didn't want Twallan's story progression mod (which I finally got working, but I'm scared about it glitching up China!) hooking Fawn up with someone else. Anyways, it's not truly official, but I didn't want Mew Pokemon (my first immortal) to become a stalker like Recipe Man. Of course, I was watching Fawn since she was a child and I should have waited until Daisy Annan became a young adult.  :-\

Anyways, I am glad that Bella's not going to be Recipe's wife again because she'd probably end up becoming a Heartbreaker like her Sims 2 self (Bella Goth).  I mean, hotpants is just the beginning, she'll be slipping in that red tube dress when she's an adult, mark my words!  ;D
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Re: The Man Dynasty 5.0 — This Time it's for Total Manhood
« Reply #95 on: October 24, 2010, 10:01:26 AM »
I'm glad Agnes finally got some attention, not just assignments :D
And Recipe gave up on Bella. Mortimer is happy but I have no doubt Recipe will get his perfect second wife in no time.

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Re: The Man Dynasty 5.0 — This Time it's for Total Manhood
« Reply #96 on: October 24, 2010, 01:05:06 PM »
Recipe is Not a Stalker...

...He’s just inquisitive. Now the guy below? He’s clearly a stalker and is making it way too obvious that he has bad intentions.

Recipe has no interest in making parents nervous. That’s why he employed a sneaky tactic he saw on TV where investigators typically use some type of cover to conceal themselves from sight. This way everyone is happy — Recipe can gain valuable information about potential spouses, and parents of female high school Sims are now unaware of his presence.

So, what did the makeout stakeout reveal? Well, as it turns out Nancy and Geoffrey Landgraab had another child after Malcomb—a girl named Jamila. Recipe bided his time until Jamila was a Young Adult and when the time came, he walked over to his neighbor’s house. But, what's this? Oh, no...Jamila was feeling a lot of tension from having to take care of her elderly parents. What could a nice neighbor do to help out?

Recipe: “There ya go, Jamila. I know you and Malcolm have been under a lot of pressure lately taking care of your mom and dad. Your back was quite tight and all knotted up. I hope that helped.”
Jamila: It did. It was kind of sexy too.”
Recipe: “Wait. I never meant...okay, you got me. Ha ha ha.”

Meanwhile, back at Manly Estates where things are not quite as hot and sweaty, Recipe tells Agnes to pick out her very own ice sculpture for a separate museum he’s having built for all immortals’ wives. Yeah, Recipe told Agnes everything...that he’s going to live forever, the Ambosia requirements, she would be replaced, etc. Agnes calmly and cooly said, “Whatever. It's all deja vu to me at this point, Man.”

Agnes: “Hmmmm...I like them all...can’t quite decide.”

With Recipe almost an Elder one of the last things he needed to do to finish the Ambrosia requirements was the 6 Best Friends, so he threw a party. Simis Bachelor decided to make his mortal exit and guarantee that the party would NOT be epic. Still, Recipe was quick to notice the mood change and was a gracious host.

Recipe: “Bella, Michael...what’s wrong? The food? The music? Unless you tell me what’s wrong, I can't make things right.”

The next day Agnes aged up to Elder. Could I keep her beautiful and young looking until the end?

Agnes: “Can’t...maintain balance. Life...draining away. My Life Alert...where is it?”

Agnes: “I’ve fallen...and I can’t get up!”

Agnes the Hagness spent most her Elder stage out in the community catching fish and eventually hitting the graveyard every night to stockpile deathfish for Ambrosia.

Agnes: “Both of you, hush up. I’m working here. Bella, go home and play with your toy oven or something. You're scaring the fish away with all of your racket.”

Next on tap is Recipe aging up to Elder. It was a nice Elder birthday party—no one died—but Jamila needs to work on her social skills a little bit. She clearly was not shy about expressing her feelings towards Agnes.

Recipe's new Bruce Lee garb just didn’t work for me. Neither did the gray hair this time around. Hey, he’s going to be an immortal soon, right? Why not keep him looking young? Or at least “younger.” So, later I dressed him in a nice blue sweater and gave him a full beard and some glasses too. But, first Recipe could not wait to “Announce Birthday” to Agnes.

