Author Topic: How to Avoid Getting Yelled At for Skipping School  (Read 3170 times)

Offline Sonshine

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How to Avoid Getting Yelled At for Skipping School
« on: September 12, 2014, 12:21:19 AM »
Hi, I just found a way to prevent a teen from getting yelled at for skipping school. This is in Island Paradise, but I think it can be done in other hoods as well. My family in IP owns several islands from discovering the hidden ones. The boy woke up in a mood swing and had the want to skip school so I let him, lol. That day, I "moved" him to one of their small islands that can't support very many except a small hut. He's been camping out there for the past couple of days. When he gets his grades up again, I'll have him go back home again. In other hoods, I think you can just own more than one property and have the kid live on the other owned property for a couple of days until he/she gets his/her grades up again. The down side of this is that the family is fined $1k (2 $500's) for "playing w/the phone." The police officer just stands on the shore of another unowned island, lol. Technically speaking, he *is* "home."

Offline Lisa46

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Re: How to Avoid Getting Yelled At for Skipping School
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2014, 12:25:08 AM »
I always do that with opened properties, but I can't always get them to stay overnight. Normally I send them home to sleep then wake them up early and take them off the lot quickly.

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Offline Sonshine

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Re: How to Avoid Getting Yelled At for Skipping School
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2014, 01:19:32 PM »
What I did was to cancel out his "go home" queue. I had his own little "apartment" set up on the small island. I tried to send him to school the next day and unfortunately, b/c I sent him a little late, I got bogged down w/the bottleneck bug (where all the townie kids block the path and your sim goes to the back of the line). He was never able to enter the school in time and thus tanked his grades even more! :(  So, after that, I sent him to school an hour or so early so that he could get in.

