Author Topic: Rules and Recommendations  (Read 8493 times)

Offline Carl

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    • Carl's Sims 4 Guide
Rules and Recommendations
« on: September 09, 2014, 07:59:45 PM »
Welcome to Carl and Pam's The Sims Community Sims 4 Creative Corner.

Here you will find links to members who have shared their creations. We do not accept uploaded creations to the Sims 4 Swap Shop. If creations are uploaded, they will be removed by a staff member.

The Sims 4 Gallery hosts files in a way that it's easier for members to look for items within their game. Therefore, the rules for sharing here are:
  • Share your Origin ID name so members can search for your creations. You want people to be able to find your creations within the massive Gallery so be specific so they can be found. The Origin ID is necessary. It is your username.
  • State the name of the object so it's easier to find within your profile.
  • Maximum 5 Pictures per Sim. 15 per Household
  • Maximum 25 pictures per Home/Lot - this is so you can show off a really large house.
  • You may tag your item with #carlsguide so that you can add it to the collection created by our Community and help us build a repository of items created by our members.
  • It's fine to share photos of renovated lots, rooms and/or Sims that you have downloaded from the gallery. However, we ask you to acknowledge the original creator as common courtesy.

If you have custom content, patterns or recolors of Sims 4 items you would like to share, please upload them to your website, blog, GoogleDrive, etc. and share the links on your Creations Page. We do not allow these items to be uploaded to the forum due to them being created with a 3rd party program outside of the game.