Recipe: “I just had a birthday! WOOT!”
Agnes: “You mean the one five minutes ago where your future wife was laughing at me?”

The Recipe File:
Lifetime Wish: Culinary Librarian
Unique Career Maxed: Gardening
Unique Skill SuperMaxed: Gardening
Investments: Hogan’s Deep-Fried Diner and Stoney Falls
Unique Rewards: Collection Helper; Super Green Thumb; No Bills Ever!
6 Unique Best Friends: Jamila Landgraab, Holly Alto, Mortimer Goth, Bella Bachelor, Michael Bachelor, Agnes Man.
BlackOps: Uncommonly Good; Outstandingly Rare; Outstanding Tasting Ingredients; A Just-in-Time Harvest; The Omnificient Plant; A Bag of Produce.
Museum Portraits: Young Adult — Adult — Elder

National Ambrosia Readiness Assessment Score = 8 out of 8. It’s GO Time!

Agnes quickly knocked out some decent Elder museum pieces for Recipe. So, that was the last thing...Recipe called up his Best Friends for a “Look at me eating Ambrosia” party. What is it with Manly Estates parties and deaths lately? This time around it’s Sue Scotch. Mortimer Goth feels the only way he’ll receive comfort is to meld with Bella’s body.

Agnes ending up passing at 89. Kind of young. I was surprised. Needless to say, that early exit fit into my plans just fine. She made Recipe’s museum items and put a lot of deathfish in the fridge for future immortals. Her gig was done. Time to move on and bring Jamila into the family. But, first Recipe couldn’t resist scaring Grim.

Recipe: “You took my...umm...beloved wife, you nasty dealer of death. So, for that...YEEEAAAAHHHHHH.”

Waiting a mournful 5 minutes to let his feelings for Agnes completely pass, Recipe then called over Jamila. He quickly moves through the Romantic socials and gets her to the Girlfriend stage, but then nature calls for Jamila. Always the gentleMan, Recipe waited to propose until he heard the toilet flush.

Jamila: It’s gorgeous. Where did you find it?
Recipe: On the beach with my metal detector. Where’s the air freshener spray?

Below Recipe is talking to his son. Well, I think he’s talking to his son. Something is definitely distracting him.

Recipe listening to Jamila’s tummy...

Jamila: “What do you hear, Recipe?”
Jamila (louder): “What do you hear, Recipe?”
Jamila (yelling): WHAT DO YOU HEAR, RECIPE?”
Recipe: Let me try with my good ear. Were you asking me something?”

The Deceased Wife Plays Midwife

Jamila went into labor and Agnes was quickly moved into action. She promptly put a banner up on the game screen.

Agnes: “The baby is coming! The baby is coming.”

Recipe quickly acted as well and opened the front door and looked for the baby coming.

Recipe: “Baby? Are you coming, baby? Where are you?”
Agnes: “The baby’s coming.”

Recipe: “I’m going to call Malcolm and tell him that the baby is coming.”
Recipe: “Hi Malcolm. The baby is coming.”
Malcolm: “Check the front door.”
Agnes: “The baby’s coming.”

Recipe: “We’re in a pickle here, Malcolm. Your sister is talking nonsense and seems to be quite umcomfortable. Even Agnes is getting into the act and constantly saying the baby is coming.”
Agnes: “The baby is coming.”
Recipe: “For Pete's sake, Man, your dad is a doctor. Surely you can help us out. It's a simple question, Malcolm, “where is the baby coming from?”
Malcolm: “Check the front door.”
Recipe: “Wait a minute. Hold on...”

Recipe: “The baby’s here now, Malcolm. Yeah, problem solved. You’ve got a beatiful new niece. NIECE? Uhhh...hmmm...well, let’s see. That changes things a bit. Well, we’ll just roll with it. In honor of your mom’s mother, Queenie, we’re going to call her Queen. Queen Man.”  

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Re: The Man Dynasty 5.0 — This Time it's for Total Manhood
« Reply #97 on: October 24, 2010, 03:52:03 PM »
Now that was the most excellent of Manliness I have ever seen. Way to go Metro!

