So, voice in the sky why does my beloved husband spend all his time sculpting when he could be spending time with me.
He needs to for the dynasty.
Yeah, yeah the dynasty whatever.
Whats with the watermelons?
I want you to have a baby girl.
You think watermelons will make me have a girl. Sheesh and people say I am the insane one.
Its true I read it on a forum
Oh, so if the forum said set fire to your Sim and she will have a girl would you do it ?
Don't be silly, eat your watermelon.
What is going on now voice in the sky
Your in labour, deep breaths now.
Why did you do this to me!
What is his problem
He is worried about you
Whats he got to worry about I am the one in pain
Get me an epidural now !
You will be fine relax
That is it I am of to the hospital.
( Authors note. They did go to the hospital without me telling them to. I guess Hebe wasn't about to do the natural childbirth at home thing.)
Ladies and gentlemen I present to you Greta Smith
Hold on she is my baby, don't I get to choose her name.
What were you thinking
Something a little unusual like Peaches or Kumquat.
You cannot call your baby kumquat
Why not
That is insane
Your point is
Definitely not Kumquat I won't allow it
Ladies and gentlemen please welcome Blu-belle Smith to the world