This is yet another boring update where nothing much happens.
In news of the family
Sideburns is 89 days old he spends his time painting and fishing. He has maxed fishing and handiness and supermaxed painting. He has about 9 best friends. He has achieved his lifetime wish and reached the top of the business career. If he were attempting to pass all the criteria for immortality he would have passed.
Hebe as you all know has eaten ambrosia and now just spends her time reading, going to work and socialising. Is it just me or is it hard to know what to do with your elderly Sims once they become immortal. I spend most of my time trying to keep her out of trouble and away from any skill building objects. I am like put the paint brush down and back away from the easel.
Sam paints and plays guitar. I feel guilty because I don't spend a lot of time with him. As bad as it sounds he is only there to father the next generation(which he has done) and paint Bronte's portraits.
Bronte has supermaxed painting and is working on writing. Her lifetime wish is to be an illustrious author.
Kumquat plays chess and looks through her telescope. She is a really good kid does her homework without being told.
Anyway back to the story
Yo Sammy how's it hanging dude
Whats up bro
I am rocking out man this tune is totally stellar
Like tubular man
Oh hello there voice could I interest you in a match
Well you see Kumquat I would but I urr um need to be somewhere else right now
Am I to understand from your hesitancy that you do not know how to play chess
Ha! me not know how to play chess do not be silly
It would be a lot simpler if you would allow one of my family members to play with me but you do not can I ask why that is.
I will explain about that later now run along now and go search the galaxy