Offline LlamaMama

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Re: The Man Dynasty 5.0 — This Time it's for Total Manhood
« Reply #98 on: October 24, 2010, 03:57:45 PM »
Agnes the Hagness! *snort*
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Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: The Man Dynasty 5.0 — This Time it's for Total Manhood
« Reply #99 on: October 24, 2010, 04:05:40 PM »
Agnes the Hagness! *snort*

Yeah, I should probably capitalize hagness. It's my special title for her!

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Re: The Man Dynasty 5.0 — This Time it's for Total Manhood
« Reply #100 on: October 24, 2010, 04:20:46 PM »
Recipe: “I’m going to call Malcolm and tell him that the baby is coming.”
Recipe: “Hi Malcolm. The baby is coming.”
Malcolm: “Check the front door.”
Agnes: “The baby’s coming.”
Recipe: “We’re in a pickle here, Malcolm. Your sister is talking nonsense and seems to be quite umcomfortable. Even Agnes is getting into the act and constantly saying the baby is coming.”
Agnes: “The baby is coming.”
Recipe: “For Pete's sake, Man, your dad is a doctor. Surely you can help us out. It's a simple question, Malcolm, “where is the baby coming from?”
Malcolm: “Check the front door.”
Recipe: “Wait a minute. Hold on...”

Classic!  ;D
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Re: The Man Dynasty 5.0 — This Time it's for Total Manhood
« Reply #101 on: October 24, 2010, 04:34:06 PM »
Very entertaining stalking and fake mourning. Jamila is actually the first story progression created Landgraab girl I’ve seen not looking like Malcolm with different hair. Queen Man - what a name, she’s set for a lifetime of gender confusion.

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Re: The Man Dynasty 5.0 — This Time it's for Total Manhood
« Reply #102 on: October 24, 2010, 04:46:33 PM »
Very entertaining stalking and fake mourning. Jamila is actually the first story progression created Landgraab girl I’ve seen not looking like Malcolm with different hair. Queen Man - what a name, she’s set for a lifetime of gender confusion.

Thanks. Yeah, Queen definitely threw me a curve ball. When I got the announcement it was a girl, I'm like, "Oh helps to actually have Jamila EAT the 10 apples I put in her inventory." I'm so spacey sometimes.  :D

Offline CJ Silver

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Re: The Man Dynasty 5.0 — This Time it's for Total Manhood
« Reply #103 on: October 24, 2010, 04:51:56 PM »
You’ve got a beatiful new niece. NIECE?

Yep, I knew this would happen! It happened to me too - no matter how many melons I ate, my Sim-woman pops a boy.

It seems that somehow the fruit gender trick NO LONGER WORKS! All babies born will have a 50/50 chance of being a boy or girl! ARGH, totally random. This started happening to me when I installed Twallan's story progression mod. Maybe the mod nukes that exploit because it's cheating?

Guess your Man legacy can't be a Man legacy anymore because of this, though I'm glad that Recipe is taking this in stride with a new name, but sheeeesh...

Anyways, great story so far and I'm glad that you got Recipe a new wife in Malcolm's little sister. The Landgraabs deserve to be part of the Man Clan. But I think you should try another theme... (screams at the Fate Gods for somehow nuking the fruit pregnancy trick)

EDIT: Oh wait, you forgot to feed Jamila the apples when she popped, ha ha ha! Sorry, didn't get that! Strangely, what I said above is happening to me and my game. I blame Story Progression and Twallan.
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Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: The Man Dynasty 5.0 — This Time it's for Total Manhood
« Reply #104 on: October 24, 2010, 04:57:40 PM »
It seems that somehow the fruit gender trick NO LONGER WORKS!

Oh, it works fine. Most of the time obviously. Here's what happened—in my last effort, I was more concerned with getting the gender right than keeping Bella happy all the time. The penalty was I only was able to pick one of Sound's traits. Not a huge deal, but still. So, this time I was so preoccupied with the mood benefits from good meals I completely forgot about about the apples because Jamila was never really hungry. Oh, well. No biggie when you really get down to it. Generation #7 has to be a girl, so that one is sealed, but maybe I'll just go random for the others to keep me on my toes.